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Top Books on kolubarski-okrug

1. Okrug ford

John Grisham returns to Ford County, Mississippi, the setting of his immensely popular first novel, "A Time to Kill," with this wholly surprising collection of stories.

ISBN10 Number - 5170702655

Date of Publication - 2011

Number of Pages 319

Publisher - Izd-vo AST,Astrelʹ,VKT

Places in the book - Moskva,Vladimir

2. Aginskiy buryatskiy avtonomnyy okrug

ISBN10 Number - 5863942126

3. Ekonomicheskai︠a︡ ent︠s︡iklopedii︠a︡ regionov rossii. uralʹskiĭ federalʹnyĭ okrug

ISBN10 Number - 5282022125

Date of Publication - 2003

Number of Pages 558

Publisher - Ekonomika

Places in the book - Moskva

4. Rudnicki okrug, rudnicka morava - naselja, poreklo stanovnistva, obicaji

ISBN10 Number - 8651909616

Date of Publication - Jul 12, 2011

Publisher - Sluzbeni glasnik

5. Nenets autonomous okrug regional investment and business guide (us government agencies business library)

ISBN10 Number - 0739790986

Date of Publication - May 2001

Publisher - Intl Business Pubns USA

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