Apple increased the price of the entry-level M2 MacBook Air by US$200 over the M1 MacBook Air. To justify the price bump, Apple redesigned the laptop with the second iteration of Cupertino’s in-house silicon at the notebook’s core. The 2022 MacBook Air also has an improved IPS display with a divisive notch.
The emergence of the 2022 Apple MacBook Air with M2 chip will contribute to a considerable downturn in Wintel (Windows/Intel) laptop sales according to a new report from DigiTimes. The acceptable, and even downright attractive, M2 MacBook Air price points will leave competing Wintel notebooks looking like a tough sell.
MacBook Air is expected to ship as many as 7 million units in the second half of 2022, and will further add various colour options to its range, which is expected to be showcased in WWDC 2022