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Yvonne Hollenbeck: It Started Here :
Yvonne Hollenbeck: It Started Here
After my article, “Song Sung Right,” was printed, I received numerous positive comments. Interestingly, an old cowboy friend from Murdo, by the name of Sam Seymour, called to compliment me on the article and...
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Mission Ridge ,
South Dakota ,
United States ,
Devils Tower ,
Wyoming ,
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Americans ,
American ,
Woodrow Wilson ,
Sam Seymour ,
Casey Tibbs ,
Caleb Carlton ,
Earl Thode ,
John Lopez ,
Theodore Roosevelt ,
Cody Museum ,
National Monument ,
National Park System ,
Terry Redlin Center At Watertown ,
National Anthem ,
Journey Museum ,
Sung Right ,
Star Spangled ,
Governor Sheldon ,
World Series ,
Super Bowl ,
President Theodore Roosevelt ,
Presidents Roosevelt ,
Native American ,
Terry Redlin Center ,
Kokomo Inn ,
Herb Mignery Sculpture Walk ,
Prairie Edge ,
Rapid City ,
Black Hills Stock Show ,
Western Art Shows ,