With probably up to ten months of no revenue. we have defined in two months revenue. we have defined in two months nearly a year s are weather revenue months nearly a year s are weather revenue to months nearly a year s are weather revenue to pay those bills. over the ear a lot revenue to pay those bills. over the year a lot of revenue to pay those bills. over the year a lot of people revenue to pay those bills. over the year a lot of people have revenue to pay those bills. over the year a lot of people have cancelled l year a lot of people have cancelled memberships because you can do open. fewer people can get in and lots of costs to make them safe. its, fewer people can get in and lots of costs to make them safe. a, lot fewer people can get in and lots of costs to make them safe. costs to make them safe. a lot of ems costs to make them safe. a lot of gems have costs to make them safe. a lot of gems have lost costs to make them safe. a lot of gems have lost between - ....