Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurates and lays the foundation stone for projects worth Rs 35,700 crore in Jharkhand. One of the significant projects is the Rs 8,900-crore fertiliser plant of Hindustan Urvarak & Rasayan Ltd in Sindri, Dhanbad district. This is the third fertiliser plant to be revived in the country, following the ones in Gorakhpur and Ramagundam, which were dedicated to the nation by PM Modi in December 2021 and November 2022 respectively.
Ayodhya/UNI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached Ayodhya on Saturday where he is scheduled to launch 46 projects worth Rs 15,700 crore, including inauguration of newly constructed Maharishi Valmiki International Airport and redeveloped Ayodhya Dham Junction Railway Station which will usher a new era of development in the city of Lord Ram.
New Delhi/IBNS: Ahead of the grand inauguration of the Ram Temple in January, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh on Saturday to inaugurate, dedicate, and lay the foundation stone of multiple development projects worth more than Rs. 15,700 crore.
The promoter entity of Computer Age Management Services Ltd. has sold 19.8% stake for Rs 2,700 crore via a block trade.
Among the buyers of the stake, India Acorn Icav bought 11 lakh shares (2.24%), Morgan Stanley Asia Singapore Pte. bought 7.61 lakh shares (1.54%), Societe Generale bought 12.11 lakh shares (2.46%) at Rs 2,766 apiece.
Bina/UNI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived here on Thursday on board a special Army helicopter from Bhopal to lay the foundation stone of projects worth more than Rs 50,700 crore, including a petrochemical complex at the Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.’s refinery in this town of the Bundelkhand region’s Sagar district.