AMARAVATI: Asserting that Class-10 examinations are being conducted in a transparent manner, Education Minister Botsa Satyanarayana said that action was taken against those who committed irregularities in the exams. Addressing a press conference here on Wednesday, the Minister slammed the opposition over politicising small incidents and creating panic among the students and
New Delhi [India], August 15 (ANI/Oswaal Books): CBSE board exams are like a milestone in a student's life and why will it not be. Every student wants to perform their best for the 10th board examinations. People have made it a taboo to prepare for board exams, everyday students hear things like "exams are coming", "are you ready for your exams", "why are you not preparing for exams" etc. and this causes high pressure for the students to cope up with the situations and the people.