List of all the categories in $city










Top Books on city-of-harrisonburg

1. City to city

ISBN10 Number - 9026322356

Date of Publication - Oct 01, 2009

Number of Pages 205

Publisher - Ambo

2. City & the city

ISBN10 Number - 0330513516

Date of Publication - Sep 13, 2010

Publisher - Pan Macmillan Limited

3. The city & the city

ISBN10 Number - 150987058X

Date of Publication - Jul 12, 2018

Publisher - Picador

4. City to city

ISBN10 Number - 9026322356

Date of Publication - Oct 01, 2009

Number of Pages 205

Publisher - Ambo

5. The city & the city

ISBN10 Number - 1509886532

Date of Publication - Apr 05, 2018

Number of Pages 384

Publisher - Picador

6. The city and the city

ISBN10 Number - 0230741916

Publisher - Pan MacMillan

7. The city & the city

ISBN10 Number - 034549752X

Date of Publication - April 27, 2010

Number of Pages 336

Publisher - Del Rey

8. The city & the city

ISBN10 Number - 1415964424

Date of Publication - Apr 07, 2009

Publisher - Books on Tape

9. The city & the city

ISBN10 Number - 1405000171

Date of Publication - Jul 16, 2009

Number of Pages 312

Publisher - MacMillan

10. The city & the city

ISBN10 Number - 033053419X

Date of Publication - May 01, 2011

Number of Pages 500

Publisher - imusti,Pan Publishing

11. City the city

ISBN10 Number - 2266239724

Date of Publication - Mar 14, 2013

Number of Pages 480

Publisher - Pocket,POCKET

12. The city in the city

In the manifesto 'The City in the City - Berlin: A Green Archipelago', Oswald Mathias Ungers and a number of his colleagues from Cornell University presented the first concepts and intellectual models for the shrinking city. In contrast to the reconstruction of the European city that was popular at the time, they developed the figure of a polycentric urban landscape. However, the manifesto really began to exert an effect beginning in the 1990s onwards, when the focus of the urban planning discourse turned to the examination of crises, recessions, and the phenomenon of demographic shrinking. This critical edition contains a previously unpublished version of the manifesto by Rem Koolhaas, as well as interviews with co-authors Rem Koolhaas, Peter Riemann, Hans Kollhoff, and Arthur Ovaska. Introductory texts explain the development of the manifesto between Cornell and Berlin, position the work in the planning history of Berlin, and reveal its influence on current approaches.

ISBN10 Number - 3037783265

Date of Publication - 2013

Number of Pages 175

Publisher - Lars Müller Publishers

Places in the book - Zürich

13. The city & the city

ISBN10 Number - 0330493108

Date of Publication - Jun 05, 2010

Number of Pages 373

Publisher - Pan Books

14. The city & the city

ISBN10 Number - 1596062789

Date of Publication - Jul 31, 2009

Number of Pages 328

Publisher - Subterranean

15. City of bones/city of ashes/city of glass/city of fallen angels/city of lost souls

ISBN10 Number - 1481400835

Date of Publication - Mar 04, 2014

Number of Pages 2592

Publisher - Margaret K. McElderry Books

16. Cities and mega-cities

ISBN10 Number - 3319931652

Date of Publication - Jul 06, 2018

Number of Pages 129

Publisher - Springer

17. Cities without cities

ISBN10 Number - 0415272599

Date of Publication - 2003

Publisher - Spon Press

Places in the book - New York

18. Cities and city planning

ISBN10 Number - 1468410903

Date of Publication - Jun 29, 2013

Number of Pages 328

Publisher - Springer

19. No. 1187. cities of malden, medford and melrose, no. 1188. city of malden, no. 1189. city of medford, no. 1190. city of melrose, no. 6782, city of medford, v. commonwealth of massachusetts

ISBN10 Number - 1275111165

Date of Publication - Feb 15, 2012

Number of Pages 406

Publisher - Gale, Making of Modern Law,Gale Ecco, Making of Modern Law

20. The mortal instruments: city of bones; city of ashes; city of glass

ISBN10 Number - 1416997857

Date of Publication - Oct 27, 2009

Number of Pages 1520

Publisher - Margaret K. McElderry Books,Simon & Schuster, Limited

21. The bench and bar of st. louis, kansas city, jefferson city, and other missouri cities

ISBN10 Number - 1145524427

Date of Publication - Feb 24, 2010

Number of Pages 618

Publisher - Brand: Nabu Press,Nabu Press

22. Make your city : the city as a shell

Date of Publication - 2018

Number of Pages 256

Publisher - Valiz,Trancity X Valiz,trancity X Valiz

23. City of darkness, city of light

ISBN10 Number - 1504051890

Date of Publication - Sep 18, 2018

Number of Pages 558

Publisher - Open Road Media

24. Mexico city (global cities)

ISBN10 Number - 0791088545

Date of Publication - December 30, 2006

Number of Pages 61

Publisher - Chelsea House Publications

25. From garden city to green city

ISBN10 Number - 0801869447

Date of Publication - 2002

Number of Pages 288

Publisher - Johns Hopkins University Press

Places in the book - Baltimore

26. Ghost of city country city

ISBN10 Number - 1525573578

Date of Publication - Sep 16, 2020

Number of Pages 24

Publisher - FriesenPress

27. River cities, city rivers

ISBN10 Number - 0884024253

Date of Publication - Jun 04, 2018

Number of Pages 418

Publisher - Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection

28. Market cities, people cities

ISBN10 Number - 1479856797

Date of Publication - Apr 03, 2018

Number of Pages 256

Publisher - NYU Press

29. City of bronze, city of silver

ISBN10 Number - 9151938308

Date of Publication - May 01, 2020

Number of Pages 376

Publisher - Saga Hillbom

30. City of darkness, city of light

ISBN10 Number - 9053566341

Date of Publication - December 1, 2003

Number of Pages 256

Publisher - Amsterdam University Press

31. Studying cities and city life

ISBN10 Number - 0415738016

Date of Publication - Dec 15, 2016

Number of Pages 256

Publisher - Routledge

32. City of lovers - city of wonder

ISBN10 Number - 1425743560

Date of Publication - June 13, 2007

Number of Pages 84

Publisher - Xlibris Corporation,Xlibris US,Xlibris Us

33. City of darkness, city of light

ISBN10 Number - 0449912752

Date of Publication - Aug 12, 1997

Number of Pages 496

Publisher - Ballantine Books

34. Smart city – future city?

ISBN10 Number - 3658110163

Date of Publication - Sep 26, 2015

Number of Pages 76

Publisher - Springer Vieweg

35. Ideal city, invisible cities

ISBN10 Number - 3865882668

Date of Publication - 2006

Number of Pages 318

Publisher - Revolver

Places in the book - Frankfurt am Main

36. City of god, city of satan

ISBN10 Number - 0310531411

Date of Publication - April 15, 1991

Number of Pages 336

Publisher - Zondervan

37. Market cities, people cities

ISBN10 Number - 1479800260

Date of Publication - Apr 03, 2018

Number of Pages 256

Publisher - NYU Press

38. Cities of tomorrow and the city to come

Date of Publication - 2015

Number of Pages 96

Publisher - HarperCollins Publishers

Keywords :

Accounting in united states , Accounting in virginia , Accounting in city of harrisonburg , Acupuncture in united states , Acupuncture in virginia , Acupuncture in city of harrisonburg , Advertising in united states , Advertising in virginia , Advertising in city of harrisonburg , Agriculture in united states , Agriculture in virginia , Agriculture in city of harrisonburg , Air force in united states , Air force in virginia , Air force in city of harrisonburg , Alcohol addiction treatment center in united states , Alcohol addiction treatment center in virginia , Alcohol addiction treatment center in city of harrisonburg , Altering contractors in united states , Altering contractors in virginia , Altering contractors in city of harrisonburg , Ambulance service in united states , Ambulance service in virginia , Ambulance service in city of harrisonburg , Animal in united states , Animal in virginia , Animal in city of harrisonburg , Antique store in united states , Antique store in virginia , Antique store in city of harrisonburg , Apartments in united states , Apartments in virginia , Apartments in city of harrisonburg , Appliance service in united states , Appliance service in virginia , Appliance service in city of harrisonburg , Appraisers in united states , Appraisers in virginia , Appraisers in city of harrisonburg , Architect in united states , Architect in virginia , Architect in city of harrisonburg , Armed forces in united states , Armed forces in virginia , Armed forces in city of harrisonburg , Art in united states , Art in virginia , Art in city of harrisonburg , Assisted living in united states , Assisted living in virginia , Assisted living in city of harrisonburg , Association in united states , Association in virginia , Association in city of harrisonburg , Atm in united states , Atm in virginia , Atm in city of harrisonburg , Attorneys in united states , Attorneys in virginia , Attorneys in city of harrisonburg , Auction in united states , Auction in virginia , Auction in city of harrisonburg , Automotive service in united states , Automotive service in virginia , Automotive service in city of harrisonburg , Bagel shop in united states , Bagel shop in virginia , Bagel shop in city of harrisonburg , Bail bonds in united states , Bail bonds in virginia , Bail bonds in city of harrisonburg , Bakery in united states , Bakery in virginia , Bakery in city of harrisonburg , Bank service in united states , Bank service in virginia , Bank service in city of harrisonburg , Bar in united states , Bar in virginia , Bar in city of harrisonburg , Barber in united states , Barber in virginia , Barber in city of harrisonburg , Beauty service in united states , Beauty service in virginia , Beauty service in city of harrisonburg , Bicycle store in united states , Bicycle store in virginia , Bicycle store in city of harrisonburg , Blinds in united states , Blinds in virginia , Blinds in city of harrisonburg , Blood bank in united states , Blood bank in virginia , Blood bank in city of harrisonburg , Body piercing in united states , Body piercing in virginia , Body piercing in city of harrisonburg , Book store in united states , Book store in virginia , Book store in city of harrisonburg , Bowling alley in united states , Bowling alley in virginia , Bowling alley in city of harrisonburg , Brewery in united states , Brewery in virginia , Brewery in city of harrisonburg , Bridal shop in united states , Bridal shop in virginia , Bridal shop in city of harrisonburg , Broker in united states , Broker in virginia , Broker in city of harrisonburg , Building service in united states , Building service in virginia , Building service in city of harrisonburg , Business service in united states , Business service in virginia , Business service in city of harrisonburg , Cabin in united states , Cabin in virginia , Cabin in city of harrisonburg , Cable satellite in united states , Cable satellite in virginia , Cable satellite in city of harrisonburg , Cafe in united states , Cafe in virginia , Cafe in city of harrisonburg , Car dealers in united states , Car dealers in virginia , Car dealers in city of harrisonburg , Car rental in united states , Car rental in virginia , Car rental in city of harrisonburg , Car service in united states , Car service in virginia , Car service in city of harrisonburg , Carpenters in united states , Carpenters in virginia , Carpenters in city of harrisonburg , Carpet store in united states , Carpet store in virginia , Carpet store in city of harrisonburg , Cashing service in united states , Cashing service in virginia , Cashing service in city of harrisonburg , Catering services in united states , Catering services in virginia , Catering services in city of harrisonburg , Cellular telephone service in united states , Cellular telephone service in virginia , Cellular telephone service in city of harrisonburg , Cemetery in united states , Cemetery in virginia , Cemetery in city of harrisonburg , Charter service in united states , Charter service in virginia , Charter service in city of harrisonburg , Chemical company in united states , Chemical company in virginia , Chemical company in city of harrisonburg , Child care in united states , Child care in virginia , Child care in city of harrisonburg , Chiropractor in united states , Chiropractor in virginia , Chiropractor in city of harrisonburg , Church in united states , Church in virginia , Church in city of harrisonburg , Cigarette shop in united states , Cigarette shop in virginia , Cigarette shop in city of harrisonburg , City in united states , City in virginia , City in city of harrisonburg , City hall in united states , City hall in virginia , City hall in city of harrisonburg , Cleaning service in united states , Cleaning service in virginia , Cleaning service in city of harrisonburg , Clinic in united states , Clinic in virginia , Clinic in city of harrisonburg , Clothing store in united states , Clothing store in virginia , Clothing store in city of harrisonburg , Coffee in united states , Coffee in virginia , Coffee in city of harrisonburg , Collectibles store in united states , Collectibles store in virginia , Collectibles store in city of harrisonburg , College in united states , College in virginia , College in city of harrisonburg , Communications in united states , Communications in virginia , Communications in city of harrisonburg , Community service in united states , Community service in virginia , Community service in city of harrisonburg , Computer service in united states , Computer service in virginia , Computer service in city of harrisonburg , Concert in united states , Concert in virginia , Concert in city of harrisonburg , Consignment service in united states , Consignment service in virginia , Consignment service in city of harrisonburg , Consulting in united states , Consulting in virginia , Consulting in city of harrisonburg , Consumer electronics in united states , Consumer electronics in virginia , Consumer electronics in city of harrisonburg , Contractor in united states , Contractor in virginia , Contractor in city of harrisonburg , Convenience store in united states , Convenience store in virginia , Convenience store in city of harrisonburg , Convention center in united states , Convention center in virginia , Convention center in city of harrisonburg , Copy machines in united states , Copy machines in virginia , Copy machines in city of harrisonburg , Cosmetics in united states , Cosmetics in virginia , Cosmetics in city of harrisonburg , Counseling service in united states , Counseling service in virginia , Counseling service in city of harrisonburg , Countertop in united states , Countertop in virginia , Countertop in city of harrisonburg , County in united states , County in virginia , County in city of harrisonburg , Craft in united states , Craft in virginia , Craft in city of harrisonburg , Credit service in united states , Credit service in virginia , Credit service in city of harrisonburg , Credit union in united states , Credit union in virginia , Credit union in city of harrisonburg , Dance in united states , Dance in virginia , Dance in city of harrisonburg , Day care in united states , Day care in virginia , Day care in city of harrisonburg , Decor in united states , Decor in virginia , Decor in city of harrisonburg , Deli in united states , Deli in virginia , Deli in city of harrisonburg , Dental in united states , Dental in virginia , Dental in city of harrisonburg , Department store in united states , Department store in virginia , Department store in city of harrisonburg , Disability service in united states , Disability service in virginia , Disability service in city of harrisonburg , Discount store in united states , Discount store in virginia , Discount store in city of harrisonburg , Doctor in united states , Doctor in virginia , Doctor in city of harrisonburg , Dry cleaner in united states , Dry cleaner in virginia , Dry cleaner in city of harrisonburg , Education in united states , Education in virginia , Education in city of harrisonburg , Electrical in united states , Electrical in virginia , Electrical in city of harrisonburg , Electronics in united states , Electronics in virginia , Electronics in city of harrisonburg , Embroidery in united states , Embroidery in virginia , Embroidery in city of harrisonburg , Emergency service in united states , Emergency service in virginia , Emergency service in city of harrisonburg , Employment agency in united states , Employment agency in virginia , Employment agency in city of harrisonburg , Energy conservation in united states , Energy conservation in virginia , Energy conservation in city of harrisonburg , Environmental in united states , Environmental in virginia , Environmental in city of harrisonburg , Event in united states , Event in virginia , Event in city of harrisonburg , Excavation contractors in united states , Excavation contractors in virginia , Excavation contractors in city of harrisonburg , Eyecare in united states , Eyecare in virginia , Eyecare in city of harrisonburg , Farm in united states , Farm in virginia , Farm in city of harrisonburg , Farmers in united states , Farmers in virginia , Farmers in city of harrisonburg , Fencing in united states , Fencing in virginia , Fencing in city of harrisonburg , Finance in united states , Finance in virginia , Finance in city of harrisonburg , Fire protection in united states , Fire protection in virginia , Fire protection in city of harrisonburg , Fish in united states , Fish in virginia , Fish in city of harrisonburg , Fishing in united states , Fishing in virginia , Fishing in city of harrisonburg , Fitness in united states , Fitness in virginia , Fitness in city of harrisonburg , Flooring contractors in united states , Flooring contractors in virginia , Flooring contractors in city of harrisonburg , Florist in united states , Florist in virginia , Florist in city of harrisonburg , Food in united states , Food in virginia , Food in city of harrisonburg , Food service in united states , Food service in virginia , Food service in city of harrisonburg , Frozen foods in united states , Frozen foods in virginia , Frozen foods in city of harrisonburg , Fruit vegetable in united states , Fruit vegetable in virginia , Fruit vegetable in city of harrisonburg , Fuel oils in united states , Fuel oils in virginia , Fuel oils in city of harrisonburg , Furniture in united states , Furniture in virginia , Furniture in city of harrisonburg , Game in united states , Game in virginia , Game in city of harrisonburg , Garage in united states , Garage in virginia , Garage in city of harrisonburg , Garden in united states , Garden in virginia , Garden in city of harrisonburg , Gas company in united states , Gas company in virginia , Gas company in city of harrisonburg , General contractor in united states , General contractor in virginia , General contractor in city of harrisonburg , General merchandise in united states , General merchandise in virginia , General merchandise in city of harrisonburg , Gift shop in united states , Gift shop in virginia , Gift shop in city of harrisonburg , Glass in united states , Glass in virginia , Glass in city of harrisonburg , Golf in united states , Golf in virginia , Golf in city of harrisonburg , Government service in united states , Government service in virginia , Government service in city of harrisonburg , Graphic designers in united states , Graphic designers in virginia , Graphic designers in city of harrisonburg , Gutters in united states , Gutters in virginia , Gutters in city of harrisonburg , Gym in united states , Gym in virginia , Gym in city of harrisonburg , Hair care in united states , Hair care in virginia , Hair care in city of harrisonburg , Hall in united states , Hall in virginia , Hall in city of harrisonburg , Hamburgers hot dogs in united states , Hamburgers hot dogs in virginia , Hamburgers hot dogs in city of harrisonburg , Hardware store in united states , Hardware store in virginia , Hardware store in city of harrisonburg , Hat in united states , Hat in virginia , Hat in city of harrisonburg , Health in united states , Health in virginia , Health in city of harrisonburg , Hearing aids in united states , Hearing aids in virginia , Hearing aids in city of harrisonburg , Heating in united states , Heating in virginia , Heating in city of harrisonburg , Hobby in united states , Hobby in virginia , Hobby in city of harrisonburg , Home improvement in united states , Home improvement in virginia , Home improvement in city of harrisonburg , Hospital in united states , Hospital in virginia , Hospital in city of harrisonburg , Hotel in united states , Hotel in virginia , Hotel in city of harrisonburg , House cleaning in united states , House cleaning in virginia , House cleaning in city of harrisonburg , Human service organizations in united states , Human service organizations in virginia , Human service organizations in city of harrisonburg , Humbnail in united states , Humbnail in virginia , Humbnail in city of harrisonburg , Ice cream in united states , Ice cream in virginia , Ice cream in city of harrisonburg ,

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