Yemen’s science ministry seeks COMSATS help in setting up university Islamabad January 11, 2021 Islamabad : During his visit to the Headquarters of the commission on science and technology for sustainable development in the south (COMSATS), the Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen. Mohammed Motahar Alashabi, handed over a letter from Yemen’s Minister of higher education and scientific research, to the Executive Director COMSATS Dr. S. M. Junaid Zaidi, in which COMSATS’ support has been invited to establish a university of science and technology in Yamen. A Pakistan-based inter-governmental/international organization of 27 developing countries, COMSATS had established the COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI) in Pakistan, which has now become a leading public-sector university in the country. Yemen, which is one of the member countries of COMSATS, wishes to benefit from the experience of COMSATS for establishing a similar university. In his letter, the Yemen’s Minister also pledged to participate in the virtual meeting of COMSATS Consultative Committee, which is expected to be held during 2021.