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Top Books on agenzia-italiana-per-la-cooperazione-allo-sviluppo-ufficio-di-addis-abeba

1. Blossoming in abeba

ISBN10 Number - 1720393044

Date of Publication - May 26, 2018

Number of Pages 28

Publisher - CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

2. Become courageous abeba

ISBN10 Number - 1499689217

Date of Publication - Jul 04, 2014

Number of Pages 390

Publisher - CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

3. Addis-abeba (Éthiopie)

ISBN10 Number - 2343152489

Date of Publication - 2018

Number of Pages 474

Publisher - L'Harmattan,L'HARMATTAN,Editions L'Harmattan

Places in the book - Paris

4. Abeba et le roi vorace

ISBN10 Number - 2362660095

Date of Publication - Jan 15, 2011

Number of Pages 36

Publisher - Talents Hauts

5. Addis addis

ISBN10 Number - 8415916280

Date of Publication - Jan 01, 2014

Publisher - Grupo Editorial Sial Pigmalión, S.L.

6. Addy

ISBN10 Number - 1683371607

Date of Publication - Feb 18, 2020

Number of Pages 128

Publisher - American Girl Publishing Inc,American Girl

7. Addy

ISBN10 Number - 1683371615

Date of Publication - Feb 18, 2020

Number of Pages 128

Publisher - American Girl,American Girl Publishing Inc

8. Addie

ISBN10 Number - 0786233648

Date of Publication - 2001

Number of Pages 286

Publisher - Five Star

Places in the book - Waterville, Me

9. Addie

ISBN10 Number - 1470893045

Date of Publication - Sep 01, 2013

Publisher - Blackstone Audiobooks

10. Addy

ISBN10 Number - 1562470876

Date of Publication - Nov 24, 1994

Publisher - Brand: American Girl Publishing Inc,Amer Girl Pub

11. Addis ababa

ISBN10 Number - 1569022534

Date of Publication - 2007

Number of Pages 279

Publisher - Red Sea Press,Red Sea Press, U.S.

Places in the book - Trenton, NJ

12. Meet addy

ISBN10 Number - 0439390648

Date of Publication - 2002

Number of Pages 69

Publisher - Scholastic

13. Addie disembodied

ISBN10 Number - 1727031520

Date of Publication - Sep 03, 2018

Number of Pages 161

Publisher - CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

14. A match for addy

ISBN10 Number - 1410482103

Date of Publication - 2015

Number of Pages 301

Publisher - Thorndike Press, A part of Gale, Cengage Learning

Places in the book - Waterville, Maine

15. Addie sumner

ISBN10 Number - 0615907636

Date of Publication - Oct 31, 2013

Number of Pages 300

Publisher - Stout City

16. Addie joss

ISBN10 Number - 1530560144

Date of Publication - Jun 01, 2016

Number of Pages 110

Publisher - Createspace Independent Publishing Platform,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

17. Addie, be brave

ISBN10 Number - 1480821764

Date of Publication - Nov 06, 2015

Number of Pages 26

Publisher - Archway Publishing

18. Freedom for addy

ISBN10 Number - 0593381920

Date of Publication - Aug 24, 2021

Number of Pages 32

Publisher - Random House Books for Young Readers

19. Addie's knight

ISBN10 Number - 0515125067

Date of Publication - May 1, 1999

Number of Pages 304

Publisher - Jove

20. What the hell addi?

ISBN10 Number - 1097655075

Date of Publication - May 10, 2019

Number of Pages 120

Publisher - Independently Published,Independently published

21. Addie sinclair

ISBN10 Number - 0986500135

Date of Publication - Oct 05, 2016

Number of Pages 200

Publisher - Pink Wig Publishing

22. The adventures of addy

ISBN10 Number - 1088012183

Date of Publication - Nov 01, 2020

Number of Pages 36

Publisher - Adisan Books, LLC

23. Addie on the inside

The Gang of Five is back in this much-anticipated follow-up to The Misfits and Totally Joe . Addie Carle, the only girl in the group of friends, is outspoken, opinionated, and sometimes…just a bit obnoxious. But as seventh grade progresses, Addie’s not so sure anymore about who she is. It seems her tough exterior is just a little too tough, and that doesn’t help her deal with Addie on the Inside gives readers a look at a strong, smart, and sensitive girl struggling with the box that society wants to put her in. Addie confronts experiences many readers will relate to: loss, heartbreak, teasing…but also, friendship, love, and a growing confidence in one’s self.

Date of Publication - 2011

Number of Pages 206

Publisher - Atheneum Books for Young Readers

Places in the book - New York

24. Book of addis

ISBN10 Number - 0692721061

Date of Publication - Jun 17, 2016

Number of Pages 304

Publisher - For the People Press

25. Addy's surprise

ISBN10 Number - 078072433X

Date of Publication - 1993-09-01

Number of Pages 77

Publisher - Perfection Learning,Scholastic

26. Addie's me-cave

ISBN10 Number - 0578774070

Date of Publication - Jan 01, 2021

Number of Pages 40

Publisher - Cheryl Palladino, Rachael Ostrowski

27. Addy's surprise

ISBN10 Number - 0785710949

Date of Publication - 1999

Number of Pages 65

Publisher - Sagebrush,Turtleback

28. Addie gets her man

ISBN10 Number - 1335449299

Date of Publication - Jun 05, 2018

Number of Pages 384

Publisher - Harlequin Superromance Large Print

29. Miss addie's gift

ISBN10 Number - 0692390138

Date of Publication - Sep 10, 2018

Number of Pages 177

Publisher - Merlin-Janus Studio, Inc.

30. Addy learns a lesson

After escaping from a plantation in North Carolina, Addy and her mother arrive in Philadelphia, where Addy goes to school and learns a lesson in true friendship.

ISBN10 Number - 0590483307

Date of Publication - 1994

Number of Pages 68

Publisher - Scholastic Inc.

Places in the book - New York

31. Happy birthday, addy!

In the spring of 1865, Addy finds inspiration from a new friend and chooses a birthday for herself as she and her parents try to shape a new life of freedom in Philadelphia despite the racial prejudice they encounter throughout the city.

ISBN10 Number - 1562470825

Date of Publication - 1993

Number of Pages 60

Publisher - Pleasant Co.

Places in the book - Middleton, WI

32. Addie meets max

Addie discovers that the new boy next door, Max, and his dog are not so terrible when she helps Max bury his newly lost tooth.

ISBN10 Number - 0060250631

Date of Publication - 1985

Number of Pages 31

Publisher - Harper & Row

Places in the book - San Franciso

33. Reverend addie wyatt

"Labor leader, civil rights activist, outspoken feminist, African American clergywoman--Reverend Addie Wyatt stood at the confluence of many rivers of change in twentieth century America. The first female president of a local chapter of the United Packinghouse Workers of America, Wyatt worked alongside Martin Luther King Jr. and Eleanor Roosevelt and appeared as one of Time magazine's Women of the Year in 1975. Marcia Walker-McWilliams tells the incredible story of Addie Wyatt and her times. What began for Wyatt as a journey to overcome poverty became a lifetime commitment to social justice and the collective struggle against economic, racial, and gender inequalities. Walker-McWilliams illuminates how Wyatt's own experiences with hardship and many forms of discrimination drove her work as an activist and leader. A parallel journey led her to develop an abiding spiritual faith, one that denied defeatism by refusing to accept such circumstances as immutable social forces"-- "Reverend Addie Wyatt (1924-2012) was one of the most influential African American female labor leaders in the twentieth century. Wyatt lived in Chicago for most of her life and while there became a nationally known civil rights activist, ordained minister, and outspoken feminist. She was the first female president of a local chapter of the United Packinghouse Workers of America, worked alongside Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. in Alabama and during marches in Chicago, and Eleanor Roosevelt appointed her to the Protective Labor Legislation Committee of President Kennedy's Commission on the Status of Women. In this biography, Walker-McWilliams tells the story of the reverend's commitment to social justice, which fueled her activism and leadership in the American labor movement, while also setting her life story in the sociohistorical climate in which Wyatt emerged. Walker-McWilliams argues that what began for Wyatt as an individual journey to break away from poverty became a commitment to a collective struggle against economic, racial, and gender inequalities and a lifetime of organizing and activism. Based on oral histories, interviews conducted with Wyatt's colleagues and families, Wyatt's collection of personal papers, and extensive archival data, Walker-McWilliams illuminates the ways Wyatt grew into the roles of activist and leader as a result of personal experiences with poverty, racism, sexism, and discrimination, and developed a spiritual faith that refused to see these circumstances as immutable structural forces"--

ISBN10 Number - 025204052X

Date of Publication - 2016

Number of Pages 266

Publisher - University of Illinois Press

34. The addis ababa massacre

ISBN10 Number - 1849046921

Publisher - C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd

35. Poor defenseless addie

ISBN10 Number - 1540756017

Date of Publication - Nov 30, 2016

Number of Pages 192

Publisher - CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

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