December 24, 2020
“Significant challenges remain in the high-cost, lengthy processes to develop new drugs and bring them to market,” says
Arsenal Capital Partners‘
Jeff Kovach in this Q&A with
Mergers & Acquisitions. “Technology-enabled solutions to tackle some of these challenges will be highly sought after in the market.”
Buyers are attracted to businesses and technologies focused on developing vaccines, conducting clinical trial research and delivering telehealth services. One private equity firm involved in the sector is
Arsenal Capital Partners.
Jeff Kovach about the firm’s investment strategy and other mid-market deal opportunities.
Tell us about Arsenal’s investment strategy.
Over 20 years ago, we set out to establish Arsenal as a highly specialized firm to build highly valuable, technology- and innovation-rich, growth companies in the mid-market. We aspired to build a firm that was purpose-driven and would have a positive impact in everything that