Backdrop that is incredibly, remarkable story. ainsley: what are all of these police officers saying? they re out of a job now. yeah. we have potentially 23 officers who would be laid off. they would be replaced by sheriff s deputy who would provide patrol services for the community. they would be essentially out on the street looking for new roles. again for that, we sparked a protest. steve: mara, i got a question, how much money will you save if you disband the police? how much does that come down to the average person in your town? great question. about $387,000 a year in annual savings. for community like forest lake, $3 per month. $36 a year. steve: are you kidding? are you kidding, right? residents said we will pay it and pay more. this is relationship we want. it is worth every penny. you can t spend enough money on perception of safety for a community and for relationship with your police department. ....