ON DISPLAY Weirton Parks Executive Director Coty Shingle, left, and Program Director Chris Krishak stand with a group of bulletin boards displaying more than 120 items up for bid as part of this year’s Bulletin Board Auction at the Millsop Community Center. The annual auction is being held through Dec. 16. Craig Howell
WEIRTON An annual holiday fundraiser has made its return to the Millsop Community Center.
The 18th-annual Christmas Bulletin Board Benefit Auction is live, with approximately 125 items donated by area businesses and up for grabs.
“In this strange year, we need something positive to happen and we’re hoping this is it,” Park Board Executive Director Coty Shingle said. “In this COVID era of operation, any time there’s an event coming up that we’re used to doing we have to stop and think about the positives and negatives of the situation and devise a plan to keep it safe. So, there are some safety guidelines that must b