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List of all the Ngos in others
NGO near zipcode - 0
1) Genç AKADEMİ/ngo near others
2) DeRsİmİz FeYsBuKkK XD/ngo near others
3) AGD Ankara Üniversite Komisyonu Anadolu Gençlik Derneği/ngo near others
4) Engelsiz Dünyamız Projesi/ngo near others
5) HeR RüYaDa $iiR Gißi GöZLeRiN/ngo near others
6) IYUA 2010/ngo near others
7) Orman Mühendisi (Forest Engineer)/ngo near others
8) 1907 Ünifeb Ankara Üniversitesi/ngo near others
9) MasterPeace Türkiye/ngo near others
10) Bisikletliler Derneği Ankara Temsilciliği/ngo near others
11) JCI Çankaya/ngo near others
12) AsK Ve EqLeNce/ngo near others
13) Fütüristler Derneği Ankara Şubesi/ngo near others
14) Mustafa Kemal'im/ngo near others
15) Think & Talk/ngo near others
16) İddaa Tahminleri/ngo near others
17) Aşk ı Başkent/ngo near others
18) Stage On The Run/ngo near others
19) İyimi Böylee?/ngo near others
20) Dijital Politikalar Akademisi/ngo near others
Keywords :
Ngo in turkey
Ngo in aksaray