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Top Books on colonie-de-vacances-ndaya
1. Colonialism and neo-colonialism
ISBN10 Number - 0415191459
Date of Publication - 2001
Number of Pages 200
Publisher - Routledge
Places in the book - London,New York
2. Colonies and slaves relating to colonies
ISBN10 Number - 1344944620
Date of Publication - Oct 20, 2015
Number of Pages 672
Publisher - Arkose Press
3. The colonial cook (colonial people)
ISBN10 Number - 0778707482
Date of Publication - February 2002
Number of Pages 32
Publisher - Crabtree Publishing Company
4. The colonial clergy of the middle colonies
ISBN10 Number - 0806307994
Date of Publication - 1978
Number of Pages 184
Publisher - Genealogical Pub. Co.
Places in the book - Baltimore
5. Colonial discourse and post-colonial theory
ISBN10 Number - 0231100205
Date of Publication - 1994
Number of Pages 570
Publisher - Columbia University Press
Places in the book - New York
6. Colonial and post-colonial governance of islam
The contributors analyse the mutual impact of colonial and postcolonial governance on the development, organisation and mobilisation of Islam paying special attention to the ongoing battles over the codification of Islamic education, religious authority, law and practice while outlining the similarities and differences, the continuities and ruptures in British, French and Portuguese colonial rule in Islamic regions. Using a shared conceptual framework they examine the nature of regulation and its outcomes in different historical periods in selected African, Middle Eastern, Asian and European countries. This authoritative study opens up new vistas for research in Islamic studies.