Ainsley: thank you, steve, what a gentleman, chivalry is not dead. amy, will you stand up for me? no you don t want to. it s just me. where are you from? sarasota, florida. ainsley: i ve been there, that s where they have the sailor kissing the big statute from the war. yeah, yeah. ainsley: what s the restaurant, colombia, they have a great salad. 1905 salad. ainsley: that s what it is, it makes me sad, we had border patrol agents, begging and pleading for help and we are not giving it to him because of this election they are putting politics in washington above people, what are your thoughts? i was just glad to see the tariff that is the president put out there, méxico is not being a good neighbor, we needed some help and congress in washington, d.c. aren t doing anything to help either. ....