Transcripts For WUSA CBS Evening News With Jeff Glor 2017121

Transcripts For WUSA CBS Evening News With Jeff Glor 20171212

>> and your chance to catch "saturday night fever." this is the "cbs evening news" with jeff glor. his suggestive tweet calling fer a "lightweight" and "flunky" who once "begged him for campaign contributions" "and would do anything for them. >> i think it was shameful. >> reporter: democrats called the president's words... >> nasty. >> reporter: and... >> grotesque. >> reporter: massachusetts senator elizabeth warren even accused him of trying to intimidate and shut-shame gill brand. >> if your mind is in the gutter would you have interested that way. >> reporter: white house press secretary sarah sanders insisted there was no innuendo. >> he was obviously talking about political partisan games that people often play and the broken system that he's talked about repeatedly. >> reporter: but by this afternoon, more than 100 house democrats had signed a letter requesting that the house committee on oversight investigate the reports of sexual miconduct raised against president trump by more than a dozen women, stresming back to the-- stretching back to the 1980s. f touching and groping on an airplane, in a corporate office, in a pageant dressing room. >> reporter: democrats forced out two of their own members last week over similar allegations. >> i'm sorry, mr. president, you do not live under a different set of rules. >> reporter: but the party that controls congress... >> we'r what we're in charge ofe is the senate. >> reporter: ...does not want to touch the issue. >> reporter: should there be a formal investigation? >> i thought that's what the last election was. >> reporter: gill brand says she won't stop trying. republican leaders have been reluctant to even acknowledge the allegations against president trump. why do you think they'd be willing to open an investigation? >> that is the right thing to do, and i am urging them to do that. and as should their constituents. >> reporter: late this after, the republican chair of the house oversight committee officially declined to open an investigation, but for an unexpected reason. he said the allegations crimes, and, therefore are, better handled by the justice department than congress. jeff. >> glor: nancy cordes, thank you very much. now to the special senate election in alabama to fill a seat once held by attorney general jeff sessions. the polls close at 8:00 eastern time, and manuel bojorquez is there. >> reporter: on his horse and accompanied by his wife, republican roy moore hoped to ride to victory as he cast his ballot. >> we have a tremendous turnout, the state, the nation is watching this. >> reporter: his opponent, democrat doug jones, thanked supporters after casting his vote. >> and we feel very confident of where we are and how this is going to turn out. >> reporter: the election caps off weeks of controversy after several women accused moore of sexual misconducted when they were teens and he was in his 30s. >> will we make their abuser a u.s. senator? >> reporter: moore has denied any wrongdoing. >> i do not know any of these women, nor have i engaged-- have i ever engaged in sexual misconduct any woman. >> reporter: but controversy followed his campaign even up to last night's final rally, and these comments from his wife kaylee. >> fake news would tell you that we don't care for jews. i tell you all this because i've seen it also, and i want to set the record straight while they're here. one of our attorney says jew. >> reporter: the headlines appeared to have heidened interest in the race. across alabama today, there was a steady stream of voters from small towns like gungtersville to big cities like montgomery. there is no missing this for you. >> no. >> reporter: brenda mccluskey proudly voted for moore. >> i've just always thought that he was a good man and i just don't pay attention to a lot of the talk. >> reporter: jones' campaign hoped to motivate young and african american voters to elect the first alabama democrat to the senate in 25 years. in dothen yesterday, pastor kenneth glasgow fold us he helped register voters. >> but we've got a chance now, and everybody and their mother is look at what happened. >> reporter: today, he drove them to the polls. >> you went and voted? >> reporter: exit polls out tonight show voters here are largely split on whether they believe the allegations against roy moore are true. less than half said they believe the allegations. 45% called them false. jeff. >> glor: manny, thanks very much. we are joined now by john dickerson, our chief washington correspondent and anchor of "face the nation." john, good to see you. what are you watching out for tonight? >> reporter: well, there are arguments that have been going on around this race. the first thing we want to know is what does it mean for the senate and the paper-thin margin there. but the bigger argument, who is going to have a new line in those discussions? there are two big things that have come out of this race. one, how do accusers of powerful men get treated in politics? that's been at the center of this race. depending on who wins, people will decide about that. and then the second question is what does it mean to be a republican? when the national committee and the president supported roy moore a number of republican office holders felt that went too far, that the republicans were supporting someone because they had an "r" next to their name and there were no other standards. >> glor: regarding the trump accusers, the white house says people knew about all of this before the election and voted the way they did, anyway. >> reporter: well, you know, that standard has been changing in american life and that has been changing while this election has been going on. if that hold, if it's true that an accusation is heard before an election night are wiped out by the election, well, why wouldn't that apply to roy moore? but you've now got lots of republican senators saying, even if he wins, we'll take this up and we'll look at his case. well, if that's true for roil, why isn't it worth looking at those accusers again for the president? >> glor: whether it's this case or roy moore how does this figure into the future as the republican party as a whole? >> reporter: well, there have been some pretty rough things said from republicans about their president, about their party. so how does humpty back together again when we're talking about moral claims, integrity here, on both sides, really? because there are a number of people who say the critics of the president's and the republican national committee are just running at the first sign of danger, that they're not true republicans. so when you say those kind of hard things, does it just go away? well, we have a lot of elections ahead of us. there's a chance for that to come back. >> glor: john dickerson, thank you very much. in paris today, french president emanuel machron gave a bleak saems of climate change. his one planet summit marked the second anniversary of the paris climate accord which set goals for reducing gooen house gas emissions. here is mark phillips. >> reporter: that we're all in the same boat regarding climate change was french president emanuel machron's message as he lead other world political and business leaders on a riverboot trip to the paris conference. "we are losing the battle against global warming" he total meeting. and the last numbers back him carbon dioxide emission, which had been flat-lining over the past few years are, on the rise again, up 2% this year. hopes that the spewing of planet-heating gases into the atmosphere had peaked have been dashed. other new data shows the plan set not only still warming, contributing to more severe storms and natural disasters, but according to the respected gloarm warming index, the rate of human-induced warming may actually be accelerating. u.s. delegates not named donald trump have come to show that despite the administration decision to pull out of the paris agreement, many of the larger states are still committed to it. they cite deals they've made to phase out the use of coal and fund more renewable energy projects. the world bank has announced it will stop funding oil and gas exploration in two years. formew bloomberg says the trump withdrawal from paris has been a rallying cry for others to act. >> we've already created this america's pledge where we're going to meet our agreements already without the federal government. but that's not to say that it wouldn't be better if he was on the right side of it. >> reporter: and getting the president to change sides is what emanuel macrone told jeff glor he's trying to do. >> i'm pretty sure my friend, president trump, will change his mind in the coming months or years. i do hope. >> glor: you think he'll change his mind? >> yes. i'm not ready to renegotiate, but i'm ready to welcome him if he decides to come back. >> reporter: the trump administration decision to withdraw from the paris accords has had another indirect effect. the decision was so unpopular and so isolating internationally, that other world leaders who may also not like the deal have been less inclined to, as the expression goes, do a trump. jeff. g thank you very much. last week, we showed you graphic video of a controversial 2016 police shooting. the mesa, arizona, officer was fired for violating police procedures, but acquitted last week of charges he murdered 26-year-old daniel shaver of texas. today, shaver's widow talked to adriana diaz. >> it took people watching my husband die a very horrible inhumane death for people to care. >> reporter: for two years, this video of daniel shaver's last moments was sealed from the public. ( gunfire ) >> that was an execution. you had a man begging for his life, and he was shot five times for what? for his elbow coming up too high? for being confused? for being compliant? why did he deserve to die? he didn't. >> reporter: the video was released last thursday after jurorsfo brailsford not guilty. >> i just don't understand how anybody could watch that video and then say not guilty. this is justified, that daniel deserved this and that philip brailsford doesn't deserve to be held accountable for his actions. >> reporter: what do you make of him saying he had a split second to decide what to do when he thought your husband was pulling a gun? >> i think that this goes back to the mesa polic police departs training, if this is really how they're trained. >> reporter: shaef her no gun on him, but police found two pellet rifle he used for his pest control job in his hotel room. she said the hardest day of her life was telling their daughters their father wasn't coming home. yesterday she received a phone call from her eight-year-old's school. >> she tried choking herself while she was at school and told her friend she wanted to die. so i spent all last night in the hospital getting her psychiatric help. >> reporter: what did >> she told me she wanted to be with her dad. >> reporter: sweet says important information was not included in the trial, like the former officer's past record of excessive force. she has filed a wrongful death civil suit and is calling on the department of justice to investigate. jeff. >> glor: adriana diaz tonight. thank you, adriana. now a look at some of the other stories we're following in this evening's newsfeed. federal prosecutors say before yesterday's attempted terrorist attack in new york, the suspect taunted the president on facebook writing, "trump, you failed to protect our nation." akayed ullah was the only one seriously hurt when that device failed to fully detonate. today, the immigrant from bangledesh was hit with federal charges that could put him away for life. flags were at half-staff at sann francisco's city hall. mayor ed lee collapsed last night while grocery shopping and later died. lee, the first asian american mayor had been in office since 20 fire officials in los angeles said a wildfire destroyeded six homes in bel air was caused by an illegal cooking fire at an encamp want. the largest of the southern california wildfires is spreading mainly in unoccupied land, away from towns. some evacuation orders have been lifted, but the thomas fire has burned more than 234,000 acers in ventura and santa barbara counties. and there is still much more to come tonight. >> we have created tools that are ripping poortd the social fabric of how society works. >> glor: heavy holiday demand could delay dlai u.p.s. deliveries. >> reporter: christmas came early who got what she wanted most. how did you feel when you gave it to her? >> i felt happy. about a medication, this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further irreversible damage. this is humira helping me reach for more. humira has been clinically studied for over 20 years. humira works for many adults. it targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work. the markets change... at t. rowe price... our disciplined approach remains. global markets may be uncertain... but you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. call us or your advisor... t. rowe price. invest with confidence. coaching means making tough choices. jim! 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the complete balanced nutrition of ensure with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. ensure. always be you. >> glor: u.p.s. drivers are struggling to keep up with holiday demand. "the washington post" reports u.p.s. warned last week some deliveries are delayed one or two days because of the record number of orders on cyber monday. a.a.a. said today you're wasting money gassing up with premium if it's recommended but not required for your car. premium improves fuel economy less than 3%, they said, but it's 20% to 25% are more expensive. 40 years ago tonight disco was king and "saturday night fever" premiered starring john travolta as t >> will you just watch the hair! you know, i work on my hair a long time, and you hit it. he hits my hair. >> glor: now disco is dead and the meenero home is for sale. enervated since 1977, the ask price is $2.5 million. up next, 3d printers producing smiles on the faces of children. that can take you out of the game for weeks, even if you're healthy. pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease that in severe cases can lead to hospitalization. it may hit quickly, without warning, causing you to miss out on the things you enjoy most. prevnar 13® is not a treatment for pneumococcal pneumonia... it's a vaccine you can get to help protect against it. prevnar 13® is approved for adults to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. ngredients. if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, less appetite, vomiting, fever, chills, and rash. help protect yourself against pneumococcal pneumonia. ask your doctor or pharmacist about prevnar 13®. anyone ever have occasional constipation,diarrhea, gas or bloating? she does. she does. help defend against those digestive issues. take phillips' colon health probiotic caps daily with three types of good bacteria. 400 likes? wow! try phillips' colon health. i am totally blind. and non-24 can make me show up too early... or too late. or make me feel like i'm not really "there." talk to your doctor, and call 844-234-2424. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ my bladder leakage was making me feel like i couldn't spend time with my grandson. now depend fit-flex has their fastest absorbing material inside, so it keeps me dry and protected. go to - get a coupon and try them for yourself. >> glor: we end tonight with children helping children helping children all around the world. here's michelle miller. >> reporter: christmas came early for harmony taylor, who got what she wanted most. >> oh, yay! >> reporter: the hand she'd been missing since birth. >> give me a replacement is the gift of another eight-year-old, also missing his hand. how did you feel when you gave it to her? >> i felt happy. >> we sent him measurements on a friday, and that monday, he had the hand finished. >> reporter: after receiving his robo-hand earlier this year, aiden delyle reached tout others. andrew is his father. >> i think it helps him know that he's not alone, that there's other kids that were born just the same way as him. >> reporter: over the last six months, father and son have made a dozen printed robotic hands for kids around the world. >> i just like to see the smile. >> reporter: all part of a 3d prosthetics revolution, restoring bodies and self-esteem. >> and what do you think of your robo-hand? >> it's beautiful. >> reporter: it all began with costume artist ivan owen. he designed the first 3d-printed hand five years ago for this south africanh today, there are dozens of designs and volunteers in more than 100 countries. these devices are printed in pieces. >> oh, yeah, i see them. >> reporter: ...and often assembled by kids for kids. there's four-year-old alejandro in colombia, who was matched with a new "batman" arm. ♪ ♪ and six-year-old veronica, injured in a fire in her ugandan village >> and how i move it is i go like this. >> reporter: all share the same confidence of harmony taylor. what do you think this is going to let you do? >> um, do the monkey bars. >> reporter: uh-huh. and the knowledge that they're not alone. michelle miller, cbs news, rockford, michigan. >> glor: and that is the cbs evening news tonight. i'm jeff glor. thanks for watching. good night. it's a very important right for our country. >> a dramatic decision for alabama voters. the answer lies in how many people turn out to vote. >> it's just painful. >> eaten jones speaks out about his anti-bullying video. >> why do you pick on someone that's never done anything to you and make them feel like they don't belong. >> and he's signalling for hope. why she shared the picture. listen we're just w

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New York , United States , Arizona , Alabama , Paris , France General , France , Texas , Washington , Hollywood , California , Colombia , Michigan , French , American , Kristen Gillibrand , Carter Evans , Jim Steyer , Elizabeth Warren , Sean Parker , Sarah Sanders , Ivan Owen , Los Angeles , Brenda Mccluskey , Santa Barbara , Nancy Cordes , Doug Jones , John Dickerson , Daniel Shaver , Kenneth Glasgow , Adriana Diaz , Michelle Miller , Roy Moore ,

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Transcripts For WUSA CBS Evening News With Jeff Glor 20171212 :

Transcripts For WUSA CBS Evening News With Jeff Glor 20171212

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>> and your chance to catch "saturday night fever." this is the "cbs evening news" with jeff glor. his suggestive tweet calling fer a "lightweight" and "flunky" who once "begged him for campaign contributions" "and would do anything for them. >> i think it was shameful. >> reporter: democrats called the president's words... >> nasty. >> reporter: and... >> grotesque. >> reporter: massachusetts senator elizabeth warren even accused him of trying to intimidate and shut-shame gill brand. >> if your mind is in the gutter would you have interested that way. >> reporter: white house press secretary sarah sanders insisted there was no innuendo. >> he was obviously talking about political partisan games that people often play and the broken system that he's talked about repeatedly. >> reporter: but by this afternoon, more than 100 house democrats had signed a letter requesting that the house committee on oversight investigate the reports of sexual miconduct raised against president trump by more than a dozen women, stresming back to the-- stretching back to the 1980s. f touching and groping on an airplane, in a corporate office, in a pageant dressing room. >> reporter: democrats forced out two of their own members last week over similar allegations. >> i'm sorry, mr. president, you do not live under a different set of rules. >> reporter: but the party that controls congress... >> we'r what we're in charge ofe is the senate. >> reporter: ...does not want to touch the issue. >> reporter: should there be a formal investigation? >> i thought that's what the last election was. >> reporter: gill brand says she won't stop trying. republican leaders have been reluctant to even acknowledge the allegations against president trump. why do you think they'd be willing to open an investigation? >> that is the right thing to do, and i am urging them to do that. and as should their constituents. >> reporter: late this after, the republican chair of the house oversight committee officially declined to open an investigation, but for an unexpected reason. he said the allegations crimes, and, therefore are, better handled by the justice department than congress. jeff. >> glor: nancy cordes, thank you very much. now to the special senate election in alabama to fill a seat once held by attorney general jeff sessions. the polls close at 8:00 eastern time, and manuel bojorquez is there. >> reporter: on his horse and accompanied by his wife, republican roy moore hoped to ride to victory as he cast his ballot. >> we have a tremendous turnout, the state, the nation is watching this. >> reporter: his opponent, democrat doug jones, thanked supporters after casting his vote. >> and we feel very confident of where we are and how this is going to turn out. >> reporter: the election caps off weeks of controversy after several women accused moore of sexual misconducted when they were teens and he was in his 30s. >> will we make their abuser a u.s. senator? >> reporter: moore has denied any wrongdoing. >> i do not know any of these women, nor have i engaged-- have i ever engaged in sexual misconduct any woman. >> reporter: but controversy followed his campaign even up to last night's final rally, and these comments from his wife kaylee. >> fake news would tell you that we don't care for jews. i tell you all this because i've seen it also, and i want to set the record straight while they're here. one of our attorney says jew. >> reporter: the headlines appeared to have heidened interest in the race. across alabama today, there was a steady stream of voters from small towns like gungtersville to big cities like montgomery. there is no missing this for you. >> no. >> reporter: brenda mccluskey proudly voted for moore. >> i've just always thought that he was a good man and i just don't pay attention to a lot of the talk. >> reporter: jones' campaign hoped to motivate young and african american voters to elect the first alabama democrat to the senate in 25 years. in dothen yesterday, pastor kenneth glasgow fold us he helped register voters. >> but we've got a chance now, and everybody and their mother is look at what happened. >> reporter: today, he drove them to the polls. >> you went and voted? >> reporter: exit polls out tonight show voters here are largely split on whether they believe the allegations against roy moore are true. less than half said they believe the allegations. 45% called them false. jeff. >> glor: manny, thanks very much. we are joined now by john dickerson, our chief washington correspondent and anchor of "face the nation." john, good to see you. what are you watching out for tonight? >> reporter: well, there are arguments that have been going on around this race. the first thing we want to know is what does it mean for the senate and the paper-thin margin there. but the bigger argument, who is going to have a new line in those discussions? there are two big things that have come out of this race. one, how do accusers of powerful men get treated in politics? that's been at the center of this race. depending on who wins, people will decide about that. and then the second question is what does it mean to be a republican? when the national committee and the president supported roy moore a number of republican office holders felt that went too far, that the republicans were supporting someone because they had an "r" next to their name and there were no other standards. >> glor: regarding the trump accusers, the white house says people knew about all of this before the election and voted the way they did, anyway. >> reporter: well, you know, that standard has been changing in american life and that has been changing while this election has been going on. if that hold, if it's true that an accusation is heard before an election night are wiped out by the election, well, why wouldn't that apply to roy moore? but you've now got lots of republican senators saying, even if he wins, we'll take this up and we'll look at his case. well, if that's true for roil, why isn't it worth looking at those accusers again for the president? >> glor: whether it's this case or roy moore how does this figure into the future as the republican party as a whole? >> reporter: well, there have been some pretty rough things said from republicans about their president, about their party. so how does humpty back together again when we're talking about moral claims, integrity here, on both sides, really? because there are a number of people who say the critics of the president's and the republican national committee are just running at the first sign of danger, that they're not true republicans. so when you say those kind of hard things, does it just go away? well, we have a lot of elections ahead of us. there's a chance for that to come back. >> glor: john dickerson, thank you very much. in paris today, french president emanuel machron gave a bleak saems of climate change. his one planet summit marked the second anniversary of the paris climate accord which set goals for reducing gooen house gas emissions. here is mark phillips. >> reporter: that we're all in the same boat regarding climate change was french president emanuel machron's message as he lead other world political and business leaders on a riverboot trip to the paris conference. "we are losing the battle against global warming" he total meeting. and the last numbers back him carbon dioxide emission, which had been flat-lining over the past few years are, on the rise again, up 2% this year. hopes that the spewing of planet-heating gases into the atmosphere had peaked have been dashed. other new data shows the plan set not only still warming, contributing to more severe storms and natural disasters, but according to the respected gloarm warming index, the rate of human-induced warming may actually be accelerating. u.s. delegates not named donald trump have come to show that despite the administration decision to pull out of the paris agreement, many of the larger states are still committed to it. they cite deals they've made to phase out the use of coal and fund more renewable energy projects. the world bank has announced it will stop funding oil and gas exploration in two years. formew bloomberg says the trump withdrawal from paris has been a rallying cry for others to act. >> we've already created this america's pledge where we're going to meet our agreements already without the federal government. but that's not to say that it wouldn't be better if he was on the right side of it. >> reporter: and getting the president to change sides is what emanuel macrone told jeff glor he's trying to do. >> i'm pretty sure my friend, president trump, will change his mind in the coming months or years. i do hope. >> glor: you think he'll change his mind? >> yes. i'm not ready to renegotiate, but i'm ready to welcome him if he decides to come back. >> reporter: the trump administration decision to withdraw from the paris accords has had another indirect effect. the decision was so unpopular and so isolating internationally, that other world leaders who may also not like the deal have been less inclined to, as the expression goes, do a trump. jeff. g thank you very much. last week, we showed you graphic video of a controversial 2016 police shooting. the mesa, arizona, officer was fired for violating police procedures, but acquitted last week of charges he murdered 26-year-old daniel shaver of texas. today, shaver's widow talked to adriana diaz. >> it took people watching my husband die a very horrible inhumane death for people to care. >> reporter: for two years, this video of daniel shaver's last moments was sealed from the public. ( gunfire ) >> that was an execution. you had a man begging for his life, and he was shot five times for what? for his elbow coming up too high? for being confused? for being compliant? why did he deserve to die? he didn't. >> reporter: the video was released last thursday after jurorsfo brailsford not guilty. >> i just don't understand how anybody could watch that video and then say not guilty. this is justified, that daniel deserved this and that philip brailsford doesn't deserve to be held accountable for his actions. >> reporter: what do you make of him saying he had a split second to decide what to do when he thought your husband was pulling a gun? >> i think that this goes back to the mesa polic police departs training, if this is really how they're trained. >> reporter: shaef her no gun on him, but police found two pellet rifle he used for his pest control job in his hotel room. she said the hardest day of her life was telling their daughters their father wasn't coming home. yesterday she received a phone call from her eight-year-old's school. >> she tried choking herself while she was at school and told her friend she wanted to die. so i spent all last night in the hospital getting her psychiatric help. >> reporter: what did >> she told me she wanted to be with her dad. >> reporter: sweet says important information was not included in the trial, like the former officer's past record of excessive force. she has filed a wrongful death civil suit and is calling on the department of justice to investigate. jeff. >> glor: adriana diaz tonight. thank you, adriana. now a look at some of the other stories we're following in this evening's newsfeed. federal prosecutors say before yesterday's attempted terrorist attack in new york, the suspect taunted the president on facebook writing, "trump, you failed to protect our nation." akayed ullah was the only one seriously hurt when that device failed to fully detonate. today, the immigrant from bangledesh was hit with federal charges that could put him away for life. flags were at half-staff at sann francisco's city hall. mayor ed lee collapsed last night while grocery shopping and later died. lee, the first asian american mayor had been in office since 20 fire officials in los angeles said a wildfire destroyeded six homes in bel air was caused by an illegal cooking fire at an encamp want. the largest of the southern california wildfires is spreading mainly in unoccupied land, away from towns. some evacuation orders have been lifted, but the thomas fire has burned more than 234,000 acers in ventura and santa barbara counties. and there is still much more to come tonight. >> we have created tools that are ripping poortd the social fabric of how society works. >> glor: heavy holiday demand could delay dlai u.p.s. deliveries. >> reporter: christmas came early who got what she wanted most. how did you feel when you gave it to her? >> i felt happy. about a medication, this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further irreversible damage. this is humira helping me reach for more. humira has been clinically studied for over 20 years. humira works for many adults. it targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work. the markets change... at t. rowe price... our disciplined approach remains. global markets may be uncertain... but you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. call us or your advisor... t. rowe price. invest with confidence. coaching means making tough choices. jim! 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the complete balanced nutrition of ensure with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. ensure. always be you. >> glor: u.p.s. drivers are struggling to keep up with holiday demand. "the washington post" reports u.p.s. warned last week some deliveries are delayed one or two days because of the record number of orders on cyber monday. a.a.a. said today you're wasting money gassing up with premium if it's recommended but not required for your car. premium improves fuel economy less than 3%, they said, but it's 20% to 25% are more expensive. 40 years ago tonight disco was king and "saturday night fever" premiered starring john travolta as t >> will you just watch the hair! you know, i work on my hair a long time, and you hit it. he hits my hair. >> glor: now disco is dead and the meenero home is for sale. enervated since 1977, the ask price is $2.5 million. up next, 3d printers producing smiles on the faces of children. that can take you out of the game for weeks, even if you're healthy. pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease that in severe cases can lead to hospitalization. it may hit quickly, without warning, causing you to miss out on the things you enjoy most. prevnar 13® is not a treatment for pneumococcal pneumonia... it's a vaccine you can get to help protect against it. prevnar 13® is approved for adults to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. ngredients. if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, less appetite, vomiting, fever, chills, and rash. help protect yourself against pneumococcal pneumonia. ask your doctor or pharmacist about prevnar 13®. anyone ever have occasional constipation,diarrhea, gas or bloating? she does. she does. help defend against those digestive issues. take phillips' colon health probiotic caps daily with three types of good bacteria. 400 likes? wow! try phillips' colon health. i am totally blind. and non-24 can make me show up too early... or too late. or make me feel like i'm not really "there." talk to your doctor, and call 844-234-2424. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ my bladder leakage was making me feel like i couldn't spend time with my grandson. now depend fit-flex has their fastest absorbing material inside, so it keeps me dry and protected. go to - get a coupon and try them for yourself. >> glor: we end tonight with children helping children helping children all around the world. here's michelle miller. >> reporter: christmas came early for harmony taylor, who got what she wanted most. >> oh, yay! >> reporter: the hand she'd been missing since birth. >> give me a replacement is the gift of another eight-year-old, also missing his hand. how did you feel when you gave it to her? >> i felt happy. >> we sent him measurements on a friday, and that monday, he had the hand finished. >> reporter: after receiving his robo-hand earlier this year, aiden delyle reached tout others. andrew is his father. >> i think it helps him know that he's not alone, that there's other kids that were born just the same way as him. >> reporter: over the last six months, father and son have made a dozen printed robotic hands for kids around the world. >> i just like to see the smile. >> reporter: all part of a 3d prosthetics revolution, restoring bodies and self-esteem. >> and what do you think of your robo-hand? >> it's beautiful. >> reporter: it all began with costume artist ivan owen. he designed the first 3d-printed hand five years ago for this south africanh today, there are dozens of designs and volunteers in more than 100 countries. these devices are printed in pieces. >> oh, yeah, i see them. >> reporter: ...and often assembled by kids for kids. there's four-year-old alejandro in colombia, who was matched with a new "batman" arm. ♪ ♪ and six-year-old veronica, injured in a fire in her ugandan village >> and how i move it is i go like this. >> reporter: all share the same confidence of harmony taylor. what do you think this is going to let you do? >> um, do the monkey bars. >> reporter: uh-huh. and the knowledge that they're not alone. michelle miller, cbs news, rockford, michigan. >> glor: and that is the cbs evening news tonight. i'm jeff glor. thanks for watching. good night. it's a very important right for our country. >> a dramatic decision for alabama voters. the answer lies in how many people turn out to vote. >> it's just painful. >> eaten jones speaks out about his anti-bullying video. >> why do you pick on someone that's never done anything to you and make them feel like they don't belong. >> and he's signalling for hope. why she shared the picture. listen we're just w

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