the child tax credit for ten years at the level that they want. he ll want some means testing on that. but, you know, he s there for a deal if they can work hard. let s remember that. the bipartisan infrastructure bill kind of waiting in the wings, over 1 trillion bucks. kristen and john, good to see you both. john, you lost the baseball glove. where d it go? oh, no. you know, i had to move because i was giving up on the yankees. they re not making me happy. well, it s football season. thank you, both. see you both soon. programming note, as the notions on the agenda are ramping up, i am in d.c. why? not just to see kristen. i m interviewing janet yellen, treasury secretary. we ll be talking about the shipping backlog and the overall strength of our economy and, of course, the increasing wealth divide. we re going to air that tomorrow right here on msnbc at 9:00 a.m. coming up next, the battle over vaccine mandates. yes, they work.
down at the stock exchange. and markets are expected to react today to the ongoing china talks and the all-important minutes from the federal reserve meeting back in january. i hear the bell. those minutes will be published later today and will tell investors what the fed wastorying about interest rates. companies are preparing to announce more stock buybacks in 2019. we know already that in 2018, it was a record-setting year for stock buy backs. u.s. companies announced a whopping 1.1 trillion bucks in buybacks and half of those announced buy backs $460 billion are concentrated in 19 companies. the massive currently in buy backs in part was triggered by the gop tax cut has caught the eye of politicians on both sides of the aisle. joining me for money, power, politics, josh brown and felix salmon, axios chief financial correspondent. as we have this conversation, i can hear gary cohn screaming at his television saying you don t understand how buybacks work.
i just ate. oke doek. the president and tax cut. a tweet about his immigration push. telling workers at a white house event they will, quote, lose a lot of money if democrats win the midterms. no sandwich for you. no. what he s not talking about, reporting that the treasury department is estimating it could issue more than 1 trillion bucks in debt this year. think about this. after la of the year s tax cut slashed revenue and it could threaten the very economic growth the president and the advisers have been promising. so remember this about trickle down. it actually cuts at the top and it hopes and promises and wishes on the way down. more on the hope, promise and wish stage. when it gets to the bottom you re hoping for a drop of what was at the top. joining us now, nbc news political reporter and fact
eventually is there s still a little bit of discomfort in people who watch the markets. the discomfort is this. yes, you re absolutely right. people are going to have to start paying more to borrow money. that s absolutely true. we re not completely certain why. it could be because of inflation. but the inflation data isn t completely convincing. it could be because of threats that central banks are making. the big things i think in the back of everybody s mind but we do have definite evidence on is are markets concerned about the likelihood the u.s. can sustain its current physical path. i don t think there s a good answer there. that s sort of the thought in the back of everyone s mind. the administration often talks about their pro business policies and how good they are for the markets, but think about the budget deal that was passed last night. that would boost spending by $300 billion. you couple that with tax cuts. that could lift the deficit to more than 1 trillion bucks by
.i hear you. i hear you because my dad struggled with this pain. make sure your doctor hears you too. so folks, don t wait. step on up. and talk to your doctor. because you have places to go. .and people who can t wait for you to get there. if you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands. step on up and talk to your doctor today. welcome back, president trump touted his support for investing in infrastructure 1 trillion bucks. a new report released moments ago, pay attention to this, the united states gets a d whether it comes to the country s roads and bridges. we got a woman who dug into it. rehema ellis joins me with the troubles one particular state is facing. how bad are things getting? it s really bad. if you brought this report card home you would be sent to your room without dinner that night. it s a bad report card for the