Count. he s far behind in the popular vote count. if you look at the math and how many delegates he d have to win to become the nominee, it s a very difficult road for him and so at this stage he s looking for some way to try and gain ground. i understand that, but i hope you d use truth as one pillars of your strategy. michael steele, educate me on this point of the process. is that the best strategy to talk about math, because i feel like it s saying you have no other choice because the math is my direction even if you don t like me? and the delegates think otherwise and that s clearly the case right now. can you imagine what will happen you get to tampa and you have all the conservatives in the hall that will make the final decision? and that s what this could ultimately build into if romney isn t close to get to the 1144. the reality is looking at the number 401, add 382 that s the number of states that are left that are winner take all. ....