Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 7A 20180221 :

Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 7A 20180221

this morning, on couple of the regional rail lines, mainly because of the slippery rales. that kind of comes with the territory when we have fog this early. and here is a live look at 95 again, down in delco, an example of the thick fog, that's not only causing poor visible for the cars, but also, for the jetliners down there, at philadelphia international airport. back to you. >> hey, bob kill, thank you for that. >> well, let's get to the breaking news out of feltonville police searching for gunman in two separate home invasions cents, and right now we know that there are at least two victims. >> man and a woman, they lived in the same apartment building. lauren? >> yes, that's right, mike, the apartment build that we're standing right in front of. in the very back there past that without iron gate police are doing their investigation, where we believe the first victim, en encountered the suspect in the bay back basement amount. here's what we know. around 4:00 a.m. woman was in her bed sleeping reading the bible watching television. someone stormed inside her apartment. they were asking for another unknown man and drugs and money. she had no idea who this man was. or what had happened. well, police heard or got phonecalls of gunshots happening out here on the sidewalk. they came to the scene. and met with her. while they were talking to her, that's when a man came back to the scene, saying, that he had been victimized also in the exact same way he was in his basement apartment, someone came inside asking for drugs, money, and an unidentified man, they were both pistol whipped. both of them pretty bloodied and hurt pretty bad. police tell us they were both taken to einstein medical center in stable condition. that man had to play dead in order for the suspect to leave his apartment. that man able to escape. run away. and then police also tell us this happened. >> this woman, you could see, by the apartment, that she was settled in her apartment. watching television. and reading a open bible on her bed. she asked to endure this -- has to endure this in the confines of her own home. >> so very frightening ordeal for both of those victims this morning. and police say the only thing they know is that the gunman had a black handgun that cents was the most memorable feature, both victims described to police, but they do say he was hispanic male they're not sure how he got away from the scene if on foot or in a caribous about a block away mike and alex four, five cars were hit think don't know the first victim who tried to leave the scene or the first suspect wielding the hand gun. still wait to go talk to both victims after they recover from the hospital and try get more information into exactly what happened here. >> good job, lauren, fast work there. >> breaking it down for us. >> 7:03. >> following developing news out of the nicetown neighborhood of philadelphia. where police are searching for the driver in a hit-and-run. investigators say a driver struck a 28 year old woman at the intersection of pulaski avenue. and hunting park. shortly after midnight and then drove off. paramedics transported the victim who broke her arm to einstein medical center, where she is in stable condition. there is still no description of the vehicle. >> mistrial. >> that's the verdict. >> that was the verdicts. ruled in the racketeering case against philadelphia mob boss, joey merlino. >> after four days of deliberations, jurors tell the judge they were hopelessly deadlock. the five a year old faced four charges tied to alleged loan sharking, book marking and book making and healthcare fraud conspiracy. federal investigators say the schemes were part of a sprawling cross-crime family racket across the east coast. >> so dave, we touched on this little first of all, good day, we touched on some of the charges there healthcare fraud? >> healthcare fraud, big compounds pain cream scheme, mix bunch of compounds together, they charge you $1,500 a month for this, and the mob guys allegedly are getting $600 per prescription, six referrals, $170 million fraud. >> mob has changed, used to be cocaine. >> yes, they have. >> drugs. >> the millennial mob. into new things. >> pain creams? >> i'm sure where ever they get the monday. >> i however you get the monday. >> i every single time. >> so name couple of other charges then? >> they had the healthcare fraud. they had gambling charge. they had wire fraud case, not big strong case by the government at any look at it, not big strong case. >> how did he get all of this done allegedly if he was in jail so much of his strife. >> was, but this case started when he got out of jail, moved down to florida, boca raton, moved in with the folks down there, and immediately began getting to work, according to the government, of course, mistrial, hung jury, they didn't proof their case. and they didn't proof it because they had a lot of crumby witnesses here. that just didn't work out. joey merlino has a lawyer ed jacobs, you see him there in federal court one of the best, he can tear apart a witness like no other. he is an expert at kind of chopping up the tapes, and a lot of tapes in this case, 800 hours by jr. >> secret tapes? >> government witness wore a wire against joey went down, sent down by the new york mob, went through the tapes, ed jacobs tore him up. here we. >> wasn't there some drama one of the jurors as well snow. >> there was some allegations cents joey said high sylvia to one of the jurors as she was going toward the elevator at lunch break. merlino denied. that will the juror said it was true. judge admonished joe any court and told him don't speak to the jurors, don't even bling at the jurors, don't even look at the jurors. did he do it? did he not do it necessary that a question right here. but you say something like that and then kind of accuse the juror of lying to the judge, it doesn't put you in a good spot. but still walk away. >> where is he going to go little, do you know? >> that's a question right now. does he come back to philadelphia? does he stay down in florida? i don't know if the money has run out down in florida. and he can stay there. i don't know if he comes back up here in philadelphia to run the mob again? we don't know that. his lawyer will say no where on the tapes is there anything that says joey merlino is the mob boss, no where on tape is that. >> is he the mob boss? >> according to the f.b.i., he is. and we will go with that. he was called that during the case here up in new york. and i'm sure that's why he was in this case. i think i mentioned to you guys, they spent $25,000 on a christmas party. so he could lure -- >> the fbi? >> through jr rubio, the government witness, lured them up to a restaurant in new york, spent $5,000 to fly him and his wife debbie up here to go to the party. some of the wives guys in philadelphia here went as well. and boom he is in their jurisdiction and they charge him. that's thousand works. >> but all of the headlines are saying he dodged another one? >> listen, he has got nine lives, may have ten lives, may need ten lives. this is not over yet. i've said this before. it is not the last rodeo for joey merlino here, as long as this guy walks god's green earth as far as i'm concerned the fbi will always have a target on his back. >> mable change his life? >> no, no, he said that the last time around, his lawyer made a big point that far when he did his opening argument that joey walked away from the life. but at this point it is difficult to tell whether he did or not. one good line coming out of the courtroom yesterday thank god for the injury. >> i thanks what said. >> is he similar to nicky scarfo thank god for the american justice system, you know, same thing. joey merlino pretty goodwyn for him there. like i said i don't think this is over. >> you really don't think it is over watch if he comes back here and opens a pizza hut franchise. >> good idea if you get away with it. >> face creams to pizza. >> mix it all up. it is all about the money. you thee. >> he didn't say hey thanks ville via. >> he did not and he did not say hey thanks mike dave and alex either. >> good lords. thanks, dave, appreciate t to tonight on the news. listen to. >> this. >> it is not a want nip more. it is a need. because we are dying. and we will not let this continue. >> it has been a week since 17 people, mostly students, were killed at a florida high school. and the community is fighting for change. student organized, they walked out of class yesterday, and schools across the state from fort lauderdale to south florida. they're calling for florida to change it gun laws. >> a week ago today. my gosh. >> group of marjorie stone man douglas high school student event traveled the 400 miles up to tallahassee, the state capitol. so last night the plan to lobby state lawmakers gun control laws. this did he that little bit. but listen to this. before a lot of the student got that bus ride up there, and got into tallahassee, the florida house, the legislature there, voted not to revive a bill to ban assault weapons, not even to debate it. so yes, that was yesterday before many of the student arrived. lawmakers say more gun control legislation will be coming, they think, or at least the discussion of it, but not this session, to push the message a number every non-profits have sponsors a rally for the student today outside of the capitol building there in tallahassee. >> president trump made a surprise announcement yesterday, supporting new gun control regulations. he's looking at banning bump stop modification for assault style rivals. >> yes there is kind of came as a surprise to a lot of us, doug luzader, good morning. >> good morning, yet, something that's been kind of banded about in washington for awhile, ever since the las vegas shooting last year. we never really saw any actual action on it, though. the president meantime is going to host listening session, at the white house today for parents, and students, amidst these calls for more gun control at the federal and state levels. >> busloads of students from marjorie stone man douglas high school arrive in tallahassee florida. >> we will talk to these politicians tomorrow, we are going to talk to them the day after that, and we're going to keep talking. we're going to keep pushing. until something is done. because people are dying. and this can't happen any more. >> many are pushing for an outright ban of the ar15 weapon used in last week's shooting. that at the moment at least seems unlikely. >> we must do more to protect our children. >> the president trump though with a surprise move. a push for a federal ban on bump stocks. those device that is allow a semiautomatic rifle to member i can a fully automatic one. a modification used by the gunman last year's las vegas attack. >> just a few moments ago, i signed a member or dumb directing the attorney general to propose regulations to ban all devices that turn legal weapons into machine guns. i expect that these critical regulation cents cents will be finalized, jeff, very soon. >> the president also talked about strengthening federal background checks, to purchase guns. but how much further will the white house or congress be willing to go? >> that's the big question. right now it seems unlikely that congress would move forward on any kind of a renewal of the assault weapon ban for instance. that seems pretty farfetched right now. but we may see more movement on things like bump stocks that the president was talking about yesterday, but also, you know, increasing, making federal background checks little more re bus, things that far nature. but that's not going to satisfy a lot of these kids. >> no. that's for sure. i notice add pole out close to 07% of americans want something done. at least something done. doug, thank you very much. you know, that we keep mentioning marjorie stoneman douglas, she was an activist, too, lived to 108, called the queen of the everglades. her activism basically saved the everglades from being drained so they could put up highrise buildings back in the day. >> wow. >> so she was cents very much into this. she would probably be proud after loft these kids. >> probably inspired them, her story, knowing that. >> probably so, yes. >> well, our city, a lot of people standing tall, with the people of park land florida. >> dozens gathered outside of philadelphia city hall. all chanting united we stands, demand the ban. in reference of course it a ban on assault weapons. district attorney larry krass cents nerve under the the crowd to use their votes to send message about gun control. he says gun regulation is desperately needed and many of those attended had been affected by gun violence in one way or another. >> i will never have the opportunity to see him get married, graduate from college, as a matter of fact, 26 days after he was murdered, his only son was born. my grandson will never know his father. he will never have the opportunity to play ball with his dad. or if my son to teach him how to ride a bike. >> i'm sure a lot of people have those testimonies and sharing them yesterday. the group says they're planning on demonstration on march 21 in center city to get the attention of lawmakers. and celebrity are also cents stepping to up help the florida shooting survivors organize a huge event. >> yes, we now know at least three pretty big stars donating a lot of money. thomas, you have a list? >> yes, the celebrities part of the 70% you just mentioned certainly want something done in this country par of the march for our lives event organized of course by the student of the park land tragedy, happening next month in washington dc. so the first name here, oprah winfrey announced on twit shear is he donating $500,000. she says she was inspired because the group reminds her of the freedom riders from the 60s will also cents said enough is enough. george and amal clooney pledging $500,000 as well matching oprah. the star couple says they plan to be at the rally saying, quote, our children's lives depend on it, they actually in honor of their own children donated the 500,000. also, steve spielberg and his wife kate pledging $500,000. you can expect mike and alex more and more celebrity to join the thousands of people all over the world who have raised more than $2 million for the rallies. it will be held once again march 24 to demand comprehensive bill that addresses gun control in this country. >> maybe just me, but seems, it is unfortunate do you have say this time, people are really starting to do something about this. >> i think it is the high school students? yes. >> the activism. >> the catalysts. >> okay, so it may get mid 70s today. so what are you going to do with your afternoon? >> i know steve has an idea for us, because you're, right now, tyler state park. newtown. >> yes, what are you going to do with your w your morning any time from dave schratwieser me, now from mob talk to slob talk. >> okay. >> i'm comfortable being a bit of a bumm. all right? i'll have. that will by the way since talking about break cents historical weather records, i thought what better place than go to a spot of pennsylvania history, one of the original covered bridges, this is the scofield ford covered bridge, chris is going to walk up the bridge. and gave you a look inside the bridge. named for the two families that had farms here, way back when, the scofield's and the ford's, sounds like the hatfield's and mckoys. >> yes. >> in 1979 pennsylvania took over this farm, from the tyler estate, george tyler, that's where we are in tyler state parkings and they decided to cut six diamond shaped windows in the bridge, to gave you a view of the neshaminy creek, so here is a look out of this dark covered bridge. ill toss back with a bit of culture for you, all right? we all know charles dickens from christmas time, but he actually crossed bridges in pennsylvania. and he write: we cross this river by a wooden bridge, roofed and covered on all sides, and nearly a mile in lent. it was profoundly dark. perplex with great beams, crossing and recrossing it at every possible angle, and úcrevices in the floor thend rapid river gleemed far down below like a legion of eyes. >> oh. >> that was beautiful. >> so poetic. >> look at that. >> a lot of people were talking about the bridge and stuff. and they're saying it is beautiful. they're sending in pictures of different covered bridges throughout our area. >> if you want to make it to lehigh valley they have a lot of covered bridges, six, seven, bucks county filled with covered bridges. >> little window. >> window to the worlds. >> window to the world. very nice. okay. >> thank you, steve. >> maybe i'll go up there and see. that will i'm trying to come up with what i will do. knit on facebook and on my stain gram. and getting quite the response t says the face i make when it is finally warm enough for -- and i'm having people finish the sentence. and you know what the number one response has been so far? >> drink wine? >> well, that was one of them. >> flip flops. sue, people are excited to bring out their flip flops. >> oh, i hate flip flops. >> what? >> i don't want to see people's feet. >> you don't like feet. you are an anti-feet guy. >> anti-feet. >> anyway, whatever do you, join it today. because here comes the cold front. this will tender our area very late tonight but before that happens high pressure should take us to the mid 70s today. current visibility, are improving little bit. we got to see the view off the covered bridge with steve keeley. but still very foggy out in lancaster county. where reduced visibility in philadelphia, 4 miles, and it is pretty fog any allentown, 0 . so here comes the rain. into cleveland right now, we don't expect to see it until late tonight. but still very foggy out there this morning. and as we look real quick at the future cast, there we see tonight, the rain moves through with the cold front. the problem with this cold front it, hangs around. so it stays cloudy and rainy through tomorrow. through friday, we could even get some frozen precipitation up to the north, where temperatures will be closer to freezing, could get slippery in the overnight hours tomorrow night into friday. and then it stays kind of rainy as we head into the weekend. but with these temperatures, at least in philadelphia, it is only rain that we are talking about, tomorrow, friday, saturday, and sunday. by saturday and sunday, though, temperatures will be little more comfortable. tan will rain on and off bob kelly. so you should be able to get some fun in over the weekends between the raindrops you. >> know it, 7:19. good morning, eastbound schuylkill expressway, accident off to the side here, think you're having bad start to the day all bunched in the front, eastbound heavy king of prussia in through the curve looks like the fog is lifting, roads are still wet. so just be careful as you head on out the driveway this morning, we will go to delaware, accident, this is southbound route one. the off ramp to smyrna blocked there. you can see police and crews on the scene, so again that's for the folks down there in delaware. fire location, in the neighborhood. pitman and collingdale avenue. just outside of glenolden with some local detours, septa had to cancel one of the elwyn trains because of equipment problems. so we're running with some delays on that line as well as the west trenton regional rain line. and we can finally start to see 95 here, working northbound through the fog, but expect some delays on arrivals an and departures down there at philadelphia international airport. mike and alex back over to you. >> oh, tonight, a new series start on national television, that focuses on philadelphia. >> yes. different crimes that have happened in philadelphia. and we're going to focus on one that will start this off. montgomery county murder more than 20 years ago, is going to be the new focus. we have the victims' fiancee joining us in studio before tonight's premiere of homicide city. >> oh, that's what they're calling this? homicide city. well, the eagles have a fight on their hands. they're underdogs again. they're battling to get the trademark and the copyright for philly special. there are seven people in front every them. it is national sticky bun day, aling. >> oh, let's get some sticky buns on the show. >> i did not have sticky bun day on my calendar, but apparently these guys d and where else would we be but fritz's in neshaminy. bensalem. bensalem. come on back. we will have some stuck i buns, we're getting sticky. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> parx is pennsylvania number one casino can brand new tables and slot. two new restaurants. and excitement center. featuring the hottest acts. the best is better cancer challenges us. to find smarter solutions. to offer more precise and less invasive treatment options than before. like advanced genomic testing and immunotherapy. see how we're fighting to outsmart cancer at >> sticky buns pyongyang jen, let's see some sticky buns. i want one. >> look, this is like a whole tray of sticky buns. first off, good morning. >> good morning. >> let's come advice. >> i absolutely, any time. >> so sticky bun day, there are people out front that say it is on their calendar. >> it is on the calendar. >> how long has it been a day. >> we've been celebrating the lasts ten years or so. >> like people put reminders out. do you do facebook reminders. >> facebook, signs, the whole nine. >> okay. so this is a tray of sticky buns. already sticky. but not quite sticky enough. >> not quite finish. we need to put some icing on them. want to give it a shot? >> i don't see why not. so you go first. >> i'll show you one, then i pass it off. >> how many stuck i buns do you think you guys will sell today? >> individual sticky buns? >> yes. >> probably 5,000? >> what? >> yes. >> all right. more than that? he says more. >> a thousand. >> more? >> all right. oh, it is just like. >> ready? >> what if you like the ones with nuts? because i like the nut ones. >> still sticky bun, five different varieties, plane, plane with the icing, walnut go, little heavily, okay? >> okay. >> because you don't want people complaining we didn't give them enough? >> absolutely not. >> there go. you're getting the hang of it. ba boom. >> load it up. >> we have the sticky nuts. >> of weight raisins, and the walnuts and race inch. >> and then we have this? >> and then this is just our plane and obviously -- >> is this cream cheese icing? >> yep. >> okay. >> and oh, that's perfect. >> that's better right? >> that's much better. >> how early did you guys get here this morning to start making this? >> tom, what, midnight? 1:00. >> tom you've been here since 1:00 in the morning? >> how long will people be coming in. >> open until 7:00. so -- >> pm? >> yes. >> then what about tomorrow? do people have lining a sticky bun hang over? >> , no surprisingly we're still pretty busy tomorrow. >> do you think people hear they missed sticky bun day. >> after they're done crying themselves to sleep, they wake up and come in. >> look at that. that's my best work. >> that's pretty good. >> where are these going to go to like, i don't know, the employees or something? >> because i don't these should be -- >> we can probably tweak this, probably just ice most of it, put it out. >> you're going to destroy my work? destroy my work? recycle my work? okay, that's fair. all right, fritz says you guys have two locations, thank you very much. >> yep, other store is in langhorne, doing all of the same stuff today. >> congratulations everyone, by the way if it wasn't on your fast book feed, it is sticky bun day and they're not kidding it is a real thing. >> makes sense, it will be 57, i'm sure lots of sticky buns outside today. >> you're on fire today. >> every time. >> i use talcum powder on my sticky buns. >> i hear that words. >> or baby prouder. >> is talcum powder and baby powder the same thing? anybody know? basically the same thing, isn't it? >> is it in the baby pawedder? >> i don't know. >> johnson & johnson is here i'm sure we can ask somebody who is there? >> oh, johnso johnson & johnson. the company is here. >> here is the dumb he is thing i've heard that long time but fun. avacado love. how a lot of folks are using the avacado to propose marriage. how does that work? we'll explain. it is the pits. >> an update, lauren, what's going on? >> reporter: hey there mike something just that happened. one of the victims of the double home invasion is back here on the scene talking to investigators right now. you can see, he's still wearing his hospital gown. he has on a hoodie t has blood all over the top of it. so yes, now he is getting into that police car to talk to them more about exactly what happened to him. they did tell us they wanted to hear and the other female victim about exactly what happened here. you can see shell casings on the ground here, police say at least six shots fired today. when this happened. they're in the backyard of this apartment building all unfolded at 4:00 a.m. this morning. when that victim, that 57 year old man we just spoke about, was inside his apartment. he said someone barged inside, yelling, asking for another man, money, and drugs. that man laid in his own blood playing dead while the suspect rum and dollars through his apartment at some point he was able to get up and escape, through that gate there, out the front door, and the suspect followed him. firing off those shots. he wasn't done yet. he then ran back inside the apartment building into the home of 34 year old, she was in bed, reading her bible watching television when she said he asked her for the exact same thing, money, drugs, and an unidentified man. so at this point, philadelphia police don't know who they are looking for, they do tell us that he is hispanic but we also heard from someone here who heard the man who said he did have some type of accent. so the 57 year old victim left with police, will probably talk to them about what he experience the earlier this morning, hopefully to shed some light into what happened here so they can find out who they are looking for. >> what a story, he played dead laying in his own blood. >> god. >> all right, lauren, 7:32, oh, this weather. but you know what's weird? >> it is going to be like in the four's tomorrow. >> that's why you have to take advantage today. >> suck it all in, sue. >> yes. cold front comes through tonight. messes everything up. but, you know, it is february. it will be time to get back to chillier temperatures eventually. so enjoy today. wear all you can wear to school, maybe flyers jersey, because they won again last night. and it is foggy again this morning. judge temperatures mild in the 50's, 60s, don't have rain showing on ultimate doppler radar. do have a lot of cloud cover. it is 59 degrees, our high temperature today, record breaking 75, tonight cooler air moves in, so does some rain, we will talk more about that coming up in the seven day forecast, bob kelly. >> you got it, sue. fog starting to lift. we can see some of the problems here, disable dump truck on the ramp from the schuylkill to go north on the roosevelt boulevard. southbound lanes route one, right at the smyrna inch change. septa having problems on the media elwyn lined, canceled four trains so far. also minor delays on the west trenton regional rail line. mike and alex back to you. >> thank you, bob. it is 7:33 now. >> homicide city is a new show that takes a look beyond the headlines at the lives that are shoot heard a lover one is murder. >> yes, every show this this first season focuses cents on different murder right here in philadelphia. >> in the first episode meet bride to be who receives devastating news. >> arrived the same day as the shooting around 1230, knocked on the door, answered, and when looked behind her, was her wedding dress. and i had to tell her that her fiancee is dead. a victim after sensely shooting. she was absolutely devestated, which anybody would have been. >> i didn't want it believe it. your mind doesn't want it believe it. i said he can't be dead. there is no way. we're getting married. we're getting married in five month. he is not dead. he is coming back. >> well patty is sitting right here with us now, 22 years later, and carl, who you will meet in just a bit is one of the producers of homicide city. thank you for coming in. >> thank you foroears later are you still living with it? >> very day. >> tell us what happened. there was three guys went >> manager? >> yes, he was actually set up as an inside managers had left her keys in the bathroom, and he was a keys, and he set this whole thing up, came one this pla weeks later, the day after mother day, thinking they needed the armored car when key along with john's key. my john's key to be able to get in. >> yes. >> and after all of that, they only got away with $2? >> 2-dollar bills from his pocket. he had gone to wawa in the morning. and that was the change from t i actually still have the actual loose change that they gave me with the evidence stuff back. >> and you also have something in your hand right now, don't you? >> i do, yes. this is the cross that he wore on his neck always. and he had that on actually when he was killed. and it is actually a little bit bent because when he fell, after they shot him, he was dead, immediately, and it is bent just little bit. but i keep it all the time. >> keep it with you. >> all these years later. >> how is it talking about, 22 years later, how is it for to you relive what happened? >> i have to say that it is pretty death arctic. sorry. i'm doing this because of the fact that, you know, when they approached me to be able to do this, i thought it would be great to portray him as not just a victim of some senseless homicide but to know who he actually was because he was like this big giant teddy, you know, teddy bear. >> yes. >> but talking about it, i tends to feel like if i can show people that they can go through the worse thing that they possibly have gone through, and make it out on the other side, you know, then i've done something. >> you were able to move on, you said it took couple of years, understandably so, but then able to get married and have a child? >> yes. i did. and my daughters 15. and she's my absolute world in the whole wide world, election license lex: unfortunately we are divorced at the moment. but that's okay. i mean we're still very amicable and good friends. but, you know, i got my beautiful daughter out of it, so that's great. >> and have you toll your daughter with john and his storey? >> yes, she knows all about john. and his story. she has seen the pictures, she has seen the news clippings. she knows the whole story. >> the whole country will know it now, after tonight. so why philly? >> philly is a sit very close to the company black fin, the even err gino mcdermott, par rent from philly, they met if philly one of those things, when you start in production, trying to like produce it, a documentary, you want to focus on areas that you're from. so, you know, for philadelphia, very close. >> so not pointing oh, so many murders in philadelphia, call that a homicide city. there is homicides in every sit. >> i yes. and this show is, you know, we like to see cities and their suburbs as living organisms. and there is always a tendency to focus on the crimes, the murder that happened in the inter-city. but we don't go off and see how crime can happen in the other communities. the suburbs, the working class communities. so this is a show that hones in on crimes and murders that happened, they could be on a socio-economic barrier. >> so you guys mention that you do different areas, all over, so go to the main line, you have some in the city. and because you guys are trying to show there is real now difference? >> yes. at the end of the day, yes, no community is immune to a crime. it happens. whether it happens it has a profound effect t has a profound effect. >> i was just wondering why it was philadelphia because you guys the produce remembers from this area so you start with what you know and then if this is picked up you'll go to other cities? >> yes, then maybe explore other cities, and go get to note other cities through their stories and the people there. >> okay. >> women thank you, pat. >> i thank you so much. >> really good to meet you. >> thank you. it is really good to meet both of you too. thank you so much for putting out there. >> say hello to your daughter. >> ill, lexi, thank you. >> thank you, carl. going to take a break, coming right back then. >> a fire that started a hour ago, but firefighters knock it down pretty quickly. delaware county firefighters, on the scene there is house, is on the 900 block of pitman avenue, in collingdale. the home is gone. we're hearing no report of injuries. but totaled. totaled. >> 7:42,. >> bob? >> good morning, everybody, talking about that earlier, so there is still some local detours in the neighborhood there. specially for the school buses, good morning, here is a live look at the ramp from the schuylkill to go north on the boulevard. this disable dump truck here causing one lane pattern, and that's back in the schuylkill expressway up, leaving town, heading out toward city line. here is a live look at 95, in delco, slow going, mainly because of the earlier fog. south 95, right near high lan, getting report after accident. that's probably true, because of the back up, that you're seeing there, and on the freeway, your normal delays as you work your way in toward philly. septa has canceled a cup of trains of on the media elwin line because of the fog: fock digging in, and mike picking out my shoes. >> for today? >> for outdoor happy hour today. >> oh, ya, where are we going? >> outdoor happy hour, it will be 75. >> beautiful. >> we need an outdoor patio spot. so i'm open to suggestions. >> you know bob, i said this yesterday. i said there is a place with a rooftop should open up, open up yesterday and today, they would get so much business because people just want to be outside. because it is so nice. >> the only problem is that my legs are as white as the shoes. so we have to work on that. >> that is a problem. >> sue has the forecast in 15 seconds. >> as we look forward to spring like temperatures i thought you might want to let you know how long it is until spring actually begins, we still have 27 days to wait. it is march 20th, 12:15 p.m. by then eastern daylight time. that is tuesday. it is coming up in 27 days. the fog situation is improving in some places, except for lancaster and allentown, but still, very cloud willing outside, still anticipating the colds front that comes through, off to mild start, with 50's, 60s, ends up with 75 today then the cold front tonight gives us on and off showers tomorrow. >> by monday and tuesday of next week by the time the week send over then we take rainout of the forecast but at least, mike and alex, yes, it is only rain. >> it is only rain. >> it is february. >> it is so foggy, almost like, anyway, i'm not complaining. it will be 75 degrees. >> just wait. >> it is coming. >> so here, i'll pretend i'm coach pederson. actually i asked kit call kline to draw up the philly special. >> it doesn't look anything like this. where did that happen? alshon jep are you? where is cory? anyway, this thing, somebody want to trademark this thing. >> is that why we had to draw it instead of showing it? >> drawing it, if coach maybe he has a case in court. because they're eighth in line for the copyright, the trademark. >> eighth in line? >> there are seven other dudes trying to do it on their own. >> but the eagles are the once who actually did the play. >> or is it? did it come from chicago? did it come from clemson university in originally called the clemson special. who has the rights? we need a trademark attorney. >> let guess to court. >> let guess to fred. he is a trademark >> now they've got a bag on his head. dying his hair blue? we'll check in biff with them. preston and me? about ten minute. >> all righty then. >> it is time to talk about the play. it is one of the most super plays in philadelphia history. once again, it is call the philly special. here it is. >> philly special. here we go. ready? >> easy, easy. (cheers). >> what a great play. so, it ended up on spirit illustrated. anyway, a trademark attorney, what do you all day long. >> like my day job, actually come talk about something that i actually supposedly know something about. >> so put up the diagram of the play. because this is what they're talking about trademark g, not the philadelphia eagles logo, let's gave you a example of what it looks like. common. let's go. there it is. well, that's the actual play. >> correct. >> but slow it to me on a t-shirt or a mug or something like. that will that's what people want to trademark. >> right. >> that casino every fish-shaped look. >> okay. >> but -- >> that doesn't look like anything like that. >> not sure what that is. but anyway, we don't have the sport illustrated cover? >> we have t-shirt. let's get it out of the way. >> not even close to what it is. >> so. >> all right, eventually we get to t-shirt that has the darn play on it. that's what is being trademarked. there it is. >> there go. >> philly special. >> yep. >> so there is seven people got to it, you know, to the trademark. >> right. >> people. >> they did. >> before the philadelphia eagles, now the eagles won it, of course. >> yes. >> who gets it? >> the eagles. let me explain to you, couple every things, first, trademarks indicate a common source. so when i say campbell's, you think after red and white soup can and the kind of soup that comes with it. >> right. >> right? so for the trademark, what does the trademark represent? it represent good or service that is come from the philadelphia identification. so what we have actually two type of trademark applications, there is a use base, because you're right to the trademark come from your use that far mark. then intent to use. so all of these applications filed except for restaurant that wants to file for the philly special for a sandwich. >> yes, well, example i think yuengling the beer people, they want the trademark rights to that. >> they say we intends to use the philly special in connection to particular goods and services beer. but you got to remember. trademark right come from use. the first people to actually use this mark were the phillies. were the eagles. >> holds on a second. maybe they did. out of their play book or on a clipboards. doug drew it out. >> well there are couple parties to the thing, actual mark itself, the trademark, there could be world or phrase, philly special. that's a mark. you can have something like, that like when you see, you know, when sue see good day with the sun and the stuff coming out of the g. you can tell that that's part of your show, that's the graff takes go with t no matter what the market is. >> so just the name philly special would have it own trademark? >> it would be, yes, would have it own mark plus the graph takes go with it. so, gout to realize that when consumers look at it, whether they look at the play, whether they hear the word philly special, what do they associate that with? and the eagles have right in that. in fact the nfl is the one who actually filed the trademark on behalf of the eagles. >> hold on a second. apparently alshon jeffrey brought it up when he played for the bears. they had a similar play. and it is originally called the clemson special because they ran it. >> it is like a corned beef special sandwich. okay? there are a bunch of different once. what that means is that the term philly special doesn't refer to any particular play. it has been out there before. >> but when they came up with the idea, somebody in a meeting called it the philly special. >> correct. >> with the eagles. >> but again, part of the trademarks, what do the consumers associate with the mark? eagles can call it whatever they want. these people who file these trademarks, but consumer, when you see philly special and you see that picture that far play, you associate it with the eeks. >> okay, so who makes the decision? let's say did i it, i was first in line and the eagles are seven behind me. who makes the decision? >> first of all the eagles are only seven behind you in the date that you filed the application. >> okay. >> all right? and as between the people who said i'm going to use it, the first one to the trademark office wins that fight. the eagles -- >> trademark office? >> trademark office is in d.c. >> for the purposes every priority its use, eagles the first one to use it, only ones who filed actually what's called use application based on their first use. no matter who gets it. >> speak english. >> okay. >> who is going to get it? >> the eagles. i have told you that. >> okay. >> because when everybody look at any of the thee things, who do they associate with it. >> the eagles. >> the eagles have the right to stop people from making monday. >> i but who make the final decision? >> ultimately this will get played out in some court somewhere. >> over a year. >> right. >> well, it could be tomorrow morning. because remember, your rights come from the use. the eagles already have their rights, all of these people have their rights. >> quit yelling at you. >> good to see you. >> you're the man. >> if you're a persons the people trying get this, is it expensive? >> couple hundred dollars to dot application. it is not expensive. that's why you see a bunch of individuals filing application. >> mike let's get ton. >> could you file. >> i would be ninth behind the eagles. >> all right. thank, guys. brandon brooks, well he's spoken out about battling anxiety, but many levels of the the disorders. how you can cope the difference between feelings anxious and full blown and eye at this attack. we will talk with preston and steve next. what's going on with casey boy's hair? what's going on with casey boy's hair? what's it's time, america. there's work to be done. it's not going to be easy. but there's grit inside of you. and if you need extra motivation, the grad fund at strayer university can help push you forward. because up to your last year of classes could be on us. that's right. on. us. today is the day. strayer university. let's get it. strayer university. olay regenerist shatters the competition. hydrating skin better than prestige creams costing over $100, $200, and even $400. for skin that looks younger than it should. fact check this ad in good housekeeping. olay regenerist. ageless. it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pac. helps keep your laundry pacs safe, and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. >> preston and steve, what's happening with casey boy. >> do you want to see? >> gentlemen, we want to see. >> i don't know if you guys can get a vision of phil donahue, casey's hair, phil donahue. >> oh, mark somer showed up. >> yes, so casey, you want to explain. >> well, listen, i work in radio, so i can kind of look however i want to, right, wear spet pant, wearing shorts right now, i've always wanted to have like crazy colored hair specifically i like the way royal blue looks. right? >> so philadelphia some day. >> the eagles season is over, i don't have to worry about jinx the team wearing a blue, like, you know, other team colors. so i'm going with blue now that the season is over. calling it trust the process blue. >> trust the process blue. >> they had to strip your hair down to this, because if they did like a yellow you said it would turn your hair green. >> yes, so angelo, calendar girl, french our show, hairstylist, and so she had to strip it all the way down and she said if there is even a hint of yellow, it can kind of tint the blue to a green. >> to a green. >> you know what though? do you guys think alex and mike, do you think -- i think is a good look for casey. >> i like it. >> i like what he has now. like he looks really good. >> i think he looks like a champ in the board room and the bedroom. >> oh! >> yes. >> to quote all of those bad hair dye ads. >> casey you can now be in viagra ads. >> you're right, i can. >> we have to get right on this. >> i'm glad, though, will it be completely blue, because some people have accused you, i noticed on twitter, although this is cowboys colors, look at you? >> no, it is trust the process blue. it is sixers and philly blue. >> there you go. >> yes. >> sixers blue, phyllis blue phillies blue. we're all very seeks cited though. this has to be, trust alex, you know, alex has a good identify for this stuff as does mike. but if you want to look like you're happening in a good looking guy, alex, would this be a suitable color for him to stay with if he were to choose? >> i think i like this. ya, we just did segment yesterday they call it the ghost dollars hair color. there is no color to it at allment like the new hair trends. so casey boy really on trend here. >> wow. you're on fleek. >> oh, yes. >> i think it looks ridiculous on him i just want to say, going on record, i know everybody is lavishing him with praise, casey, don't did it. >> tight late now though? >> he's going blue. >> your website. >> and on instagram and twitter. want to see it. >> oh, it will be everywhere. >> do it for the gram casey boy. >> good day everybody it is wednesday, february the 21, 2018. >> from the fox 29 studios. this is "good day philadelph ia". >> an early morning home invasion. a woman and a man in the hospital after a man forced his way into their apartment building, pistol whipped this man and this woman. details on the way. >> a show of solidarity. survivors of the florida school shooting take the tallahassee to demands the gun control. >> we new that they weren't going to hear us, if you just stood. >> their plan today to pressure lawmakers to make a change. >> the crippling events of anxiety. >> i can't emphasize it enough. it is not, you know, nervous just or fear. >> brandon brooks knows all too well. and he's not alone. how to recognize if you have anxiety, what you can do to cope. >> new, but not clean. just because your clothes still have the tags on them, doesn't mean you can skip the spin cycle. the stomach churning reason why you should always wash new clothe. >> i bet i've never done this in my life wash new clothes, even though they say to do it. >> unless too big and you want to clean it. >> unless the collar is necessary dollars up. >> ten on a ten scale. >> oh, yes. >> double digit dayment even with the fog around this morning, and the mist, the drizzle, we goutily it yesterday. and loved the result in the afternoon. the same thing is going to happen today. but first, you got to get through the morning. hope you can see bus stop buddy. he's not wearing winter coat today. oh, no, temperatures already in the 50's and 60s, it is foggy again. and there is no, nothing showing up on radar, but look at this it, look like it rained here in old city. because the grounds is all wet. the cars are all wet. but it didn't rain. it is just misty outside. 61 degrees, 7 miles visibility at the airport, so at least that's improving. we should be at 70 degrees by lunchtime. and another record breaker, with a high of 75. so it is still misty. >> misty. >> you sing it, sue. >> 8:02, and the mist, you're right, coming from the fog that we've been dealing with all morning long, at least bad hair day to start. south on 95 already jammed up over half hour. all because after accident. right here at route 452. this is our camera kind of pointing right down. so anyone headed south, down toward wilmington, this morning, you're delayed. the accident just south of route 452. and again, slippery conditions on a lot of the on and off ramps. not because of the rain, just the fog, live look at the freeway, working your way in toward philadelphia. nothing out of the ordinary there. septa though had to cancel couple of trains on the media elwin line because of early morning equipment problems. slippery rales running with delays on the west trenton line. and some scattered delays at philadelphia international airport because of the early morning fog, as well, mike and alex back to you. >> all right, 8:03. >> terrifying months, early this morning, for the resident in the city's feltonville section. police say a gunman burst into at least two apartment, on the two block of roosevelt boulevard. they say the suspect pistol whipped a man who then played dead as the gunman ransacked his apartment. the suspect then fired shot at him as he made a run for t the gunman then burst into a woman's apartment, pistol whipped her, while demanding drugs and money. and no arrest have been made yet. >> also following developing news out of the nicetown neighborhood of philadelphia. where police are searching for the driver in a hit-and-run. investigators say, a driver struck a 28 year old woman, at the intersection of pulaski avenue and hunting park. shortly after midnight. and then drove off. paramedics transported the victim who broke her arm to einstein medical center where she is in stable condition. still no description of the vehicle. >> well, a week ago today. seventeen people, mostly children, were killed at that florida high school. and community members are honoring those they lost four of the victims laid to rest yesterday. also, there are more funerals slated for today. by the way, i wanted to mention that one of the young men, peter wang, especially honored by our us military. he always wanted to go to the military academy at west point. so he had special honors, was burr made rotc uniformment then this happened. >> it is not a want any more. it is a need. because we are dying. and we will not let this continue. >> students organize, they walked out of class yesterday in schools across the state, from fort lauderdale to south florida they are calling for florida to change its gun laws. >> of course fort lauderdale is in south florida a group of student from that high school drove about 400 miles, went reading on a bus yesterday, arrived at state capitol of tal has cents ' last night, late yesterday afternoon and last night. >> where they plan to lobby state law make about gun control laws. but the florida house voted not revive a bill to ban assault weapons yesterday before a lot of the student arrived. but lawmakers say more gun control legislation is coming. but it is still been some i am thanks have come out from the student who were in the gallery when that happened. they were very upset to see. that will so to push the message number of non-profit have sponsored rally nor student today outside of the capitol. >> caroline shively is in tallahassee. going to be big day, caroline. >> reporter: huge, guys, toeing about the rally, noontime rally on the steps right hine me, 700 are expected, that could explode, we saw park lands last week, they thought couple of hundred would come to the vigils, and it turned into thousands of people. so we definitely expect a big crowd/sight of the capitol, student and other from the area will be meeting with legislators, the governor, anyone this can he to say we want to be the last school to get slaughtered like there is mike and alex. >> interesting, the way this has started out because we saw all of the media and following them, getting on the busses headed down there, only to have the lawmakers vote down that bill. that we were going to talk about banning assault rifles. some of them in the gallery, right. >> one student holding her mouth. she couldn't believe this was going down. if you think about the pulled night club, we covered that about a year and had a half go, fort lauderdale, airport shooting and now this school shooting. if anyone can get this done some change at the state level, it is these kids, these teenage letters change the world, guys. >> i don't know. what exactly was the florida legislature vote about yesterday? that they're not going to in this session even debate stronger gun laws? >> running out every time. only have three more weeks in this session. so there is was a procedural vote to say can we take up this bill that would ban assault style weapons. that was put down. but the governor says they're working on things, so do state legislature. i think they'll look so bad, if they don't get something done. they have three weeks to do it and they have the entire world looking at them here in tallahassee. >> you couldn't even wait for these kids to get there before did you this? >> ya. and these kids are also getting money, energy, world focus, hundreds of thousands of dollars are pouring into this movement. it is cents a strong, strong gun state. on the books now, mayor, entity, can't even make stronger gun laws than what they have at the state lawing or you personally as mayor will get $5,000 fine. pro gun, pro legislature, a-plus rating from the nra for this governor. this is not anything that they've handled in the past. but look, they've got 17 kids dead. they've got 15 more injured. they've got hundreds of children walking the halls that far building today demanding action. i think they're going to get it. >> i think so too. it is a tough mountain to climb. all right, caroline, thank you, great job. >> but the important thing they're making sure their voices were heard and doing what's necessary. >> i guess you saw big name celebrities backing these children, too, let's go through some of them. by the way also they plan to join some student at that march in late march in washington dc. >> first george clooney and amal clooney pledging $500,000, now winfrey and says she was inspired because group remind her of the freedom riders from the 60s, and spielberg called the student an inspiration. the rally will be held on march the 24th, to demand comprehensive bill. that addresses gun control. so far clooney says he and his wife they plan to be there, like mike said. >> a lot of folks are feeling anxiety, i mean, it can be crippling. so this hit show, this is us, tackled the topics. a lot of people can see this, very real for a lot of people watching good day philadelphia today. coming up: how to re eyes it your anisi at this is a disorder or just natural, and ways to cope with it. >> but first, the shoppers have spoken. from the best cookware, men's hair care, cleaning supplies, we're going to tell you the top p turning 65. downsizing. enrolling in medicare part d. these are moments when people realize that where you get your medicine matters. and they come to cvs pharmacy. for advice and ways to save money. including copays as low as zero dollars. switching is easy, call 1-833-cvs-medd and transfer today to cvs pharmacy. >> 40,000 people, ♪ how beautiful, ♪ when seeds we sow ♪ give free their fruit ♪ to hands below ♪ as thank you for ♪ the chance to grow pick your free yogurt at ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪t ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ any any any any ♪ did you know trading in your car at a dealer could cost you money? a recent study found consumers who 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tractor-trailer there, so instead of two lanes, only left lane open. again, only one lane heading northbound, at that 413 interchange. so couple of problems all in the last half hour here on 9a otherwise looking good, coming in from south jersey, mass transit just minor delays, same deal at the airport. sue has got the forecast in 15 seconds. blank. >> almost 8:14, there it is, okay, we had number of new records set yesterday. with those mild temperatures, including 72 degrees here in philadelphia. bash the old record of 70. that had been set in 1939. seventy-three in atlantic city. look at wilmington, 75 and 71 in trenton, all new records. today, we're going for another one, the record 72, set in 1930. today's forecast, is for a high of 75. as soon as we get rid of the fog. and the cloud cover. very foggy in lancaster county this morning. up in the lehigh valley, only quarter mile visibility in allentown, atlantic city, half mile visible at the airport there. and we're seeing some rain in advance of our cold front. the one that's going to ruin these temperatures in the 70s, now starting to edge into the northwestern part of pennsylvania, i think it will be here after sunset tonight. but meantime, look at it, 61 degrees, and it is february. wind speeds are at 18 miles an hour. so that's going to help dissipate some of that fog. after 75 today, high in the four's tomorrow. and friday. we get little milder saturday and sunday, but this frontal system will stall in the area, and give us at least a chance of showers, every day through the weekend. finally drying out monday and tuesday of next week. mike and alex. >> i like these segment where we name the best products of the year, 40,000 people were interviewed. >> and that's yes like it, because it is the people who decide. not the experts. >> by the way what year is this? must be 2017. only six weeks in now, steve. >> reporter: yes, exactly, so the winners for 2018. but of course based on products from 2017. the winners will actually get to have that seal, even on the shelf with them in the grocery store, at point of purchase. to let you know what it is what we are talking about the largest consumer survey of product innovation, really cool cat gore thinks year, starting with this right here, everybody loves this, especially it on our shift. a grab and go breakfast g something super easy from sandwich brother, all natural flat bread product here. so this is out of wisconsin actually filled with super healthy stuff. talking turkey sausage, egg whites, cheddar, they believe in goodness simple ingredient. only 150 calories which is great. so grab and go pop it in the microwave. all set. next up over here speaking of saving calories, we see these advertised on tv and everything, does it actually work? ya, we tested them on our program before. this is from copper chef. it is their square deep pan. so because it is a square, the idea here, remember like white castle they say we can fit more burgers on here because we have square burgers on the grill as oppose to all of the space you get wasted with the round buryinger? same kind of concept here. square pans give you 25% more cooking space, replaces cents all different pots and pans, plus allows you to coup healthier because of the coating on the pan, less oil, less butter, less stuff because of the non-stick surface, speaking of surfaces how about this? i know in our office we have ton of pure he will on everybody's deaths being, everyone using the hand sanitizerment same product that you come to love as a hand sanitizer is now a surface sanitizer. this is the purel multi surface disinfect and the. worry free to use around kids, pets and food. awarded by the epa as well in terms of design, and effectiveness. >> okay. when i was a kid my grandmother would say soak in epsom salts. that's going to help all of the body aches and pains. but who has time these days to draw a bath and sit there and soak? so now this is from procure. this is an epsom salt rub gel. so it has got things like alovera, essential eras, power of epsom salt. so now what do you you apply all of those healing properties right to the area of your body where you're feeling the pain without having to worry about drawing a bath and soaking in it for a long time. finally for you i want to point this out. this is from just foremen. their control gx. guys going gray and trying to fight that battle, maybe don't think it is distinguishing as you get older, i kind of do, this will gradually shampoo away the gray. as opposed to one day, you know you've got the little snow on the roof here, the next day you come in, all the sudden you have dark hair again. >> this will gradually cover up the gray to the point where you decide howie negative you want it to be when you're good to go, that's when you stop using. 7.99, the first shampoo with a brain they are calling it, tons more categories for this year, and some great products. you will find links to them on your station website of course when you come see me on line facebook. com/save me steve. >> just the only weird one was calling it a pocket breakfast. hey, is that a breakfast in your pocket? >> pocket breck if a fast. >> steve, thank you very much. speaking of new items here, buying new clothes. you know you're supposed to wash your new clothes before you put them on? at least put them in the spin cycle something like that? there are some weird stuff in new clothes. unreal. >> oh, no. i don't know if i want to know. >> you better. how about that lindsey vaughn? >> she takes home the metal at the winter olympics. but it is not the one she was hoping to win. we're just going to show you her reaction after it was cents all your dinner bell yourmight be a text but when your smoked sausage is crafted with care... you're closer to the farm than you think. ♪ for switching to progressive? [ engine revving ] you cannot hear me at all, can you? >> us sky err lindsay vaughn just compete in the what was likely her last solo race for her olympic career. she 33 years old now. so she got the bronze in the downhill. man, they go fast. >> but she fell short of the gold by less than half a second. >> that's the way it is. >> so she was emotional about all of it, not why she was crying, but her final race. >> that's -- i would cry at that, too. specially, you know, not getting the golds by seconds. >> last than half a second. >> but she will compete tomorrow in the al pine combined event. by the way in skiing, do you know the us won gold for the first time in cost country skiing. >> really? >> we were in minnesota we saw what was it? >> ski jump. >> to see that in person? >> intense. >> when i watch this. >> shocking. >> things we saw in minnisota. >> what is the guy that fell off wide worlds of sports. >> what was the phrase? >> agony of defeat. always the agony of defeat. megan will get it in a second here. ryan reynolds making dreams come true. he's dreamy. >> yes. a lot of people say so. he welcomed young fans facing critical illnesses on the set of dead pool two as part of the "make a wish foundation," shared series of photos along with caption saying it is one of the best parts about playing his character in the movie but in his opinion they are all real heroes. >> oh, absolutely. >> pretty cool and nice of him to do that. >> i also just reading is. >> i knew this was coming. but billy gram has died. >> oh, my goodness. >> at his home in north carolina. what a life he led. inspiration for so many people. ninety-nine. icon of america, right there, billy gram. >> 8: there is next, brandon brooks has spoken out about battling anxiety, many levels of the disorders. how you can cope, and know the difference between just feeling anxious, and having an anxiety attack. (clucking noises) everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. while others may keep trying, nobunny knows easter better than cadbury. >> so what's the secret to marital bliss? time magazine publishes special edition all about the science of marriage, but people are divided over it. is marriage a science, or is it really a mindset? >> oh, that's a good discussion. >> plus, parent, you need your time alone, right? and are you willing to pull all the stops to get it? you should hear some of the confessions from moms and dads, admitting to the different things they do just to get their me time. >> so they're lying? >> well, they need their me time, mike. >> okay. >> i could use some me time. i need some sue time. >> oh, the sue time is right now. >> oh, ya. >> this is also bus stop buddy time if you can see him. through the fog this morning, ya, we've got clouds, and fog out there this morning, but mild temperatures in the 50's and 60s, already. nothing on radar. so we will check the temperature here in old city which is 61 degrees. looks like it rained but really didn't. just been so misty, and cloudy, and foggy all morning. we should though be close to 70 degrees by lunchtime. little bit of sun peaking out through the clouds. back to the 70s, another record breaker today. high of 75 degrees. so enjoy it, because of course a cold front is coming, bob kelly to change everything. >> you always got a cold front over there. 8:30, good morning, everybody, problems on 95, accident cottman, 40 print trip altogether. pretty much of the end of the lodge here, then further south, delaware, an accident, south 95 right at route 452, about 45 minute trip from the blue route, all the way down to the delaware state line. roads are just damp from all of the fog we had this morning, coming in on the 42 freeway, in from new jersey everybody behaving, school busses looking good and just minor delays on some of septa regional rail lines again mainly from the slippery rales. mike and alex back over to you. >> everyone gets anxious at one time or another, but when the feelings alter the way you live your life, it becomes something more serious. >> you know this tv show this is us? people love it? remember randall's panic attack at work, here it is. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> that's a drama but happens in reality. >> right. so a member of the kardashians has admitted kendel jen their she suffers from anxiety attacks. >> kendall struggles from anxiety, i had i she has so much going on she get herself really worked up. >> don't cry. >> it is so weird, because i get like super light-headed. when i'm on planes, too, and i feel like i'm going to faint. everyone says i'm fine but i don't feel fine. >> kendel gets the most anxious during fashion week, when she is traveling a lot. and milan is coming up, trying to juggle it all. it is overwhelming. >> boy even athletes, philadelphia eagles, brandon brooks, talk about his anxiet anxiety. >> it is an obsession, you know, i can't emphasize it enough. it is not nervousness or fear. i love the organization, the organization has been great. they supported me with this. the head coach, howie, everyone supported me. and you know i'll make it through, i'll be okay. >> well doctor jena joins us again, in ardmore. >> yes, center for hope and health. >> what exactly is, i mean, anxiety, seems like we all feel it, seems almost normal. >> yes. i mean, i think it is important for us to recognize, anxiety is natural human thing. all-pro grand to feel it at different times, helps us second seed and survive. what we notice when we see anxiety disorder or people having panic attack is we're in the g, in the case of panic attack, almost like our bodies have alarm systems, miss firing, so our body giving us the signal of danger, so flea or fight. actually not danger. >> let's don't get ahead of ourselves, anxiety is normal. when does it become a disorder before we talk about panic attacks? >> sure. >> when does it become debilitating? >> i would say the things to look out for when you know, you're having more after problem with anxiety, more of a disorder when you notice that you're avoiding things, that's probably the hallmark of all anxiety disorders. >> avoid being something because you fear it might trigger attack. >> yes, avoid to go prevent anxiety. >> it might even be going to visit somebody that you know will cause you stress? >> absolutely. so you know if you're anxious on planes, not going on a plane. or if you're anxious at malls, not going to the mall. whatever, whatever the trigger might be, when you notice you're altering your life around it or not doing the thing, then we're heading more into the zone of anxiety disorder. >> i got that with airplanes. i'm better now though since i've some therapy. but what is a panic attack? >> so a panic attack it is a very brief, like, ten minute, accute period of time when you have a lot of physical sensations. and for many people they feel like they're dying, they feel like they're having a heart attack, feel like they're losing their mind, but the key to remember with pan particular really is very brief and only ten minute. approximately ten minutes. >> when does it become a dis explored. >> so it becomes panic disorder when you're having recurrent attacks. and then also avoiding things, or becoming preoccupied with the idea of having one. >> so going back to the attacks, what are are some of the symptoms more than just feel like you're having a heart attack? sweaty palm, you can feel tight less in your chess, you can feel difficulty breathing. you might feel nausea, might feel dizzy, faint, dizzy, any or all of them, some people experience set ones, some people experience all every. >> i am that's when you realize i'm having a panic attack. >> it can be terrifying for people experiencing and don't know it is a panic attack. >> what happened to the olds blowing into a paper bag. does that work any more? >> what we know as far as breathing in anxiety, casino every miss belief about taking deep breaths. and like to calm yourself yes. >> actually what we know, it is slow breathing. it is not actually the deep breathe that calms the nervous system, it is cents slowing your breathing. so normal inhale in, and very slow exhale out, and pause before you inhale again. >> let's say that we've gone from just normal anxiety to a disorder. it is affecting our lives. >> absolutely. >> do i go to you for therapy? you what do you do? >> yes, that would be great to go to me. but really what people want it look out for is going to an anxiety specialist who specializes in cognitive behavior all therapy, focus on exposures, exposure to the feared scenario is really the only i shouldn't say the only but it is the most research supported way to get better. >> what's a calming technique? >> so calm technique that one could do is like i said the slow breathing, one, yoga. >> exposure therapy, what's that? >> does that mean the fear the thing you're voiding slowly getting used to being around that. >> so work your way up. say if it was public speaking or some kind of social anxiety, maybe working with somebody like okay, start raising your hand in class. they get used to, that you work up to -- >> well, a lot of kids are feeling anxious, anxiety, can you put up that graphic again? i'm little afraid that far last one. benzos? what people would you put people on medication? a strong benzo? >> great question. i'm not a psychiatrist so any my practice don't do medicationment actually what we know about be ben so diaz mean, they al lever ate the quick feeling, quickly sedate, but really only band aid for san eye at this. people can become dependent on them. so as myself as exposure therapist, i recommend to my patient not be on a benzo or get off one. to properly do the exposure. >> but temporary, feel like you're dying. >> absolutely. >> thank you, doctor. >> thanks for having me. >> new but not clean. >> just because your clothes still have the tags on them, doesn't mean you can just put them on and skip the spin cycle. >> no. >> the stomach churning reason why you should always please keep your shoes on! stop messing with your sister! hey! hey! don't make me come back there! so? feels really good.... yeah, i'm gonna buy it. (vo) customer service that goes the extra mile. enterprise makes it easy. >> in the dryer, to get all kind of the folds out of it, so it looks nice, and smooth, in my bed. >> i put it on holes and all. >> i don't think i've ever washed new clothing. >> i don't think i have either. unless there is also cents a stain on it, i got the 10% off because there was a stain, and i go home, wash it, and i get it for cheaper. >> look, professor of dermatology says you better wash those clothes even though they have the new tag on it. >> so, professor at klume bee a university medical center says if you don't wash store bought clothe before wearing them, you are at risk of irritation, scab east, and fungus. he says that those lobes will likely have been tried on by multiple people also seen cases of lies likely transmitted while being tried on at the store. >> so it is not the new-ness of the product it has affected other people put it on. >> true. >> taking it off. >> specially for women, we try on bathing suit, they have strip they put in there that says hey it is like protective strip, take it off when you buy it. >> what? >> new strip is put in there -- >> no, no, not a new one. >> so the strip has been touched by the crotches of women? >> like a plastic strip. so at least when you peel it off, you know? >> you get the fabric and that's fresh. >> oh, god i didn't know that went on. >> how do you guys do it? trunks -- >> not trying on unaware in a store. >> i'm talking about bathing suits. >> oh, bathing suits. yes, trunks. junk. i mean. >> junk in the trunk? >> (laughing). >> either way. i'm going to start washing stuff there, but jeans not supposed to wash your jeans all the time because the color you lose the color, it slings, it is too tight. >> i don't know about jeans. >> you wear jeans. you wear some tight jeans too. >> ya. i know. and, you know, aid laundry situation yesterday at my home. i cleaners guy, spring garden, i don't know what it is, the cleaners, i just got your big bag of laundry because i've been out of town, super bowl all of that, i had a lot of laundry, he said there are socks and under pants in here. and i thought did you that, too no we don't dot washing, just dry clean, we don't do socks and under pant. underwear. and he says and these panties. there are no panties in my laundry. >> there weren't? >> no! >> maybe you were and aware. >> i don't havey? paintiness my laundry. i don't think. >> right? >> it was a big bag, so maybe there were. nip way, you know, he says i can charge you but just don't do it again, this is the third time you tried this. >> you're repeat offendser. >> guess how much? to launder my briefs? >> how much? >> $2.50 per brief. >> oh! >> and the socks? >> yes? >> 1.95. a dollar 95 sent, let's just rounds it off, two bucks, a sock. i think it is for the pair. >> i'll go for a buck. >> you'll wash my socks for a. >> a dollar. >> i guess he's trying to make sure you don't come back. >> could be. he was very gracious, oh, because it is you, i'll do it. >> the perks you get mike. wash my socks. >> but weird. they don't sort them. it just comes back and all willie philly. i can't find -- >> us regular folk we have to sort our laundry. that's a normal thing. >> i swear. okay. >> i guess you think going to the trouble of sorting. >> oh, it would be great. at this point i'm so old i have to sort my socks now in the light of day. in the sunlight. i can't do it at night. >> at least you have pairs. i can never find. >> oh, i got whole drawer full of singles. where do they go? all right, let's talk about better fancy, fancy clothes, jen. >> well, it is more like edgey street wear, right? like sophisticated awesome street wear. here at mel and a, on spring garden, come on back, we will tell you little bit about what makes this little extra, and what fancy people are wearing her designs. which is pretty cool. and i you've worked hard. busted tail. and impressed the boss. maybe it's time to be your own? transform your career with strayer university's mba program today. let's get it. with strayer university's mba program today. >> 89:47. there is a look at melting snow, in camelback this morning. but, you know, there is cents still plugging away up there. getting the spring skiing conditions i guess what we have over the last couple of days, things will be getting chillier up there, after this cold front passes, and that will happen very late tonight. so, high pressure will get us to 75 degrees. by the end of the day today. cold front comes through with some showers and those showers& will linger, because that cold front is going to linger it, will stall in our area. visibilities, getting better throughout the area. so the fog lifting. we should be seeing sunshine by lunchtime at the latest very sim floor yesterday. there is the leading edge of that colds front. starting to bring some rain to northwestern pennsylvania. so, we've got 61 degrees already in philadelphia. you know it is going to get warm after that, 75 our high today. but then we stay in the chilly four's, thursday, friday, the temperatures get better over the weekend still chance every showers both saturday, sunday. >> okay, basically i take from that, have fun today. >> own and for five years but already has major following. a lot of celebrities like cardib, eve, meek mill, they've been seen wearing the clothing and it has local roots. it was created right here, in philly, so jen, is in spring garden, with the owner. >> okay. and we're still getting so fabulous, good morning. >> good morning. >> before we get to the fashion show, little bit of dram that i thought you addressed quite well. someone came in, bought one of your shirt tan had h and m tag in it. h and m is one of your vendors. >> well, i feel like a lot of people don't understand the business behind the clothing issue. i feel like from shark tank he explained it very well. we posted video and then explained exactly what goes on, especially new to the fashion industry. a lot of people have done it, and he's done it before so he explained it very well. so if you want to check it out check out the instagram page. >> just another thing you put your own stuff on different brands stuff. >> yes. >> so, okay. let's talk about cardib. i've told you i'm a cardsib super fan. this is not my normal look. >> amazing. >> something that she wore. >> yes. >> where did she wear this? >> she wore, she had it on wore it to a concert that she did at i forget. >> she wears a lot of our clothes. >> wore it few times. >> the bottom line it is like, you know, not athletic wear, like street wear but like little extra? >> yes. you can dress it up. you can dress it down. just for the girl on got. >> so we have some laid that's will show us some other stuff. i know that you have worked with meek milan some other celebrities. what do you think they like about your clothes? and they can come on out. >> i think, hey, guys? i think that they like that it is so fashion forward. and so trendy, i feel like they resonate with our story. so our dreams making reality. and we promote that. >> i love it. so first of all what's this? >> amazing. >> judges lynn jones suit. one of the very popular pieces for the women. so it is very trendy, it is very fashion forward, you can wear it with heals or you can wear it with sneakers. >> or wear it ski racing? >> yes. >> awesome. thank you. >> the dude, they have to step up too. >> yes, so this is our tyler sweatsuit. meek mill debuted it. he had debuted it and it is one of the very popular styles. >> okay. >> and again, it is like track suit, but, interest. >> yes, yes. so p. ditty was seen wearing this, rick rogue, we have few different celebrities took our brands, one of the popular sweats. >> does he call the store order it does he have a guy? i met him. one day in miami, i met him he was very, very sweet. and he was talking to me about business and giving me pointers and everything. >> i love it. okay. we have next we have -- >> this is the unisex. so you see woman and a man. very style err, very comfortable great quality. >> i love that you're styling it with heals, right? >> and finally a little bit of what you are wearing? >> yes. this is just to show how differs our brands; so everything is unisex pretty much. this is me wearing it with heals. this is him wearing it with sneakers, and. >> now where do you intend this to go? like where do you want your line your business to go? >> my idea to have global expansion. right now customers all over the world, i thank god for them. but i want to continue to grow. i want our store to be symbolic to philadelphia. but i want i want to continue to grow on line presence. >> next time, p. ditty calls. hey, when cardib calls, can you step up? >> i got you. >> as we wrap it. >> our zayn leggings, our harley crop, one of my favorite piece it is accentuates our waist, for me i have bigger stomach, so it really tux everything in. >> yes, yes. >> all right, thank you very much. you did great. >> now, thank you. you guys did great, too. >> hey. >> love it. >> i need to visit that place. >> you should. >> style. >> right offspring garden. >> let's do it. >> i can pick up my end pants, too. >> some people are recommending someplace that is will sort your socks for you, mike. >> oh, that's great. >> romance with a avacado. how some people, mostly in their 20's, are using this popular fruit to ♪ strummed guitar you can't experience the canadian rockies through a screen. you have to be here, with us. ♪ upbeat music travel through this natural wonder and get a glimpse of amazing, with a glass of wine in one hand, and a camera in the other, aboard rocky mountaineer. canada's rocky mountains await. call your travel agent or rocky mountaineer for special offers now. >> breaking, this black pact err movie, man, fans continue to pack theatres. how the movie is crushing records, and why fans may want to book a trip to disneyland now. and then we've got to talk about this stud. >> i the secret to marital bliss, has it been found? time magazine publishes a special edition all about the science of marriage. but, people are divided over. it is marriage real a science in or is this disinfectant spray says i have to rinse off the disinfectant after i've disinfected? yeah, i'm not gonna do that. seventh generation's disinfectant spray. it kills 99.99% of bacteria, and there's no rinse required. time to come clean with seventh generation. #comeclean if our world isn't stuck in the past, why is higher education? we say if there's a better path, you should take it. and when there isn't, well, you know where i'm going with that. don't do things by the book if the book can't keep up. take your page from one that hasn't been written. we took two renowned universities, including a premier medical school, and created a single university that defies convention. at jefferson, we're making modern look old and making old look new and making sure new is not enough. we're adding more weight to your degrees and more meaning to your careers, going where others wouldn't dare, making connections few think to make and setting tomorrow's standards by breaking today's. because we believe the lines that are drawn are meant to converge. that's where the future is born. and once you realize you're not limited to what's possible, guess what? you redefine all that will be. >> parent mean their alone time. >> yes. >> and they're willing to pull out all of the stems to get it. what moms and dads admit to doing for some me-time. some of it involves lying. >> romance with a side of avacado. how millennials are using the popular fruit to propose. i guess i've never thought of it as a fruit. >> oh, it is a fruit all right. but why stick a ring, and it is the pits, good morning. >> good morning, guys. >> also want to discuss this, you've been married how many years now? >> i think 12. >> she thinks 12. >> we'll check into that. is marriage a science or is it a mindset? this, you know what sparked this? >> what? >> time magazine. you see that edition of the double rings on it? they say it is called the science of marriage. the idea behind the issue is that there are certain boxes that you can check off, to make sure you're in a solid

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Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 7A 20180221 :

Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 7A 20180221

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this morning, on couple of the regional rail lines, mainly because of the slippery rales. that kind of comes with the territory when we have fog this early. and here is a live look at 95 again, down in delco, an example of the thick fog, that's not only causing poor visible for the cars, but also, for the jetliners down there, at philadelphia international airport. back to you. >> hey, bob kill, thank you for that. >> well, let's get to the breaking news out of feltonville police searching for gunman in two separate home invasions cents, and right now we know that there are at least two victims. >> man and a woman, they lived in the same apartment building. lauren? >> yes, that's right, mike, the apartment build that we're standing right in front of. in the very back there past that without iron gate police are doing their investigation, where we believe the first victim, en encountered the suspect in the bay back basement amount. here's what we know. around 4:00 a.m. woman was in her bed sleeping reading the bible watching television. someone stormed inside her apartment. they were asking for another unknown man and drugs and money. she had no idea who this man was. or what had happened. well, police heard or got phonecalls of gunshots happening out here on the sidewalk. they came to the scene. and met with her. while they were talking to her, that's when a man came back to the scene, saying, that he had been victimized also in the exact same way he was in his basement apartment, someone came inside asking for drugs, money, and an unidentified man, they were both pistol whipped. both of them pretty bloodied and hurt pretty bad. police tell us they were both taken to einstein medical center in stable condition. that man had to play dead in order for the suspect to leave his apartment. that man able to escape. run away. and then police also tell us this happened. >> this woman, you could see, by the apartment, that she was settled in her apartment. watching television. and reading a open bible on her bed. she asked to endure this -- has to endure this in the confines of her own home. >> so very frightening ordeal for both of those victims this morning. and police say the only thing they know is that the gunman had a black handgun that cents was the most memorable feature, both victims described to police, but they do say he was hispanic male they're not sure how he got away from the scene if on foot or in a caribous about a block away mike and alex four, five cars were hit think don't know the first victim who tried to leave the scene or the first suspect wielding the hand gun. still wait to go talk to both victims after they recover from the hospital and try get more information into exactly what happened here. >> good job, lauren, fast work there. >> breaking it down for us. >> 7:03. >> following developing news out of the nicetown neighborhood of philadelphia. where police are searching for the driver in a hit-and-run. investigators say a driver struck a 28 year old woman at the intersection of pulaski avenue. and hunting park. shortly after midnight and then drove off. paramedics transported the victim who broke her arm to einstein medical center, where she is in stable condition. there is still no description of the vehicle. >> mistrial. >> that's the verdict. >> that was the verdicts. ruled in the racketeering case against philadelphia mob boss, joey merlino. >> after four days of deliberations, jurors tell the judge they were hopelessly deadlock. the five a year old faced four charges tied to alleged loan sharking, book marking and book making and healthcare fraud conspiracy. federal investigators say the schemes were part of a sprawling cross-crime family racket across the east coast. >> so dave, we touched on this little first of all, good day, we touched on some of the charges there healthcare fraud? >> healthcare fraud, big compounds pain cream scheme, mix bunch of compounds together, they charge you $1,500 a month for this, and the mob guys allegedly are getting $600 per prescription, six referrals, $170 million fraud. >> mob has changed, used to be cocaine. >> yes, they have. >> drugs. >> the millennial mob. into new things. >> pain creams? >> i'm sure where ever they get the monday. >> i however you get the monday. >> i every single time. >> so name couple of other charges then? >> they had the healthcare fraud. they had gambling charge. they had wire fraud case, not big strong case by the government at any look at it, not big strong case. >> how did he get all of this done allegedly if he was in jail so much of his strife. >> was, but this case started when he got out of jail, moved down to florida, boca raton, moved in with the folks down there, and immediately began getting to work, according to the government, of course, mistrial, hung jury, they didn't proof their case. and they didn't proof it because they had a lot of crumby witnesses here. that just didn't work out. joey merlino has a lawyer ed jacobs, you see him there in federal court one of the best, he can tear apart a witness like no other. he is an expert at kind of chopping up the tapes, and a lot of tapes in this case, 800 hours by jr. >> secret tapes? >> government witness wore a wire against joey went down, sent down by the new york mob, went through the tapes, ed jacobs tore him up. here we. >> wasn't there some drama one of the jurors as well snow. >> there was some allegations cents joey said high sylvia to one of the jurors as she was going toward the elevator at lunch break. merlino denied. that will the juror said it was true. judge admonished joe any court and told him don't speak to the jurors, don't even bling at the jurors, don't even look at the jurors. did he do it? did he not do it necessary that a question right here. but you say something like that and then kind of accuse the juror of lying to the judge, it doesn't put you in a good spot. but still walk away. >> where is he going to go little, do you know? >> that's a question right now. does he come back to philadelphia? does he stay down in florida? i don't know if the money has run out down in florida. and he can stay there. i don't know if he comes back up here in philadelphia to run the mob again? we don't know that. his lawyer will say no where on the tapes is there anything that says joey merlino is the mob boss, no where on tape is that. >> is he the mob boss? >> according to the f.b.i., he is. and we will go with that. he was called that during the case here up in new york. and i'm sure that's why he was in this case. i think i mentioned to you guys, they spent $25,000 on a christmas party. so he could lure -- >> the fbi? >> through jr rubio, the government witness, lured them up to a restaurant in new york, spent $5,000 to fly him and his wife debbie up here to go to the party. some of the wives guys in philadelphia here went as well. and boom he is in their jurisdiction and they charge him. that's thousand works. >> but all of the headlines are saying he dodged another one? >> listen, he has got nine lives, may have ten lives, may need ten lives. this is not over yet. i've said this before. it is not the last rodeo for joey merlino here, as long as this guy walks god's green earth as far as i'm concerned the fbi will always have a target on his back. >> mable change his life? >> no, no, he said that the last time around, his lawyer made a big point that far when he did his opening argument that joey walked away from the life. but at this point it is difficult to tell whether he did or not. one good line coming out of the courtroom yesterday thank god for the injury. >> i thanks what said. >> is he similar to nicky scarfo thank god for the american justice system, you know, same thing. joey merlino pretty goodwyn for him there. like i said i don't think this is over. >> you really don't think it is over watch if he comes back here and opens a pizza hut franchise. >> good idea if you get away with it. >> face creams to pizza. >> mix it all up. it is all about the money. you thee. >> he didn't say hey thanks ville via. >> he did not and he did not say hey thanks mike dave and alex either. >> good lords. thanks, dave, appreciate t to tonight on the news. listen to. >> this. >> it is not a want nip more. it is a need. because we are dying. and we will not let this continue. >> it has been a week since 17 people, mostly students, were killed at a florida high school. and the community is fighting for change. student organized, they walked out of class yesterday, and schools across the state from fort lauderdale to south florida. they're calling for florida to change it gun laws. >> a week ago today. my gosh. >> group of marjorie stone man douglas high school student event traveled the 400 miles up to tallahassee, the state capitol. so last night the plan to lobby state lawmakers gun control laws. this did he that little bit. but listen to this. before a lot of the student got that bus ride up there, and got into tallahassee, the florida house, the legislature there, voted not to revive a bill to ban assault weapons, not even to debate it. so yes, that was yesterday before many of the student arrived. lawmakers say more gun control legislation will be coming, they think, or at least the discussion of it, but not this session, to push the message a number every non-profits have sponsors a rally for the student today outside of the capitol building there in tallahassee. >> president trump made a surprise announcement yesterday, supporting new gun control regulations. he's looking at banning bump stop modification for assault style rivals. >> yes there is kind of came as a surprise to a lot of us, doug luzader, good morning. >> good morning, yet, something that's been kind of banded about in washington for awhile, ever since the las vegas shooting last year. we never really saw any actual action on it, though. the president meantime is going to host listening session, at the white house today for parents, and students, amidst these calls for more gun control at the federal and state levels. >> busloads of students from marjorie stone man douglas high school arrive in tallahassee florida. >> we will talk to these politicians tomorrow, we are going to talk to them the day after that, and we're going to keep talking. we're going to keep pushing. until something is done. because people are dying. and this can't happen any more. >> many are pushing for an outright ban of the ar15 weapon used in last week's shooting. that at the moment at least seems unlikely. >> we must do more to protect our children. >> the president trump though with a surprise move. a push for a federal ban on bump stocks. those device that is allow a semiautomatic rifle to member i can a fully automatic one. a modification used by the gunman last year's las vegas attack. >> just a few moments ago, i signed a member or dumb directing the attorney general to propose regulations to ban all devices that turn legal weapons into machine guns. i expect that these critical regulation cents cents will be finalized, jeff, very soon. >> the president also talked about strengthening federal background checks, to purchase guns. but how much further will the white house or congress be willing to go? >> that's the big question. right now it seems unlikely that congress would move forward on any kind of a renewal of the assault weapon ban for instance. that seems pretty farfetched right now. but we may see more movement on things like bump stocks that the president was talking about yesterday, but also, you know, increasing, making federal background checks little more re bus, things that far nature. but that's not going to satisfy a lot of these kids. >> no. that's for sure. i notice add pole out close to 07% of americans want something done. at least something done. doug, thank you very much. you know, that we keep mentioning marjorie stoneman douglas, she was an activist, too, lived to 108, called the queen of the everglades. her activism basically saved the everglades from being drained so they could put up highrise buildings back in the day. >> wow. >> so she was cents very much into this. she would probably be proud after loft these kids. >> probably inspired them, her story, knowing that. >> probably so, yes. >> well, our city, a lot of people standing tall, with the people of park land florida. >> dozens gathered outside of philadelphia city hall. all chanting united we stands, demand the ban. in reference of course it a ban on assault weapons. district attorney larry krass cents nerve under the the crowd to use their votes to send message about gun control. he says gun regulation is desperately needed and many of those attended had been affected by gun violence in one way or another. >> i will never have the opportunity to see him get married, graduate from college, as a matter of fact, 26 days after he was murdered, his only son was born. my grandson will never know his father. he will never have the opportunity to play ball with his dad. or if my son to teach him how to ride a bike. >> i'm sure a lot of people have those testimonies and sharing them yesterday. the group says they're planning on demonstration on march 21 in center city to get the attention of lawmakers. and celebrity are also cents stepping to up help the florida shooting survivors organize a huge event. >> yes, we now know at least three pretty big stars donating a lot of money. thomas, you have a list? >> yes, the celebrities part of the 70% you just mentioned certainly want something done in this country par of the march for our lives event organized of course by the student of the park land tragedy, happening next month in washington dc. so the first name here, oprah winfrey announced on twit shear is he donating $500,000. she says she was inspired because the group reminds her of the freedom riders from the 60s will also cents said enough is enough. george and amal clooney pledging $500,000 as well matching oprah. the star couple says they plan to be at the rally saying, quote, our children's lives depend on it, they actually in honor of their own children donated the 500,000. also, steve spielberg and his wife kate pledging $500,000. you can expect mike and alex more and more celebrity to join the thousands of people all over the world who have raised more than $2 million for the rallies. it will be held once again march 24 to demand comprehensive bill that addresses gun control in this country. >> maybe just me, but seems, it is unfortunate do you have say this time, people are really starting to do something about this. >> i think it is the high school students? yes. >> the activism. >> the catalysts. >> okay, so it may get mid 70s today. so what are you going to do with your afternoon? >> i know steve has an idea for us, because you're, right now, tyler state park. newtown. >> yes, what are you going to do with your w your morning any time from dave schratwieser me, now from mob talk to slob talk. >> okay. >> i'm comfortable being a bit of a bumm. all right? i'll have. that will by the way since talking about break cents historical weather records, i thought what better place than go to a spot of pennsylvania history, one of the original covered bridges, this is the scofield ford covered bridge, chris is going to walk up the bridge. and gave you a look inside the bridge. named for the two families that had farms here, way back when, the scofield's and the ford's, sounds like the hatfield's and mckoys. >> yes. >> in 1979 pennsylvania took over this farm, from the tyler estate, george tyler, that's where we are in tyler state parkings and they decided to cut six diamond shaped windows in the bridge, to gave you a view of the neshaminy creek, so here is a look out of this dark covered bridge. ill toss back with a bit of culture for you, all right? we all know charles dickens from christmas time, but he actually crossed bridges in pennsylvania. and he write: we cross this river by a wooden bridge, roofed and covered on all sides, and nearly a mile in lent. it was profoundly dark. perplex with great beams, crossing and recrossing it at every possible angle, and úcrevices in the floor thend rapid river gleemed far down below like a legion of eyes. >> oh. >> that was beautiful. >> so poetic. >> look at that. >> a lot of people were talking about the bridge and stuff. and they're saying it is beautiful. they're sending in pictures of different covered bridges throughout our area. >> if you want to make it to lehigh valley they have a lot of covered bridges, six, seven, bucks county filled with covered bridges. >> little window. >> window to the worlds. >> window to the world. very nice. okay. >> thank you, steve. >> maybe i'll go up there and see. that will i'm trying to come up with what i will do. knit on facebook and on my stain gram. and getting quite the response t says the face i make when it is finally warm enough for -- and i'm having people finish the sentence. and you know what the number one response has been so far? >> drink wine? >> well, that was one of them. >> flip flops. sue, people are excited to bring out their flip flops. >> oh, i hate flip flops. >> what? >> i don't want to see people's feet. >> you don't like feet. you are an anti-feet guy. >> anti-feet. >> anyway, whatever do you, join it today. because here comes the cold front. this will tender our area very late tonight but before that happens high pressure should take us to the mid 70s today. current visibility, are improving little bit. we got to see the view off the covered bridge with steve keeley. but still very foggy out in lancaster county. where reduced visibility in philadelphia, 4 miles, and it is pretty fog any allentown, 0 . so here comes the rain. into cleveland right now, we don't expect to see it until late tonight. but still very foggy out there this morning. and as we look real quick at the future cast, there we see tonight, the rain moves through with the cold front. the problem with this cold front it, hangs around. so it stays cloudy and rainy through tomorrow. through friday, we could even get some frozen precipitation up to the north, where temperatures will be closer to freezing, could get slippery in the overnight hours tomorrow night into friday. and then it stays kind of rainy as we head into the weekend. but with these temperatures, at least in philadelphia, it is only rain that we are talking about, tomorrow, friday, saturday, and sunday. by saturday and sunday, though, temperatures will be little more comfortable. tan will rain on and off bob kelly. so you should be able to get some fun in over the weekends between the raindrops you. >> know it, 7:19. good morning, eastbound schuylkill expressway, accident off to the side here, think you're having bad start to the day all bunched in the front, eastbound heavy king of prussia in through the curve looks like the fog is lifting, roads are still wet. so just be careful as you head on out the driveway this morning, we will go to delaware, accident, this is southbound route one. the off ramp to smyrna blocked there. you can see police and crews on the scene, so again that's for the folks down there in delaware. fire location, in the neighborhood. pitman and collingdale avenue. just outside of glenolden with some local detours, septa had to cancel one of the elwyn trains because of equipment problems. so we're running with some delays on that line as well as the west trenton regional rain line. and we can finally start to see 95 here, working northbound through the fog, but expect some delays on arrivals an and departures down there at philadelphia international airport. mike and alex back over to you. >> oh, tonight, a new series start on national television, that focuses on philadelphia. >> yes. different crimes that have happened in philadelphia. and we're going to focus on one that will start this off. montgomery county murder more than 20 years ago, is going to be the new focus. we have the victims' fiancee joining us in studio before tonight's premiere of homicide city. >> oh, that's what they're calling this? homicide city. well, the eagles have a fight on their hands. they're underdogs again. they're battling to get the trademark and the copyright for philly special. there are seven people in front every them. it is national sticky bun day, aling. >> oh, let's get some sticky buns on the show. >> i did not have sticky bun day on my calendar, but apparently these guys d and where else would we be but fritz's in neshaminy. bensalem. bensalem. come on back. we will have some stuck i buns, we're getting sticky. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> parx is pennsylvania number one casino can brand new tables and slot. two new restaurants. and excitement center. featuring the hottest acts. the best is better cancer challenges us. to find smarter solutions. to offer more precise and less invasive treatment options than before. like advanced genomic testing and immunotherapy. see how we're fighting to outsmart cancer at >> sticky buns pyongyang jen, let's see some sticky buns. i want one. >> look, this is like a whole tray of sticky buns. first off, good morning. >> good morning. >> let's come advice. >> i absolutely, any time. >> so sticky bun day, there are people out front that say it is on their calendar. >> it is on the calendar. >> how long has it been a day. >> we've been celebrating the lasts ten years or so. >> like people put reminders out. do you do facebook reminders. >> facebook, signs, the whole nine. >> okay. so this is a tray of sticky buns. already sticky. but not quite sticky enough. >> not quite finish. we need to put some icing on them. want to give it a shot? >> i don't see why not. so you go first. >> i'll show you one, then i pass it off. >> how many stuck i buns do you think you guys will sell today? >> individual sticky buns? >> yes. >> probably 5,000? >> what? >> yes. >> all right. more than that? he says more. >> a thousand. >> more? >> all right. oh, it is just like. >> ready? >> what if you like the ones with nuts? because i like the nut ones. >> still sticky bun, five different varieties, plane, plane with the icing, walnut go, little heavily, okay? >> okay. >> because you don't want people complaining we didn't give them enough? >> absolutely not. >> there go. you're getting the hang of it. ba boom. >> load it up. >> we have the sticky nuts. >> of weight raisins, and the walnuts and race inch. >> and then we have this? >> and then this is just our plane and obviously -- >> is this cream cheese icing? >> yep. >> okay. >> and oh, that's perfect. >> that's better right? >> that's much better. >> how early did you guys get here this morning to start making this? >> tom, what, midnight? 1:00. >> tom you've been here since 1:00 in the morning? >> how long will people be coming in. >> open until 7:00. so -- >> pm? >> yes. >> then what about tomorrow? do people have lining a sticky bun hang over? >> , no surprisingly we're still pretty busy tomorrow. >> do you think people hear they missed sticky bun day. >> after they're done crying themselves to sleep, they wake up and come in. >> look at that. that's my best work. >> that's pretty good. >> where are these going to go to like, i don't know, the employees or something? >> because i don't these should be -- >> we can probably tweak this, probably just ice most of it, put it out. >> you're going to destroy my work? destroy my work? recycle my work? okay, that's fair. all right, fritz says you guys have two locations, thank you very much. >> yep, other store is in langhorne, doing all of the same stuff today. >> congratulations everyone, by the way if it wasn't on your fast book feed, it is sticky bun day and they're not kidding it is a real thing. >> makes sense, it will be 57, i'm sure lots of sticky buns outside today. >> you're on fire today. >> every time. >> i use talcum powder on my sticky buns. >> i hear that words. >> or baby prouder. >> is talcum powder and baby powder the same thing? anybody know? basically the same thing, isn't it? >> is it in the baby pawedder? >> i don't know. >> johnson & johnson is here i'm sure we can ask somebody who is there? >> oh, johnso johnson & johnson. the company is here. >> here is the dumb he is thing i've heard that long time but fun. avacado love. how a lot of folks are using the avacado to propose marriage. how does that work? we'll explain. it is the pits. >> an update, lauren, what's going on? >> reporter: hey there mike something just that happened. one of the victims of the double home invasion is back here on the scene talking to investigators right now. you can see, he's still wearing his hospital gown. he has on a hoodie t has blood all over the top of it. so yes, now he is getting into that police car to talk to them more about exactly what happened to him. they did tell us they wanted to hear and the other female victim about exactly what happened here. you can see shell casings on the ground here, police say at least six shots fired today. when this happened. they're in the backyard of this apartment building all unfolded at 4:00 a.m. this morning. when that victim, that 57 year old man we just spoke about, was inside his apartment. he said someone barged inside, yelling, asking for another man, money, and drugs. that man laid in his own blood playing dead while the suspect rum and dollars through his apartment at some point he was able to get up and escape, through that gate there, out the front door, and the suspect followed him. firing off those shots. he wasn't done yet. he then ran back inside the apartment building into the home of 34 year old, she was in bed, reading her bible watching television when she said he asked her for the exact same thing, money, drugs, and an unidentified man. so at this point, philadelphia police don't know who they are looking for, they do tell us that he is hispanic but we also heard from someone here who heard the man who said he did have some type of accent. so the 57 year old victim left with police, will probably talk to them about what he experience the earlier this morning, hopefully to shed some light into what happened here so they can find out who they are looking for. >> what a story, he played dead laying in his own blood. >> god. >> all right, lauren, 7:32, oh, this weather. but you know what's weird? >> it is going to be like in the four's tomorrow. >> that's why you have to take advantage today. >> suck it all in, sue. >> yes. cold front comes through tonight. messes everything up. but, you know, it is february. it will be time to get back to chillier temperatures eventually. so enjoy today. wear all you can wear to school, maybe flyers jersey, because they won again last night. and it is foggy again this morning. judge temperatures mild in the 50's, 60s, don't have rain showing on ultimate doppler radar. do have a lot of cloud cover. it is 59 degrees, our high temperature today, record breaking 75, tonight cooler air moves in, so does some rain, we will talk more about that coming up in the seven day forecast, bob kelly. >> you got it, sue. fog starting to lift. we can see some of the problems here, disable dump truck on the ramp from the schuylkill to go north on the roosevelt boulevard. southbound lanes route one, right at the smyrna inch change. septa having problems on the media elwyn lined, canceled four trains so far. also minor delays on the west trenton regional rail line. mike and alex back to you. >> thank you, bob. it is 7:33 now. >> homicide city is a new show that takes a look beyond the headlines at the lives that are shoot heard a lover one is murder. >> yes, every show this this first season focuses cents on different murder right here in philadelphia. >> in the first episode meet bride to be who receives devastating news. >> arrived the same day as the shooting around 1230, knocked on the door, answered, and when looked behind her, was her wedding dress. and i had to tell her that her fiancee is dead. a victim after sensely shooting. she was absolutely devestated, which anybody would have been. >> i didn't want it believe it. your mind doesn't want it believe it. i said he can't be dead. there is no way. we're getting married. we're getting married in five month. he is not dead. he is coming back. >> well patty is sitting right here with us now, 22 years later, and carl, who you will meet in just a bit is one of the producers of homicide city. thank you for coming in. >> thank you foroears later are you still living with it? >> very day. >> tell us what happened. there was three guys went >> manager? >> yes, he was actually set up as an inside managers had left her keys in the bathroom, and he was a keys, and he set this whole thing up, came one this pla weeks later, the day after mother day, thinking they needed the armored car when key along with john's key. my john's key to be able to get in. >> yes. >> and after all of that, they only got away with $2? >> 2-dollar bills from his pocket. he had gone to wawa in the morning. and that was the change from t i actually still have the actual loose change that they gave me with the evidence stuff back. >> and you also have something in your hand right now, don't you? >> i do, yes. this is the cross that he wore on his neck always. and he had that on actually when he was killed. and it is actually a little bit bent because when he fell, after they shot him, he was dead, immediately, and it is bent just little bit. but i keep it all the time. >> keep it with you. >> all these years later. >> how is it talking about, 22 years later, how is it for to you relive what happened? >> i have to say that it is pretty death arctic. sorry. i'm doing this because of the fact that, you know, when they approached me to be able to do this, i thought it would be great to portray him as not just a victim of some senseless homicide but to know who he actually was because he was like this big giant teddy, you know, teddy bear. >> yes. >> but talking about it, i tends to feel like if i can show people that they can go through the worse thing that they possibly have gone through, and make it out on the other side, you know, then i've done something. >> you were able to move on, you said it took couple of years, understandably so, but then able to get married and have a child? >> yes. i did. and my daughters 15. and she's my absolute world in the whole wide world, election license lex: unfortunately we are divorced at the moment. but that's okay. i mean we're still very amicable and good friends. but, you know, i got my beautiful daughter out of it, so that's great. >> and have you toll your daughter with john and his storey? >> yes, she knows all about john. and his story. she has seen the pictures, she has seen the news clippings. she knows the whole story. >> the whole country will know it now, after tonight. so why philly? >> philly is a sit very close to the company black fin, the even err gino mcdermott, par rent from philly, they met if philly one of those things, when you start in production, trying to like produce it, a documentary, you want to focus on areas that you're from. so, you know, for philadelphia, very close. >> so not pointing oh, so many murders in philadelphia, call that a homicide city. there is homicides in every sit. >> i yes. and this show is, you know, we like to see cities and their suburbs as living organisms. and there is always a tendency to focus on the crimes, the murder that happened in the inter-city. but we don't go off and see how crime can happen in the other communities. the suburbs, the working class communities. so this is a show that hones in on crimes and murders that happened, they could be on a socio-economic barrier. >> so you guys mention that you do different areas, all over, so go to the main line, you have some in the city. and because you guys are trying to show there is real now difference? >> yes. at the end of the day, yes, no community is immune to a crime. it happens. whether it happens it has a profound effect t has a profound effect. >> i was just wondering why it was philadelphia because you guys the produce remembers from this area so you start with what you know and then if this is picked up you'll go to other cities? >> yes, then maybe explore other cities, and go get to note other cities through their stories and the people there. >> okay. >> women thank you, pat. >> i thank you so much. >> really good to meet you. >> thank you. it is really good to meet both of you too. thank you so much for putting out there. >> say hello to your daughter. >> ill, lexi, thank you. >> thank you, carl. going to take a break, coming right back then. >> a fire that started a hour ago, but firefighters knock it down pretty quickly. delaware county firefighters, on the scene there is house, is on the 900 block of pitman avenue, in collingdale. the home is gone. we're hearing no report of injuries. but totaled. totaled. >> 7:42,. >> bob? >> good morning, everybody, talking about that earlier, so there is still some local detours in the neighborhood there. specially for the school buses, good morning, here is a live look at the ramp from the schuylkill to go north on the boulevard. this disable dump truck here causing one lane pattern, and that's back in the schuylkill expressway up, leaving town, heading out toward city line. here is a live look at 95, in delco, slow going, mainly because of the earlier fog. south 95, right near high lan, getting report after accident. that's probably true, because of the back up, that you're seeing there, and on the freeway, your normal delays as you work your way in toward philly. septa has canceled a cup of trains of on the media elwin line because of the fog: fock digging in, and mike picking out my shoes. >> for today? >> for outdoor happy hour today. >> oh, ya, where are we going? >> outdoor happy hour, it will be 75. >> beautiful. >> we need an outdoor patio spot. so i'm open to suggestions. >> you know bob, i said this yesterday. i said there is a place with a rooftop should open up, open up yesterday and today, they would get so much business because people just want to be outside. because it is so nice. >> the only problem is that my legs are as white as the shoes. so we have to work on that. >> that is a problem. >> sue has the forecast in 15 seconds. >> as we look forward to spring like temperatures i thought you might want to let you know how long it is until spring actually begins, we still have 27 days to wait. it is march 20th, 12:15 p.m. by then eastern daylight time. that is tuesday. it is coming up in 27 days. the fog situation is improving in some places, except for lancaster and allentown, but still, very cloud willing outside, still anticipating the colds front that comes through, off to mild start, with 50's, 60s, ends up with 75 today then the cold front tonight gives us on and off showers tomorrow. >> by monday and tuesday of next week by the time the week send over then we take rainout of the forecast but at least, mike and alex, yes, it is only rain. >> it is only rain. >> it is february. >> it is so foggy, almost like, anyway, i'm not complaining. it will be 75 degrees. >> just wait. >> it is coming. >> so here, i'll pretend i'm coach pederson. actually i asked kit call kline to draw up the philly special. >> it doesn't look anything like this. where did that happen? alshon jep are you? where is cory? anyway, this thing, somebody want to trademark this thing. >> is that why we had to draw it instead of showing it? >> drawing it, if coach maybe he has a case in court. because they're eighth in line for the copyright, the trademark. >> eighth in line? >> there are seven other dudes trying to do it on their own. >> but the eagles are the once who actually did the play. >> or is it? did it come from chicago? did it come from clemson university in originally called the clemson special. who has the rights? we need a trademark attorney. >> let guess to court. >> let guess to fred. he is a trademark >> now they've got a bag on his head. dying his hair blue? we'll check in biff with them. preston and me? about ten minute. >> all righty then. >> it is time to talk about the play. it is one of the most super plays in philadelphia history. once again, it is call the philly special. here it is. >> philly special. here we go. ready? >> easy, easy. (cheers). >> what a great play. so, it ended up on spirit illustrated. anyway, a trademark attorney, what do you all day long. >> like my day job, actually come talk about something that i actually supposedly know something about. >> so put up the diagram of the play. because this is what they're talking about trademark g, not the philadelphia eagles logo, let's gave you a example of what it looks like. common. let's go. there it is. well, that's the actual play. >> correct. >> but slow it to me on a t-shirt or a mug or something like. that will that's what people want to trademark. >> right. >> that casino every fish-shaped look. >> okay. >> but -- >> that doesn't look like anything like that. >> not sure what that is. but anyway, we don't have the sport illustrated cover? >> we have t-shirt. let's get it out of the way. >> not even close to what it is. >> so. >> all right, eventually we get to t-shirt that has the darn play on it. that's what is being trademarked. there it is. >> there go. >> philly special. >> yep. >> so there is seven people got to it, you know, to the trademark. >> right. >> people. >> they did. >> before the philadelphia eagles, now the eagles won it, of course. >> yes. >> who gets it? >> the eagles. let me explain to you, couple every things, first, trademarks indicate a common source. so when i say campbell's, you think after red and white soup can and the kind of soup that comes with it. >> right. >> right? so for the trademark, what does the trademark represent? it represent good or service that is come from the philadelphia identification. so what we have actually two type of trademark applications, there is a use base, because you're right to the trademark come from your use that far mark. then intent to use. so all of these applications filed except for restaurant that wants to file for the philly special for a sandwich. >> yes, well, example i think yuengling the beer people, they want the trademark rights to that. >> they say we intends to use the philly special in connection to particular goods and services beer. but you got to remember. trademark right come from use. the first people to actually use this mark were the phillies. were the eagles. >> holds on a second. maybe they did. out of their play book or on a clipboards. doug drew it out. >> well there are couple parties to the thing, actual mark itself, the trademark, there could be world or phrase, philly special. that's a mark. you can have something like, that like when you see, you know, when sue see good day with the sun and the stuff coming out of the g. you can tell that that's part of your show, that's the graff takes go with t no matter what the market is. >> so just the name philly special would have it own trademark? >> it would be, yes, would have it own mark plus the graph takes go with it. so, gout to realize that when consumers look at it, whether they look at the play, whether they hear the word philly special, what do they associate that with? and the eagles have right in that. in fact the nfl is the one who actually filed the trademark on behalf of the eagles. >> hold on a second. apparently alshon jeffrey brought it up when he played for the bears. they had a similar play. and it is originally called the clemson special because they ran it. >> it is like a corned beef special sandwich. okay? there are a bunch of different once. what that means is that the term philly special doesn't refer to any particular play. it has been out there before. >> but when they came up with the idea, somebody in a meeting called it the philly special. >> correct. >> with the eagles. >> but again, part of the trademarks, what do the consumers associate with the mark? eagles can call it whatever they want. these people who file these trademarks, but consumer, when you see philly special and you see that picture that far play, you associate it with the eeks. >> okay, so who makes the decision? let's say did i it, i was first in line and the eagles are seven behind me. who makes the decision? >> first of all the eagles are only seven behind you in the date that you filed the application. >> okay. >> all right? and as between the people who said i'm going to use it, the first one to the trademark office wins that fight. the eagles -- >> trademark office? >> trademark office is in d.c. >> for the purposes every priority its use, eagles the first one to use it, only ones who filed actually what's called use application based on their first use. no matter who gets it. >> speak english. >> okay. >> who is going to get it? >> the eagles. i have told you that. >> okay. >> because when everybody look at any of the thee things, who do they associate with it. >> the eagles. >> the eagles have the right to stop people from making monday. >> i but who make the final decision? >> ultimately this will get played out in some court somewhere. >> over a year. >> right. >> well, it could be tomorrow morning. because remember, your rights come from the use. the eagles already have their rights, all of these people have their rights. >> quit yelling at you. >> good to see you. >> you're the man. >> if you're a persons the people trying get this, is it expensive? >> couple hundred dollars to dot application. it is not expensive. that's why you see a bunch of individuals filing application. >> mike let's get ton. >> could you file. >> i would be ninth behind the eagles. >> all right. thank, guys. brandon brooks, well he's spoken out about battling anxiety, but many levels of the the disorders. how you can cope the difference between feelings anxious and full blown and eye at this attack. we will talk with preston and steve next. what's going on with casey boy's hair? what's going on with casey boy's hair? what's it's time, america. there's work to be done. it's not going to be easy. but there's grit inside of you. and if you need extra motivation, the grad fund at strayer university can help push you forward. because up to your last year of classes could be on us. that's right. on. us. today is the day. strayer university. let's get it. strayer university. olay regenerist shatters the competition. hydrating skin better than prestige creams costing over $100, $200, and even $400. for skin that looks younger than it should. fact check this ad in good housekeeping. olay regenerist. ageless. it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pac. helps keep your laundry pacs safe, and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. >> preston and steve, what's happening with casey boy. >> do you want to see? >> gentlemen, we want to see. >> i don't know if you guys can get a vision of phil donahue, casey's hair, phil donahue. >> oh, mark somer showed up. >> yes, so casey, you want to explain. >> well, listen, i work in radio, so i can kind of look however i want to, right, wear spet pant, wearing shorts right now, i've always wanted to have like crazy colored hair specifically i like the way royal blue looks. right? >> so philadelphia some day. >> the eagles season is over, i don't have to worry about jinx the team wearing a blue, like, you know, other team colors. so i'm going with blue now that the season is over. calling it trust the process blue. >> trust the process blue. >> they had to strip your hair down to this, because if they did like a yellow you said it would turn your hair green. >> yes, so angelo, calendar girl, french our show, hairstylist, and so she had to strip it all the way down and she said if there is even a hint of yellow, it can kind of tint the blue to a green. >> to a green. >> you know what though? do you guys think alex and mike, do you think -- i think is a good look for casey. >> i like it. >> i like what he has now. like he looks really good. >> i think he looks like a champ in the board room and the bedroom. >> oh! >> yes. >> to quote all of those bad hair dye ads. >> casey you can now be in viagra ads. >> you're right, i can. >> we have to get right on this. >> i'm glad, though, will it be completely blue, because some people have accused you, i noticed on twitter, although this is cowboys colors, look at you? >> no, it is trust the process blue. it is sixers and philly blue. >> there you go. >> yes. >> sixers blue, phyllis blue phillies blue. we're all very seeks cited though. this has to be, trust alex, you know, alex has a good identify for this stuff as does mike. but if you want to look like you're happening in a good looking guy, alex, would this be a suitable color for him to stay with if he were to choose? >> i think i like this. ya, we just did segment yesterday they call it the ghost dollars hair color. there is no color to it at allment like the new hair trends. so casey boy really on trend here. >> wow. you're on fleek. >> oh, yes. >> i think it looks ridiculous on him i just want to say, going on record, i know everybody is lavishing him with praise, casey, don't did it. >> tight late now though? >> he's going blue. >> your website. >> and on instagram and twitter. want to see it. >> oh, it will be everywhere. >> do it for the gram casey boy. >> good day everybody it is wednesday, february the 21, 2018. >> from the fox 29 studios. this is "good day philadelph ia". >> an early morning home invasion. a woman and a man in the hospital after a man forced his way into their apartment building, pistol whipped this man and this woman. details on the way. >> a show of solidarity. survivors of the florida school shooting take the tallahassee to demands the gun control. >> we new that they weren't going to hear us, if you just stood. >> their plan today to pressure lawmakers to make a change. >> the crippling events of anxiety. >> i can't emphasize it enough. it is not, you know, nervous just or fear. >> brandon brooks knows all too well. and he's not alone. how to recognize if you have anxiety, what you can do to cope. >> new, but not clean. just because your clothes still have the tags on them, doesn't mean you can skip the spin cycle. the stomach churning reason why you should always wash new clothe. >> i bet i've never done this in my life wash new clothes, even though they say to do it. >> unless too big and you want to clean it. >> unless the collar is necessary dollars up. >> ten on a ten scale. >> oh, yes. >> double digit dayment even with the fog around this morning, and the mist, the drizzle, we goutily it yesterday. and loved the result in the afternoon. the same thing is going to happen today. but first, you got to get through the morning. hope you can see bus stop buddy. he's not wearing winter coat today. oh, no, temperatures already in the 50's and 60s, it is foggy again. and there is no, nothing showing up on radar, but look at this it, look like it rained here in old city. because the grounds is all wet. the cars are all wet. but it didn't rain. it is just misty outside. 61 degrees, 7 miles visibility at the airport, so at least that's improving. we should be at 70 degrees by lunchtime. and another record breaker, with a high of 75. so it is still misty. >> misty. >> you sing it, sue. >> 8:02, and the mist, you're right, coming from the fog that we've been dealing with all morning long, at least bad hair day to start. south on 95 already jammed up over half hour. all because after accident. right here at route 452. this is our camera kind of pointing right down. so anyone headed south, down toward wilmington, this morning, you're delayed. the accident just south of route 452. and again, slippery conditions on a lot of the on and off ramps. not because of the rain, just the fog, live look at the freeway, working your way in toward philadelphia. nothing out of the ordinary there. septa though had to cancel couple of trains on the media elwin line because of early morning equipment problems. slippery rales running with delays on the west trenton line. and some scattered delays at philadelphia international airport because of the early morning fog, as well, mike and alex back to you. >> all right, 8:03. >> terrifying months, early this morning, for the resident in the city's feltonville section. police say a gunman burst into at least two apartment, on the two block of roosevelt boulevard. they say the suspect pistol whipped a man who then played dead as the gunman ransacked his apartment. the suspect then fired shot at him as he made a run for t the gunman then burst into a woman's apartment, pistol whipped her, while demanding drugs and money. and no arrest have been made yet. >> also following developing news out of the nicetown neighborhood of philadelphia. where police are searching for the driver in a hit-and-run. investigators say, a driver struck a 28 year old woman, at the intersection of pulaski avenue and hunting park. shortly after midnight. and then drove off. paramedics transported the victim who broke her arm to einstein medical center where she is in stable condition. still no description of the vehicle. >> well, a week ago today. seventeen people, mostly children, were killed at that florida high school. and community members are honoring those they lost four of the victims laid to rest yesterday. also, there are more funerals slated for today. by the way, i wanted to mention that one of the young men, peter wang, especially honored by our us military. he always wanted to go to the military academy at west point. so he had special honors, was burr made rotc uniformment then this happened. >> it is not a want any more. it is a need. because we are dying. and we will not let this continue. >> students organize, they walked out of class yesterday in schools across the state, from fort lauderdale to south florida they are calling for florida to change its gun laws. >> of course fort lauderdale is in south florida a group of student from that high school drove about 400 miles, went reading on a bus yesterday, arrived at state capitol of tal has cents ' last night, late yesterday afternoon and last night. >> where they plan to lobby state law make about gun control laws. but the florida house voted not revive a bill to ban assault weapons yesterday before a lot of the student arrived. but lawmakers say more gun control legislation is coming. but it is still been some i am thanks have come out from the student who were in the gallery when that happened. they were very upset to see. that will so to push the message number of non-profit have sponsored rally nor student today outside of the capitol. >> caroline shively is in tallahassee. going to be big day, caroline. >> reporter: huge, guys, toeing about the rally, noontime rally on the steps right hine me, 700 are expected, that could explode, we saw park lands last week, they thought couple of hundred would come to the vigils, and it turned into thousands of people. so we definitely expect a big crowd/sight of the capitol, student and other from the area will be meeting with legislators, the governor, anyone this can he to say we want to be the last school to get slaughtered like there is mike and alex. >> interesting, the way this has started out because we saw all of the media and following them, getting on the busses headed down there, only to have the lawmakers vote down that bill. that we were going to talk about banning assault rifles. some of them in the gallery, right. >> one student holding her mouth. she couldn't believe this was going down. if you think about the pulled night club, we covered that about a year and had a half go, fort lauderdale, airport shooting and now this school shooting. if anyone can get this done some change at the state level, it is these kids, these teenage letters change the world, guys. >> i don't know. what exactly was the florida legislature vote about yesterday? that they're not going to in this session even debate stronger gun laws? >> running out every time. only have three more weeks in this session. so there is was a procedural vote to say can we take up this bill that would ban assault style weapons. that was put down. but the governor says they're working on things, so do state legislature. i think they'll look so bad, if they don't get something done. they have three weeks to do it and they have the entire world looking at them here in tallahassee. >> you couldn't even wait for these kids to get there before did you this? >> ya. and these kids are also getting money, energy, world focus, hundreds of thousands of dollars are pouring into this movement. it is cents a strong, strong gun state. on the books now, mayor, entity, can't even make stronger gun laws than what they have at the state lawing or you personally as mayor will get $5,000 fine. pro gun, pro legislature, a-plus rating from the nra for this governor. this is not anything that they've handled in the past. but look, they've got 17 kids dead. they've got 15 more injured. they've got hundreds of children walking the halls that far building today demanding action. i think they're going to get it. >> i think so too. it is a tough mountain to climb. all right, caroline, thank you, great job. >> but the important thing they're making sure their voices were heard and doing what's necessary. >> i guess you saw big name celebrities backing these children, too, let's go through some of them. by the way also they plan to join some student at that march in late march in washington dc. >> first george clooney and amal clooney pledging $500,000, now winfrey and says she was inspired because group remind her of the freedom riders from the 60s, and spielberg called the student an inspiration. the rally will be held on march the 24th, to demand comprehensive bill. that addresses gun control. so far clooney says he and his wife they plan to be there, like mike said. >> a lot of folks are feeling anxiety, i mean, it can be crippling. so this hit show, this is us, tackled the topics. a lot of people can see this, very real for a lot of people watching good day philadelphia today. coming up: how to re eyes it your anisi at this is a disorder or just natural, and ways to cope with it. >> but first, the shoppers have spoken. from the best cookware, men's hair care, cleaning supplies, we're going to tell you the top p turning 65. downsizing. enrolling in medicare part d. these are moments when people realize that where you get your medicine matters. and they come to cvs pharmacy. for advice and ways to save money. including copays as low as zero dollars. switching is easy, call 1-833-cvs-medd and transfer today to cvs pharmacy. >> 40,000 people, ♪ how beautiful, ♪ when seeds we sow ♪ give free their fruit ♪ to hands below ♪ as thank you for ♪ the chance to grow pick your free yogurt at ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪t ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ any any any any ♪ did you know trading in your car at a dealer could cost you money? a recent study found consumers who 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tractor-trailer there, so instead of two lanes, only left lane open. again, only one lane heading northbound, at that 413 interchange. so couple of problems all in the last half hour here on 9a otherwise looking good, coming in from south jersey, mass transit just minor delays, same deal at the airport. sue has got the forecast in 15 seconds. blank. >> almost 8:14, there it is, okay, we had number of new records set yesterday. with those mild temperatures, including 72 degrees here in philadelphia. bash the old record of 70. that had been set in 1939. seventy-three in atlantic city. look at wilmington, 75 and 71 in trenton, all new records. today, we're going for another one, the record 72, set in 1930. today's forecast, is for a high of 75. as soon as we get rid of the fog. and the cloud cover. very foggy in lancaster county this morning. up in the lehigh valley, only quarter mile visibility in allentown, atlantic city, half mile visible at the airport there. and we're seeing some rain in advance of our cold front. the one that's going to ruin these temperatures in the 70s, now starting to edge into the northwestern part of pennsylvania, i think it will be here after sunset tonight. but meantime, look at it, 61 degrees, and it is february. wind speeds are at 18 miles an hour. so that's going to help dissipate some of that fog. after 75 today, high in the four's tomorrow. and friday. we get little milder saturday and sunday, but this frontal system will stall in the area, and give us at least a chance of showers, every day through the weekend. finally drying out monday and tuesday of next week. mike and alex. >> i like these segment where we name the best products of the year, 40,000 people were interviewed. >> and that's yes like it, because it is the people who decide. not the experts. >> by the way what year is this? must be 2017. only six weeks in now, steve. >> reporter: yes, exactly, so the winners for 2018. but of course based on products from 2017. the winners will actually get to have that seal, even on the shelf with them in the grocery store, at point of purchase. to let you know what it is what we are talking about the largest consumer survey of product innovation, really cool cat gore thinks year, starting with this right here, everybody loves this, especially it on our shift. a grab and go breakfast g something super easy from sandwich brother, all natural flat bread product here. so this is out of wisconsin actually filled with super healthy stuff. talking turkey sausage, egg whites, cheddar, they believe in goodness simple ingredient. only 150 calories which is great. so grab and go pop it in the microwave. all set. next up over here speaking of saving calories, we see these advertised on tv and everything, does it actually work? ya, we tested them on our program before. this is from copper chef. it is their square deep pan. so because it is a square, the idea here, remember like white castle they say we can fit more burgers on here because we have square burgers on the grill as oppose to all of the space you get wasted with the round buryinger? same kind of concept here. square pans give you 25% more cooking space, replaces cents all different pots and pans, plus allows you to coup healthier because of the coating on the pan, less oil, less butter, less stuff because of the non-stick surface, speaking of surfaces how about this? i know in our office we have ton of pure he will on everybody's deaths being, everyone using the hand sanitizerment same product that you come to love as a hand sanitizer is now a surface sanitizer. this is the purel multi surface disinfect and the. worry free to use around kids, pets and food. awarded by the epa as well in terms of design, and effectiveness. >> okay. when i was a kid my grandmother would say soak in epsom salts. that's going to help all of the body aches and pains. but who has time these days to draw a bath and sit there and soak? so now this is from procure. this is an epsom salt rub gel. so it has got things like alovera, essential eras, power of epsom salt. so now what do you you apply all of those healing properties right to the area of your body where you're feeling the pain without having to worry about drawing a bath and soaking in it for a long time. finally for you i want to point this out. this is from just foremen. their control gx. guys going gray and trying to fight that battle, maybe don't think it is distinguishing as you get older, i kind of do, this will gradually shampoo away the gray. as opposed to one day, you know you've got the little snow on the roof here, the next day you come in, all the sudden you have dark hair again. >> this will gradually cover up the gray to the point where you decide howie negative you want it to be when you're good to go, that's when you stop using. 7.99, the first shampoo with a brain they are calling it, tons more categories for this year, and some great products. you will find links to them on your station website of course when you come see me on line facebook. com/save me steve. >> just the only weird one was calling it a pocket breakfast. hey, is that a breakfast in your pocket? >> pocket breck if a fast. >> steve, thank you very much. speaking of new items here, buying new clothes. you know you're supposed to wash your new clothes before you put them on? at least put them in the spin cycle something like that? there are some weird stuff in new clothes. unreal. >> oh, no. i don't know if i want to know. >> you better. how about that lindsey vaughn? >> she takes home the metal at the winter olympics. but it is not the one she was hoping to win. we're just going to show you her reaction after it was cents all your dinner bell yourmight be a text but when your smoked sausage is crafted with care... you're closer to the farm than you think. ♪ for switching to progressive? [ engine revving ] you cannot hear me at all, can you? >> us sky err lindsay vaughn just compete in the what was likely her last solo race for her olympic career. she 33 years old now. so she got the bronze in the downhill. man, they go fast. >> but she fell short of the gold by less than half a second. >> that's the way it is. >> so she was emotional about all of it, not why she was crying, but her final race. >> that's -- i would cry at that, too. specially, you know, not getting the golds by seconds. >> last than half a second. >> but she will compete tomorrow in the al pine combined event. by the way in skiing, do you know the us won gold for the first time in cost country skiing. >> really? >> we were in minnesota we saw what was it? >> ski jump. >> to see that in person? >> intense. >> when i watch this. >> shocking. >> things we saw in minnisota. >> what is the guy that fell off wide worlds of sports. >> what was the phrase? >> agony of defeat. always the agony of defeat. megan will get it in a second here. ryan reynolds making dreams come true. he's dreamy. >> yes. a lot of people say so. he welcomed young fans facing critical illnesses on the set of dead pool two as part of the "make a wish foundation," shared series of photos along with caption saying it is one of the best parts about playing his character in the movie but in his opinion they are all real heroes. >> oh, absolutely. >> pretty cool and nice of him to do that. >> i also just reading is. >> i knew this was coming. but billy gram has died. >> oh, my goodness. >> at his home in north carolina. what a life he led. inspiration for so many people. ninety-nine. icon of america, right there, billy gram. >> 8: there is next, brandon brooks has spoken out about battling anxiety, many levels of the disorders. how you can cope, and know the difference between just feeling anxious, and having an anxiety attack. (clucking noises) everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. while others may keep trying, nobunny knows easter better than cadbury. >> so what's the secret to marital bliss? time magazine publishes special edition all about the science of marriage, but people are divided over it. is marriage a science, or is it really a mindset? >> oh, that's a good discussion. >> plus, parent, you need your time alone, right? and are you willing to pull all the stops to get it? you should hear some of the confessions from moms and dads, admitting to the different things they do just to get their me time. >> so they're lying? >> well, they need their me time, mike. >> okay. >> i could use some me time. i need some sue time. >> oh, the sue time is right now. >> oh, ya. >> this is also bus stop buddy time if you can see him. through the fog this morning, ya, we've got clouds, and fog out there this morning, but mild temperatures in the 50's and 60s, already. nothing on radar. so we will check the temperature here in old city which is 61 degrees. looks like it rained but really didn't. just been so misty, and cloudy, and foggy all morning. we should though be close to 70 degrees by lunchtime. little bit of sun peaking out through the clouds. back to the 70s, another record breaker today. high of 75 degrees. so enjoy it, because of course a cold front is coming, bob kelly to change everything. >> you always got a cold front over there. 8:30, good morning, everybody, problems on 95, accident cottman, 40 print trip altogether. pretty much of the end of the lodge here, then further south, delaware, an accident, south 95 right at route 452, about 45 minute trip from the blue route, all the way down to the delaware state line. roads are just damp from all of the fog we had this morning, coming in on the 42 freeway, in from new jersey everybody behaving, school busses looking good and just minor delays on some of septa regional rail lines again mainly from the slippery rales. mike and alex back over to you. >> everyone gets anxious at one time or another, but when the feelings alter the way you live your life, it becomes something more serious. >> you know this tv show this is us? people love it? remember randall's panic attack at work, here it is. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> that's a drama but happens in reality. >> right. so a member of the kardashians has admitted kendel jen their she suffers from anxiety attacks. >> kendall struggles from anxiety, i had i she has so much going on she get herself really worked up. >> don't cry. >> it is so weird, because i get like super light-headed. when i'm on planes, too, and i feel like i'm going to faint. everyone says i'm fine but i don't feel fine. >> kendel gets the most anxious during fashion week, when she is traveling a lot. and milan is coming up, trying to juggle it all. it is overwhelming. >> boy even athletes, philadelphia eagles, brandon brooks, talk about his anxiet anxiety. >> it is an obsession, you know, i can't emphasize it enough. it is not nervousness or fear. i love the organization, the organization has been great. they supported me with this. the head coach, howie, everyone supported me. and you know i'll make it through, i'll be okay. >> well doctor jena joins us again, in ardmore. >> yes, center for hope and health. >> what exactly is, i mean, anxiety, seems like we all feel it, seems almost normal. >> yes. i mean, i think it is important for us to recognize, anxiety is natural human thing. all-pro grand to feel it at different times, helps us second seed and survive. what we notice when we see anxiety disorder or people having panic attack is we're in the g, in the case of panic attack, almost like our bodies have alarm systems, miss firing, so our body giving us the signal of danger, so flea or fight. actually not danger. >> let's don't get ahead of ourselves, anxiety is normal. when does it become a disorder before we talk about panic attacks? >> sure. >> when does it become debilitating? >> i would say the things to look out for when you know, you're having more after problem with anxiety, more of a disorder when you notice that you're avoiding things, that's probably the hallmark of all anxiety disorders. >> avoid being something because you fear it might trigger attack. >> yes, avoid to go prevent anxiety. >> it might even be going to visit somebody that you know will cause you stress? >> absolutely. so you know if you're anxious on planes, not going on a plane. or if you're anxious at malls, not going to the mall. whatever, whatever the trigger might be, when you notice you're altering your life around it or not doing the thing, then we're heading more into the zone of anxiety disorder. >> i got that with airplanes. i'm better now though since i've some therapy. but what is a panic attack? >> so a panic attack it is a very brief, like, ten minute, accute period of time when you have a lot of physical sensations. and for many people they feel like they're dying, they feel like they're having a heart attack, feel like they're losing their mind, but the key to remember with pan particular really is very brief and only ten minute. approximately ten minutes. >> when does it become a dis explored. >> so it becomes panic disorder when you're having recurrent attacks. and then also avoiding things, or becoming preoccupied with the idea of having one. >> so going back to the attacks, what are are some of the symptoms more than just feel like you're having a heart attack? sweaty palm, you can feel tight less in your chess, you can feel difficulty breathing. you might feel nausea, might feel dizzy, faint, dizzy, any or all of them, some people experience set ones, some people experience all every. >> i am that's when you realize i'm having a panic attack. >> it can be terrifying for people experiencing and don't know it is a panic attack. >> what happened to the olds blowing into a paper bag. does that work any more? >> what we know as far as breathing in anxiety, casino every miss belief about taking deep breaths. and like to calm yourself yes. >> actually what we know, it is slow breathing. it is not actually the deep breathe that calms the nervous system, it is cents slowing your breathing. so normal inhale in, and very slow exhale out, and pause before you inhale again. >> let's say that we've gone from just normal anxiety to a disorder. it is affecting our lives. >> absolutely. >> do i go to you for therapy? you what do you do? >> yes, that would be great to go to me. but really what people want it look out for is going to an anxiety specialist who specializes in cognitive behavior all therapy, focus on exposures, exposure to the feared scenario is really the only i shouldn't say the only but it is the most research supported way to get better. >> what's a calming technique? >> so calm technique that one could do is like i said the slow breathing, one, yoga. >> exposure therapy, what's that? >> does that mean the fear the thing you're voiding slowly getting used to being around that. >> so work your way up. say if it was public speaking or some kind of social anxiety, maybe working with somebody like okay, start raising your hand in class. they get used to, that you work up to -- >> well, a lot of kids are feeling anxious, anxiety, can you put up that graphic again? i'm little afraid that far last one. benzos? what people would you put people on medication? a strong benzo? >> great question. i'm not a psychiatrist so any my practice don't do medicationment actually what we know about be ben so diaz mean, they al lever ate the quick feeling, quickly sedate, but really only band aid for san eye at this. people can become dependent on them. so as myself as exposure therapist, i recommend to my patient not be on a benzo or get off one. to properly do the exposure. >> but temporary, feel like you're dying. >> absolutely. >> thank you, doctor. >> thanks for having me. >> new but not clean. >> just because your clothes still have the tags on them, doesn't mean you can just put them on and skip the spin cycle. >> no. >> the stomach churning reason why you should always please keep your shoes on! stop messing with your sister! hey! hey! don't make me come back there! so? feels really good.... yeah, i'm gonna buy it. (vo) customer service that goes the extra mile. enterprise makes it easy. >> in the dryer, to get all kind of the folds out of it, so it looks nice, and smooth, in my bed. >> i put it on holes and all. >> i don't think i've ever washed new clothing. >> i don't think i have either. unless there is also cents a stain on it, i got the 10% off because there was a stain, and i go home, wash it, and i get it for cheaper. >> look, professor of dermatology says you better wash those clothes even though they have the new tag on it. >> so, professor at klume bee a university medical center says if you don't wash store bought clothe before wearing them, you are at risk of irritation, scab east, and fungus. he says that those lobes will likely have been tried on by multiple people also seen cases of lies likely transmitted while being tried on at the store. >> so it is not the new-ness of the product it has affected other people put it on. >> true. >> taking it off. >> specially for women, we try on bathing suit, they have strip they put in there that says hey it is like protective strip, take it off when you buy it. >> what? >> new strip is put in there -- >> no, no, not a new one. >> so the strip has been touched by the crotches of women? >> like a plastic strip. so at least when you peel it off, you know? >> you get the fabric and that's fresh. >> oh, god i didn't know that went on. >> how do you guys do it? trunks -- >> not trying on unaware in a store. >> i'm talking about bathing suits. >> oh, bathing suits. yes, trunks. junk. i mean. >> junk in the trunk? >> (laughing). >> either way. i'm going to start washing stuff there, but jeans not supposed to wash your jeans all the time because the color you lose the color, it slings, it is too tight. >> i don't know about jeans. >> you wear jeans. you wear some tight jeans too. >> ya. i know. and, you know, aid laundry situation yesterday at my home. i cleaners guy, spring garden, i don't know what it is, the cleaners, i just got your big bag of laundry because i've been out of town, super bowl all of that, i had a lot of laundry, he said there are socks and under pants in here. and i thought did you that, too no we don't dot washing, just dry clean, we don't do socks and under pant. underwear. and he says and these panties. there are no panties in my laundry. >> there weren't? >> no! >> maybe you were and aware. >> i don't havey? paintiness my laundry. i don't think. >> right? >> it was a big bag, so maybe there were. nip way, you know, he says i can charge you but just don't do it again, this is the third time you tried this. >> you're repeat offendser. >> guess how much? to launder my briefs? >> how much? >> $2.50 per brief. >> oh! >> and the socks? >> yes? >> 1.95. a dollar 95 sent, let's just rounds it off, two bucks, a sock. i think it is for the pair. >> i'll go for a buck. >> you'll wash my socks for a. >> a dollar. >> i guess he's trying to make sure you don't come back. >> could be. he was very gracious, oh, because it is you, i'll do it. >> the perks you get mike. wash my socks. >> but weird. they don't sort them. it just comes back and all willie philly. i can't find -- >> us regular folk we have to sort our laundry. that's a normal thing. >> i swear. okay. >> i guess you think going to the trouble of sorting. >> oh, it would be great. at this point i'm so old i have to sort my socks now in the light of day. in the sunlight. i can't do it at night. >> at least you have pairs. i can never find. >> oh, i got whole drawer full of singles. where do they go? all right, let's talk about better fancy, fancy clothes, jen. >> well, it is more like edgey street wear, right? like sophisticated awesome street wear. here at mel and a, on spring garden, come on back, we will tell you little bit about what makes this little extra, and what fancy people are wearing her designs. which is pretty cool. and i you've worked hard. busted tail. and impressed the boss. maybe it's time to be your own? transform your career with strayer university's mba program today. let's get it. with strayer university's mba program today. >> 89:47. there is a look at melting snow, in camelback this morning. but, you know, there is cents still plugging away up there. getting the spring skiing conditions i guess what we have over the last couple of days, things will be getting chillier up there, after this cold front passes, and that will happen very late tonight. so, high pressure will get us to 75 degrees. by the end of the day today. cold front comes through with some showers and those showers& will linger, because that cold front is going to linger it, will stall in our area. visibilities, getting better throughout the area. so the fog lifting. we should be seeing sunshine by lunchtime at the latest very sim floor yesterday. there is the leading edge of that colds front. starting to bring some rain to northwestern pennsylvania. so, we've got 61 degrees already in philadelphia. you know it is going to get warm after that, 75 our high today. but then we stay in the chilly four's, thursday, friday, the temperatures get better over the weekend still chance every showers both saturday, sunday. >> okay, basically i take from that, have fun today. >> own and for five years but already has major following. a lot of celebrities like cardib, eve, meek mill, they've been seen wearing the clothing and it has local roots. it was created right here, in philly, so jen, is in spring garden, with the owner. >> okay. and we're still getting so fabulous, good morning. >> good morning. >> before we get to the fashion show, little bit of dram that i thought you addressed quite well. someone came in, bought one of your shirt tan had h and m tag in it. h and m is one of your vendors. >> well, i feel like a lot of people don't understand the business behind the clothing issue. i feel like from shark tank he explained it very well. we posted video and then explained exactly what goes on, especially new to the fashion industry. a lot of people have done it, and he's done it before so he explained it very well. so if you want to check it out check out the instagram page. >> just another thing you put your own stuff on different brands stuff. >> yes. >> so, okay. let's talk about cardib. i've told you i'm a cardsib super fan. this is not my normal look. >> amazing. >> something that she wore. >> yes. >> where did she wear this? >> she wore, she had it on wore it to a concert that she did at i forget. >> she wears a lot of our clothes. >> wore it few times. >> the bottom line it is like, you know, not athletic wear, like street wear but like little extra? >> yes. you can dress it up. you can dress it down. just for the girl on got. >> so we have some laid that's will show us some other stuff. i know that you have worked with meek milan some other celebrities. what do you think they like about your clothes? and they can come on out. >> i think, hey, guys? i think that they like that it is so fashion forward. and so trendy, i feel like they resonate with our story. so our dreams making reality. and we promote that. >> i love it. so first of all what's this? >> amazing. >> judges lynn jones suit. one of the very popular pieces for the women. so it is very trendy, it is very fashion forward, you can wear it with heals or you can wear it with sneakers. >> or wear it ski racing? >> yes. >> awesome. thank you. >> the dude, they have to step up too. >> yes, so this is our tyler sweatsuit. meek mill debuted it. he had debuted it and it is one of the very popular styles. >> okay. >> and again, it is like track suit, but, interest. >> yes, yes. so p. ditty was seen wearing this, rick rogue, we have few different celebrities took our brands, one of the popular sweats. >> does he call the store order it does he have a guy? i met him. one day in miami, i met him he was very, very sweet. and he was talking to me about business and giving me pointers and everything. >> i love it. okay. we have next we have -- >> this is the unisex. so you see woman and a man. very style err, very comfortable great quality. >> i love that you're styling it with heals, right? >> and finally a little bit of what you are wearing? >> yes. this is just to show how differs our brands; so everything is unisex pretty much. this is me wearing it with heals. this is him wearing it with sneakers, and. >> now where do you intend this to go? like where do you want your line your business to go? >> my idea to have global expansion. right now customers all over the world, i thank god for them. but i want to continue to grow. i want our store to be symbolic to philadelphia. but i want i want to continue to grow on line presence. >> next time, p. ditty calls. hey, when cardib calls, can you step up? >> i got you. >> as we wrap it. >> our zayn leggings, our harley crop, one of my favorite piece it is accentuates our waist, for me i have bigger stomach, so it really tux everything in. >> yes, yes. >> all right, thank you very much. you did great. >> now, thank you. you guys did great, too. >> hey. >> love it. >> i need to visit that place. >> you should. >> style. >> right offspring garden. >> let's do it. >> i can pick up my end pants, too. >> some people are recommending someplace that is will sort your socks for you, mike. >> oh, that's great. >> romance with a avacado. how some people, mostly in their 20's, are using this popular fruit to ♪ strummed guitar you can't experience the canadian rockies through a screen. you have to be here, with us. ♪ upbeat music travel through this natural wonder and get a glimpse of amazing, with a glass of wine in one hand, and a camera in the other, aboard rocky mountaineer. canada's rocky mountains await. call your travel agent or rocky mountaineer for special offers now. >> breaking, this black pact err movie, man, fans continue to pack theatres. how the movie is crushing records, and why fans may want to book a trip to disneyland now. and then we've got to talk about this stud. >> i the secret to marital bliss, has it been found? time magazine publishes a special edition all about the science of marriage. but, people are divided over. it is marriage real a science in or is this disinfectant spray says i have to rinse off the disinfectant after i've disinfected? yeah, i'm not gonna do that. seventh generation's disinfectant spray. it kills 99.99% of bacteria, and there's no rinse required. time to come clean with seventh generation. #comeclean if our world isn't stuck in the past, why is higher education? we say if there's a better path, you should take it. and when there isn't, well, you know where i'm going with that. don't do things by the book if the book can't keep up. take your page from one that hasn't been written. we took two renowned universities, including a premier medical school, and created a single university that defies convention. at jefferson, we're making modern look old and making old look new and making sure new is not enough. we're adding more weight to your degrees and more meaning to your careers, going where others wouldn't dare, making connections few think to make and setting tomorrow's standards by breaking today's. because we believe the lines that are drawn are meant to converge. that's where the future is born. and once you realize you're not limited to what's possible, guess what? you redefine all that will be. >> parent mean their alone time. >> yes. >> and they're willing to pull out all of the stems to get it. what moms and dads admit to doing for some me-time. some of it involves lying. >> romance with a side of avacado. how millennials are using the popular fruit to propose. i guess i've never thought of it as a fruit. >> oh, it is a fruit all right. but why stick a ring, and it is the pits, good morning. >> good morning, guys. >> also want to discuss this, you've been married how many years now? >> i think 12. >> she thinks 12. >> we'll check into that. is marriage a science or is it a mindset? this, you know what sparked this? >> what? >> time magazine. you see that edition of the double rings on it? they say it is called the science of marriage. the idea behind the issue is that there are certain boxes that you can check off, to make sure you're in a solid

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