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Top Books on bagh-sangan-e-olya
1. Jallianwala bagh
ISBN10 Number - 8123709013
Date of Publication - 2003
Publisher - National Book Trust (NBT)
2. Bāgh caves
ISBN10 Number - 9380852363
Date of Publication - 2014
Number of Pages 149
Publisher - Buddhist World Press
Places in the book - Delhi
3. Jallianwala bagh
ISBN10 Number - 8184821204
Date of Publication - Sep 22, 2011
Number of Pages 32
Publisher - Amar Chitra Katha Pvt. Ltd.
4. Jallianwala bagh, 1919
Investigation of the true events in the Punjab region leading up to, during and after the massacre at Jallianwalla Bagh.