The saying goes, “It is better to give than to receive.” When it comes to Covid vaccinations, the people I’m given shots to take joyous exception and would tell you we have that backwards. Yet in a recent article, the Washington Post wrote, “The happiest place in medicine is anywhere there is vaccine, and the happiest people in medicine are the ones plunging it into the arms of strangers.” So when it comes to Covid vaccinations, is it better to give or to receive? Finally, after this past long year of discord, an argument worth having. Hundreds of Kitsap County volunteers have stepped up to run Covid vaccination clinics. These include both those with a healthcare background such as nurses, pharmacists, physician assistants, and doctors; as well as those with other talents. At the clinics, some of the jobs these volunteers perform include behind the scene coordination and arranging for vaccine delivery; greeting, screening, and registering those coming for shots; data entry; preparing and giving the vaccination; and then keeping an eye on people afterwards.