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Top Books on dickinson

1. Dickinson

ISBN10 Number - 0674436458

Date of Publication - May 20, 2014

Number of Pages 330

Publisher - Harvard University Press

2. Dickinson

Date of Publication - 2012

Number of Pages 560

Publisher - Harvard University Press,Belknap Press,Belknap Press: An Imprint of Harvard University Press,Belknap Press of Harvard University Press

3. To the descendants of thomas dickinson, son of nathaniel and anna gull dickinson, of wethersfield, connecticut, and hadley, massachusetts

ISBN10 Number - 0342472992

Date of Publication - Oct 11, 2018

Number of Pages 152

Publisher - Franklin Classics

4. To the descendants of thomas dickinson, son of nathaniel and anna gull dickinson, of wethersfield, connecticut, and hadley, massachusetts

ISBN10 Number - 0344443256

Date of Publication - Oct 29, 2018

Number of Pages 152

Publisher - Franklin Classics Trade Press

5. To the descendants of thomas dickinson, son of nathaniel and anna gull dickinson, of wethersfield, connecticut, and hadley, massachusetts

ISBN10 Number - 0342472984

Date of Publication - Oct 11, 2018

Number of Pages 152

Publisher - Franklin Classics

6. To the descendants of thomas dickinson, son of nathaniel and anna gull dickinson, of wethersfield, connecticut, and hadley, massachusetts

ISBN10 Number - 0343087979

Date of Publication - Oct 14, 2018

Number of Pages 156

Publisher - Franklin Classics

7. To the descendants of thomas dickinson, son of nathaniel and anna gull dickinson, of wethersfield, connecticut, and hadley, massachusetts

ISBN10 Number - 0344443264

Date of Publication - Oct 29, 2018

Number of Pages 152

Publisher - Franklin Classics Trade Press

8. Emily dickinson

ISBN10 Number - 0689701136

Date of Publication - 1976

Number of Pages 276

Publisher - Atheneum,Brand: Atheneum

Places in the book - New York

9. Emily dickinson.

ISBN10 Number - 0837152089

Date of Publication - 1971

Number of Pages 328

Publisher - Greenwood Press

Places in the book - Westport, Conn

10. Emily dickinson

ISBN10 Number - 0870239996

Date of Publication - 1996

Number of Pages 230

Publisher - University of Massachusetts Press

Places in the book - Amherst, Mass

11. Emily dickinson

ISBN10 Number - 0674863909

Date of Publication - Apr 05, 2014

Number of Pages 298

Publisher - Harvard University Press

12. Emily dickinson

ISBN10 Number - 0877546053

Date of Publication - 1985

Number of Pages 204

Publisher - Chelsea House Publishers

Places in the book - New York, NY

13. Emily dickinson

ISBN10 Number - 1912224089

Date of Publication - Aug 17, 2018

Number of Pages 186

Publisher - Edward Everett Root

14. Dickinson college

ISBN10 Number - 0819540579

Date of Publication - 1973

Number of Pages 626

Publisher - Wesleyan University Press

Places in the book - Middletown, Conn

15. Dickinson's fascicles

ISBN10 Number - 0814252842

Date of Publication - Jun 01, 2016

Number of Pages 294

Publisher - Ohio State University Press

16. Emily dickinson

ISBN10 Number - 1558492267

Date of Publication - March 2000

Number of Pages 352

Publisher - University of Massachusetts Press

17. Emily dickinson

Emily Dickinson introduces children to the works of poet Emily Dickinson. Poet, professor, and scholar Susan Snively has carefully chosen 38 poems of interest to children and their families. Each poem is beautifully illustrated by Christine Davenier and thoroughly explained by an expert.

ISBN10 Number - 1633221172

Date of Publication - 2016

Number of Pages 48

Publisher - Moondance Press

Places in the book - Lake Forest, CA

18. My emily dickinson

ISBN10 Number - 0811216837

Date of Publication - November 20, 2007

Number of Pages 160

Publisher - New Directions

19. Emily dickinson

An introduction to the life and career of the beloved 19th-century American poet.

ISBN10 Number - 1617837164

Date of Publication - 2013

Number of Pages 48

Publisher - ABDO Pub. Co.,ABDO Publishing Company

Places in the book - Minneapolis

20. The dickinsons of amherst

ISBN10 Number - 1584650680

Date of Publication - 2001

Number of Pages 209

Publisher - University Press of New England

Places in the book - Hanover, NH

21. Emily dickinson

Date of Publication - 2008

Number of Pages 220

Publisher - Lulu Press, Inc.,

22. Bruce dickinson

ISBN10 Number - 8448024478

Date of Publication - Jun 26, 2018

Number of Pages 416

Publisher - Libros Cúpula

23. Archivo dickinson

ISBN10 Number - 8494898957

Date of Publication - Nov 19, 2018

Number of Pages 96


24. Bruce dickinson

ISBN10 Number - 8448024478

Date of Publication - Jun 26, 2018

Number of Pages 416

Publisher - Libros Cúpula

25. Emily dickinson

ISBN10 Number - 1912224070

Date of Publication - Aug 17, 2018

Number of Pages 186

Publisher - Edward Everett Root

26. Emily dickinson

ISBN10 Number - 1137033053

Date of Publication - Nov 13, 2013

Number of Pages 202

Publisher - Palgrave Macmillan

27. Emily dickinson

ISBN10 Number - 0571223435

Date of Publication - 2004

Number of Pages 50

Publisher - Faber

Places in the book - London

28. Archivo dickinson

ISBN10 Number - 8494898957

Date of Publication - Nov 19, 2018

Number of Pages 96


29. Susannah dickinson

ISBN10 Number - 0982529295

Date of Publication - Jun 30, 2010

Number of Pages 120

Publisher - Park East Press, Inc.

30. Dickinson in her own time

"Even before the first books of her poems were published in the 1890s, friends, neighbors, and even apparently strangers knew Emily Dickinson was a writer of remarkable verses. Featuring both well-known documents and material printed or collected here for the first time, this book offers a broad range of writings that convey impressions of Dickinson in her own time and for the first decades following the publication of her poems. It all begins with her school days and continues to the centennial of her birth in 1930. In addition, promotional items, reviews, and correspondence relating to early publications are included, as well as some later documents that reveal the changing assessments of Dickinson's poetry in response to evolving critical standards. These documents provide evidence that counters many popular conceptions of her life and reception, such as the belief that the writer best known for poems focused on loss, death, and immortality was herself a morose soul. In fact, those who knew her found her humorous, playful, and interested in other people. Dickinson maintained literary and personal correspondence with major representatives of the national literary scene, developing a reputation as a remarkable writer even as she maintained extreme levels of privacy. Evidence compiled here also demonstrates that she herself made considerable provision for the survival of her poems and laid the groundwork for their eventual publication. Dickinson in Her Own Time reveals the poet as her contemporaries knew her, before her legend took hold. "--

Date of Publication - 2016

Publisher - University of Iowa Press

Places in the book - Iowa City

31. Emily dickinson

ISBN10 Number - 0898451191

Date of Publication - October 1983

Publisher - Caedmon Audio Cassette

32. Archivo dickinson

ISBN10 Number - 8494898957

Date of Publication - Nov 19, 2018

Number of Pages 96


33. Emily dickinson

Date of Publication - Feb 24, 1955

Number of Pages 288

Publisher - Harvard University Press,Belknap Press

34. Emily dickinson

ISBN10 Number - 0826404413

Date of Publication - 1989

Number of Pages 204

Publisher - Continuum,Continuum Intl Pub Group (Sd)

Places in the book - New York

35. Emily dickinson

ISBN10 Number - 1439514208

Date of Publication - Apr 09, 2009

36. Dickinson unbound

ISBN10 Number - 0199380236

Date of Publication - Jul 01, 2014

Number of Pages 226

Publisher - Oxford University Press

Keywords :

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, Environmental in iowa , Environmental in dickinson , Event in united states , Event in iowa , Event in dickinson , Family in united states , Family in iowa , Family in dickinson , Farm in united states , Farm in iowa , Farm in dickinson , Farmers in united states , Farmers in iowa , Farmers in dickinson , Fashion in united states , Fashion in iowa , Fashion in dickinson , Finance in united states , Finance in iowa , Finance in dickinson , Fire department in united states , Fire department in iowa , Fire department in dickinson , Fire station in united states , Fire station in iowa , Fire station in dickinson , Flea markets in united states , Flea markets in iowa , Flea markets in dickinson , Florist in united states , Florist in iowa , Florist in dickinson , Food in united states , Food in iowa , Food in dickinson , Frozen foods in united states , Frozen foods in iowa , Frozen foods in dickinson , Funeral in united states , Funeral in iowa , Funeral in dickinson , Furniture in united states , Furniture in iowa , Furniture in dickinson , Garden in united states , Garden in iowa , Garden in dickinson , Gas company in united states , Gas company in iowa , Gas company in dickinson , Gift shop in united states , Gift shop in iowa , Gift shop in dickinson , Glass in united states , Glass in iowa , Glass in dickinson , Gold in united states , Gold in iowa , Gold in dickinson , Golf in united states , Golf in iowa , Golf in dickinson , Government service in united states , Government service in iowa , Government service in dickinson , Graphic designers in united states , Graphic designers in iowa , Graphic designers in dickinson , Gym in united states , Gym in iowa , Gym in dickinson , Hair care in united states , Hair care in iowa , Hair care in dickinson , Hardware store in united states , Hardware store in iowa , Hardware store in dickinson , Health in united states , Health in iowa , Health in dickinson , Heating in united states , Heating in iowa , Heating in dickinson , Home improvement in united states , Home improvement in iowa , Home improvement in dickinson , Home supply in united states , Home supply in iowa , Home supply in dickinson , Hospital in united states , Hospital in iowa , Hospital in dickinson , Hotel in united states , Hotel in iowa , Hotel in dickinson , Humbnail in united states , Humbnail in iowa , Humbnail in dickinson , Ice cream in united states , Ice cream in iowa , Ice cream in dickinson , Indian in united states , Indian in iowa , Indian in dickinson , Industries in united states , Industries in iowa , Industries in dickinson , Inn in united states , Inn in iowa , Inn in dickinson , Inspection service in united states , Inspection service in iowa , Inspection service in dickinson , Insurance in united states , Insurance in iowa , Insurance in dickinson , Interiors in united states , Interiors in iowa , Interiors in dickinson , Jewellers in united states , Jewellers in iowa , Jewellers in dickinson , Kennel in united states , Kennel in iowa , Kennel in dickinson , Lake in united states , Lake in iowa , Lake in dickinson , Landmark historical place in united states , Landmark historical place in iowa , Landmark historical place in dickinson , Landscaping in united states , Landscaping in iowa , Landscaping in dickinson , Laundry in united states , Laundry in iowa , Laundry in dickinson , Lawyer in united states , Lawyer in iowa , Lawyer in dickinson , Library in united states , Library in iowa , Library in dickinson , Liquor store in united states , Liquor store in iowa , Liquor store in dickinson , Loan service in united states , Loan service in iowa , Loan service in dickinson , Local business in united states , Local business in iowa , Local business in dickinson , Locality in united states , Locality in iowa , Locality in dickinson , Locker in united states , Locker in iowa , Locker in dickinson , Locks locksmiths in united states , Locks locksmiths in iowa , Locks locksmiths in dickinson , Lodging in united states , Lodging in iowa , Lodging in dickinson , Management consultants in united states , Management consultants in iowa , Management consultants in dickinson , Marine in united states , Marine in iowa , Marine in dickinson , Marketing in united states , Marketing in iowa , Marketing in dickinson , Massage in united states , Massage in iowa , Massage in dickinson , Medical in united states , Medical in iowa , Medical in dickinson , Meeting in united states , Meeting in iowa , Meeting in dickinson , Miniature golf in united states , Miniature golf in iowa , Miniature golf in dickinson , Mobile in united states , Mobile in iowa , Mobile in dickinson , Mortgages in united states , Mortgages in iowa , Mortgages in dickinson , Motels in united states , Motels in iowa , Motels in dickinson , Motorcycle in united states , Motorcycle in iowa , Motorcycle in dickinson , Moves in united states , Moves in iowa , Moves in dickinson , Movie in united states , Movie in iowa , Movie in dickinson , Moving in united states , Moving in iowa , Moving in dickinson , Museum in united states , Museum in iowa , Museum in dickinson , Music in united states , Music in iowa , Music in dickinson , Nail salon in united states , Nail salon in iowa , Nail salon in dickinson , News in united states , News in iowa , News in dickinson , Ngo in united states , Ngo in iowa , Ngo in dickinson , Night club in united states , Night club in iowa , Night club in dickinson ,

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