Electricity bill has gone from £68 per month to £498 a month and they are now quoting us for next year, before the october increase, 30,000 lbs. we get no government funding, we get no council funding because of the diversity of the people we help. where are we going to get £30,000 to pay electricity?! we are on the frontline. of the frontline s club, if we are closed down, who is going to feed the people from the nhs who come here? who will look after the disabled? who will look after the pensioners? london clubs, children soups, although have fridges and cookers are facing bankruptcy because we don t have this, this protects residents. we are a registered charity but we cannot get any help because he will give us money to run our fridges, any help because he will give us money to run ourfridges, even though we save lives and improve people s health and look after our kids. , ~ people s health and look after our kids. , ~ ., kids. itself like an insurmountable - kids. itself like ....