divisiving democrats on one progress candidates yang wants to tax amazon sales to pay for 1,000 dollar a month income. what i call tech check n with a fund dividend for all americans. delaney a former member of correct me if i m wrong wary of villainizeing business. i believe democratic party embracing socialism i think a huge problem. amazon fem 202020 crosshairs choosing arlington virginia long island city new york to open second headquarters minutes from manhattan democrats promised 3 billion dollars in tax breaks for 25,000 jobs average salary 150,000 dollars. but on valentine s day zam broke up with big apple sighting preliminary opposition. amazon would have been an vechl in in future. kevin law president of long island association nonpartisan business group. once amazon created jobs
bondsman charges 10% of 150,000 dollars bond does she have access to $15,000. no. do you have access to that? no. would you be able to post $150,000 bond. no, i you wouldn t. how much money is in that account if she were to have access? last time i thought it was negative 99 billion. i m sorry, say that again. it was negative 99 billion. if you pull up her account. negative 99. billion, yeah. ú÷ okay. how much money were you expecting to be in that account before you discovered that there was a hold on it? i had no expectancy. i didn t know how much had in there. that s why i got the power of attorney. if that acowment was not frozen, you probably know there was $100,000 cash in that account. that wouldn t be surprising. where would that money have come from? from my house. the sale of the house?
bondsman charges 10% of 150,000 dollars bond does she have access to $15,000. no. do you have access to that? no. would you be able to post $150,000 bond. no, i you wouldn t. how much money is in that account if she were to have access? last time i thought it was negative 99 billion. i m sorry, say that again. it was negative 99 billion. if you pull up her account. negative 99. billion, yeah. ú÷ okay. how much money were you expecting to be in that account before you discovered that there was a hold on it? i had no expectancy. i didn t know how much had in there. that s why i got the power of attorney. if that acowment was not frozen, you probably know there was $100,000 cash in that account. that wouldn t be surprising. where would that money have come from? from my house. the sale of the house?
high altitude balloon. don t bring a dart gun. for 150,000 dollars you get a motorcycle and two-day ride down the california coast with keanu reeves and founder of large motorcycle. the mustang convertible with the super charged engine racing suspension carbon fiber tread i am excited about this car i get tongue tied. it s a steal 95,000 bucks. 9,000 dollars your little ones can swing through the air like spider-man or dress up like cinderella in the ultimate ball gown. if you are on a tight budget like most of us $100 faux fur dog coat. let your dog walk in style. i will take the mustang. i want to meet someone who actually bought something out of that catalog. it is about 15 minutes before the top of the hour. south carolina bursting on to
carson is coming under fire for comments he made on fox & friends. i would not just stand there and let them shoot me. i would say hey guys, everybody attack them. how the mainstream media is twisting hid words. you want to take a ride with quijano reeves? it is going to cost you 150,000 dollars. the top item from the neiman marcus christmas catalog. quite a christmas present.