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Top Books on yuba
1. Yuba flows
ISBN10 Number - 0917658353
Date of Publication - 2007
Number of Pages 149
Publisher - Hip Pocket Press
Places in the book - Nevada City, CA
2. Tahoe national forest west [yuba and american rivers]
ISBN10 Number - 1566954258
Date of Publication - Jan 01, 2006
Number of Pages 2
Publisher - Natl Geographic Society Maps
3. California: yuba city : 1:100,000-scale topographic map
ISBN10 Number - 0607848030
Date of Publication - 1996
Publisher - U.S. Geological Survey
4. California: yuba city : 1:100,000-scale topographic map
ISBN10 Number - 0607848022
Date of Publication - 1996
Publisher - U.S. Geological Survey
5. Mines and mineral resources of the counties of el dorado, placer, sacramento, yuba
ISBN10 Number - 034342553X
Date of Publication - Oct 16, 2018
Number of Pages 214
Publisher - Franklin Classics
6. Mines and mineral resources of the counties of el dorado, placer, sacramento, yuba
ISBN10 Number - 0353477966
Date of Publication - Nov 13, 2018
Number of Pages 214
Publisher - Franklin Classics Trade Press
7. Feather river country adventure trails: 101 fun hikes within the region of the feather river upper middle fork, the lakes basin, and the north yuba ri.
Discover terrific hiking trails in the semi-secret area of the Sierra known as the Feather River Country, located 60 miles north of Lake Tahoe. Among the book\'s 101 hikes are trails to 8 sparkling waterfalls, 12 spectacular mountain peaks, 12 historic gold mines, 7 ghost towns and ghost camps, 14 lush meadows, 37 crystal-clear alpine lakes, a zillion wildflowers, and the world\'s tallest outhouse.