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Congress sticks to its demand of 30 seats
Alagiri turns emotional at meeting
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Alagiri turns emotional at meeting
After a brainstorming meeting with party working committee members at Satyamurthy Bhavan on Friday, Congress leaders stuck to their demand of 30 seats from the DMK for the April 6 Assembly election.
While the DMK has not changed its offer of 18 seats, back-channel talks with the national party were reportedly taking place.
AICC and TNCC leaders, who spoke to
The Hindu, said everyone in the party had asked the leadership to not go below 30 seats.
TNCC president K.S. Alagiri made an impassioned and emotional speech at the meeting in the presence of senior Congress leaders. Mr. Alagiri, a source said, recalled the history of the Congress in Tamil Nadu and where it stood in the current scenario.