and over again. so a cease fire is not the position of the united states. it s not something we support. and we want to continue to offer israel the support that it needs, to ensure that it destroys hamas, because hamas ultimately, again, is putting palestinian civilians in the crossfire. so hamas bears the ultimate responsibility for sparking this conflict in the first place. but is the us support for israel unconditional? because this is a really big question just now. the un chief has said the death toll in gaza demonstrates that something is clearly wrong with israel s military operation. and if the americans are saying the death toll could be more than 10,000, then perhaps there is something wrong with israel s military operation. look, we have been clear from the outset that it is incumbent upon israel, as a democracy, as a country that abides by the rule of law, to, of course, carry out this campaign in accordance with international humanitarian law. and have they? wel