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Top Books on collingwood
1. Collingwood
ISBN10 Number - 1857951328
Date of Publication - March 14, 2005
Number of Pages 80
Publisher - Tyne Bridge Publishing
2. How good an historian shall i be? r.g. collingwood, the historical imagination and education (british idealist studies: series 2: collingwood)
ISBN10 Number - 0907845614
Date of Publication - January 2004
Number of Pages 242
Publisher - Imprint Academic
3. The belle of collingwood
ISBN10 Number - 1524547743
Date of Publication - Nov 01, 2016
Number of Pages 322
Publisher - Xlibris
4. The belle of collingwood
ISBN10 Number - 1524547735
Date of Publication - Nov 01, 2016
Number of Pages 322
Publisher - Xlibris,XLIBRIS
5. Collingwood on philosophical methodology
ISBN10 Number - 3030024318
Date of Publication - Jan 29, 2019
Number of Pages 283
Publisher - Palgrave Macmillan
6. Collingwood on philosophical methodology
ISBN10 Number - 3030405044
Date of Publication - Feb 12, 2020
Number of Pages 286
Publisher - Palgrave MacMillan
7. Collingwood' un tarih felsefesi
ISBN10 Number - 9755331905
Date of Publication - Nov 05, 2001
Number of Pages 164
Publisher - Imge Kitabevi
8. Studies on collingwood, history and civilization
This volume is divided into three parts. The first explores various aspects of Collingwood's philosophy of history, offering a follow-up to themes discussed in the author's revised edition of History as a Science. The Philosophy of R.G. Collingwood(Springer, 2012). After a general introduction to Collingwood's philosophy of history, his manuscript The Principles of History of 1939 is discussed. This manuscript was considered 'lost' for some time but has been rediscovered in 1995. Other topics dealt with are Collingwood's philosophy of history in the year of his An Autobiography(1939), the philosophical context of his re-enactment theory, his views on the notions of process, progress, and civilization, as well as his unusual claim that history is a science. The following four essays of the second part deal with various aspects relating to the study of history and historiography. As regards the latter subject, attention is paid to the works of Herodotus and Toynbee, who correspond in having a wide scope and having been under debate. With respect to the study of history, the crucial notion of evidence is addressed, while a critical appraisal is made of the way the idea of a 'real' past is dealt with by Ankersmit. The third part of the volume discusses issues related to Western civilization and culture, and topics that are of global relevance. Both are dealt with from a historical and philosophical perspective. The first two essays focus on the rupture that occurred in Europe since the end of the eighteenth century as regards the relationship between past, present, and future, resulting in a loss of historical consciousness, and feelings of disorientation and crisis. The last three essays address the global issues of the responsibility for future generations and universal human rights, as well as the more general theme of the relationship between the West and the non-Western world.