The sophisticated and successful assault on fascist Italy during the summer of 1943, known as Operation Husky, came as a complete surprise to the Axis powers, proving to the world the U.S. had become a full-fledged fighting power.
has posthumously the medal of honor to sergeant first-class for above and beyond the call of duty. zgt first clays alwyn cashe above and beyond the call of duty as platoon sergeant with company a, first batallion, 3rd infantry, in iraq, on october 17th, 2005. while on a night time patrol, the bradley fighting vehicle which sergeant cashe was commanding was attacked but small fire, and an explosive device which disabled the vehicle and engulfed it in flames. after extracting himself from the vehicle. he set about extracting the driver who was trabd in the vehicle. they extracted the driver, who was engulfed in the flames. during the course of twinge
2.3 1/2 would be just fine. again he has got all kinds of stuff going on, a lot of movies he s got his hand in and the a.m. bum his seventh coming out this summer. it s 25 minutes past the hour. hello, command sergeant major lloyd with 3rd infantry, iraq. happy father s day to my father, clayton lloyd jr., happy father s day. love you. i m sergeant justin shomanski. and i m lance korcorporal. happy father s day to our dad in tennessee. we love you, see you soon.