Rabindra Ghimire
May 1, 2021
The carcasses of vultures collected in an open field in Nawalparasi.
A few days ago, over 60 vultures of different species were found dead near a local pond in Ramgram municipality-4 of Nawalparasi. It is suspected that these many protected vultures died at once after feeding on the carcasses of dogs killed by poisoning.
Among those vultures, 33 were endangered white-rumped vultures, 31 were Himalayan griffon, two cinereous vultures, and one slender-billed vulture. This incident has made conservationists worried about the conservation of the vultures.
Added challenge to conservation
Nepal has achieved success in re-increasing the populations of several species of vulture in nearly two decades. A vulture conservation and breeding centre is also in operation at Kasara in Chitwan. The centre, established in 2008, is run by the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation (DNPWC). Since the establishment, the centre has sent ov