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Sputnik International
France, Italy and Germany, the three leading European powers, are each trying to reach bilateral post-Brexit agreements with the UK, after the UK said it was not currently interested in closer security and foreign policy cooperation with the EU. The behind-the-scenes discussion at ambassadorial and ministerial levels runs in contrast to some of the negative rhetoric from Downing Street about its approach to its EU partners. The discussions have.
8 photos
Photo: Italian Air Force personnel and their Lockheed Martin Lightning IIs at Ãmari. Author: Jarkko Martin Pukki
Responsibility for NATO Baltic Air Policing duties at Ãmari base was handed over to members of the Italian Air Force Monday. The Italians arrived last week, attracting plenty of attention surrounding the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II stealth fighters they use, the first time the state-of-the-art plane has been seen in Estonian skies.
The Italian Air Force (Aeronautica Militare) and their F-35s are not complte newcomers to the Baltic States as a whole, however, having ust finished a tour at the other NATO Baltic air base at Å iauliai, Lithiania. The Aeronautica Militare have also served an Ãmari rotation before, in 2018.
InfoMigrants By ANSA Published on : 2021/04/14
Five new shelters that will house migrant and refugee families and minors are to open in Ventimiglia, in northern Italy. The centers will also host Italians who are in need.
Five buildings in northern Italy will be converted into shelters for foreign families and minors with legal residency papers as well as needy Italians, such as victims of domestic violence, Defence Undersecretary Giorgio Mulè announced on Monday.
New shelters for migrant families, minors
The buildings are located in the city of Ventimiglia, the village of Pigna and the town of Bordighera, in northwestern Italy near the French border.
Much-needed batch of 1.3 mn AstraZeneca jabs arrives
Lazio had said it would suspend vaccinations without new doses
02 Aprile 2021
ROME, APR 2 - Defence Undersecretary Giorgio Mulè
said Friday that a much-needed batch of 1.3 million doses of the
AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine had arrived at the Pratica di Mare
military airport near Rome.
Italy s vaccination rollout has speeded up significantly in the
last two weeks.
But a lack of vaccine doses had threatened to hold back the
Lazio, the region Rome belongs to, said Thursday that it would
have to suspend vaccinations within 24 hours if it did not get
new supplies.
The new AstraZeneca jabs will be distributed throughout the