Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20240622 : compareme

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20240622

leshan, wusa9. >> thank you, bruce. that search warrant also says investigators seized cell phones, letters, lap tops, but we do not know what they found on those letters or those devices. let's get to a developing story out of wyoming where three people from our area have been killed in a plane crash. it happened saturday in cody. that is in northwest wyoming near the montana border, killed in the crash were joyce bartoo of d.c., diane stubbs and her husband gerald stubbs both from annapolis. the pilot from colorado also died in that crash. the group took off from share sheridan county airport and turned toward cody and then crashed. the flag flown at half staff in honor of the service members killed in chattanooga les week. it happened only after -- last week. it happened only after criticism from house speaker john boehner. scott broom is on the hill with reaction to how it all happened today. how did this just get started, scott? >> reporter: well, there's a lot of symbolism that goes with the flag, a lot of emotion and patriotism. as of this morning the flag was flying half staff here at the capitol by order of john boehner, but over at the white house it didn't start flying at half staff until about 1:30 this afternoon and just about everybody i talked to today out here on the mall seemed mystified about why this is an issue at all. why in the wake of five servicemen killed in chattanooga was the flag still flying at the top of the pole at the white house and other federal buildings today? one man in florida is so angry about it he went on a mission to lower flags there all on his own. >> they won't do it at the white house, but we'll do it at the gas stations. >> reporter: and war heroes calling out the president on twitter. "and one more thing, sir. lower the flag," he wrote. the issue gained immense traction online. about a about a took to twitter himself announcing -- john boehner took to twitter himself announcing he was lowering the flags to half staff at the capitol. >> it was very curious. i couldn't figure out why they were down one place and not down the other place. >> reporter: all of it leaving visitors to the city today mystified. >> i don't know why they're divided on it. the reason why i think it ought to happen and they ought to do it is it helps unite the country. >> i think they should do it. >> especially obama and our military, i don't believe he supports them. >> reporter: does it surprise you there was a debate about this today? >> watching the news and everything that's been going on with flags in many states it doesn't surprise me at all. >> even notice less than 1% of americans wear the uniform that 100% of americans honor your sacrifices and your service. >> reporter: meanwhile president obama today spoke to veterans in pittsburgh remembering the chattanooga victims. finally this afternoon after the speech the flag came down to half staff at the white house by presidential proclamation. "we ask god to watch over the fallen, the families and their communities." beyond that proclamation there's been no explanation from the president or the white house that suggests any of the president's thinking on all of this. the words are just in a proclamation and that's what stands. bitter critics are seeing this as footing fromming instead of an honor to the victims -- foot dragging instead of an honor to the victims of chattanooga. >> thank you, scott. now the president's proclamation to direct the flags to remain at half staff at federal buildings through july 25th. maryland's governor is following suit. the big storms we are tracking are now just a bit east of town. first alert chief meteorologist topper shutt joins us now from the weather center and what are you seeing on live doppler 9000? >> we're seeing a few storms which is good news. i think many folks will get home with dry roads. we'll widen the radar out a couple hours and most of the storms now south of town into prince george's county with heavier activity earlier into southern maryland. there are a couple of storms that have just popped up. this one is pretty heavy. you see the red there? it's pretty heavy rainfall actually. that is kind of on the outskirts of the beltway, annandale and if you're headed out i-66, you'll run into some pretty heavy rain. that should move off to the south and east. i think it will hold together. so i would suggest some pretty good rains in cameron and eventually toward braddock and eventually into the i-95 corridor in the next 45 minutes. to the north we go. this was heavy at 1 time. now it's kind of moving down to the southeast, moving down for a shower in frederick at about 5:24. temps not as hot as yesterday mainly because of cloud cover. it's about the same air mass. 91 downtown, 90 in leesburg. we'll factor in the humidity and it feels like it's 98 downtown and in leesburg. we'll come back. the cold front itself is still back up towards pittsburgh. we'll tell you when the showers will finally end and how long the low humidity will last behind the front. a neighbor goes off on pcp stabbing four women and leaving one of them fighting for her life. bruce johnson is standing outside live by d.c. superior court with this story and the victim's own terrifying words. >> reporter: we've heard in the past week the city leaders talking about the dangers of synthetic marijuana and pcp. well, today we got the chance to talk to people who in the past 24 hours survived a very vicious attack of a woman suspected of being on pcp. lincoln heights has always been a tough neighborhood. what happened here last night has left some of its long term residents injured and afraid. >> it's really bad. you want to sit out and enjoy the day and people off of this pcp just going on a rampage. >> reporter: last night before 10:00 a woman apparently on drugs went off in the street and then into somebody's apartment. >> i was just getting up for work. >> reporter: before it was all over four females had been stabbed including a 31-year-old mother and her 14-year-old daughter. >> i have four stitches and my daughter has six. >> reporter: names are not being used to protect the victims. they still have to live here. this 18-year-old was stabbed in the face. >> the lady was high, so basically she didn't know what she was doing. we got into an altercation. so she came back with knives and mace spraying everyone. >> reporter: her mother says the assailant was no stranger. it's somebody you think you know? >> yeah. in a see every day. i watch her son for her. >> reporter: and the drugs turned -- >> i take the baby from her because she's high off the pcp. >> reporter: if you don't live out here, you probably won't understand all of this. the 18-year-old sitting back there with her mother, she graduated from maya angelo charter school and works in the summer jobs program. in the fall she'll enroll as a freshman at shaw university and she almost didn't make it because she ran into somebody on pcp. the most serious injury was to a 19-year-old woman who is alive today because d.c. police arrived with the training and the kit to fashion a tourniquet for her arm. >> it's truly unnecessary. something really needs to be done about this epidemic. >> reporter: now by text message police chief cathy lanier told me today they're trying to get these tourniquet kits into the hands of all police and they already have saved other lives out there. we think there's a followup story and we'll try to have that for you tomorrow. we should point out the woman suspected in these assaults that was on pcp is under arrest tonight. back to you guys. >> sounds like some scary moments there, bruce. police chief cathy lanier says police were given those tourniquet kits and the training how to use them after the navy yard shooting in 2013. tonight frederick residents will be weighing in on a law that requires all county businesses to be conducted in english. an all republican county board passed the english only law back in 2012. the public hearing is tonight at 7:00. our stephanie ramirez spoke with people in frederick. what they'll have to say about this is coming your way on wusa9 news at 6:00. meantime montgomery county police investigating whether somebody may have been making drugs inside a federal government facility. all of in came to light over the weekend when afternoon explosion ripped through a lab at the national institute of standardsen and technology. andrea mccarren is live outside -- standards and technology. andrea mccarren is live outside nist. >> reporter: derek, this is a federal government facility that's extremely secure, but today federal investigators were on site looking into what may be an inside job. >> so how does that happen? >> i'm shocked. >> but then again nothing surprises me anymore. >> i do not believe that. yes. >> reporter: shocked a gaithersburg neighborhood as workers in hazmat suits enter special project building 236. that was the scene of an explosion saturday night that injured a nist police officer and left a mystery in it's wake. >> somebody may have been attempting to manufacture drugs at that facility 0 and that reaction, fire and explosion was -- and that reaction, fire and explosion, was part of the process. >> reporter: they are investigating to determine if that explosion came from the worker cooking meth inside the government lab. >> i'm floored. that's all i can say. >> it's terrible. i can't believe it. >> oh, great. breaking bad is just around in our neighborhood. >> reporter: indeed the scenario brings to mind the hit tv series breaking bad in which a high school chemistry teacher learns to manufacture meth to make money. >> i'm sure there's a lot of people that tried to reenact that show. >> reporter: at an entrance to the sprawling nist campus a sign warns visitors not to bring in explosives. that nist employee was a supervisory police officer. he was treated and released at a local hospital. then he resigned. no arrests yet, but the investigation is ongoing. andrea mccarren, wusa9. >> national institute of standards and technology is part of the department of commerce. charges have been dropped against a maryland delegate accused of indecent exposure and trespassing. delegate arianna kelly was charged last month after dropping off her kids at her ex- husband's home and got upset after learning her ex-husband's fiancee was there. she allegedly exposed herself to him and the video was shot, but the state's attorney's office is dropping the charges calling this a domestic matter, not a criminal one. we are just getting started on wusa9 news at 5:00. was the baltimore police department prepared for the riots in the wake of freddie gray's death? new audio and video from the outbreak of that violence coming up at 5:30. >> plus topper is back. he's got a look at any lingering storms and could the heatwave be almost done? we can only hope. >> and wait until you hear what a d.c. teacher's aide is accused of doing to her boyfriend and his house. >> reporter: she was a young woman with red hair. now police are trying to figure out who she was and how she wound up dead next to this parking garage. i'm peggy fox in herndon. i'll have a live report coming iran keeps their nuclear facilities. military sites can go uninspected. restrictions end after 10 years. then iran could build a nuclear weapon in two months. iran has violated 20er intnational agreements d anheis t leading state sponsor of terrorism. a disturbing discovery in herndon today has the community wondering just how a woman lost her life right next to a busy parking garage. the bold was found this morning at -- the body was found this morning at dulles station in hern ton and that is where we find our peggy fox live tonight with the latest on the story. peggy? >> reporter: police still don't know who this woman was or how she wound up dead, but they have released new information tonight. they say she was a young woman in her 20s with red layer and that she suffered obvious -- hair and that she suffered obvious trauma to the head. her body was found this morning in a grassy spot right there next to the corner of that nine- story parking garage. fairfax county police searched for clues from the air. the body of a woman was found next to a nine-story parking garage in herndon. >> it just makes me very uncomfortable to have this across the street from me basically. >> reporter: the garage is in the development stage of ibm drive used by employees and other government contractors. >> they're not letting people park saying hey, go across the street and park. >> reporter: the body was discovered about 7:30 this morning lying behind the garage about a foot away from the building which is bordered by wood. >> i just drove in to go park there this morning and the cop said just don't park above the sixth floor. >> reporter: investigators looked for evidence on the garage floors and collected items from the building's roof. they card out a bag of possible clues -- carried out a bag of possible clues, but how the woman got there is still a mystery. >> they sent a notification saying that someone has found a body. just be aware of it. i thought i'll come down and see. >> reporter: disturbing. >> yeah. it's very disturbing. >> reporter: the disturbing discovery was unsettling to this community of workers and residents of several apartment buildings. >> there were a bunch of people in my garage last night actually that were behaving strangely. >> reporter: when michelle powe walked her dog after coming home from a late night shift she said she saw a woman acting strangely and she called police. >> it was odd. she was walking alone acting kind of strangely carrying white shopping bags and it just struck me as being odd and my dog actually alerted to her and walked over to her. she didn't even seem to notice that an 80-pound doabler man puppy was approaching her -- dough berman puppy was -- doberman puppy was approaching her. powe did not see anything strange on the garage, but a man saw something odd on the roof last night. this will be the future home of a silver line metro stop. the woman's body was taken to the medical examiner's office where the cause of death will be determined. >> thank you, peggy. in the mount vernon area of fairfax county investigators say a man walking around that area about 8:30 last night came upon a badly decomposed body on manor drive near richmond highway. police believe they are the remains of a man, but detectives do not believe there is any public safety threat to the community. an educational aid at anacostia high -- aide at anacostia high is charged with attempted murder after she allegedly threw gasoline on her boyfriend and then set his house on fire. lisa finely surrendered to baltimore county police yesterday. they responded to the home in owings mill on sunday for a domestic call and then learned at that time that the house was on fire. now finely's boy friend says the woman threatened to set him on fire after he was covered in gas. the sprinkler system put out the flames. the case against former baseball slugger barry bonds is officially over and done. the justice department announced today it will not ask the supreme court to review an appeals court ruling that overturned bonds' 2011 obstruction of justice conviction. that conviction stems from bonds' evasive answers to questions about performance enhancing drugs. always watching always tracking, wusa9's first alert weather, d.c.'s most accurate. >> we're tracking a couple showers and thunderstorms this evening, not very numerous. the good news for commuters that are not home yet. let's talk about our 3-degree guarantee. we went 93 today. how did we do? join us tonight at 11:00 and we'll let you know. right now one reason we're feeling pretty good is 91 right now, dew point in the low 70s, pretty miserable out there, relative humidity 51%. winds out of the west at 9. the front will not clear the metro area until about 10:00. here's the radar over the past hour. you can see one storm kind of between hagerstown and frederick kind of go from a pretty hefty storm, move down 270 and e out altogether. this is a pretty good storm we showed you earlier in fairfax county. we'll actually kind of zoom out. there's still storms north of pittsburgh and morgan town. those are the storms associated with the cold front. a couple of those could get into cumberland, hagerstown the next hour, hour and a half and that's about it for storms tonight we think. rainfall rates with this one over an inch per hour headed toward oldtown. so heavy rain down 395 and parts of the beltway moving off south and east and, in fact, it should go into oldton in the next three, four, five minutes and eventually over toward clinton at about 5:46 and i think that storm will actually hold together. i'll widen even farther out. we have some big storms in southern maryland crossing the northern neck into reedville and the ocean resorts. ocean city had a big storm, as did rehoboth, a lot of lightning with these storms, the heaviest activity well south and east of the metro area. so we'll keep it there. showers and storms will end early tonight and then the nats game should be okay. we're pretty confident about the nats game and low humidity for the rest of the week. so this cold front will actually do something for us. now 9:30 tonight on futurecast still 82 downtown, okay, but some 70s in the burbs and generally fine. want to walk the dog tonight, no showers, nothing happening. by 5:30, 6:00, we got mid-60s. this is actually a very nice start to the day. even 73 downtown is pretty nice, but 77 in manassas, 66 our 64 in gaithersburg or bowie. that's a really nice start and by 9:00 only in the 70s and by lunchtime you can walk to lunch, no worries, you won't even perspire, low to mid-80s across the metro area. dry air masses heat up quickly and dry off quickly. we'll have very warm days because the humidity is less. what does that mean? when you perspire, that can evaporate and that's what cools you. nothing is vietnam rating outside right now -- is evaporating right now outside, tell you that. on the day planner 71 at 7:00, 76 at 9:00, 80 by 11:00 and 84 with sunshine by 1 p.m. very nice again on thursday, 88 and still nice on friday, 90 but not humid. it will be very comfortable. low 90s on saturday. then the humid till starts creeping back in here on sunday, 93, mid-90s monday and tuesday, a couple of afternoon storms. i tell you. what nats game should be okay tonight and the nats game tomorrow, wednesday the noon game, that should be perfect. >> thanks, top. amazon gets some competition and how one company will now pay for amateur video, details in tonight's consumer alert. >> right after the break animal rights groups call for an end to contests they say are cruel. a coalition of animal rights group is calling for an end to cow nose ray killing contests in the chesapeake bay area. yes, apparently this is actually a thing and a group calling itself shark, that is showing animals respect and kindness, says they actually took undercover video of such a contest last month out on the potomac river. the group says hundreds of rays were mercilessly shot with arrows, beat with bats and left to suffocate. we spoke with an advisory panel of maryland's department of natural resources. >> you know, i think when people watch the video of what happened, just the reality of it, it's so despicable and disgusting that they're outraged and we're just trying to pool everyone together into a force that speaks with one voice to stop these cruel killing contests. >> maryland's department of natural resources says it is working with federal officials and neighboring states to address the issue. in tonight's consumer alert the markets were down by wall street's closing bell. the dow dropped 181 points. the nasdaq fell by 10. is a new online shopping site that is ready to give some competition to amazon and wal-mart. the e commerce company says a $50 a year membership guarantees shoppers the lowest price on millions of items. here's how it works. the more items you add to your basket, the bigger the discount. a recent insurance study finds one in four of us have been with the same on insurance carrier for more than 16 years. 7% of people asked apparently stuck with the same company more than 30 years. the report says that millennials and senior citizens are the least likely to shop around and compare prices for auto insurance. amateur photographers can now get some money for their videos. go pro has launched a new platform to license the best footage and sell it to advertisers. the starting price? $1,000. it's not clear, though, just how much of that fee will be kept by go pro. a woman found dead in a jail cell three days after a traffic stop, her family's demands are coming up. >> plus more blunt talk from donald trump as he campaigns in south carolina. >> and right after the break new audio and video from the baltimore riots shows a struggling police force trying to maintain order. right now at 5:30 we're getting a closer look at the police response to baltimore's april riots. new audio and surveillance video shows really an ill equipped police force struggling to keep the city from spiraling out of control. >> wusa9 reporter vanessa herring has more on how the events unfolded that day. >> reporter: cries for help are heard on new police radio calls as a crowd of teens overwhelm baltimore officers on april 27th. >> they're all gathered at the location causing a disturbance. >> we've got our hands full right now. >> this is everyone. if you've got something, drop it and get over here. >> you all know what to do. protect yourselves and protect each ear. >> reporter: the ride started at mondamom mall and erupted a few blocks later. just released surveillance video obtained by the baltimore sun through a freedom of information request shows the crowd swarm offing the intersection around 4:25 -- swarming around the intersection around 4:25 p.m. the crowd destroys a police cruiser and scrambles when the s.w.a.t. team moves in but regroup once officers leave. looting starts at cvs12 minutes later. at 4:41 p.m. the first sign of police officers is seen, but businesses are looted for more than an hour and small fires are set. >> do not come forward and do not chase them! >> there's a couple hundred people here. >> i am not going to let my guys get hurt because we have equipment we're not using. somebody get me some type of help. >> reporter: at 5:49 p.m. smoke is seen billowing out of the cvs. officers start moving in at 6:02 p.m. and secure the intersection at 6:50. the mayor and police deny claims that officers were ordered to stand down. >> it wasn't until there was a controversy around the stand down order that i even knew what a stand down order was. >> reporter: more than 150 officers were hurt and the city has not yet provided a full public account of what went wrong. the fop says some officers had to buy their own safety gear and orders from the top were that officers shouldn't look intimidating so they wouldn't escalate the situation. in the newsroom vanessa herring, wusa9. >> mayor stephanie rawlings- blake fired police commissioner anthony batts earlier this month saying his dismissal was prompted by a spike in violence after the riots in april. tracking metro tonight and a star witness declines to appear before a house hearing on metro safety. the driver of the l'enfant train during the fatal smoke incident back in january was supposed to testify this afternoon before the house oversight subcommittee, but we learned a short time ago he changed his mind and did not show up. that hearing goes on with the early testimony focusing on the smoke incident that killed one woman and injured nearly 80 others. >> although the ntsb has yet to determine the exact cause of the january incident, it has revealed that some electrical connections associated with the power supplied to the third rail were improper ly constructed and installed without what they call sealing sleeves. >> those sealing sleeves would cover the high voltage rail and moisture and debris that could increase the risk of electrical shorting. federal authorities now digging deeper into the life of the man who killed those five military service members last week down in chattanooga. law enforcement sources say mohammod youssuf abdulazeez looked at the writings of radical cleric anwar al-awlaki but so far has not turned up any direct link to isis or any other terror group overseas. his family said he struggled with depression and substance abuse. the probably of a woman found dead in a texas jail cell last week would be handled just as it would be in a murder investigation. that's according to the waller county district attorney. sandra bland's death has been ruled hanging by suicide, but her family is not buying it. they want an independent autopsy. state troopers took bland into jail a week and a half ago after a traffic stop. here is some of the newly released audio of officers talking to dispatch the day she was found unresponsive in her cell. >> need out for a trauma victim in the jail. >> because we do have cpr in progress. cpr started at 0900. >> an officer checked up on bland at about 7:00 in the morning she died. she appeared to be fine about 7:55 asking questions about how to make a phone call and just before 9:00 she was found hanging in her cell. turning now to campaign 2016 ohio governor john kasich entered the crowded rep field today. the former congressman said he's going to run on the strength of his record in washington and in columbus. now we've got 16 declared republican candidates. kasich faces an uphill battle trying to secure a spot in that first gop presidential debate. it's coming up fast august the 6th. meantime donald trump was campaigning in south carolina as many are calling for him to quit the republican presidential race, but as brian webb reports, once again the celebrity businessman did not mince words. >> reporter: donald trump didn't tone down the rhetoric at his campaign rally in south carolina attacking john mccain again. >> this is why i'm angry at john mccain for two reasons. no. 1, john mccain, you got to remember this, he's totally about open borders. >> reporter: he even gave out senator lindsey graham's number after the south carolina senator said this about the billionaire. >> run for president, but don't be the world's biggest jack ass. >> reporter: then i watch this idiot lindsey graham on television today and he calls me a jack ass. >> reporter: the outspoken presidential candidate avoided repeating the comments he made about john mccain's war record which angered veterans. >> he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people who aren't captured, okay? >> reporter: thein iowa the register says trump is a every without traction who brings up headlines not by provoking thought but by outrage. early pops show him leading among the republican nominee -- polls show him leading among the republican nominees. >> we're tired of being pushed around, led by stupid people, just stupid people. >> reporter: even though he refuses to play nice with the gop, trump says he won't run as a third party candidate. brian webb for cbs news. >> just gets more and more interesting. now while trump stirred up some controversy with the veterans in a coincidence president obama spoke at the veterans of foreign war convention in pittsburgh thanking the vets for their sacrifices and their service. kids rescued from hot cars and dramatic video showing just how dangerous it can be inside a sweltering vehicle. we'll have that story in a minute. >> and right after the break why some shoppers say this target t-shirt is offensive and needs to go. >> lots of sun here in northwest, but there are a couple showers and storms on live doppler 9000. let me show you a couple of these. good news, nats park at the top of your scene looks good. it will be toasty but stays dry. one storm will roll right through national harbor and another through camp springs. we'll trending now a t-shirt being sold at target stirring up some controversy tonight and some angry ladies. >> here it is. some say the shirt with the word trophy on it is sexist and it designates women to be objects to be won. many shoppers are taking their outrage to twitter. amanda writes hey, target, i'm in the men's section and i don't see a trophy shirt here. why is that? katie writes the fact target has a bridal shirt that says trophy on it and in the junior section sickens me. how can that seem like a good idea? all right. play a game, get some free food. >> free food is always good. chipotle wants customers to play a game on its friend or faux website. the goal? find out how many fake ingredients there are in processed foods. players get a buy one get one free coupon just for trying this thing out. there's also the chance you could win freeically pole take for a year. >> -- free chyear. >> every day? >> the thing about that is you got to stand in line. a young man from australia solved the rubik's cube in 5.69 seconds. boy, that was good enough to win the rubik's cube championship in sao paulo, brazil, but the world record is 5.2 seconds. i'd settle for just being able to solve the thing. >> i didn't even know they still had them. >> yeah. part of the baseball experience is all of the promotions at the ballpark. coming up on today's inside pitch holden kushner has the sights and sounds from nats star wars day. this is special. >> and right after the break the father of a murdered woman and a local sfx: music throughout ♪ sfx: crowd cheering sfx: crowd booing ♪ sfx: crowd chanting sfx: crowd cheering music stops sc johnson a family company. today a capitol hill the police chief testified. >> immigration is a federal responsibility. it is today and has always been. local agencies conference be expected to take on these additional duties. secondly we must -- cannot be expected to take on these additional duties. secondly we must secure our borders. the federal government must secure our national borders preventing any further illegal entry into the united states. >> he says existing laws from hiring illegal immigrant workers needs to be enforced. weigia jiang picks up the story from there. >> reporter: family members of people murdered by illegal immigrants spoke out to congress including jim steinle whose daughter was murdered as they walked arm and arm on the san francisco pier earlier this month. >> suddenly a shot rang out. kate fell and looked at me and said help me, dad. those are the last words i'll ever hear from my daughter. >> reporter: the suspect was released from jail this spring despite a lengthy criminal record because san francisco is a sanctuary city which means it has laws sheltering immigrants from deportation. >> san francisco is proudly calling itself a sanctuary city. they're not hiding it. they're orter: lawmakers in both the house and the nature have introduced bills that would strip sanctuary cities of federal funding if they continue to ignore immigration law. >> i don't want the sympathy. i want you to do something about it. everybody sitting here is in a position to do something. >> reporter: but immigration activists such as grace martinez worry congress will overreact. >> in moments like this it's important to sit back and breathe and think about the comprehensive solutions that we can bring about together. >> reporter: her group has sent a letter to congress urging members to preserve sanctuary cities. weigia jiang, cbs news, capitol hill. >> and the house plans to take up its version of the sanctuary city bill a bit later in the week. a toddler is alive tonight thanks to a group of people who sprung into action. the temps were in the 90s yesterday in kansas city, but it felt like 110 when a toddler s walocked inside a locked car. they all called 911, but people in the parking lot decided to take no chances. it took them a while, but they were eventually able to break the window and pull that toddler out to safety. >> she was crying and she was like -- she was drenched in sweat. her shoes were wet. she was so drenched in sweat and i started crying. >> wow. there was another dramatic rescue just west of philadelphia, two children were accidentally locked inside a hot car there as the temperatures soared into the 90s. officers were successfully able to smash the grab and rescue that baby -- glass and rescue that baby and another young girl. a nonprofit group wants to show us just how dangerous it is to leave anybody in the car for an extended period of time. >> especially when it's hot. cars for kids offered adults in new jersey 100 bucks if you could sit in a parked car for 10 minutes on a hot afternoon. none of the six could last the whole time. >> oh, my god. >> i want to get out of here. push the button. >> yeah. the contestants all hit the red easy button to get out. they got themselves a glass of water. of course, if you're a baby locked in, it's just not so easy. >> you know what? really 70 degrees or 80 degrees in a car for an extended period of time can be very, very dangerous. this is a yellow alert day. wusa9 first alert weather, d.c.'s most accurate. >> good news. most of us are going to make it home tonight with dry roads. let's start with a live look outside, our live michael and son weather cam, it's pretty much clear here in northwest. it's 91, still not very comfortable in terms of humidity. that will change, dew points in the 70s, relative humidity 53%. we're going to get these dew points. remember low 70s tonight because tomorrow night they'll probably be in the upper 50s which is just spectacular. we have to get to tomorrow night, though. so here's a look at the radar over the past hour. you see a couple of storms now move through fairfax county and across 95 into prince george's county. this is just about to move across the beltway. some showers and storms up to the north and west of us with a front. those are losing steam. we'll zoom in a little bit. these are the only really two important storms we have in the immediate metro area. they're south of the ballpark. again i just tweeted this out. the nats game should be fine, plenty hot but fine, good rains from groveton into morningside lane and stretching across the river into the other side into maryland. we'll zoom in a little bit and you can see as you come down groveton, south kings highway, u.s. 1, just some moderate rain. the yellow here indicates moderate rain, probably about 1/2 inch per hour. we'll zoom back in. this will move south and east going towards thrift shortly around 6:00 and this is pretty heavy around camp springs. that's going to move off south and east, too south of melwood with rainfall rates about 1 inch per hour. heaviest storms are still south and east of us. that's not going to change. everything is going to end early tonight. nats game should be okay and low humidity the rest of the week. so once we get this change of air masses tonight it's going to last wednesday, thursday, friday, even into saturday really. 9:30 tonight 82 downtown, notice it's clear, temps in the 70s and then in the morning we have 60s to start with low 70s downtown under clear skies. so on the day planner 71 at 7:00 and look, it only gets to 80 by 11:00 and 84 by 1:00. dry air masses heat up quickly, but they cool off quickly. we'll have warm days, but they're going to be comfortable. very nice thursday upper 80s, very nice on friday 90. next seven days. saturday a bit hot 92 and low 90s on sunday, more humid, mid- 90s on monday, isolatedstorm possible monday and tuesday. nats game tomorrow is a nooner, perfect baseball weather. now wusa9 game on sports with kristen berset brought to you by xfinity. >> well, the major league baseball regular season is 162 games. half of those home games which makes for a very long season. so baseball teams are coming up with all sorts of promotions to get fans to the ballpark every night from college night bring your pup to the park day and even those garden gnome give- aways, but as holden kushner tells us in tonight's inside pitch the nationals latest promotion was a big hit among fans and mostly nonbaseball fans. >> reporter: it's star wars day at nationals park. it's sweltering and it might sound like i'm in a cave. it's because i have a stormtrooper's helmet on. i decided to ask fans whether or not they're here because of the game or star wars day. >> i don't know anything about baseball. i grew up fan. i go to star wars conventions all the time. i heard this was happening at a baseball game. i said of course, because star wars, why not? >> reporter: this lady dressed a princess leia from return of the jedi had a pair of reasons for attending the game. >> i was here first for the game. then i found out it was star wars day and i just happened to have this. so i figured why not wear it? >> reporter: you had your princess leia garb laying around? >> long story short this costume was laying around and here i am. >> reporter: this lady woke up early and had little -- this princess leia woke up early and had little time to spend for the preparations. >> about two hours. >> reporter: this one is a little furry creature, why? >> because i get to live in the jungle and ride really cool motorbike things. i'd really be a wookie. >> reporter: so obviously darth vader and this stormtrooper here have come for star wars day. they really don't care about the game. the force is strong with those kids. others not so much. for wusa9 sports, i'm holden kushner. >> that was a huge hit. >> they needed more than just the force over the weekend dressed up in all that stuff with all this heat. >> yoda couldn't bring them luck over the weekend. >> i think i speak for all-star wars fans when i say i'd rather be darth vader than an ewok. >> no wookie for you? >> he's good, too. the nats are back pout at the u.s. marine corps night at the park. they shut out last night. can they make it two in a row? we'll look at it coming up in sports. >> and coming up next wusa9's furry addition meets the wounded warrior he's named after for the first time. >> reporter: should english be a mandated language? that's the debate in frederick county where there's a public hearing tonight to repe oh my gosh, it's the guy from last night. what?! can i jump on your wi-fi? yeah, you can try it. hey! i had a really good time last night. yeah, me too. the only thing is that... the only thing is what? what's the only thing? oh my gosh he's married. he's a kleptomaniac. he's a pyromaniac. he's a total maniac. hey! hey! go back to your wife you sociopath! leave slow internet behind. the 100% fiber optics network is here. get out of the past. get fios. now $79.99 a month. go online or call now. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v at devry university's keller graduate school of management. you can learn to unlock the leader inside you. so if you want to own the room not just be in it. you're our kind of different. keller graduate school of management. learn more at check out this video. that's bunce, america's puppy and the latest addition to our wusa9 news team. you see bunce is a wounded warrior service dog in training and our andrea mccarren is going to raise him and rain him the next two years before he is teamed -- raise him the next two years before he is teamed up with a veteran. >> andrea will tell us about the man for whom bunce is named. >> reporter: marine corporal bunce and the puppy named in his honor had an immediate keck. justin will now help train -- connection. just till will now help train bunce for another wounded warrior. >> just being around little angels like this guy, i'm so honored to have him named after me. >> reporter: bunce the puppy was born at warrior canine connection in maryland. not only will he help with physical tasks, he'll make an impact in ways that medicine, surgery and traditional therapy cannot. >> unconditional love. >> reporter: justin was severely wounded in iraq in 2004 and is now fighting to recover what he lost battling to become the best he can be. justin's body may be slightly broken. his intellect, sense of humor and compassion are all intact. life skills trainer katie gorman nominated justin to have a puppy named after him. >> the qualities he has, the compassion, the strength, the bravery. i could go on and i thought if those traits could carry on to a dog, it would turn out to be one heck of a service dog for somebody. >> come on. we're going on an adventure. >> reporter: bunce and bunce have already forged a bond, one that may grow as strong as the brotherhood between fellow marines. >> you're a little marine. [ yip ] >> see, he agrees. >> reporter: we won't know until bunce is about 2 years old whether he'll be best suited to partner with a warrior who has post-traumatic stress or serve as a mobility dog for a veteran with physical disabilities like an amputation or chronic pain. andrea mccarren, wusa9. >> expecting great things from bunce. when he's done training with andrea and justin, he will be teamed with another wounded veteran and undergo even more training until they are ready to graduate from the program together. andrea is writing a daily blog of bunce's adventures. it's called the world according to bunce and you can check it out by going to our wusa9 mobile app or our website. in just one hour frederick county council member will hear arguments on a bill to repeal an english only ordinance already in place there. thanks for joining us. i'm lesli foster. >> i'm derek mcginty. some will argue that bill send a message of intolerance. our stephanie ramirez tells us lots of folks are expected to show up tonight at the public meeting. >> reporter: the ordinance says among other things it helps to unify the people of frederick county, but that was the source of debate on the very diverse streets of downtown frederick where this street musician whose ancestors came from italy played. >> i would like to think that everyone regardless of where they come from or what language they speak is equally as welcome here. >> reporter: before the public hearing democratic council members keegan and fitzwater talked about their co-sponsored repealed bill. the two saying what sparked this was

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Vietnam , Republic Of , Chesapeake Bay , Maryland , United States , Montana , Capitol Hill , New Jersey , Australia , Mount Vernon , Camp Springs , Brazil , Delaware , Anacostia , District Of Columbia , Washington , San Francisco , California , Rehoboth , Ohio , Hagerstown , South Carolina , Wyoming , Iowa , Sheridan County Airport , Morgan Town , Leesburg , Florida , Lincoln Heights , Frederick County , Baltimore , Sao Paulo , Sãpaulo , Texas , Iran , Baltimore County , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Gaithersburg , Columbus , Iraq , Ocean City , Waller County , Colorado , Italy , Annandale , Montgomery County , Americans , America , Diane Stubbs , Arianna Kelly , Katie Gorman , Cathy Lanier , John Kasich , Derek Mcginty , Connie Akers , Bruce Johnson , Peggy Fox , Anthony Batts , Lindsey Graham , Holden Kushner , John Boehner , Stephanie Rawlings Blake , Stephanie Ramirez , Gerald Stubbs , Bruce Leshan , Anwar Al Awlaki , John Mccain , Brian Webb ,

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Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20240622

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leshan, wusa9. >> thank you, bruce. that search warrant also says investigators seized cell phones, letters, lap tops, but we do not know what they found on those letters or those devices. let's get to a developing story out of wyoming where three people from our area have been killed in a plane crash. it happened saturday in cody. that is in northwest wyoming near the montana border, killed in the crash were joyce bartoo of d.c., diane stubbs and her husband gerald stubbs both from annapolis. the pilot from colorado also died in that crash. the group took off from share sheridan county airport and turned toward cody and then crashed. the flag flown at half staff in honor of the service members killed in chattanooga les week. it happened only after -- last week. it happened only after criticism from house speaker john boehner. scott broom is on the hill with reaction to how it all happened today. how did this just get started, scott? >> reporter: well, there's a lot of symbolism that goes with the flag, a lot of emotion and patriotism. as of this morning the flag was flying half staff here at the capitol by order of john boehner, but over at the white house it didn't start flying at half staff until about 1:30 this afternoon and just about everybody i talked to today out here on the mall seemed mystified about why this is an issue at all. why in the wake of five servicemen killed in chattanooga was the flag still flying at the top of the pole at the white house and other federal buildings today? one man in florida is so angry about it he went on a mission to lower flags there all on his own. >> they won't do it at the white house, but we'll do it at the gas stations. >> reporter: and war heroes calling out the president on twitter. "and one more thing, sir. lower the flag," he wrote. the issue gained immense traction online. about a about a took to twitter himself announcing -- john boehner took to twitter himself announcing he was lowering the flags to half staff at the capitol. >> it was very curious. i couldn't figure out why they were down one place and not down the other place. >> reporter: all of it leaving visitors to the city today mystified. >> i don't know why they're divided on it. the reason why i think it ought to happen and they ought to do it is it helps unite the country. >> i think they should do it. >> especially obama and our military, i don't believe he supports them. >> reporter: does it surprise you there was a debate about this today? >> watching the news and everything that's been going on with flags in many states it doesn't surprise me at all. >> even notice less than 1% of americans wear the uniform that 100% of americans honor your sacrifices and your service. >> reporter: meanwhile president obama today spoke to veterans in pittsburgh remembering the chattanooga victims. finally this afternoon after the speech the flag came down to half staff at the white house by presidential proclamation. "we ask god to watch over the fallen, the families and their communities." beyond that proclamation there's been no explanation from the president or the white house that suggests any of the president's thinking on all of this. the words are just in a proclamation and that's what stands. bitter critics are seeing this as footing fromming instead of an honor to the victims -- foot dragging instead of an honor to the victims of chattanooga. >> thank you, scott. now the president's proclamation to direct the flags to remain at half staff at federal buildings through july 25th. maryland's governor is following suit. the big storms we are tracking are now just a bit east of town. first alert chief meteorologist topper shutt joins us now from the weather center and what are you seeing on live doppler 9000? >> we're seeing a few storms which is good news. i think many folks will get home with dry roads. we'll widen the radar out a couple hours and most of the storms now south of town into prince george's county with heavier activity earlier into southern maryland. there are a couple of storms that have just popped up. this one is pretty heavy. you see the red there? it's pretty heavy rainfall actually. that is kind of on the outskirts of the beltway, annandale and if you're headed out i-66, you'll run into some pretty heavy rain. that should move off to the south and east. i think it will hold together. so i would suggest some pretty good rains in cameron and eventually toward braddock and eventually into the i-95 corridor in the next 45 minutes. to the north we go. this was heavy at 1 time. now it's kind of moving down to the southeast, moving down for a shower in frederick at about 5:24. temps not as hot as yesterday mainly because of cloud cover. it's about the same air mass. 91 downtown, 90 in leesburg. we'll factor in the humidity and it feels like it's 98 downtown and in leesburg. we'll come back. the cold front itself is still back up towards pittsburgh. we'll tell you when the showers will finally end and how long the low humidity will last behind the front. a neighbor goes off on pcp stabbing four women and leaving one of them fighting for her life. bruce johnson is standing outside live by d.c. superior court with this story and the victim's own terrifying words. >> reporter: we've heard in the past week the city leaders talking about the dangers of synthetic marijuana and pcp. well, today we got the chance to talk to people who in the past 24 hours survived a very vicious attack of a woman suspected of being on pcp. lincoln heights has always been a tough neighborhood. what happened here last night has left some of its long term residents injured and afraid. >> it's really bad. you want to sit out and enjoy the day and people off of this pcp just going on a rampage. >> reporter: last night before 10:00 a woman apparently on drugs went off in the street and then into somebody's apartment. >> i was just getting up for work. >> reporter: before it was all over four females had been stabbed including a 31-year-old mother and her 14-year-old daughter. >> i have four stitches and my daughter has six. >> reporter: names are not being used to protect the victims. they still have to live here. this 18-year-old was stabbed in the face. >> the lady was high, so basically she didn't know what she was doing. we got into an altercation. so she came back with knives and mace spraying everyone. >> reporter: her mother says the assailant was no stranger. it's somebody you think you know? >> yeah. in a see every day. i watch her son for her. >> reporter: and the drugs turned -- >> i take the baby from her because she's high off the pcp. >> reporter: if you don't live out here, you probably won't understand all of this. the 18-year-old sitting back there with her mother, she graduated from maya angelo charter school and works in the summer jobs program. in the fall she'll enroll as a freshman at shaw university and she almost didn't make it because she ran into somebody on pcp. the most serious injury was to a 19-year-old woman who is alive today because d.c. police arrived with the training and the kit to fashion a tourniquet for her arm. >> it's truly unnecessary. something really needs to be done about this epidemic. >> reporter: now by text message police chief cathy lanier told me today they're trying to get these tourniquet kits into the hands of all police and they already have saved other lives out there. we think there's a followup story and we'll try to have that for you tomorrow. we should point out the woman suspected in these assaults that was on pcp is under arrest tonight. back to you guys. >> sounds like some scary moments there, bruce. police chief cathy lanier says police were given those tourniquet kits and the training how to use them after the navy yard shooting in 2013. tonight frederick residents will be weighing in on a law that requires all county businesses to be conducted in english. an all republican county board passed the english only law back in 2012. the public hearing is tonight at 7:00. our stephanie ramirez spoke with people in frederick. what they'll have to say about this is coming your way on wusa9 news at 6:00. meantime montgomery county police investigating whether somebody may have been making drugs inside a federal government facility. all of in came to light over the weekend when afternoon explosion ripped through a lab at the national institute of standardsen and technology. andrea mccarren is live outside -- standards and technology. andrea mccarren is live outside nist. >> reporter: derek, this is a federal government facility that's extremely secure, but today federal investigators were on site looking into what may be an inside job. >> so how does that happen? >> i'm shocked. >> but then again nothing surprises me anymore. >> i do not believe that. yes. >> reporter: shocked a gaithersburg neighborhood as workers in hazmat suits enter special project building 236. that was the scene of an explosion saturday night that injured a nist police officer and left a mystery in it's wake. >> somebody may have been attempting to manufacture drugs at that facility 0 and that reaction, fire and explosion was -- and that reaction, fire and explosion, was part of the process. >> reporter: they are investigating to determine if that explosion came from the worker cooking meth inside the government lab. >> i'm floored. that's all i can say. >> it's terrible. i can't believe it. >> oh, great. breaking bad is just around in our neighborhood. >> reporter: indeed the scenario brings to mind the hit tv series breaking bad in which a high school chemistry teacher learns to manufacture meth to make money. >> i'm sure there's a lot of people that tried to reenact that show. >> reporter: at an entrance to the sprawling nist campus a sign warns visitors not to bring in explosives. that nist employee was a supervisory police officer. he was treated and released at a local hospital. then he resigned. no arrests yet, but the investigation is ongoing. andrea mccarren, wusa9. >> national institute of standards and technology is part of the department of commerce. charges have been dropped against a maryland delegate accused of indecent exposure and trespassing. delegate arianna kelly was charged last month after dropping off her kids at her ex- husband's home and got upset after learning her ex-husband's fiancee was there. she allegedly exposed herself to him and the video was shot, but the state's attorney's office is dropping the charges calling this a domestic matter, not a criminal one. we are just getting started on wusa9 news at 5:00. was the baltimore police department prepared for the riots in the wake of freddie gray's death? new audio and video from the outbreak of that violence coming up at 5:30. >> plus topper is back. he's got a look at any lingering storms and could the heatwave be almost done? we can only hope. >> and wait until you hear what a d.c. teacher's aide is accused of doing to her boyfriend and his house. >> reporter: she was a young woman with red hair. now police are trying to figure out who she was and how she wound up dead next to this parking garage. i'm peggy fox in herndon. i'll have a live report coming iran keeps their nuclear facilities. military sites can go uninspected. restrictions end after 10 years. then iran could build a nuclear weapon in two months. iran has violated 20er intnational agreements d anheis t leading state sponsor of terrorism. a disturbing discovery in herndon today has the community wondering just how a woman lost her life right next to a busy parking garage. the bold was found this morning at -- the body was found this morning at dulles station in hern ton and that is where we find our peggy fox live tonight with the latest on the story. peggy? >> reporter: police still don't know who this woman was or how she wound up dead, but they have released new information tonight. they say she was a young woman in her 20s with red layer and that she suffered obvious -- hair and that she suffered obvious trauma to the head. her body was found this morning in a grassy spot right there next to the corner of that nine- story parking garage. fairfax county police searched for clues from the air. the body of a woman was found next to a nine-story parking garage in herndon. >> it just makes me very uncomfortable to have this across the street from me basically. >> reporter: the garage is in the development stage of ibm drive used by employees and other government contractors. >> they're not letting people park saying hey, go across the street and park. >> reporter: the body was discovered about 7:30 this morning lying behind the garage about a foot away from the building which is bordered by wood. >> i just drove in to go park there this morning and the cop said just don't park above the sixth floor. >> reporter: investigators looked for evidence on the garage floors and collected items from the building's roof. they card out a bag of possible clues -- carried out a bag of possible clues, but how the woman got there is still a mystery. >> they sent a notification saying that someone has found a body. just be aware of it. i thought i'll come down and see. >> reporter: disturbing. >> yeah. it's very disturbing. >> reporter: the disturbing discovery was unsettling to this community of workers and residents of several apartment buildings. >> there were a bunch of people in my garage last night actually that were behaving strangely. >> reporter: when michelle powe walked her dog after coming home from a late night shift she said she saw a woman acting strangely and she called police. >> it was odd. she was walking alone acting kind of strangely carrying white shopping bags and it just struck me as being odd and my dog actually alerted to her and walked over to her. she didn't even seem to notice that an 80-pound doabler man puppy was approaching her -- dough berman puppy was -- doberman puppy was approaching her. powe did not see anything strange on the garage, but a man saw something odd on the roof last night. this will be the future home of a silver line metro stop. the woman's body was taken to the medical examiner's office where the cause of death will be determined. >> thank you, peggy. in the mount vernon area of fairfax county investigators say a man walking around that area about 8:30 last night came upon a badly decomposed body on manor drive near richmond highway. police believe they are the remains of a man, but detectives do not believe there is any public safety threat to the community. an educational aid at anacostia high -- aide at anacostia high is charged with attempted murder after she allegedly threw gasoline on her boyfriend and then set his house on fire. lisa finely surrendered to baltimore county police yesterday. they responded to the home in owings mill on sunday for a domestic call and then learned at that time that the house was on fire. now finely's boy friend says the woman threatened to set him on fire after he was covered in gas. the sprinkler system put out the flames. the case against former baseball slugger barry bonds is officially over and done. the justice department announced today it will not ask the supreme court to review an appeals court ruling that overturned bonds' 2011 obstruction of justice conviction. that conviction stems from bonds' evasive answers to questions about performance enhancing drugs. always watching always tracking, wusa9's first alert weather, d.c.'s most accurate. >> we're tracking a couple showers and thunderstorms this evening, not very numerous. the good news for commuters that are not home yet. let's talk about our 3-degree guarantee. we went 93 today. how did we do? join us tonight at 11:00 and we'll let you know. right now one reason we're feeling pretty good is 91 right now, dew point in the low 70s, pretty miserable out there, relative humidity 51%. winds out of the west at 9. the front will not clear the metro area until about 10:00. here's the radar over the past hour. you can see one storm kind of between hagerstown and frederick kind of go from a pretty hefty storm, move down 270 and e out altogether. this is a pretty good storm we showed you earlier in fairfax county. we'll actually kind of zoom out. there's still storms north of pittsburgh and morgan town. those are the storms associated with the cold front. a couple of those could get into cumberland, hagerstown the next hour, hour and a half and that's about it for storms tonight we think. rainfall rates with this one over an inch per hour headed toward oldtown. so heavy rain down 395 and parts of the beltway moving off south and east and, in fact, it should go into oldton in the next three, four, five minutes and eventually over toward clinton at about 5:46 and i think that storm will actually hold together. i'll widen even farther out. we have some big storms in southern maryland crossing the northern neck into reedville and the ocean resorts. ocean city had a big storm, as did rehoboth, a lot of lightning with these storms, the heaviest activity well south and east of the metro area. so we'll keep it there. showers and storms will end early tonight and then the nats game should be okay. we're pretty confident about the nats game and low humidity for the rest of the week. so this cold front will actually do something for us. now 9:30 tonight on futurecast still 82 downtown, okay, but some 70s in the burbs and generally fine. want to walk the dog tonight, no showers, nothing happening. by 5:30, 6:00, we got mid-60s. this is actually a very nice start to the day. even 73 downtown is pretty nice, but 77 in manassas, 66 our 64 in gaithersburg or bowie. that's a really nice start and by 9:00 only in the 70s and by lunchtime you can walk to lunch, no worries, you won't even perspire, low to mid-80s across the metro area. dry air masses heat up quickly and dry off quickly. we'll have very warm days because the humidity is less. what does that mean? when you perspire, that can evaporate and that's what cools you. nothing is vietnam rating outside right now -- is evaporating right now outside, tell you that. on the day planner 71 at 7:00, 76 at 9:00, 80 by 11:00 and 84 with sunshine by 1 p.m. very nice again on thursday, 88 and still nice on friday, 90 but not humid. it will be very comfortable. low 90s on saturday. then the humid till starts creeping back in here on sunday, 93, mid-90s monday and tuesday, a couple of afternoon storms. i tell you. what nats game should be okay tonight and the nats game tomorrow, wednesday the noon game, that should be perfect. >> thanks, top. amazon gets some competition and how one company will now pay for amateur video, details in tonight's consumer alert. >> right after the break animal rights groups call for an end to contests they say are cruel. a coalition of animal rights group is calling for an end to cow nose ray killing contests in the chesapeake bay area. yes, apparently this is actually a thing and a group calling itself shark, that is showing animals respect and kindness, says they actually took undercover video of such a contest last month out on the potomac river. the group says hundreds of rays were mercilessly shot with arrows, beat with bats and left to suffocate. we spoke with an advisory panel of maryland's department of natural resources. >> you know, i think when people watch the video of what happened, just the reality of it, it's so despicable and disgusting that they're outraged and we're just trying to pool everyone together into a force that speaks with one voice to stop these cruel killing contests. >> maryland's department of natural resources says it is working with federal officials and neighboring states to address the issue. in tonight's consumer alert the markets were down by wall street's closing bell. the dow dropped 181 points. the nasdaq fell by 10. is a new online shopping site that is ready to give some competition to amazon and wal-mart. the e commerce company says a $50 a year membership guarantees shoppers the lowest price on millions of items. here's how it works. the more items you add to your basket, the bigger the discount. a recent insurance study finds one in four of us have been with the same on insurance carrier for more than 16 years. 7% of people asked apparently stuck with the same company more than 30 years. the report says that millennials and senior citizens are the least likely to shop around and compare prices for auto insurance. amateur photographers can now get some money for their videos. go pro has launched a new platform to license the best footage and sell it to advertisers. the starting price? $1,000. it's not clear, though, just how much of that fee will be kept by go pro. a woman found dead in a jail cell three days after a traffic stop, her family's demands are coming up. >> plus more blunt talk from donald trump as he campaigns in south carolina. >> and right after the break new audio and video from the baltimore riots shows a struggling police force trying to maintain order. right now at 5:30 we're getting a closer look at the police response to baltimore's april riots. new audio and surveillance video shows really an ill equipped police force struggling to keep the city from spiraling out of control. >> wusa9 reporter vanessa herring has more on how the events unfolded that day. >> reporter: cries for help are heard on new police radio calls as a crowd of teens overwhelm baltimore officers on april 27th. >> they're all gathered at the location causing a disturbance. >> we've got our hands full right now. >> this is everyone. if you've got something, drop it and get over here. >> you all know what to do. protect yourselves and protect each ear. >> reporter: the ride started at mondamom mall and erupted a few blocks later. just released surveillance video obtained by the baltimore sun through a freedom of information request shows the crowd swarm offing the intersection around 4:25 -- swarming around the intersection around 4:25 p.m. the crowd destroys a police cruiser and scrambles when the s.w.a.t. team moves in but regroup once officers leave. looting starts at cvs12 minutes later. at 4:41 p.m. the first sign of police officers is seen, but businesses are looted for more than an hour and small fires are set. >> do not come forward and do not chase them! >> there's a couple hundred people here. >> i am not going to let my guys get hurt because we have equipment we're not using. somebody get me some type of help. >> reporter: at 5:49 p.m. smoke is seen billowing out of the cvs. officers start moving in at 6:02 p.m. and secure the intersection at 6:50. the mayor and police deny claims that officers were ordered to stand down. >> it wasn't until there was a controversy around the stand down order that i even knew what a stand down order was. >> reporter: more than 150 officers were hurt and the city has not yet provided a full public account of what went wrong. the fop says some officers had to buy their own safety gear and orders from the top were that officers shouldn't look intimidating so they wouldn't escalate the situation. in the newsroom vanessa herring, wusa9. >> mayor stephanie rawlings- blake fired police commissioner anthony batts earlier this month saying his dismissal was prompted by a spike in violence after the riots in april. tracking metro tonight and a star witness declines to appear before a house hearing on metro safety. the driver of the l'enfant train during the fatal smoke incident back in january was supposed to testify this afternoon before the house oversight subcommittee, but we learned a short time ago he changed his mind and did not show up. that hearing goes on with the early testimony focusing on the smoke incident that killed one woman and injured nearly 80 others. >> although the ntsb has yet to determine the exact cause of the january incident, it has revealed that some electrical connections associated with the power supplied to the third rail were improper ly constructed and installed without what they call sealing sleeves. >> those sealing sleeves would cover the high voltage rail and moisture and debris that could increase the risk of electrical shorting. federal authorities now digging deeper into the life of the man who killed those five military service members last week down in chattanooga. law enforcement sources say mohammod youssuf abdulazeez looked at the writings of radical cleric anwar al-awlaki but so far has not turned up any direct link to isis or any other terror group overseas. his family said he struggled with depression and substance abuse. the probably of a woman found dead in a texas jail cell last week would be handled just as it would be in a murder investigation. that's according to the waller county district attorney. sandra bland's death has been ruled hanging by suicide, but her family is not buying it. they want an independent autopsy. state troopers took bland into jail a week and a half ago after a traffic stop. here is some of the newly released audio of officers talking to dispatch the day she was found unresponsive in her cell. >> need out for a trauma victim in the jail. >> because we do have cpr in progress. cpr started at 0900. >> an officer checked up on bland at about 7:00 in the morning she died. she appeared to be fine about 7:55 asking questions about how to make a phone call and just before 9:00 she was found hanging in her cell. turning now to campaign 2016 ohio governor john kasich entered the crowded rep field today. the former congressman said he's going to run on the strength of his record in washington and in columbus. now we've got 16 declared republican candidates. kasich faces an uphill battle trying to secure a spot in that first gop presidential debate. it's coming up fast august the 6th. meantime donald trump was campaigning in south carolina as many are calling for him to quit the republican presidential race, but as brian webb reports, once again the celebrity businessman did not mince words. >> reporter: donald trump didn't tone down the rhetoric at his campaign rally in south carolina attacking john mccain again. >> this is why i'm angry at john mccain for two reasons. no. 1, john mccain, you got to remember this, he's totally about open borders. >> reporter: he even gave out senator lindsey graham's number after the south carolina senator said this about the billionaire. >> run for president, but don't be the world's biggest jack ass. >> reporter: then i watch this idiot lindsey graham on television today and he calls me a jack ass. >> reporter: the outspoken presidential candidate avoided repeating the comments he made about john mccain's war record which angered veterans. >> he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people who aren't captured, okay? >> reporter: thein iowa the register says trump is a every without traction who brings up headlines not by provoking thought but by outrage. early pops show him leading among the republican nominee -- polls show him leading among the republican nominees. >> we're tired of being pushed around, led by stupid people, just stupid people. >> reporter: even though he refuses to play nice with the gop, trump says he won't run as a third party candidate. brian webb for cbs news. >> just gets more and more interesting. now while trump stirred up some controversy with the veterans in a coincidence president obama spoke at the veterans of foreign war convention in pittsburgh thanking the vets for their sacrifices and their service. kids rescued from hot cars and dramatic video showing just how dangerous it can be inside a sweltering vehicle. we'll have that story in a minute. >> and right after the break why some shoppers say this target t-shirt is offensive and needs to go. >> lots of sun here in northwest, but there are a couple showers and storms on live doppler 9000. let me show you a couple of these. good news, nats park at the top of your scene looks good. it will be toasty but stays dry. one storm will roll right through national harbor and another through camp springs. we'll trending now a t-shirt being sold at target stirring up some controversy tonight and some angry ladies. >> here it is. some say the shirt with the word trophy on it is sexist and it designates women to be objects to be won. many shoppers are taking their outrage to twitter. amanda writes hey, target, i'm in the men's section and i don't see a trophy shirt here. why is that? katie writes the fact target has a bridal shirt that says trophy on it and in the junior section sickens me. how can that seem like a good idea? all right. play a game, get some free food. >> free food is always good. chipotle wants customers to play a game on its friend or faux website. the goal? find out how many fake ingredients there are in processed foods. players get a buy one get one free coupon just for trying this thing out. there's also the chance you could win freeically pole take for a year. >> -- free chyear. >> every day? >> the thing about that is you got to stand in line. a young man from australia solved the rubik's cube in 5.69 seconds. boy, that was good enough to win the rubik's cube championship in sao paulo, brazil, but the world record is 5.2 seconds. i'd settle for just being able to solve the thing. >> i didn't even know they still had them. >> yeah. part of the baseball experience is all of the promotions at the ballpark. coming up on today's inside pitch holden kushner has the sights and sounds from nats star wars day. this is special. >> and right after the break the father of a murdered woman and a local sfx: music throughout ♪ sfx: crowd cheering sfx: crowd booing ♪ sfx: crowd chanting sfx: crowd cheering music stops sc johnson a family company. today a capitol hill the police chief testified. >> immigration is a federal responsibility. it is today and has always been. local agencies conference be expected to take on these additional duties. secondly we must -- cannot be expected to take on these additional duties. secondly we must secure our borders. the federal government must secure our national borders preventing any further illegal entry into the united states. >> he says existing laws from hiring illegal immigrant workers needs to be enforced. weigia jiang picks up the story from there. >> reporter: family members of people murdered by illegal immigrants spoke out to congress including jim steinle whose daughter was murdered as they walked arm and arm on the san francisco pier earlier this month. >> suddenly a shot rang out. kate fell and looked at me and said help me, dad. those are the last words i'll ever hear from my daughter. >> reporter: the suspect was released from jail this spring despite a lengthy criminal record because san francisco is a sanctuary city which means it has laws sheltering immigrants from deportation. >> san francisco is proudly calling itself a sanctuary city. they're not hiding it. they're orter: lawmakers in both the house and the nature have introduced bills that would strip sanctuary cities of federal funding if they continue to ignore immigration law. >> i don't want the sympathy. i want you to do something about it. everybody sitting here is in a position to do something. >> reporter: but immigration activists such as grace martinez worry congress will overreact. >> in moments like this it's important to sit back and breathe and think about the comprehensive solutions that we can bring about together. >> reporter: her group has sent a letter to congress urging members to preserve sanctuary cities. weigia jiang, cbs news, capitol hill. >> and the house plans to take up its version of the sanctuary city bill a bit later in the week. a toddler is alive tonight thanks to a group of people who sprung into action. the temps were in the 90s yesterday in kansas city, but it felt like 110 when a toddler s walocked inside a locked car. they all called 911, but people in the parking lot decided to take no chances. it took them a while, but they were eventually able to break the window and pull that toddler out to safety. >> she was crying and she was like -- she was drenched in sweat. her shoes were wet. she was so drenched in sweat and i started crying. >> wow. there was another dramatic rescue just west of philadelphia, two children were accidentally locked inside a hot car there as the temperatures soared into the 90s. officers were successfully able to smash the grab and rescue that baby -- glass and rescue that baby and another young girl. a nonprofit group wants to show us just how dangerous it is to leave anybody in the car for an extended period of time. >> especially when it's hot. cars for kids offered adults in new jersey 100 bucks if you could sit in a parked car for 10 minutes on a hot afternoon. none of the six could last the whole time. >> oh, my god. >> i want to get out of here. push the button. >> yeah. the contestants all hit the red easy button to get out. they got themselves a glass of water. of course, if you're a baby locked in, it's just not so easy. >> you know what? really 70 degrees or 80 degrees in a car for an extended period of time can be very, very dangerous. this is a yellow alert day. wusa9 first alert weather, d.c.'s most accurate. >> good news. most of us are going to make it home tonight with dry roads. let's start with a live look outside, our live michael and son weather cam, it's pretty much clear here in northwest. it's 91, still not very comfortable in terms of humidity. that will change, dew points in the 70s, relative humidity 53%. we're going to get these dew points. remember low 70s tonight because tomorrow night they'll probably be in the upper 50s which is just spectacular. we have to get to tomorrow night, though. so here's a look at the radar over the past hour. you see a couple of storms now move through fairfax county and across 95 into prince george's county. this is just about to move across the beltway. some showers and storms up to the north and west of us with a front. those are losing steam. we'll zoom in a little bit. these are the only really two important storms we have in the immediate metro area. they're south of the ballpark. again i just tweeted this out. the nats game should be fine, plenty hot but fine, good rains from groveton into morningside lane and stretching across the river into the other side into maryland. we'll zoom in a little bit and you can see as you come down groveton, south kings highway, u.s. 1, just some moderate rain. the yellow here indicates moderate rain, probably about 1/2 inch per hour. we'll zoom back in. this will move south and east going towards thrift shortly around 6:00 and this is pretty heavy around camp springs. that's going to move off south and east, too south of melwood with rainfall rates about 1 inch per hour. heaviest storms are still south and east of us. that's not going to change. everything is going to end early tonight. nats game should be okay and low humidity the rest of the week. so once we get this change of air masses tonight it's going to last wednesday, thursday, friday, even into saturday really. 9:30 tonight 82 downtown, notice it's clear, temps in the 70s and then in the morning we have 60s to start with low 70s downtown under clear skies. so on the day planner 71 at 7:00 and look, it only gets to 80 by 11:00 and 84 by 1:00. dry air masses heat up quickly, but they cool off quickly. we'll have warm days, but they're going to be comfortable. very nice thursday upper 80s, very nice on friday 90. next seven days. saturday a bit hot 92 and low 90s on sunday, more humid, mid- 90s on monday, isolatedstorm possible monday and tuesday. nats game tomorrow is a nooner, perfect baseball weather. now wusa9 game on sports with kristen berset brought to you by xfinity. >> well, the major league baseball regular season is 162 games. half of those home games which makes for a very long season. so baseball teams are coming up with all sorts of promotions to get fans to the ballpark every night from college night bring your pup to the park day and even those garden gnome give- aways, but as holden kushner tells us in tonight's inside pitch the nationals latest promotion was a big hit among fans and mostly nonbaseball fans. >> reporter: it's star wars day at nationals park. it's sweltering and it might sound like i'm in a cave. it's because i have a stormtrooper's helmet on. i decided to ask fans whether or not they're here because of the game or star wars day. >> i don't know anything about baseball. i grew up fan. i go to star wars conventions all the time. i heard this was happening at a baseball game. i said of course, because star wars, why not? >> reporter: this lady dressed a princess leia from return of the jedi had a pair of reasons for attending the game. >> i was here first for the game. then i found out it was star wars day and i just happened to have this. so i figured why not wear it? >> reporter: you had your princess leia garb laying around? >> long story short this costume was laying around and here i am. >> reporter: this lady woke up early and had little -- this princess leia woke up early and had little time to spend for the preparations. >> about two hours. >> reporter: this one is a little furry creature, why? >> because i get to live in the jungle and ride really cool motorbike things. i'd really be a wookie. >> reporter: so obviously darth vader and this stormtrooper here have come for star wars day. they really don't care about the game. the force is strong with those kids. others not so much. for wusa9 sports, i'm holden kushner. >> that was a huge hit. >> they needed more than just the force over the weekend dressed up in all that stuff with all this heat. >> yoda couldn't bring them luck over the weekend. >> i think i speak for all-star wars fans when i say i'd rather be darth vader than an ewok. >> no wookie for you? >> he's good, too. the nats are back pout at the u.s. marine corps night at the park. they shut out last night. can they make it two in a row? we'll look at it coming up in sports. >> and coming up next wusa9's furry addition meets the wounded warrior he's named after for the first time. >> reporter: should english be a mandated language? that's the debate in frederick county where there's a public hearing tonight to repe oh my gosh, it's the guy from last night. what?! can i jump on your wi-fi? yeah, you can try it. hey! i had a really good time last night. yeah, me too. the only thing is that... the only thing is what? what's the only thing? oh my gosh he's married. he's a kleptomaniac. he's a pyromaniac. he's a total maniac. hey! hey! go back to your wife you sociopath! leave slow internet behind. the 100% fiber optics network is here. get out of the past. get fios. now $79.99 a month. go online or call now. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v at devry university's keller graduate school of management. you can learn to unlock the leader inside you. so if you want to own the room not just be in it. you're our kind of different. keller graduate school of management. learn more at check out this video. that's bunce, america's puppy and the latest addition to our wusa9 news team. you see bunce is a wounded warrior service dog in training and our andrea mccarren is going to raise him and rain him the next two years before he is teamed -- raise him the next two years before he is teamed up with a veteran. >> andrea will tell us about the man for whom bunce is named. >> reporter: marine corporal bunce and the puppy named in his honor had an immediate keck. justin will now help train -- connection. just till will now help train bunce for another wounded warrior. >> just being around little angels like this guy, i'm so honored to have him named after me. >> reporter: bunce the puppy was born at warrior canine connection in maryland. not only will he help with physical tasks, he'll make an impact in ways that medicine, surgery and traditional therapy cannot. >> unconditional love. >> reporter: justin was severely wounded in iraq in 2004 and is now fighting to recover what he lost battling to become the best he can be. justin's body may be slightly broken. his intellect, sense of humor and compassion are all intact. life skills trainer katie gorman nominated justin to have a puppy named after him. >> the qualities he has, the compassion, the strength, the bravery. i could go on and i thought if those traits could carry on to a dog, it would turn out to be one heck of a service dog for somebody. >> come on. we're going on an adventure. >> reporter: bunce and bunce have already forged a bond, one that may grow as strong as the brotherhood between fellow marines. >> you're a little marine. [ yip ] >> see, he agrees. >> reporter: we won't know until bunce is about 2 years old whether he'll be best suited to partner with a warrior who has post-traumatic stress or serve as a mobility dog for a veteran with physical disabilities like an amputation or chronic pain. andrea mccarren, wusa9. >> expecting great things from bunce. when he's done training with andrea and justin, he will be teamed with another wounded veteran and undergo even more training until they are ready to graduate from the program together. andrea is writing a daily blog of bunce's adventures. it's called the world according to bunce and you can check it out by going to our wusa9 mobile app or our website. in just one hour frederick county council member will hear arguments on a bill to repeal an english only ordinance already in place there. thanks for joining us. i'm lesli foster. >> i'm derek mcginty. some will argue that bill send a message of intolerance. our stephanie ramirez tells us lots of folks are expected to show up tonight at the public meeting. >> reporter: the ordinance says among other things it helps to unify the people of frederick county, but that was the source of debate on the very diverse streets of downtown frederick where this street musician whose ancestors came from italy played. >> i would like to think that everyone regardless of where they come from or what language they speak is equally as welcome here. >> reporter: before the public hearing democratic council members keegan and fitzwater talked about their co-sponsored repealed bill. the two saying what sparked this was

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