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Top Books on warburg
1. The warburgs
ISBN10 Number - 0525431837
Date of Publication - Nov 15, 2016
Number of Pages 880
Publisher - Vintage
2. The warburgs
ISBN10 Number - 0679743596
Date of Publication - August 23, 1994
Number of Pages 880
Publisher - Vintage
3. Warburgs
Date of Publication - 2065
Number of Pages 880
Publisher - Head of Zeus
4. Warburg continuatus
ISBN10 Number - 8493814261
Date of Publication - Nov 01, 2010
Number of Pages 128
Publisher - Ediciones de La Central
5. Aby warburg
ISBN10 Number - 382523343X
Date of Publication - 2010-06
Publisher - Utb Gmbh
6. Warburg & beach
ISBN10 Number - 8416131740
Date of Publication - Mar 04, 2021
Number of Pages 76
Publisher - Salamandra Graphic
7. Aby warburg
ISBN10 Number - 8492441291
Date of Publication - Nov 01, 2010
Number of Pages 424
Publisher - TF Editores & Interactiva S.L.U.
8. Rockefeller et warburg
ISBN10 Number - 8828501995
Date of Publication - Jun 13, 2019
Number of Pages 188
9. Bildakt at the warburg institute
"Standing in the Warburgian tradition, the Collegium for the Advanced Study of Picture Act and Embodiment presents some aspects of its work at the Warburg Institute in London: Compiled in the volume are manifold investigations into the history and theory of the picture act, the philosophy of signs and embodiment, phenomena of haptic picture experience, the animated dynamics of internal and external movement in images and language, and methodical aspects of the picture act theory."--Page 4 cover.
ISBN10 Number - 3110364638
Date of Publication - 2014
Number of Pages 254
Publisher - De Gruyter,de Gruyter,De Gruyter Art & Architecture
Places in the book - Berlin,Boston
10. Aby warburg and the image in motion
ISBN10 Number - 1890951390
Date of Publication - March 2, 2004
Number of Pages 402
Publisher - Zone Books
11. Aby warburg and the image in motion
ISBN10 Number - 1890951404
Date of Publication - March 1, 2007
Number of Pages 402
Publisher - Zone Books
12. Aby warburg. essais florentins
ISBN10 Number - 275410822X
Date of Publication - Apr 22, 2015
Number of Pages 368
Publisher - HAZAN
13. Persönliche erinnerungen an aby warburg
ISBN10 Number - 3447052155
Date of Publication - 2005
Number of Pages 149
Publisher - Harrassowitz,Harrassowitz Verlag
Places in the book - Wiesbaden
14. Aby warburg. essais florentins
ISBN10 Number - 275410822X
Date of Publication - Apr 22, 2015
Number of Pages 368
Publisher - HAZAN
15. Las máscaras de aby warburg
ISBN10 Number - 8412009797
Date of Publication - Jan 20, 2020
Number of Pages 224
Publisher - Sans Soleil Ediciones
16. Raymond klibansky and the warburg library network
ISBN10 Number - 0773554637
Date of Publication - Nov 21, 2018
Number of Pages 360
Publisher - McGill-Queen's University Press
17. Aby warburg und der antisemitismus
ISBN10 Number - 3596303001
Date of Publication - May 15, 2015
Publisher - FISCHER Taschenbuch
18. Ctg warburg institute lby s1 r
ISBN10 Number - 0816112355
Date of Publication - July 2, 1981
Publisher - G K Hall & Co,US
19. Memory, metaphor, and aby warburg's atlas of images
"The work of German cultural theorist and art historian Aby Warburg (1866-1929) has had a lasting effect on how we think about images. This book is the first in English to focus on his last project, the encyclopedic Atlas of Images: Mnemosyne. Begun in earnest in 1927, and left unfinished at the time of Warburg's death in 1929, the Atlas consisted of sixty-three large wooden panels covered with black cloth. On these panels Warburg carefully, intuitively arranged some thousand black-and-white photographs of classical and Renaissance art objects, as well as of astrological and astronomical images ranging from ancient Babylon to Weimar Germany. Here and there, he also included maps, manuscript pages, and contemporary images taken from newspapers. Trying through these constellations of images to make visible the many polarities that fueled antiquity's afterlife, Warburg envisioned the Atlas as a vital form of metaphoric thought. While the nondiscursive, frequently digressive character of the Atlas complicates any linear narrative of its themes and contents, Christopher D. Johnson traces several thematic sequences in the panels. By drawing on Warburg's published and unpublished writings and by attending to Warburg's cardinal idea that "pathos formulas" structure the West's cultural memory, Johnson maps numerous tensions between word and image in the Atlas. In addition to examining the work itself, he considers the literary, philosophical, and intellectual-historical implications of the Atlas. As Johnson demonstrates, the Atlas is not simply the culmination of Warburg's lifelong study of Renaissance culture but the ultimate expression of his now literal, now metaphoric search for syncretic solutions to the urgent problems posed by the history of art and culture."--Publisher's Web site.