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We have already learned that free adult Jewish men are required to eat the paschal offering but many others, like women and children, are encouraged to participate as well. But here’s another category of people that doesn’t always get discussed in this context: the incarcerated.
For one who is promised to be released from prison … one slaughters the paschal lamb on their behalf.
If a man has been imprisoned, and is set to be released on Erev Passover, someone else can fulfill the
mitzvah of slaughtering the paschal lamb for him on the assumption that he will be free to complete the ritual by eating it on the first night of Passover. The mishnah continues with an important caveat:
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Toward the end of yesterday’s daf, Rabbis Hiyya, Elazar and Hanina all gave their own interpretations of the verse “
God understands its ways and He knows its place” (Job 28:23) each offering a different reason God would exile the Jewish people to Babylonia while the Romans controlled the holy land of Israel. Each successive explanation offers a silver lining to the pain of exile. Rabbi Hiyya says the Babylonians are less cruel than the Romans. Rabbi Elazar says exile signals future redemption. And Rabbi Hanina points out that at least the local language is easy for Hebrew speakers, so the exiles will study more Torah. Rabbi Yohanan says it’s because Babylonia is where our ancestors were from. But on today’s page we get what initially appears to be a very strange answer.
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Parshat Terumah is the first of three parshiyot dedicated to building a sacred meeting place for interaction between God and human beings. The children of Israel were asked to dedicate tremendous resources to this project and responded in kind. The reason for their generosity was obvious – God’s promise to dwell among His people: “And they shall make for Me a sanctuary that I may dwell in their midst” (Exodus 25:8).
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Whether priest or prophet, politician or pundit, those who speak to others of morals and lofty ideals are expected not only to live those morals and to achieve those lofty ideals, but to exceed them as well. Failure to do so results – right or wrong in accusations of hypocrisy.
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Islam and Judaism are in total agreement when it comes to appreciating God’s trees.
Prophet Muhammad said:”If the Hour (of judgment) is about to be established, and one of you was holding a palm shoot; let him take advantage of even the last second before the Hour is established to plant it.” (Reported by Ahmad and Al-Bukhan on the authority of Anas in Al Adab Al-Mufrad, see also Sahih Al- Jami’ Al-Saghir, No.1424)