Xinjiang is where Communism sits naked, spread over the deserts and mountains, exposing its vicious desire to exploit people in service of the State. The West knows it as the home of China’s ethnic concentration camps, but if we are allowed to print books in the next hundred years, Xinjiang will be remembered as the pivotal piece in China’s war against democracy. Its Uyghur humanitarian crisis exists because strategic projects within the Belt and Road Initiative converge in the region. The annihilation of indigenous cultures will only get worse as China’s infrastructure unfurls across the map. Do not live under the delusion that the troubles in Xinjiang are a domestic problem for China. The Communist Party has already begun exporting them through its BRI, with local populations displaced in favour of Chinese workers, striking ethnic clashes in delicate third world nations. Lives are a cheap currency for the nation that sold its own people into slavery to make goods for the world, and Xi Jinping has no problem sanctioning murder behind the scenes to protect the project.