Groundbreaker and Innovator Event
Wednesday, July 21, Asia Society Northern California will host an off-the-record Executive Roundtable program on the Myanmar Conflict and Crisis with the
Scot Marciel, former U.S. Ambassador to Myanmar and Visiting Scholar, Visiting Practitioner Fellow of Southeast Asia at Stanford University s Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC) and
Consul General Toru Maeda, Consul General of Japan in San Francisco and former Deputy Chief of Mission of the Embassy of Japan in Myanmar. Managing Director of Asia Society Policy Institute
Debra Eisenman will moderate the discussion.
The executive roundtable discussion will assess Myanmar’s current challenges, security issues, the ongoing humanitarian crisis, hampered economic reform, strained bilateral relationships, and governance challenges that have hampered its progress as a nation. Are there opportunities for Myanmar going forward with the Biden A