More than two years after flooding along the Pigeon River and its tributaries killed half a dozen people and destroyed businesses, cars and homes from.
Kentucky Residents Can Call For Flood Cleanup Assistance
Massive snowfalls across the country a few weeks ago followed by a quick rise in temperature and the big thaw, along with some heavy rainfall last week have resulted in flooding in and around parts of the Tristate and beyond.
The mighty Ohio River has risen well about its banks and has surpassed flood level. According to the National Weather Service out of Paducah, Kentucky, flood stage for the Ohio River is 40 feet for Evansville and Owensboro and the current flooding measurement in 42.7 feet and 42.3 feet respectively. At Newburgh Dam, flood stage for the Ohio is 38 feet and the current water is at 45.1. The NWS says,