Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 6PM 20180219 : compareme

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 6PM 20180219

>> young man kicks a woman. >> should be locked up forever for that kind of stuff like that. pregnant woman, yeah, he should. >> reporter: tenth and arch is on the fringe of chinatown draws brisk foot traffic from the convention center and area restaurants. the homeless and addicted often seek warmth at a near bee septa stop. police seem to know little more about the man beyond his description. >> described by just random violence like that. >> i am surprised about that. very surprised. >> reporter: had you heard anything about that. >> no. never. i never heard. i just watched the news bit enerve heard about that one. >> reporter: investigators hope the clear image of the suspect will bring a name from the bub of public while some here just want a more peaceful world. >> we're used to it because it happens every day. >> reporter: but random just random violence. he want two dollars. couldn't get it decided to kick her. >> it's just awful. >> reporter: as always, philadelphia police ask that you reach out to them if you know the name of this suspect. clearly, a man capable of sudden cruel violence. at the round house, i'm jeff cole, fox 29 news. in south jersey investigators are trying to figure out what started a fire that destroyed an ambulance squad building and five ambulances inside in woodstown. the damage is estimated at $2 million. flames broke out around 4:00 this morning on maple cou court. oxygen tanks inside some of the ambulances exploded. that made the flames spread more quickly. workers were there recall the moment it all began. >> my partner came in and woke us up. we were napping after a busy start to the shift. he came running in and said we got to get out. you guys got to get out. we didn't see flames initiately it was all smoke we saw until we came outside and we saw -- >> everything on fire. >> -- everything on fire. >> it took about two hours to fight that fire. thankfully no one was injured. developing right now philadelphia fire officials still trying figure out what started this massive fire. the flames left many without a place to stay and businesses ruined. crews were back out at the scene today in old city searching through the rubble for answers. our bruce gordon has more. with 239 chestnut street deemed em meantly dangerous and listed for demolition by the l and i. fire investigators monday used a lift to peer into the badly gutted buildings along this stretch of the chestnut while some business owners on the block wondered what's next. >> there was a lot of water. a lot of water in the kitchen. report roar chris young owns the little lion. he was allowed by officials to take a quick tour of the damage monday. nothing structural, minimal smoke but still a less mess. with utility which is off he and his 80 employees are out of work for a time. but he remains optimistic. >> you'll find a way to get through this. >> absolute, yeah. everybody will. >> reporter: huge fire raged out of control for more than four hours early sunday morning. sending scores of apartment dwellers and guests at a best western hotel scurrying into the pre-dawn chill. unsure of what was burning or where. >> all of a sudden i felt like we were surrounded by like a huge cloud of smoke. we couldn't see. everyone a coughing. >> our om thought we need to get down these stairs and get out of here because we were crowded with smoke as soon as we opened the door down the stairwell. it was pretty crazy. >> throughout date monday hotel guests some still fighting back tears after their ordeal waited for hotel employees to bring out their belongings at least what could be salvaged. dawn lee and his family when here from chain nan had planned to be in washington by now. hotel workers were able tore treat most of the their things. >> they working very hard looking for us. >> looking. they are looking, yes. >> reporter: hotel trying to find your belonging. >> yes, yes, yes. >> kelly was in town for her cousin's wedding she too got back most of her belongings. had high praise for those who helped fire victims sunday morning including a chestnut street bar that opened its doors to those forced outside. >> city of brotherly love, right. >> absolutely. that's i was so proud of the city. we've been proud all month with the super bowl up until now everybody has been just so proud of our city and this an excellent example of that again. >> reporter: given the size and scope of the fire and the pre-dawn hour it's frankly mack us will there were no human casualties. though it is reported that several pets died in the blaze. in old city, i'm bruce gordon fox 29 news. emergency of a different kind for other fir responders check out what happened in kensington. fire truck rolled over metal plates covering a gaping hole. the plates gave way and this happen. the call for help came in just before 9:00 last night on the 3300 block of colin street. no one was hurt and that truck is back at the firehouse. now your fox 29 weather authority now. we take a live look down the shore in cape maim get ready for potentially record breaking warmth you might want to head to the beach. maybe go to the boardwalk. i don't know. >> may be. maybe go skiing but look at the fog, iain. >> oh wow. >> isn't that something. >> that is foggy. >> yeah. >> this is blue mountain and you can make out the skiers and the snowboarders here but that warm air is coming up and over that cold snow pack and we are seeing some fog. a lot of fog across the region. roaring 10-mile visible but that is not at the upper levels in the poconos. so visibility i would say blue mountain less than mile. two and a half mile visible in allentown. a quarter mile in reading. three quarters of a mile in lancaster. 2 miles in wilmington. so most of us will be seeing dense fog overnight. temperatures warming with those southerly winds 48 in philadelphia. 51 in millville. 41 in allentown and pottstown. ultimate doppler a few spotty sprinkles moving through but that moisture remains and the fog will be the big problem tonight and even into tomorrow morning. overnight lows in the 30s and the 40s. even the 50s as temperatures stay steady or slowly rise overnight. and during the day tomorrow, we see a huge surge. we are going from back to back records this week record warmth before it gets very unsettled. we'll talk more about in just a few minutes with the seven day. iain. >> kathy, thanks. call caught on camera guy walks into a game stop store he didn't want a video game. plea say he wanted money back on january 19th on the 3200 block of red lion road in northeast philly. police say the guy walk right up to the counter and said he had a gun and wanted cash. the employee hasn'ted over the you recognize any of these guys. philadelphia police need your help to track down four of them after they say the man assaulted another man in center city. it happened back on february 8th on the 1,000 block of pine street. investigators say the group punched and kick the guy until he lost consciousness. the victim had cuts and a broken jaw. you know anything, please call police. new video tonight of vandalism from the eagles parade. police want to you take look at these images. they say the group stood on a septa bus shelter at 15th and jfk and caused it to just collapse. if you recognize anyone in this video, give police a call. the accused of gunman in the florida high school attack walked into a courtroom for the first time today since that deadly shooting. nikolas cruz is being held without bond accused of killing 17 people at stoneman douglas high school. his lawyers tried unsecond suss physical to seal court records related to the case. as the legal process plays out students held moral lease today after a weekend of demonstrations against white supremacists and the nra. protesters also head to do the white house for a lie in. they're calling on lawmakers to do something about gun violence in school safety. >> because we're under 18 and can't vote we decided to turn to what we do know which is social media and our right to public pro testify. >> the white house says the president is open to legislation that would expand background checks. president trump is scheduled to meet with students in a listening session on wednesday. it's all fun and games on social media until you post a mass shooting threat and no one can tell if you're joking. that's what happened to a 14-year-old st. pete student who posed with a beebee gun along with the caption round three on floored tuesday. he told florida that's right, sir he thought the post would be funny. teen who has been arrested says he was inspired by a post from a south carolina teen who was arrested for his viral post. copycat threats of course are becoming a real problem now. authorities say there will be consequences for posting them. 13 years ago today danielle imbo and richard petrone, jr. vanish. they were leaving a bar on the 400 block of south street and heading towards petrone's black dodge pick up despite the fact a decade has passed. the fbi and police continue to investigate. 50,000 dollars reward still stands for any information leading to them or information leading to an arrest of whomever is responsible for their disappearance. pennsylvania supreme court coming one a map of the state's congressional districts. the court dominated by democrats and republicans are not happy with the new map of the state's 18 districts. as it stands, it will be in may for may 15th primaries. among the courts changes philadelphia has two districts instead of three. the high core rule last month that the old map was and constitutional. gerrymandered to favor republicans. republicans are now expected to challenge that new map in federal court. a crime of opportunity a couple people steal a tip jar from local business. now, police are asking you with the help to find the pair behind it. kristen. >> phillies new manager gabe kapler telling him team to be bold. so they had very special guest drop by spring training to give that message. hear who it is ahead in sports. [narrator] look around. if our world isn't stuck in the past, why is higher education? we say, if there's a better path, you should take it. and when there isn't, well, you know where i'm going with that. don't do things by the book if the book can't keep up. take your page from one that hasn't been written. we took two renowned universities, including a premiere medical school, and created a single university that defies convention. at jefferson, we're making modern look old and making old look new and making sure new is not enough. we're adding more weight to your degrees and more meaning to your careers, going where others wouldn't dare, making connections few think to make, and setting tomorrow's standards by breaking today's, because we believe the lines that are drawn are meant to be crossed. that's where the future is born. and once you realize you're not limited to what's possible, guess what? you redefine all that will be. happening right now police are looking for two people who stole a tip jar may seem like a small crime but a pretty big deal for one mom and pop business in a small south jersey town. our joyce evans has the story from haddon township. >> reporter: you really have to work hard to stay open selling water ice through winter. that's what primeau water ice does. the community is behind them right now because somebody has decided not once or twice but several times to take the girls tips. and the animal rescue donations so they're releasing video they've had enough and they just don't want people to think they can keep getting away with this. >> small twist and a cone. >> reporter: busy day at primeau water ice on haddon avenue. as customers learn about the dirty deed that took place here on valentine's day. >> so wrong. so these are just kids and, um, family owned business trying to make some money. it's really a shipment. >> reporter: about $20 in small tips inside a plastic container with the friendly message. swiped. >> it was very rude. >> reporter: it was very scary for the teenager working the counter when a young man with a beard, tattoos on his hand and neck and a young woman walked in. >> looked suspicious to the young girl working then they waited for customers to leave. >> reporter: owner adrianna adams said he made a small purchase, complained about the price and they left. >> seconds later, he came back in, took the jar and walked out. >> reporter: haddon township detectives say they drove off in a kia sportage. >> yeah. what? >> this has been done about three times. >> reporter: this one too even for the animals. >> yup. and i think this gentleman has been here before. >> reporter: wait. this is no gentleman. >> it stinks. >> it does sting. so we made sure we put some money in the tip jar. >> thank you so much. >> you're welcome. thank you. >> reporter: kind hearts more than making up for the loss but it's not so much about the mon money. >> nobody should have to be faced with, you know, something scary and be vulnerable like this. these days you never know what can happen. >> teenager who was really shaken by all of this did get the rest of valentine's day off and she did everything she was supposed to do say police and her boss by reporting this and staying calm. she's back at work now and they're not changing a thing. but they would like your help. you can go to our website to take another look at those pictures and to call that must be. in haddon township, joyce evans fox 29 news. all right. back to your fox 29 weather authority now. as we take look at reading berks county everyone waiting for record warmth coumarin way. meteorologist kathy orr will tell us all about it in just 15 seconds. all right. so today temperatures in the 40s. tomorrow we're going to skip into the 70s. looking good at the beach rehoboth beach, delaware, warming up as well with southerly winds. visibilities reduced in many locations. right now temperatures are definitely on the cooler side. as we look at temperatures in the 40s and the 50 50s. ultimate doppler you can see a few spotty showers to the north and that will be giving way to some temperatures that are going to be changing pretty quickly. arthritic in the poconos. 41 in pottstown. 48 in philadelphia. 48 degrees in millville. and dover looking at a temperature of 48 degrees. so we'll be warming up. we'll go hour by hour. now look at those showers through the poconos some moisture keeping that visibility low there. and that will connell into the night. many of us seeing the moisture and dense fog come the morning. tuesday morning, fog giving way to parly sunny skies. by the afternoon, and we will be seeing things rapidly changing for sure. now as we look ahead, temperatures are going to be even warmer than they were today. today's high temperatures with an average of 45 degrees made it to 54 in atlantic city. upper 40s in trenton, philadelphia and wilmington. allentown and reading you can see those temperatures as well in the lower 40s. so looking ahead. southerly winds keeping it pretty mild overnight tonight and as we look at the country as a whole, 64 in pittsburgh. 73 in cincinnati. this is the air that's going to be moving our way. as we look hour by hour, even into the midweek period, these skies will slowly be clearing and then the clouds will be rolling in again by wednesday even into thursday when it becomes a little bit more unsettled. but we have two very warm days. going for record warmth with a cold air staying at the north an surge of warmth from the south. for at least two days. back to back records before that colder air out to the west it's already in minneapolis moves on in. so let's talk about the overnight. 40 degrees in allentown. 41 in pottstown. 48 in millville. 48 in dover. and during the day tomorrow, that morning fog which could be dense and slow things down will give way to parly sunny skies the high temperature 70. challenging records. the record tomorrow 70 the record wednesday 72. take look at this. at least tie it tomorrow. wednesday we will beat it with a high of 75. unsettled for thursday and friday. warping up for saturday, sunday and monday. but still looking at the threat of showers from thursday through sunday. so the next two days get out and enjoy it. and don't worry that fog will be slowly eroding. sounds good, kathy, thanks. >> how about this kids hitting the ice today for the flyers youth special hockey team. the flyers held a clinic in scrimmage for their youth hockey team at the virtua flyers 68 zone in voorhees. you'll special hockey program provides an opportunity for kids five and up with developmental dissable toss learn and participate in the game of ice hockey. speaking of sports kristen rodgers what's uming up. >> iain, it is the first day of full squad workouts for the phillies and they kick things off with one heck of a motivational speech coming up more on the special guest that dropped by spring training to talk with the ♪ phillies new match manager keeps telling his guys to be bold like the eagles hahn better to give a motivational speech than the new mayor of philadelphia jason kelce. of course i'm kid bowing the mayor part but we know kelce can give one heck of a speech. today he traded in the mummers outfit for phillies uniform and of course the core of his message today tome brace the underdog roll and not to just be bold on the feel but being honest with yourself how to get better each and every day. >> you have to be aggressive and you have to, you know, be confident enough to to do, you know, what you think is right. i think that sometimes you can, you know, be thrown off by that. at the end of the day confidence breeds better play and obviously that's something the skim per is trying to hit home with these guys. >> adding to the list of surprise guests some of the members of the philadelphia union dropped by the phillies clubhouse today. little juggling between the guys to loosen things up before practice. major league baseball has officially announced rule change to help with the pace of play. the league is now lyft limiting the number of mound visits and reducing the time for any breaks and pitching changes. league also working to expedite the replay review process. the eagles are still without an offensive coordinator but it look like they're getting closer to filling that spot. as expected doug pederson is interviewing both running backs coach duce staley and receivers coach mike grow to take over at oc. this was first reported by espn this morning. pederson is said to be interviewing both staley and grow today. now pederson will still call the plays but it look like the offensive coordinator will take over the day to day duties. staley former eagles player has been a coach here in philly for last seven years. grow joined them this past off season. us women's hockey team is going for gold team u.s. a headed back to the gold medal game for the third straight winter olympics. they defeated finland five to nothing sunday night and face our neighbors to the north in team canada. canada leads the series three-one in gold medal games having won the last two straig straight. interesting enough canada has won every single -- won gold in every single winter oh limb 96 p women' hockey except for the first time time back in 1998 when the u.s. won. >> wow. only two gold medalists u. s and canada. >> pretty interesting little stat there. >> trying to keep things interesting. >> it is interesting. olympics are interest to go. so is this weather at 70, 75 tomorrow. >> i don't think we'll be playing hockey outside. >> no, it all will melt. >> tennis and golf. >> i'm ready for that. >> i am too. >> join us tonight on the fox 29 news at 10:00. how about this. kicked off a cruise ship. some passengers say it was not the holiday they were expecting. it was brawl on this thing. some, washington some allegedly did that how nass carnival giving out discounts on their next vacation if you'd even want to go on one. we'll find out what happened there and hear from some of those people tonight on the fox 29 news at 10:00. up next page six followed by dish nation at 7:00v great right now on "page six tv," who's accusing megyn kelly of holding her studio audience hostage? plus, michael strahan wants to duke it out in a boxing match. and which millionaire calls this crib home? find out the answers right now on "page six tv." [ cheers and applause ] welcome to "page six tv"! i'm john fugelsang and here are today's top stories. carlos greer has the exclusive details on megyn kelly's big little audience problem. ms. bevy smith has olympic fever and swears she didn't catch it from any of the athletes. and elizabeth has new details on how the kardashians may have doomed a beloved tv show. elizabeth, i'm shocked. >> yeah, so, the kardashians have done it it again, john. okay, so, i spoke to joel mchale because he has a new show that just premiered on net fliw yesterday. i'm sure if you saw

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Florida , United States , Cincinnati , Ohio , Trenton , Pennsylvania , Philadelphia , Dover , Millville , Finland , Allentown , Canada , Pottstown , Jersey , Washington , Delaware , Richard Petrone Jr , Carlos Greer , Megyn Kelly , Ina Kia Sportage , Nikolas Cruz , Iain Kathy , Bruce Gordon , Doug Pederson , Michael Strahan , Joyce Evans , Kathy Orr ,

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Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 6PM 20180219 :

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 6PM 20180219

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>> young man kicks a woman. >> should be locked up forever for that kind of stuff like that. pregnant woman, yeah, he should. >> reporter: tenth and arch is on the fringe of chinatown draws brisk foot traffic from the convention center and area restaurants. the homeless and addicted often seek warmth at a near bee septa stop. police seem to know little more about the man beyond his description. >> described by just random violence like that. >> i am surprised about that. very surprised. >> reporter: had you heard anything about that. >> no. never. i never heard. i just watched the news bit enerve heard about that one. >> reporter: investigators hope the clear image of the suspect will bring a name from the bub of public while some here just want a more peaceful world. >> we're used to it because it happens every day. >> reporter: but random just random violence. he want two dollars. couldn't get it decided to kick her. >> it's just awful. >> reporter: as always, philadelphia police ask that you reach out to them if you know the name of this suspect. clearly, a man capable of sudden cruel violence. at the round house, i'm jeff cole, fox 29 news. in south jersey investigators are trying to figure out what started a fire that destroyed an ambulance squad building and five ambulances inside in woodstown. the damage is estimated at $2 million. flames broke out around 4:00 this morning on maple cou court. oxygen tanks inside some of the ambulances exploded. that made the flames spread more quickly. workers were there recall the moment it all began. >> my partner came in and woke us up. we were napping after a busy start to the shift. he came running in and said we got to get out. you guys got to get out. we didn't see flames initiately it was all smoke we saw until we came outside and we saw -- >> everything on fire. >> -- everything on fire. >> it took about two hours to fight that fire. thankfully no one was injured. developing right now philadelphia fire officials still trying figure out what started this massive fire. the flames left many without a place to stay and businesses ruined. crews were back out at the scene today in old city searching through the rubble for answers. our bruce gordon has more. with 239 chestnut street deemed em meantly dangerous and listed for demolition by the l and i. fire investigators monday used a lift to peer into the badly gutted buildings along this stretch of the chestnut while some business owners on the block wondered what's next. >> there was a lot of water. a lot of water in the kitchen. report roar chris young owns the little lion. he was allowed by officials to take a quick tour of the damage monday. nothing structural, minimal smoke but still a less mess. with utility which is off he and his 80 employees are out of work for a time. but he remains optimistic. >> you'll find a way to get through this. >> absolute, yeah. everybody will. >> reporter: huge fire raged out of control for more than four hours early sunday morning. sending scores of apartment dwellers and guests at a best western hotel scurrying into the pre-dawn chill. unsure of what was burning or where. >> all of a sudden i felt like we were surrounded by like a huge cloud of smoke. we couldn't see. everyone a coughing. >> our om thought we need to get down these stairs and get out of here because we were crowded with smoke as soon as we opened the door down the stairwell. it was pretty crazy. >> throughout date monday hotel guests some still fighting back tears after their ordeal waited for hotel employees to bring out their belongings at least what could be salvaged. dawn lee and his family when here from chain nan had planned to be in washington by now. hotel workers were able tore treat most of the their things. >> they working very hard looking for us. >> looking. they are looking, yes. >> reporter: hotel trying to find your belonging. >> yes, yes, yes. >> kelly was in town for her cousin's wedding she too got back most of her belongings. had high praise for those who helped fire victims sunday morning including a chestnut street bar that opened its doors to those forced outside. >> city of brotherly love, right. >> absolutely. that's i was so proud of the city. we've been proud all month with the super bowl up until now everybody has been just so proud of our city and this an excellent example of that again. >> reporter: given the size and scope of the fire and the pre-dawn hour it's frankly mack us will there were no human casualties. though it is reported that several pets died in the blaze. in old city, i'm bruce gordon fox 29 news. emergency of a different kind for other fir responders check out what happened in kensington. fire truck rolled over metal plates covering a gaping hole. the plates gave way and this happen. the call for help came in just before 9:00 last night on the 3300 block of colin street. no one was hurt and that truck is back at the firehouse. now your fox 29 weather authority now. we take a live look down the shore in cape maim get ready for potentially record breaking warmth you might want to head to the beach. maybe go to the boardwalk. i don't know. >> may be. maybe go skiing but look at the fog, iain. >> oh wow. >> isn't that something. >> that is foggy. >> yeah. >> this is blue mountain and you can make out the skiers and the snowboarders here but that warm air is coming up and over that cold snow pack and we are seeing some fog. a lot of fog across the region. roaring 10-mile visible but that is not at the upper levels in the poconos. so visibility i would say blue mountain less than mile. two and a half mile visible in allentown. a quarter mile in reading. three quarters of a mile in lancaster. 2 miles in wilmington. so most of us will be seeing dense fog overnight. temperatures warming with those southerly winds 48 in philadelphia. 51 in millville. 41 in allentown and pottstown. ultimate doppler a few spotty sprinkles moving through but that moisture remains and the fog will be the big problem tonight and even into tomorrow morning. overnight lows in the 30s and the 40s. even the 50s as temperatures stay steady or slowly rise overnight. and during the day tomorrow, we see a huge surge. we are going from back to back records this week record warmth before it gets very unsettled. we'll talk more about in just a few minutes with the seven day. iain. >> kathy, thanks. call caught on camera guy walks into a game stop store he didn't want a video game. plea say he wanted money back on january 19th on the 3200 block of red lion road in northeast philly. police say the guy walk right up to the counter and said he had a gun and wanted cash. the employee hasn'ted over the you recognize any of these guys. philadelphia police need your help to track down four of them after they say the man assaulted another man in center city. it happened back on february 8th on the 1,000 block of pine street. investigators say the group punched and kick the guy until he lost consciousness. the victim had cuts and a broken jaw. you know anything, please call police. new video tonight of vandalism from the eagles parade. police want to you take look at these images. they say the group stood on a septa bus shelter at 15th and jfk and caused it to just collapse. if you recognize anyone in this video, give police a call. the accused of gunman in the florida high school attack walked into a courtroom for the first time today since that deadly shooting. nikolas cruz is being held without bond accused of killing 17 people at stoneman douglas high school. his lawyers tried unsecond suss physical to seal court records related to the case. as the legal process plays out students held moral lease today after a weekend of demonstrations against white supremacists and the nra. protesters also head to do the white house for a lie in. they're calling on lawmakers to do something about gun violence in school safety. >> because we're under 18 and can't vote we decided to turn to what we do know which is social media and our right to public pro testify. >> the white house says the president is open to legislation that would expand background checks. president trump is scheduled to meet with students in a listening session on wednesday. it's all fun and games on social media until you post a mass shooting threat and no one can tell if you're joking. that's what happened to a 14-year-old st. pete student who posed with a beebee gun along with the caption round three on floored tuesday. he told florida that's right, sir he thought the post would be funny. teen who has been arrested says he was inspired by a post from a south carolina teen who was arrested for his viral post. copycat threats of course are becoming a real problem now. authorities say there will be consequences for posting them. 13 years ago today danielle imbo and richard petrone, jr. vanish. they were leaving a bar on the 400 block of south street and heading towards petrone's black dodge pick up despite the fact a decade has passed. the fbi and police continue to investigate. 50,000 dollars reward still stands for any information leading to them or information leading to an arrest of whomever is responsible for their disappearance. pennsylvania supreme court coming one a map of the state's congressional districts. the court dominated by democrats and republicans are not happy with the new map of the state's 18 districts. as it stands, it will be in may for may 15th primaries. among the courts changes philadelphia has two districts instead of three. the high core rule last month that the old map was and constitutional. gerrymandered to favor republicans. republicans are now expected to challenge that new map in federal court. a crime of opportunity a couple people steal a tip jar from local business. now, police are asking you with the help to find the pair behind it. kristen. >> phillies new manager gabe kapler telling him team to be bold. so they had very special guest drop by spring training to give that message. hear who it is ahead in sports. [narrator] look around. if our world isn't stuck in the past, why is higher education? we say, if there's a better path, you should take it. and when there isn't, well, you know where i'm going with that. don't do things by the book if the book can't keep up. take your page from one that hasn't been written. we took two renowned universities, including a premiere medical school, and created a single university that defies convention. at jefferson, we're making modern look old and making old look new and making sure new is not enough. we're adding more weight to your degrees and more meaning to your careers, going where others wouldn't dare, making connections few think to make, and setting tomorrow's standards by breaking today's, because we believe the lines that are drawn are meant to be crossed. that's where the future is born. and once you realize you're not limited to what's possible, guess what? you redefine all that will be. happening right now police are looking for two people who stole a tip jar may seem like a small crime but a pretty big deal for one mom and pop business in a small south jersey town. our joyce evans has the story from haddon township. >> reporter: you really have to work hard to stay open selling water ice through winter. that's what primeau water ice does. the community is behind them right now because somebody has decided not once or twice but several times to take the girls tips. and the animal rescue donations so they're releasing video they've had enough and they just don't want people to think they can keep getting away with this. >> small twist and a cone. >> reporter: busy day at primeau water ice on haddon avenue. as customers learn about the dirty deed that took place here on valentine's day. >> so wrong. so these are just kids and, um, family owned business trying to make some money. it's really a shipment. >> reporter: about $20 in small tips inside a plastic container with the friendly message. swiped. >> it was very rude. >> reporter: it was very scary for the teenager working the counter when a young man with a beard, tattoos on his hand and neck and a young woman walked in. >> looked suspicious to the young girl working then they waited for customers to leave. >> reporter: owner adrianna adams said he made a small purchase, complained about the price and they left. >> seconds later, he came back in, took the jar and walked out. >> reporter: haddon township detectives say they drove off in a kia sportage. >> yeah. what? >> this has been done about three times. >> reporter: this one too even for the animals. >> yup. and i think this gentleman has been here before. >> reporter: wait. this is no gentleman. >> it stinks. >> it does sting. so we made sure we put some money in the tip jar. >> thank you so much. >> you're welcome. thank you. >> reporter: kind hearts more than making up for the loss but it's not so much about the mon money. >> nobody should have to be faced with, you know, something scary and be vulnerable like this. these days you never know what can happen. >> teenager who was really shaken by all of this did get the rest of valentine's day off and she did everything she was supposed to do say police and her boss by reporting this and staying calm. she's back at work now and they're not changing a thing. but they would like your help. you can go to our website to take another look at those pictures and to call that must be. in haddon township, joyce evans fox 29 news. all right. back to your fox 29 weather authority now. as we take look at reading berks county everyone waiting for record warmth coumarin way. meteorologist kathy orr will tell us all about it in just 15 seconds. all right. so today temperatures in the 40s. tomorrow we're going to skip into the 70s. looking good at the beach rehoboth beach, delaware, warming up as well with southerly winds. visibilities reduced in many locations. right now temperatures are definitely on the cooler side. as we look at temperatures in the 40s and the 50 50s. ultimate doppler you can see a few spotty showers to the north and that will be giving way to some temperatures that are going to be changing pretty quickly. arthritic in the poconos. 41 in pottstown. 48 in philadelphia. 48 degrees in millville. and dover looking at a temperature of 48 degrees. so we'll be warming up. we'll go hour by hour. now look at those showers through the poconos some moisture keeping that visibility low there. and that will connell into the night. many of us seeing the moisture and dense fog come the morning. tuesday morning, fog giving way to parly sunny skies. by the afternoon, and we will be seeing things rapidly changing for sure. now as we look ahead, temperatures are going to be even warmer than they were today. today's high temperatures with an average of 45 degrees made it to 54 in atlantic city. upper 40s in trenton, philadelphia and wilmington. allentown and reading you can see those temperatures as well in the lower 40s. so looking ahead. southerly winds keeping it pretty mild overnight tonight and as we look at the country as a whole, 64 in pittsburgh. 73 in cincinnati. this is the air that's going to be moving our way. as we look hour by hour, even into the midweek period, these skies will slowly be clearing and then the clouds will be rolling in again by wednesday even into thursday when it becomes a little bit more unsettled. but we have two very warm days. going for record warmth with a cold air staying at the north an surge of warmth from the south. for at least two days. back to back records before that colder air out to the west it's already in minneapolis moves on in. so let's talk about the overnight. 40 degrees in allentown. 41 in pottstown. 48 in millville. 48 in dover. and during the day tomorrow, that morning fog which could be dense and slow things down will give way to parly sunny skies the high temperature 70. challenging records. the record tomorrow 70 the record wednesday 72. take look at this. at least tie it tomorrow. wednesday we will beat it with a high of 75. unsettled for thursday and friday. warping up for saturday, sunday and monday. but still looking at the threat of showers from thursday through sunday. so the next two days get out and enjoy it. and don't worry that fog will be slowly eroding. sounds good, kathy, thanks. >> how about this kids hitting the ice today for the flyers youth special hockey team. the flyers held a clinic in scrimmage for their youth hockey team at the virtua flyers 68 zone in voorhees. you'll special hockey program provides an opportunity for kids five and up with developmental dissable toss learn and participate in the game of ice hockey. speaking of sports kristen rodgers what's uming up. >> iain, it is the first day of full squad workouts for the phillies and they kick things off with one heck of a motivational speech coming up more on the special guest that dropped by spring training to talk with the ♪ phillies new match manager keeps telling his guys to be bold like the eagles hahn better to give a motivational speech than the new mayor of philadelphia jason kelce. of course i'm kid bowing the mayor part but we know kelce can give one heck of a speech. today he traded in the mummers outfit for phillies uniform and of course the core of his message today tome brace the underdog roll and not to just be bold on the feel but being honest with yourself how to get better each and every day. >> you have to be aggressive and you have to, you know, be confident enough to to do, you know, what you think is right. i think that sometimes you can, you know, be thrown off by that. at the end of the day confidence breeds better play and obviously that's something the skim per is trying to hit home with these guys. >> adding to the list of surprise guests some of the members of the philadelphia union dropped by the phillies clubhouse today. little juggling between the guys to loosen things up before practice. major league baseball has officially announced rule change to help with the pace of play. the league is now lyft limiting the number of mound visits and reducing the time for any breaks and pitching changes. league also working to expedite the replay review process. the eagles are still without an offensive coordinator but it look like they're getting closer to filling that spot. as expected doug pederson is interviewing both running backs coach duce staley and receivers coach mike grow to take over at oc. this was first reported by espn this morning. pederson is said to be interviewing both staley and grow today. now pederson will still call the plays but it look like the offensive coordinator will take over the day to day duties. staley former eagles player has been a coach here in philly for last seven years. grow joined them this past off season. us women's hockey team is going for gold team u.s. a headed back to the gold medal game for the third straight winter olympics. they defeated finland five to nothing sunday night and face our neighbors to the north in team canada. canada leads the series three-one in gold medal games having won the last two straig straight. interesting enough canada has won every single -- won gold in every single winter oh limb 96 p women' hockey except for the first time time back in 1998 when the u.s. won. >> wow. only two gold medalists u. s and canada. >> pretty interesting little stat there. >> trying to keep things interesting. >> it is interesting. olympics are interest to go. so is this weather at 70, 75 tomorrow. >> i don't think we'll be playing hockey outside. >> no, it all will melt. >> tennis and golf. >> i'm ready for that. >> i am too. >> join us tonight on the fox 29 news at 10:00. how about this. kicked off a cruise ship. some passengers say it was not the holiday they were expecting. it was brawl on this thing. some, washington some allegedly did that how nass carnival giving out discounts on their next vacation if you'd even want to go on one. we'll find out what happened there and hear from some of those people tonight on the fox 29 news at 10:00. up next page six followed by dish nation at 7:00v great right now on "page six tv," who's accusing megyn kelly of holding her studio audience hostage? plus, michael strahan wants to duke it out in a boxing match. and which millionaire calls this crib home? find out the answers right now on "page six tv." [ cheers and applause ] welcome to "page six tv"! i'm john fugelsang and here are today's top stories. carlos greer has the exclusive details on megyn kelly's big little audience problem. ms. bevy smith has olympic fever and swears she didn't catch it from any of the athletes. and elizabeth has new details on how the kardashians may have doomed a beloved tv show. elizabeth, i'm shocked. >> yeah, so, the kardashians have done it it again, john. okay, so, i spoke to joel mchale because he has a new show that just premiered on net fliw yesterday. i'm sure if you saw

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