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Top Books on sidi-mhamed-ben-ali

1. Ali & ali

ISBN10 Number - 0889227829

Date of Publication - Jan 07, 2014

Number of Pages 112

Publisher - Talonbooks

2. Ali

ISBN10 Number - 6059724280

Date of Publication - Oct 30, 2016

Number of Pages 160

Publisher - Postiga Yayinlari

3. Ali

ISBN10 Number - 1893376451

Date of Publication - 1999

Number of Pages 100

Publisher - Don Johnston

4. Ali

ISBN10 Number - 9756004541

Date of Publication - Nov 06, 2008

Publisher - Fecr Yayinlari

5. Ali

ISBN10 Number - 1576878392

Date of Publication - Jun 26, 2018

Number of Pages 88

Publisher - powerHouse Books

6. Ali

The definitive biography of an American icon, trom a New York Times best-selling author with unique access to Ali's inner circle He was the wittiest, the prettiest, the Strongest, the bravest, and, of course, the greatest (as he told us himself). Muhammad Ali was one of the twentieth century% most fantastic figures and arguably the most famous man on the planet. But until now, he has never been the subject of a complete, unauthorized biography. Jonathan Eig, hailed by Ken Burns as one of America's master storytellers, radically reshapes our understanding of the complicated man who was Ali. Eig had ac- cess to all the key people in Ali's life, including his three surviving wives and his managers. He con- ducted more than 500 interviews and uncovered thousands of pages of previously unreleased FBI and Justice Department files, as well as dozens of hours of newly discovered audiotaped interviews from the 1960s. Collectively, they tell Ali's story like never before—the story of a man who was flawed and uncertain and brave beyond belief. "I am America," he once declared. "I am the part you won't recognize. But get used to me—black, confident, cocky; my name, not yours; my religion, not yours; my goals, my own. Get used to me." He was born Cassius Clay in racially segregated Louisville. Kentucky, the son of a sign painter and a housekeeper. He went on to become a heavyweight boxer with a dazzling mix of power and speed, a warrior for racial pride, a comedian. a preacher. a poet, a draft resister. an actor, and a lover. Millions hated him when he changed his religion, changed his name, and refused to fight in the Vietnam War. He fought his way back, winning hearts, but at great cost. Like so many boxers, he stayed too long. Jonathan Eig's Ali reveals Ali in the complexity he deserves. shedding important new light on his politics. religion, personal life, and neurological condition. Ali is a story about America, about race, about a brutal sport, and about a courageous man who shook up the world. --front flap

ISBN10 Number - 0544435249

Date of Publication - 2017

Number of Pages 623

Publisher - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Places in the book - Boston

7. Ali

"A complete biography of Muhammad Ali, world heavyweight boxing champion. Includes numerous quotes, magazine articles, and rare photographs that reveal both the personal and public sides of one of the greatest athletic figures in American history"--

ISBN10 Number - 1607105691

Date of Publication - 2012

Number of Pages 320

Publisher - Thunder Bay Press,Brand: Thunder Bay Press

Places in the book - San Diego, California

8. Ali

ISBN10 Number - 6057865189

Date of Publication - Jun 13, 2019

Number of Pages 192

Publisher - Karakarga

9. The adventures of ali & ali and the axes of evil

ISBN10 Number - 0889225168

Date of Publication - May 1, 2005

Number of Pages 128

Publisher - Talonbooks

10. Ali!

ISBN10 Number - 0244843503

Date of Publication - Dec 10, 2019

Number of Pages 64

Publisher -,

11. Alys

ISBN10 Number - 0997891386

Date of Publication - Oct 28, 2016

Number of Pages 312

Publisher - Doce Blant Publishing

12. Yazicizade ali tevarihi ali selçuk ii.cilt

ISBN10 Number - 6054200771

Date of Publication - Oct 18, 2009

Number of Pages 565

Publisher - Bilgeoguz Yayinlari

13. Kayseri müftüsü ali nisari efendi'nin menakibnamesi menakib-i ali nisari

ISBN10 Number - 6057501292

Date of Publication - Oct 30, 2019

Number of Pages 104

Publisher - Berikan Yayinevi

14. Ragmen mavi - ali ismail türemen retrospektif / despite blue - ali ismail türemen retrospective

ISBN10 Number - 6052954736

Date of Publication - Oct 17, 2018

Number of Pages 160

Publisher - Is Bankasi Kültür Yayinlari

15. Aroj ali matubbar rochonasomogro-1 | আরজ আলী মাতুব্বর রচনাসমগ্র-১ | aroj ali matubbar

ISBN10 Number - 9848866450

Date of Publication - Oct 12, 2012

Number of Pages 300

Publisher - Pathak Shamabesh

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