Kamala Harris made history on Wednesday, becoming the country's first Black, first Asian and first female second-in-command, after being inaugurated alongside President Joe Biden.
Excerpts taken from Jan. 14 webinar on “Workers Can Defeat Fascism & Racism” sponsored by Workers World Party. To view the entire panel discussion, go to When you consider what’s happened since January 6, you see Washington, D.C., is pretty much shut down under martial law, occupied by the army,…
Print issue returns
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Workers World suspended printing and mailing of the newspaper on March 19. We have continued publishing articles on workers.org, along with a weekly PDF of what would have been the printed version.
We are pleased to announce that we have resumed printing and mailing on a monthly basis, for now. Subscribers should have received a printed paper in September and October. Print subscriptions will still be extended in consideration of the temporary suspension of printing and the currently more limited print schedule.
We recommend that subscribers with internet access get our free email subscription and share our articles with your contacts and on social media.
Pensacola fights anti-abortion terror
Occupied Muscogee Creek land Pensacola, Fla.
A group of activists, organizers and those in support of reproductive justice held Dec. 27 and Jan. 2 demonstrations at American Family Planning, a reproductive health clinic that provides abortion. The community gathered to oppose anti-abortion reactionaries, who have been terrorizing clinic workers, nurses and patients every day.
These reactionaries, calling themselves “Abortion Abolitionists,” stand outside of the clinic, barely off the property, holding up photoshopped signs of supposedly aborted fetuses, advertisements for phony “abortion reversal pills” and grotesque anti-Black images of enslaved people comparing them and the entire history of African slavery to aborted fetuses. This ignores the fact that it was forced pregnancy and reproduction by rape that white-enslaver plantation owners used to make obscene profits from the very bodies of Black women.
Workers World Party makes this statement on the events of Jan. 6. The coup attempt on January 6 in Washington, D.C., and the mobilization of a fascist mob numbering in the tens of thousands, must be viewed with the utmost seriousness. While the attack took the form…