55-hour benefit run for epilepsy to benefit childrenâs hospital and family
55 hour run to bring epilepsy awareness By Hannah Campbell | April 7, 2021 at 6:36 PM CDT - Updated April 7 at 9:17 PM
PARAGOULD, Ark. (KAIT) - A benefit run will be held over 55 hours to promote epilepsy awareness, raise money for a childrenâs hospital, and will help a family in need.
Olivia Wesley is just like every other nine-year-old girl. She loves to play outside on her bike, and she can even skateboard, but she has been suffering from epilepsy since she was four.
The first seizure lasted 45 minutes. Olivia was able to walk again 55 hours later.
MBHS rebuilds at 147 April 6th, 1874-April 6th, 2021.
The Methodist Boys’ High School in Freetown, Sierra Leone, is one of the oldest secondary schools for boys in the country. It has produced, over the years, countless alumni in many walks of life. If you do a search in th present government infrastructure in Sierra Leone you will find a lot of its alumni especially in the civil service , secondary and tertiary education. It is a very old school with tentacles deep
in the country. Just imagine: It was established in 1874, at a time when Sierra Leone was a full-blown Crown colony and its graduates among the first teachers in Sierra Leone and the rest of British West Africa: The Gambia, Ghana and Nigeria.