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Yesterday's Memories :
Yesterday's Memories
10 Years Ago Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2013 The outcome of the November election left some tension and a vacancy open at the Glasgow City Council meeting
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Civic Center ,
California ,
United States ,
Malta ,
San Diego ,
Miles City ,
Montana ,
Plentywood ,
Montana State University ,
Fort Benton ,
Glasgow High School ,
San Francisco ,
Fort Peck ,
Glasgow Police Department ,
Milk River ,
Valley County ,
America ,
American ,
Lou Kochendorfer ,
Dave Riggin ,
Josef Sklower ,
Rory Rosencrans ,
Cade Anderson ,
Chris Helland ,
Chisholm Christensen ,
Becky Erickson ,
Olaf Magis ,
Otto Zerbe ,
John Svingen ,
Christina Mogan ,
Everett Gustafson ,
Stacie Jenkins ,
Ken Schrader ,
Lewisc Archambeault ,
Patsy Krause ,
William Zerbe ,
Jackl Kochendorfer ,
Dalton Kaasa ,
Kathy Wagenhals ,
Cross Pacific ,
Tevan Fuhrman ,
Jay Ashbaucher ,
Derek Canen ,
Nanci Schoenfelder ,
Hinsdale Saco Lady ,
Yvonne Euell ,
James Bailey ,
Clarencel Kochendorfer ,
Delvin Hackwith ,
Jerry Ketchum ,
Thomas Grewe ,
Janet Markle ,
Leo Pitts ,
Ruth Waarvik ,
Scott Atwood ,
Thomas Fry ,
Ottom Christinson ,
Adler Morgan ,
Ruth Putz ,
Rosalie Willis ,
John Overby ,
Eugene Bartoski ,
Kraig Nordahl ,
Brittany Stenglein ,
Glasgow City Council ,
Land Bank Association Advisory Committee ,
Glasgow Chamber ,
Glasgow Ministerial Association ,
National Reclamation ,
National Association Of Future Farmers America ,
Glasgow School Board ,
B Division ,
Glasgow Elks Lodge ,
Montana Land Bank Association ,
Chamber Big Bucks ,
Marge Forum ,
Jude Children Center Research Hospital ,
Good News Book ,
River Activity Center ,
Murdock Charitable ,
Court Clerk Lynn Gilbert ,
Northeast Montana Relay ,
Christmas Story ,
Chamber Big ,
Clerk Lynn Gilbert ,
Charitable Trust ,
Milk River Activity Center ,
Ice Dawg ,
Opheim Basketball ,
Fab Five ,
Head Coach Kraig Nordahl ,
Saco Lady Titans ,
Opheim Lady Vikings ,
Highland Drive ,
Cemetery Road ,
Atwood Architects ,
Glasgow High ,
Doris Leader ,
Opheim Elementary ,
Center Research ,
Eastb Division ,
Glasgow Scotties ,
Fort Benton Longhorns ,
Harlem Wildcats ,
President Nixon ,
Jaycee President Thomas ,
Ted See ,
Wrestling Scotties ,
Senior High ,
State Champion Scotties ,
Good News Book Store ,
Sixth Street South ,
Federal Land Bank Association Advisory Committee ,
Marine Corps Recruit Depot ,
Future Farmers ,
Future Farmer ,
National Association ,
Kansas City ,
Missouri River Diversion Dam ,
Oklahoma City ,
Junior Red Cross ,
American Red Cross Pacific ,
Fort Peck Highway ,
Coach Leo ,
Malta Mustangs ,
Foreign Wars ,