Horsley Maurice Holliday Please take care particularly if you are walking a dog along any of the four public footpaths that lead from the village. At this time of year cattle are excited to be on fresh grass and those with young are quite nervous and protective. Kindly note that the bridge at the east end of the village is not a public right of way and according to a local land agent neither are areas of set aside. NCC as yet have been unable to cut back overgrown vegetation on the path to Wylam near Horsley Banks and the two paths from Horsley Hills to Northside. Hopefully all reported faults around the parish will be rectified shortly. Farmers are obliged to reinstate public rights of way once crops come through and ensure the legal width of paths from boundaries are correct. The safest route at present to avoid cattle is the path following the old A69 road at Horsley Barns. Paths that need reinstating are those already mentioned as well as the path between Horsley Marsh an
Whittonstall Christine Jewitt It has been an interesting few weeks in Whittonstall as the snow and wind arrived without mercy this month. It’s been some time since we experienced such a volume of the dreaded white stuff and having landed in great powdery quantities the swirling winds took no prisoners and simply gathered up the snow to create amazing drifts, re-blocking many of the minor roads which had only recently been ploughed clear. Trees fell and traffic was halted with only the brave venturing out for a few days. Happily, the snow is gone and better temperatures are coming with a hint of spring on the way.