Upper Austria
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List of all the Schools in wels
SCHOOL near zipcode - 4600
1) FH Oberösterreich/school near wels
2) NMS 6 Wels/school near wels
3) University Of Applied Sciences Upper Austria/school near wels
4) HTL Wels/school near wels
5) Htllmt Wels/school near wels
6) Bg/Brg Wels Dr. Schauerstraße/school near wels
7) WWEDU TUAS International Distance Learning/school near wels
8) HBLW Wels/school near wels
9) Brucknergymnasium/school near wels
10) Fahrschule Max Trenks/school near wels
11) Fh Wels/school near wels
12) Berufsschule Wels 1/school near wels
13) BHAK I Wels/school near wels
14) Höhere Technische Bundeslehranstalt/school near wels
15) Berufschule 1 Wels/school near wels
16) Sporthalle Wels Pernau/school near wels
17) HTL Für Lebensmitteltechnologie/school near wels
18) BRG Wels Wallererstraße/school near wels
19) Berufsschule Wels1/school near wels
20) HTL Wels/school near wels
Keywords :
School in austria
School in upper austria
School in wels