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List of all the Schools in horizonte
SCHOOL near zipcode -
1) Conselho Escolar Do Cei Jose Antonio Da Silva Prof Sena Horizonte Ce Brazil/school near horizonte
2) Emef Professora Dione Maria Bezerra Pessoa Horizonte Ce Brazil/school near horizonte
SCHOOL near zipcode - 62880-000
3) Casa Da Tia Glecia/school near horizonte
4) Diogo Gabriel Amancio Da Silva/school near horizonte
5) M Studio De Dança Por Marília Nogueira/school near horizonte
6) Escola Educandário Joaquim Domingos/school near horizonte
7) José Aldemir Da Silva/school near horizonte
8) Centro De Educação Infantil Cajueiro Da Malhada/school near horizonte
9) Educandario Joaquim Domingos EJD/school near horizonte
10) EEEP Maria Dolores Alcântara E Silva/school near horizonte
11) School Aldemir Joseph Silva/school near horizonte
12) Neusa Sena/school near horizonte
13) RAIO HORIZONTE/school near horizonte
14) Queimadas 2950/school near horizonte
15) EEM Walderi Machado De Almeida/school near horizonte
16) Laurisa Vieira De Lima/school near horizonte
17) Escola/school near horizonte
18) Conleccoes Jacome/school near horizonte
19) CVT Horizonte/school near horizonte
20) Maria Pinheiro Da Silva Emef/school near horizonte
21) EMEF.MARIA JOSÉ DE SOUSA/school near horizonte
22) Crexe Maria Teodora/school near horizonte
23) EMEF Manoel Felipe Dos Santos/school near horizonte
24) EMEF João Antônio Da Silva/school near horizonte
25) Escola Olimpio Nogueira Lopes/school near horizonte
26) EMEF São Jose ( Coqueiros )/school near horizonte
27) Cejdn Particular/school near horizonte
28) Cepep/school near horizonte
29) Next Centro De Ensino/school near horizonte
30) EMEF Raimunda Duarte Teixeira/school near horizonte
31) Maria Deodoro/school near horizonte
32) Jorge Pereira Da Rocha Emef/school near horizonte
33) Andrade Assistência Educacional/school near horizonte
34) Escola De Ensino Fundamental Maria Regiana Da Silva/school near horizonte
35) EMEF Marina Ferreira De Almeida/school near horizonte
36) Centro De Educação Infantil Canavieiras/school near horizonte
37) EMEF Domitilia Assuncao De Menezes/school near horizonte
38) Ginásio Poliesportivo Raimundo Sineco Lopes Mota/school near horizonte
39) Instituto Paulo Freire, IPF/school near horizonte
40) Educandário Joaquim Domingos/school near horizonte
41) Alfamérica Horizonte/school near horizonte
42) Praggj.bckycictoxdyydktdhm/school near horizonte
43) EEEP Maria Dolores Alcântara E Silva/school near horizonte
44) College Of St. Francis/school near horizonte
45) Escola Cristo Redentor/school near horizonte
46) Nova Escola Do Planalto/school near horizonte
47) Escola Reginaldo Cavalcante Domingos/school near horizonte
48) CTM Missão Ceifa/school near horizonte
49) Educandario Luzia Lopes Gadelha/school near horizonte
50) Horizonte Para O Aquiraz/school near horizonte
51) Universidade Vale Do Acaraú/school near horizonte
52) EMEF Francisca Gadelha Pires/school near horizonte
53) EscolaSejap/school near horizonte
54) Conselho Tutelar/school near horizonte
Keywords :
School in brazil
School in ceara
School in horizonte