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Xinhua world news summary at 1530 GMT, April 29 : comparemel
Xinhua world news summary at 1530 GMT, April 29 : comparemel
Xinhua world news summary at 1530 GMT, April 29
MAIDAN SHAR, Afghanistan -- Three children were killed and two others injured as a mortar mine, left over from past wars, went off in Afghanistan eastern Wardak
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Afghanistan ,
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Bataan ,
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Maidan ,
Northern Areas ,
Pakistan ,
Chinese ,
American ,
Desmond Lachman ,
Chinese Embassy ,
International Monetary Fund ,
American Enterprise Institute ,
Afghanistan Mine Explosion ,
Philippine Coast Guard ,
Philippines Ship Collision ,
International Monetary ,
Economic Slowdown ,
Statement ,
Were Killed ,
Illed ,
Collision ,
Two Others ,
Others ,
The Philippines ,