37-year-old Yoshimaru Keisuke is a struggling scriptwriter and househusband. He leads a peaceful life with his wife Nami, who is a bestselling author with the pen name Kosaka Ririko, and their daughter Erika and son Sora. Keisuke has been supporting Nami’s writing by single-handedly taking on all the housework and caring for the children. Although he continues to write for small jobs, he is convinced that there is a big one for him somewhere out there. One day, Keisuke receives a phone call from Shoji Mitsuo, a producer with Tozai TV, requesting that Keisuke be the main writer for a drama series that will air in the prime time slot. The next day, Keisuke promptly heads to Tozai TV where he is told by Shoji, director Sumi Takashi and assistant producer Matsuo Megumi that a famous scriptwriter who was the designated main writer had dropped out due to an injury, and he was hastily singled out. He is speechless when he hears that only top star Yagami Hayato has been con
Baseball fans wait patiently in line to get the one last noodle from Suimeitei, a beloved concession stand at Meiji Jingu Stadium in Tokyo’s Shinjuku Ward. The stand opened after the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and closed for good on Dec. 6. (Yoshie Watanabe)
People from near and far, from hungry students to baseball stars, lined up at Meiji Jingu Stadium in central Tokyo for their last taste of a savory dish served by a legend at the ballpark.
Suimeitei, a small concession stand tucked in the hallway behind home plate on the first-base side of the stadium, offered its last bowl of noodles on Dec. 6.