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Top Books on nde
1. Todsu nde
ISBN10 Number - 3809024759
Date of Publication - 2004
Number of Pages 411
Publisher - Limes
Places in the book - Mu nchen
2. Mumi vadisi’nde mevsimler
ISBN10 Number - 6055648377
Date of Publication - Oct 31, 2018
Publisher - Dinozor Çocuk
3. Ndè sı̀ı̀ wet’aà
ISBN10 Number - 1927886627
Date of Publication - Apr 19, 2022
Number of Pages 264
Publisher - ARP Books
4. Bugünün türkiyesi’nde mimarlık?
ISBN10 Number - 6053995185
Date of Publication - Oct 19, 2018
Number of Pages 292
Publisher - Istanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayinlari
5. Trends in nde science & technology
ISBN10 Number - 9054107405
Date of Publication - January 1, 1997
Number of Pages 2800
Publisher - Taylor & Francis,CRC Press
6. Canakkale cephesi’nde saglik hizmetleri
ISBN10 Number - 6052130962
Date of Publication - Oct 28, 2019
Number of Pages 294
Publisher - Soncag Yayinlari
7. Advances and developments in nde techniques for concrete structures
Date of Publication - 2003
Number of Pages 96
Publisher - American Society of Civil Engineers,Amer Society of Civil Engineers
8. Ultrasonic and electromagnetic nde for structure and material characterization
"This textbook presents the latest advances in nondestructive evaluation (NDE) and features the incorporation of electromagnetic NDE techniques, which are the second most popular NDE method after ultrasonic NDE. With questions, problems, and worked out examples, the text describes biomedical applications and presents examples of modern NDE methods in the testing of medical devices. Contributors address such topics as cylindrical waveguide applications in ultrasonic evaluation, laser-ultrasonic techniques, structural health monitoring, acoustic microscopy, THz radiation, and fiber optics"-- "Today ultrasonic and electromagnetic signals are being used for characterizing materials - measuring material properties and detecting internal defects - in a variety of engineering structures, such as airplanes and space structures, civil infrastructure, nuclear power plants, pressure-vessels and pipes, as well as for inspecting human body parts, such as bones, soft tissues, tumors and unborn fetuses. In spite of the ever increasing popularity and wide range of applications of this technology by researchers in physical science and bioscience, medical technicians, factory workers and engineers, we currently have a limited supply of good books that cover both the fundamentals and the advanced applications of this technology"--