**SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers ahead for Wynonna Earp Season 4, Episode 8, “Hell Raisin’ Good Time.”** Video of Nothing Good Happens On Halloween [SNEAK PEEK] | Wynonna Earp | SYFY Those who saw the teaser for this episode know there’s a pumpkin-headed scarecrow demon killing up a storm in Purgatory this Halloween. This demon — appropriately called Rotten Jack — is only one of the problems the Earps face down, though. The two sisters, at Waverly’s prodding, get dressed up (Wynonna has no choice, really, given she’s only wearing the vagina curtains from Glory Hole) but before they can celebrate Halloween proper, they get recruited by Black Badge to capture Rotten Jack. They end up on the edge of town where that half-demon Casey (Andrew Phung) lives; he’s an extractor, apparently, which will let the Earps capture Rotten Jack alive.