Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5 20180219 : comparemela

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 5 20180219

tour of the damage monday. nothing structural. minimal smoke but lots of water everywhere. with i was tills will cut off and he and his 80 employees are out of the work for awhile. but he remains optimistic. >> you'll find a way to get through this. >> absolute, yeah. everybody will. >> reporter: the massive fire raged out of control for more than four hours early sunday morning. sending scores of apartment dwellers and guests at a best western hotel scurrying into the pre-dawn chill. >> all of a sudden i felt like we were surrounded by like a huge cloud of smoke. we couldn't see. everyone is coughing. i didn't know where we were going. so we just went down and by the time we went out, everyone is scream going to the left, go to the left. >> left in little bit of panic, my phone, wallet, keys, severing still back in the room. in order get home and drive hoe we need to get what was left in there. >> he was not alone. throughout the day monday hotel guests some still fighting back ordeal waited for hotel employees to bring out their belongings at least what could be hal scratched. don lee and his family when here from china. had planned to be in washington by now. hotel workers were able to retrieve most of their things. >> they are working very hard looking for us. >> looking good they are looking. >> the hotel is trying to find your belonging. >> yes, yes, yes. >> kell was in town for her cousin's wedding she took go back host most of her belongings and she had high praise for those who helped fire victims sunday morning. >> all things considered this could have been a whole lot worse. >> absolutely. we're incredibly blessed. >> given the size and scope of this fire, and the time of day, it is truly a miracle that there were no human casualties. as you mentioned lucy several pets reportedly did die in fire. again, the cause still unknown. investigation continues. we believe there's plenty of security cameras along the block give folks an extra sense of what may have been going on just prior to that 3:00 a.m. fire. >> all right. thank you much, bruce. meanwhile in south jersey investigators are trying to figure out what started a fire that destroyed an ambulance squad's building and five ambulances inside. the estimated damage at the american legion ambulance association in woodstown, about $2 million. flames broke out at about 4:00 this morning on maple cou court. oxygen tanks inside some of those ambulances exploded. >> my partner came in and woke us up. we were napping after a busy start to the shift. he came running in and said we got to get out. guys got to get out. >> we didn't see flames initially it was all smoke that we saw until we came outside and we saw. >> everything on fire. >> everything on fire. >> it took about two hours to fight that fire. no one though is hurt. an emergency of a different sort for other first responders. check out what happened in philadelphia's kensington neighbor. that's a fire truck which rolled over metal plates covering one of the city's many gaping holes in streets. the plates gave way and that happened. the call for help came in just before 9:00 last night on the 3300 block of cullen street. no injuries and the truck is back at the firehouse. fox 29 weather authority right now. live look at the ben franklin parkway. it was some spotty showers here and there. but this warm front is bringing with it a big warmup. meteorologist kathy orr most of us cannot wait. >> it's unbelievable. we're feeling the impacts already. of course, the rain bringing in the warmth and the fog look at this. this is blue mountain you can see foggy conditions there as the skiers and snowboarders are having a great time on president's day. not all the mountains like this. but that warm air is coming up and over that cold snow pack. so fog will be an issue throughout the nighttime hours and for many of us come tomorrow morning. the warm air is invading you can see in pottstown visibility only three quarters of a mile. reading one an quarter mile. half mile rather. the poconos reporting in 10 miles but we have seen otherwise. take look at the chem hers. 35 in the poconos 41 in allentown and pottstown. 48 in philadelphia. 51 in millville. 52 in atlantic city. and with those southerly winds it's just going to get warmer overnight tonight. the few spotty showers lucy mentioned moving toward the east and then really it's the fog we will be contending with. overnight tonight temperatures staying where they are or slightly rising. 40s philadelphia. 50s and 40s to the south and east and 30s to the north and west. we are chasing record warmth the next couple of days. it's going to feel like spring but then very unsettled always have to pate price, right? we'll talk about that with your seven day forecast in just a few minutes. for now we'll send it back to you lucy. >> a lot folks worried about what march will bring. thank you very much kathy. >> the search is on for a man who police say kicked a pregnant woman in her belly. the unprovoked attack left witnesses stunned and disgusted. our jeff cole is at philadelphia police headquarters. jeff? >> reporter: lucy, 2017 aggravated assault crimes like this one were actually down in philadelphia. but it was the random nature of this attack that drew angry reaction from residents. that and a call for calm. mid morning saturday february11th outside the dunkin' donuts at 10:38 arch street a tattoo convention underway in the convention center across the street has packed the doughnut shot shop says the manager. he looked to the street to see a woman down on the sidewalk. the victim avenue kick to the stomach. >> the random violence of it is terrible. for somebody to just standing there five months pregnant. it's terrible. >> reporter: two bucks. he wanted two bucks. >> she didn't have it he kicked her. >> i know. it's a sin. it's a darn sin. have they caught the man. >> reporter: police have not caught him but they say this is the suspect a mail in his early 20s, goatee wearing a white t-shirt, black sweat pants, sneakers and carrying a jacket. the 33-year-old female victim was five months pregnant say police. they believe she and her unborn child surprised the attack. >> surprised by just random violence like that? >> i am surprised about that. very surprised. >> reporter: had you heard anything about this? >> no, never heard it i just watched the news i never heard about that one. >> reporter: tenth and arch sits on the edge of chinatown and draws heavy to the traffic from the convention center and nearby restaurants. jefferson train station not far has back warm place for the homeless and the addicted to gather in the recent frigid winter days. police seem to know little about the alleged attacker beyond his description. >> young man kicks a woman. >> should be locked up forever for that kind of stuff. a pregnant woman, yeah, he should. >> reporter: police would like the public's help. if you know this man, ken singleton says he'd like a better world. >> we're used to it because it happens every day. >> reporter: but random. just random violence. he want two dollars. couldn't get it decided to kick her. >> it's just awful. >> reporter: as always the police are asking you reach out to know them if you know the suspect a man clearly capable of sudden cruel violence. at police headquarters i'm jeff cole, fox 29 news. lucy. >> thank you much, jeff. 13 years ago today daniel imbo and richard petrone, jr., vanished. the last time anyone saw them they were leaving a bar on the 400 block of south street and heading towards his black dodge pick up. more than decade passed the fbi and police continue to investigate and $50,000 reward still stands for information leading to them or information leading to an arrest of whoever is responsible for their disappearance. at accused gunman in the florida high school attack walked into a courtroom knot for the first time since the shooter. protesters at the white house putting pressure on lawmakers to do something about gun violence at schools. fox's steve rappaport reports. >> reporter: nicholas cruz making a another appearance before a judge today. he's being held without bond accused of killing 17 people at stoneman douglas high school his lawyers trying to seal court records related to the case. >> i don't believe the state suffered any prejudice by these matters being kept confidential and i am going to leave everything the way it is. >> and as the legal process plays out students at the high school and from the surrounding area trying to keep the focus on their push for gun control holding moral lease on monday after a weekend of demonstrati demonstrationdemonstrationsdemoe supremacists and in the ra. at the white house a lie in, protesters representing the bodies of dead students calling on lawmakers to do something about gun violence and school safety. >> because we're under 18 and can't vote we decided to turn to what we do know social media and public protest. >> the white house is offering mixed messages about its stance on gun control. press secretary sarah sanders saying the president is open to legislation that would expand background checks while other officials say it's a mental health issue that can't be solved with new gun control la laws. >> no proposal for gun control in the congress had been law that would have prevented this individual from obtaining a firearm and going to the high school and parkland, florida. >> president trump is scheduled to meet with students in listening session on wednesday. followed by meetings with local and state officials on school safety. steve rappaport, fox news. caught on camera in philadelphia, police are after two people wanted for robbing a little caesars last thursday. this is on the 3600 block of ara minage avenue in port richmond. an employee was closing up for the night when two masked men walked in with a gun and demanded money. after getting cash the men took off out the back door. since the state lawmakers and governors and the governor could not agree on a revised map of the pennsylvania congressional district the state supreme court has come up with its own. the court dominated by democrats and republicans are not happy with its new map of the state's 18 districts now as it stands, it will be in play for the may 15th primaries. among the court's changes, philadelphia now has two districts instead of three. now last month, the state's high court ruled that the old map was unconstitutional. gerrymandered basic toll favor republicans. republicans are expected to challenge the new map in federal court. a crime of opportunity. a couple of people stole a tip jar from a local business and now police are asking if you can help find the pair behind that. and more than 70 years ago one of the most important battles in world war ii broke out. remembering the battle of iwo ji so i want my glasses to be unique... my girlfriend loves artists. and i need a conservative pair, cuz her parents hate artists! get up to 40% off a second pair of glasses. schedule your eye exam at ♪ just released video from philadelphia police shows what appears to be a teenager with a gun outside the frederick douglas mastery charter school in north philadelphia. you can see the teen trying to get into the school. but the doors were locked. and so we left. this happened last thursday just one day after the deadly school shooting in parkland, florida. if you know who this person is, give police a call. today we are marking a significant date from world war ii. it has been 73 years since 70,000 u.s. marines invaded the island of iwo jima. fox's buck land forward speaks to one marine in georgia who was there on the front lines. >> reporter: 73 years ago today began one of the most hard fought battles of world war ii. and for 94-year-old eugene peterson much could be county then known as private first class peterson, united states marine corps, the memories from the battle of iwo jima are still very clear. >> it gets a little bit further away i think we get a little bit further it means less to people but it doesn't mean less to us and so we have the date. we just quietly reflect on it. >> reporter: 18 year other old peterson join the marines out of high school and after serving in combat at a canal and guam at age 21 his division was sent to the japanese island of iwo jima. >> went note wee jima and we were very very concerned about was this is was going to be like. we didn't -- we knew it was going to be very very difficult. >> reporter: only four days into the campaign one of the most iconic moments of world war ii. after taking mount szczerba chi twice marines hoisted the stars and stripes the first a smaller flag the second much larger one and private peterson was right there to witness both. >> when it happened, everybody was screaming yelling like football game and the ships out in the harbor were sendin sendif all their sirens and bells and all. and so we heard all this stuff at one time. then there was a moment of quite and then all of a sudden here come the shells from the japanese because they had seen it, too. >> despite that symbolic moment, the fighting on iwo jima continued for another month and took a bit toll nearly 7,000 american servicemen died and another 20,000 were wounded but the disease seive victory was key for the allies as the end of the war neared. a few years ago peterson decided to document his experiences mainly for his children but what he thought was going to be ten to 15 pages of material turned out to be a 156 page book detailing his unique perspective car from a self-described grunt. >> i just wanted to write the book about what the war meant to me and what it meant to these people around me. those were there, it was -- it's still part of our life. always will be. republican state senator now stands accused of extorting sex from a page in the rhode island page program. judge unsealed the grand jury indictment today the day of senate minority whip nicholas kettle' as rain many on two counts of extortion kettle plead not guilty. the grand jury indicted the 27-year-old last week for coercion a male page into sex on two occasions in 2011. oprah winfrey the latest focus for the president series of tweets last night and the president described the media mogul as very insecure. he says he's hoping she runs for president so she can be exposed and defeated. he also tweeted about winfrey's latest 60 minutes interview on his first year in office calling it biased slanted winfrey's interview included a panel decision with 14 voters from grand rapids, michigan. the group weighed in on various topic ranging from president trump's tweets to his remarks on haiti and african country oprah is not planning to run for office and added, it's just not in her dna. happening right now, police are looking for two people who stole a tip jar what may seem like a small crime a is pretty big deal for one mom and pop business an small south jersey town. our joyce evans live now in haddon township. joyce? >> reporter: lucy, this is ridiculous. the community is coming together behind primeau water ice. they are working hard staying open in the middle of winter and you know what, this is not the first time that somebody actually walked away with those girls tip jar or the donations that people were leaving for the animal rescue. take look behind me. they're still open tonight, and working in there. what they're doing now, they're fighting back. they're releasing video because they just don't want these people to think they're going to keep getting away with this. >> small twist an cone there you go. >> busy day at bream mow water ice on haddon avenue. as customers learn about the dirty deed that took place here on valentine's day. >> so wrong. these are just kids and family owned business trying to make some money. it's really a shame. >> reporter: about $20 small tips inside a plastic container with the friendly message. swiped. >> it was very rude. >> reporter: it was very scary for the teenager working the counter when a young man with a beard tattoos on his hand and neck and a young woman walked in. >> looked suspicion to the young girl working and then they waited for customers to leave. >> report roar owner he made a small purchase, complained about the price, and they left. >> seconds later he came back in, took the jar and walk out. >> reporter: haddon township detectives say they drove off in a kia sportage. >> yeah. >> reporter: what? >> this is has been done about three times. this one too even for the animals. >> yup. i think this gentleman has been here before. >> reporter: wait. this is no gentleman. >> it stinks. >> it does stink we made sure we put some money in the tip jar. >> thank you so much. >> you're welcome. thank you. >> reporter: kind hearts more than making up for the loss. but it's not so much about the money. >> nobody should have to be faced with, you know, something scary and be vulnerable like that. these days you never know what can happen. >> reporter: now the teenager who was really shaken up by all of this as you can imagine her first job. she got the rest valentine's day off but her boss and police say she did everything she was supposed to do to report this very calmly and she's back at work. they're not taking this lying lying down. they really want your help to find these people, lucy. and they're not changing a thing at their shop. they're still going to be the same mom and pop you can walk up to and get friendly service. >> there you go. get the friendly service and get those criminals. thank you very much, joyce evans. developing story right now. elon musk can finally start di digging a hyper looped tunnel in washington, d.c. his company just got a permit to start preliminary digging in a d.c. parking lot. the department of transportation looking what other permits musk'ings needs to dig under city roads. what is a hyper loop? well, think of a really reallily really fast train. there you go. right there they're pods that carry people fast a as fast as 800 miles per hour. the d.c. hyper would take you from d.c. to new york city in less than 30 minutes. university of florida dealing with a whole lot of bats for decades. solution it's fantastic. and it has turned into a tourist attraction. and it's a new work out trend that combines getting fit with cleaning up your community. it's called ploging if you haven't heard of it we'll tell you all about it. nos nos. [narrator] look around. if our world isn't stuck in the past, why is higher education? we say, if there's a better path, you should take it. and when there isn't, well, you know where i'm going with that. don't do things by the book if the book can't keep up. take your page from one that hasn't been written. we took two renowned universities, including a premiere medical school, and created a single university that defies convention. at jefferson, we're making modern look old and making old look new and making sure new is not enough. we're adding more weight to your degrees and more meaning to your careers, going where others wouldn't dare, making connections few think to make, and setting tomorrow's standards by breaking today's, because we believe the lines that are drawn are meant to be crossed. that's where the future is born. and once you realize you're not limited to what's possible, guess what? you redefine all that will be. some folks have been spending this president' days exploring the national museum of american jewish history right here in old city. museum offered free admission with a full day of activities for people of all ages. a george washington interpreter read an important letter from 1790. the nation's first president wrote the throat a jewish community member who expressed the desire to practice religion freely. >> he replied and said yes to jews and other minority religious communities around the cun like quakers and catholics. yes, it is important that all man should be able to practice his religion freely and made precedent setting statements about religion liberty before the ratification of the bill of rights. so it was really reassuring for religious communities to hear that. >> there you go. the museum is offering free admission for the rest of the month. so the university of florida gators might think about changing up their mascot for more than two decades the school has had quite a relationship with bats. thousands and thousands of bats. off the bat so to to speak the flying mammals were a problem. living in the tennis facility and football stadium. so the school built a bat house. the first 126 years ago and think thank goodness the administration and students were patient. it took the bats about three and a half years to warm up to that idea. but as they're numbers grew the university of florida opened a second house in 2010 an third last year and it has turned into quite a tourist attraction. >> it's like a part of our community and our apart of our culture. it's really cool. they fill up the sky. definitely an experience. >> it's so cool. the total bat population more than 400,000 which is a beautiful thing when it comes to naturally keeping down the mosquito population. there you go. doctors are constantly seeking new ways to battle addiction. could a new path to recovery be in your brain? we're taking a look at a new treatment called neuro feedback. hello kathy orr. >> hello lucy noland. we're talking about that cold retreating for a little while. record warmth back to back records this week and it begins kidnapped in florida a man pretending to be a teen in voided video game chat room lured an 11-year-old girl from her home. he grabbed her. took her across state lines but authorities tracked hem down thanks to her phone. fox's laura ingle reports. >> reporter: 11-year-old florida girl who went missing over the weekend has been found. and the man she was with is now under arrest. >> this individual on the other end of that communication was an adult male who is a child sexual predator. and that's all of our worst nightmares. >> reporter: alice johnson was found at a make conga good holiday inn express with four dear old john peter burns. orange county sheriff jerry deming says she was lured away from her home after burns posed as a 13 or 14-year-old teen in a video game chat room and convinced her to meet him saturday. >> this individual was so convincing he convinceed this child to leave her home and he took her away from this area into make conga good area. >> reporter: johnson's parents didn't realize their daughter was missing until they woke up sunday morning. authorities say they used the pre-teen's cell phone to track her down. once they discover the pair was heading north, they contacted local authorities who got the fbi involved. federal agents quickly tracked her down inside the hotel. burns who's from illinois is believed to be a child predator prompting a warning for all parents. >> there's a cautionary tail here. you really need to know who it is that your children are communicating with. >> reporter: burns is being held for fbi at the bib county jail. he has been charged with kidnapping. authorities are continuing to investigate this abduction and more charges could follow. in new york, laura ingle, fox news. fox 29 weather authority right now. live look at wilmington, delaware. you can already feel it getting warmer and it's only going to get even more warm. tomorrow and beyond. meteorologist kathy orr has a full check of your forecast in 15 seconds. that warm air already being felt across the delaware valley and in the poconos look at that. it's like pea soup. you can make out couple of skiers and snowboarders in the bottom of the screen but here comes the skier but lots of fog there with that warm air coming up and over that cold snow pack. temperatures today above avera average. the normal high up to 45 degrees. as the day gets longer longer. atlantic city 54. trenton 49. wilmington 47. allentown 42. reading 41 degrees today. temperatures right now with southerly winds very comfortable in the 40s m50s to the south and east. and that southerly wind is going to continue overnight and tomorrow temperatures not going to bottom out all that much tonight. you can see the warmth to the south. nashville 73. cincinnati 73. charlotte 56 degrees. pittsburgh 63. buffalo, new york, warmer than philadelphia this afternoon. so as we go hour by hour, tomorrow we'll see some morning fog. that fog will give way to partly sunny skies and then temperatures that will be challenging some records and it will be staying dry through tuesday and through wednesday. but then gets little bit on the unsettled side. as we look ahead we can see that cold air staying well to the north and a surge of warmth it's going to hang out on for a couple of days before some colder air moves back in. but back to back records expected. so overnight tonight, 36 in the poconos. 43 in pottstown. 46 in wilmington. 48 in millville. 48 in dover and 50 in atlantic city. during the day tomorrow, morning fog. dense fog in some areas. take while to get rid of that. skies become partly sunny southwesterly winds boost us up to 70 degrees. now the record for tomorrow is 70. so we could tie that record set back in 1939. the record for wednesday is 72. that was set back in 1930. so take look at this seven day forecast. record warmth assured by wednesday with a high of 75. cooler thursday and friday. and then saturday and sunday warm it back up into the 60s. stays mild for monday still a chance of showers saturday. more likely sunday from thursday on, staying quite unsettled the next two days clearly the best two days of the week. probably the best two days of the month. we'll send it back to you. >> all righty, thank you very much. kathy. some families have been spending their you today off from school and work playing at the smith memorial playground playhouse for free. even the phanatic joined in on the fun and organizers say it's to highlight the importance of kids play time. children have been doing all kinds of stuff and enjoying story telling, too. >> it's important for a lot of reasons. one of them is just so they can get exposure to different kind of creative opportunities and artistic expression. i see a lot of kids walking out the door with their faces painted lookly real good. kids have been able to runout around outside. move their bodies. get fresh air. >> so they've been coloring and playing games and dances and having fun with story time. it's called plo gooding a new workout tend that also helps you clean up your community get in shape while cleaning up the neighborhood. it's a new fitness trend called plogging. it combines jogging with something called pluck up which is a swedish raise meaning pick up as you jog, you stop here, you stop there to pick up trash by doing interesting things like lunching or swatting and various other exercises. i'm sure it looks interesting. the trend has gained quite a bit of popularity on social media with the hash tag plogging. so have at it. on the subject of health, new study suggests we're step closer to growing human organs. researchers have just announced they have grown sheep embryos containing human cells. they call it a stepping stone toward growing human organs inside sheep for eventual transplantation into people. apparently they don't have to kill the sheep to get the organs out they say. they presented their findings over the weekend at the american association for the advancement of science. fda warning pet owners about a potentially deadly ingredient in dog food. jm smucker company recalled the canned food after finding pentobarbital in it the drug used to euthanize animals. it fda found low levels of that drug it's unlike toll pose a risk but that dogs that eat penn faux park with with toll to have nausea, disneyness and loss of balance. jm smucker released a statement saying it identified the problem and traced it back to one supplier and what it calls a minor ingredient used at one manufacturing facility. decades worth of manmade junk cluttering earth's orbit and now the european space agency is developing missions to try to tackle that problem. all that garbage poses a big threat to space flight and the satellites we rely on for weather reports and travel and global communications, gps the list goes on. what way to round it a robot fix arm that can capture out of control satellites and remove them from harm's wage here's another idea. that right there. nets to capture the space junk. >> so the concept is to less let's say to mimic what the fishermen do on the sea and so to very large net to stay away from our satellites moving freely and then from that distance to keep our net and you just try to wrap all over your satellite. >> the thing is that space junk is commis of whizzing around the earth not just sitting there stationary. experts say that if we don't clean it up, it could soon make orbitz near the earth impossible in the not so distant future. if you're looking for love online, a new warning about scammers on the prowl. and business apparently has been very good just how good? we're talking seven figures. new treatment in the battle against addiction how doctors are targeting parts of the brain to help people get clean. kristen. >> lucy the first full day of full team training workout training for the phillies and they had a special guest stop by for motivation. more from clearwater, florida, ahead in sports. get the best internet with the best shows and get the best of both worlds. fios by verizon gives you the fastest internet available for only $79.99 a month online with a two year agreement, and your netflix is on us for one year. and with the gigabit connection on the 100% fiber-optic network, you can stream on up to 100 devices at once. so get the fastest internet available, plus netflix, plus up to200 tv channels, plus phone, plus a two-year price guarantee. all for just $79.99 per month. it's time to fiber optics your netflix. go to getfios.comto switch today. ♪ we buy any car ♪ any make, any model, any age, any price ♪ ♪ from 50 bucks to 100 grand ♪ we buy any car ♪ any, any, any, any at, the gimmicks stop with our ads. trading in our selling your car is hassle-free with just three easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, drive to your local car buying centre. 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get clean. so emily did some research and then found something called neuro feedback. an alternative treatment focused on the brain. just google the term and the headlines are everywhere. questions about whether it works and is it effective? we spoke with ceo debra whitney of pure recovery in ventura where emily entered this new type of rehab. >> we're actually teaching the brain to go from a pattern that's dysfunctional like when you're doing drugs making poor decisions and you don't feel calm to teach the brain to be calm and back tore regulate back to normal. >> reporter: neuro feedback became a key component when the center opened two years ago. during treatment, patients are hooked to eeg machine that measures their brain activity in real time. >> the way you fly better is just by letting go. >> reporter: with brain games that stimulate sift scenarios like this eagle flying. >> that's it just like that. >> reporter: neuro scientists rebecca says neuro feedback encourages patients to think clearly and calmly opposite of the foggy and racing thoughts they experienced while on drugs. >> what i want you to do now, zac, is i want you to just focus on your breathing and think about calm thoughts. see this area that's red? this part is running too hot. >> reporter: former patient zac's brain begins to calm, the game rewards him with visual and audio stimulation. >> just like that. there you go. >> reporter: the screen lights up, the eagle flies straight and brain activity normalizing then reflects on the eeg scan. >> when your brain is green here, that means it's regulating. it's in the normal range of activity. that we would expect to see of somebody's your age and gender. >> i was going through mood swings every day. >> reporter: at just 24 years ago zac had been addicted to opioids for ten years prior to treatment. >> the only way i know how to deal with myself and to calm everything was to get loaded. you know, and, um, when i started getting this neuro feedback it made it easier for me to make better decisions. >> reporter: he says he's been off drugs since starting the rehab. patients we spoke with report needing at least 30 days of treatment before seeing results. that's inpatient treatment combining therapy sessions and brain training. neuro feedback is now being look at for a whole host of other conditions including hdhd, concussion treatment and more. still experts warn there's little scientific evidence this alternative treatment has any long-term success in treating addiction. the verdict is still out. >> a person who has an addiction is not going to get better just by this kind of therapy alone. >> reporter: dr. jenn man a licensed psycho therapist says no matter what addicts seeking help should look for treatment centers that are well well-established encourage a 12 step program, have licensed therapists and a medical director and provide after care for patients. she also says, be wary of any facility that promises a quick fix. >> i do think that people are looking for shortcuts. getting clean and sober it's incredibly difficult and painful process and there's no avoiding that. >> the people behind neuro feedback agree saying any addiction recovery is a long process. still patients under going the neuro feedback brain scan say they're seeing promise. >> it's really about the willingness of the person in front of us. if they want it, we can get them there. >> much better. good work. >> interesting. check of your money right now. wiping away student debt. researchers say that's an idea that is definitely worth considering. according to the study, canceling student debt would reduce the unemployment rate by point 3%. the move would also boost the gdp by almost $100 billion. researchers say for giving debt won't drag down the economy since college degrees leads to higher incomes. now, critics believe canceling debt may lead to people borrowing more, expecting all debt to get forgiven. if you're looking for love you got to watch your wallet. new report shows online dating scammers built lonely hearts out of $1 million. the better business bureau says estimated 82,000 people had who have used dating sites in the past three years have been targets. the fraudsters show shower them with compliments of romantic text messages and promised dates only to take their money. experts say to avoid become a a victim never send money or personal information to someone you haven't met in person. growing trend you might not have noticed more and more women are joining the construction industry. not only do work the manual jobs but also to start their own companies. fox' as neat at a rowan reports. >> reporter: it's a tough job and lee coors notice how to get it done. >> we're not moving the electrical. we're keeping it same footprint. >> reporter: as the okay then of coors construction she oversees kitchen remodels like this one for a living along a long list of other projects. and crews. >> it's really about being a good manager i think. like i told you, you're managing the household of the home you're working in. managing your subs making sure they show up on time. you're making sure your materials there are. >> she's on hand in an industry dominated by men. >> i started working when my dad, and he was a great mentor and he work with me for years so i had his support and his knowledge and guidance. but yeah over the years i think, um, as i've grown and learned more and, um, kind of built my reputation up it's helped a lot. >> reporter: take the 2016 general construction statistic from the burr rove labor statistic. the latest figures available. total workers in construction, 10,328,000. men in construction, 9,389,000. women in construction, 939,000. >> i'm not saying a man would do it better than woman by any means. i don't even know if i think there's a difference there. or there's a comfort level the there. i think the comfort level comes in with, you know, when i can sit down with, you know, the wife and we can talk about our kids or we can talk about, you know, things that women talk about. and then we just build a rapport that way. >> coors being a woman in construction does help her business. she relates to customers on a more personal level than her male counterparts. encounters clients who question herrable but her work puts those doubts to rest quickly. anita roman, fox news. competition with huge bragging rights. top designers hoping to create the most outstanding doghouse. these are not your average homes and it's all for a great cause. skiing plus horses can equal ski joring. we'll explain all of this and the surge in popularity houses for the sophisticated dog on display for great cause. it is a fourth annual design for dogs in phoenix, arizona this week. designers compete for the top spot designing and building everything from simple and main malice tick to ordinary ordinary and extraordinary. all those dog houses hit the auction block. the event has raffles and food and drinks and that money goes right back to the arizona animal welfare league. >> every penny makes a difference. we're able to expand our home ward pound program and royal rescue and it's really really fun. >> we need to do that around here taking notes each of the past three years the event has raised more than $30,000. at one time it was olympic sport and now athletes who compete in something called ski joring are hole hoping it can return to the big stage. so what is it? >> february isn't exact al popular time to see horse racing in minnesota. but today at canterbury park horses were on the track but for completely different reason. it's called ski joring. >> question. what is ski joring. >> excellent question. it's the blending of two worlds we're bringing horse racing and skiing together. >> it may not be main stream but the athletes who participate in it say they can't get enough. >> the horses rearing at the start and just the adrenaline is pumping it's just such a rush. >> athletes start by hanging on at a rope while being pulled as they head down the course. they we've and out of gates while trying to pull down rings and one can't miss as spec of the sport is speed. >> there's reason these men and women called themselves adrenaline junkies. they're task with staying on their feet all while these horses are traveling up to 40 miles an hour. the horses are going to be fast. skis you'll see people very competitive. so you'll see some good wipe outs. >> reporter: the biggest attraction of the day was the snowboard competition. the crowd roaring with every trick they saw. ski joring was an olympic sport once only appearance coming in known 28 in sam march ritz. as the winter games roll on these annulets still hold out hope they'll see their sport back on the biggest stage. >> i don't see any reason why not. why can't these athletes work just as hard. they put just as much time effort, money. you just have to keep trying and keep being determined. >> that does it for us here at 5:00. iain page is up next with fox 29 news at 6:00. ♪ may still be winter but soon it isn't going to feel like it. we're tracking potential record-breaking warmth you better believe it. ♪ still no answers about the cause of a massive fire in philadelphia. residents and business owners back out to survey the damage. now they're wondering what's next? ♪ ♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. brutal attack on pregnant woman police say this guy is responsible. it was all over two bucks. thanks for joining us tonight at 6:00. i'm iain page. the mom is doing okay tonight released from the hospital but the guy police say kick her is still out there. our jeff cole has more. >> reporter: last year in philadelphia, aggravated assault crimes like this one were actu actually down in philadelphia. but it's the random nature of the attack that drew angry reaction today. that and a call for peace. it was 10:30 on saturday, february11th, tattoo convention in the center across the street had filled the dunkin' donuts on the corner. the manager says he looked up to see a woman on the sidewalk. she had been kick in the stomach. >> the random violence of it is terrible. for somebody to just standing there five months pregnant. it's terrible. >> reporter: two bucks. he wanted two bucks. >> two bucks. >> reporter: she didn't have he kick her. >> i know much it's a sin. it's a darn sin. have they caught the man? >> reporter: police have not caught him but believe this video may lead them to this suspect. a male in his early 20s goatee wearing a white t-shirt black sweat pants, sneakers and carrying a jacket. the female victim 33 was five months pregnant when kicked. police believe the unborn child and victim have survived.

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tour of the damage monday. nothing structural. minimal smoke but lots of water everywhere. with i was tills will cut off and he and his 80 employees are out of the work for awhile. but he remains optimistic. >> you'll find a way to get through this. >> absolute, yeah. everybody will. >> reporter: the massive fire raged out of control for more than four hours early sunday morning. sending scores of apartment dwellers and guests at a best western hotel scurrying into the pre-dawn chill. >> all of a sudden i felt like we were surrounded by like a huge cloud of smoke. we couldn't see. everyone is coughing. i didn't know where we were going. so we just went down and by the time we went out, everyone is scream going to the left, go to the left. >> left in little bit of panic, my phone, wallet, keys, severing still back in the room. in order get home and drive hoe we need to get what was left in there. >> he was not alone. throughout the day monday hotel guests some still fighting back ordeal waited for hotel employees to bring out their belongings at least what could be hal scratched. don lee and his family when here from china. had planned to be in washington by now. hotel workers were able to retrieve most of their things. >> they are working very hard looking for us. >> looking good they are looking. >> the hotel is trying to find your belonging. >> yes, yes, yes. >> kell was in town for her cousin's wedding she took go back host most of her belongings and she had high praise for those who helped fire victims sunday morning. >> all things considered this could have been a whole lot worse. >> absolutely. we're incredibly blessed. >> given the size and scope of this fire, and the time of day, it is truly a miracle that there were no human casualties. as you mentioned lucy several pets reportedly did die in fire. again, the cause still unknown. investigation continues. we believe there's plenty of security cameras along the block give folks an extra sense of what may have been going on just prior to that 3:00 a.m. fire. >> all right. thank you much, bruce. meanwhile in south jersey investigators are trying to figure out what started a fire that destroyed an ambulance squad's building and five ambulances inside. the estimated damage at the american legion ambulance association in woodstown, about $2 million. flames broke out at about 4:00 this morning on maple cou court. oxygen tanks inside some of those ambulances exploded. >> my partner came in and woke us up. we were napping after a busy start to the shift. he came running in and said we got to get out. guys got to get out. >> we didn't see flames initially it was all smoke that we saw until we came outside and we saw. >> everything on fire. >> everything on fire. >> it took about two hours to fight that fire. no one though is hurt. an emergency of a different sort for other first responders. check out what happened in philadelphia's kensington neighbor. that's a fire truck which rolled over metal plates covering one of the city's many gaping holes in streets. the plates gave way and that happened. the call for help came in just before 9:00 last night on the 3300 block of cullen street. no injuries and the truck is back at the firehouse. fox 29 weather authority right now. live look at the ben franklin parkway. it was some spotty showers here and there. but this warm front is bringing with it a big warmup. meteorologist kathy orr most of us cannot wait. >> it's unbelievable. we're feeling the impacts already. of course, the rain bringing in the warmth and the fog look at this. this is blue mountain you can see foggy conditions there as the skiers and snowboarders are having a great time on president's day. not all the mountains like this. but that warm air is coming up and over that cold snow pack. so fog will be an issue throughout the nighttime hours and for many of us come tomorrow morning. the warm air is invading you can see in pottstown visibility only three quarters of a mile. reading one an quarter mile. half mile rather. the poconos reporting in 10 miles but we have seen otherwise. take look at the chem hers. 35 in the poconos 41 in allentown and pottstown. 48 in philadelphia. 51 in millville. 52 in atlantic city. and with those southerly winds it's just going to get warmer overnight tonight. the few spotty showers lucy mentioned moving toward the east and then really it's the fog we will be contending with. overnight tonight temperatures staying where they are or slightly rising. 40s philadelphia. 50s and 40s to the south and east and 30s to the north and west. we are chasing record warmth the next couple of days. it's going to feel like spring but then very unsettled always have to pate price, right? we'll talk about that with your seven day forecast in just a few minutes. for now we'll send it back to you lucy. >> a lot folks worried about what march will bring. thank you very much kathy. >> the search is on for a man who police say kicked a pregnant woman in her belly. the unprovoked attack left witnesses stunned and disgusted. our jeff cole is at philadelphia police headquarters. jeff? >> reporter: lucy, 2017 aggravated assault crimes like this one were actually down in philadelphia. but it was the random nature of this attack that drew angry reaction from residents. that and a call for calm. mid morning saturday february11th outside the dunkin' donuts at 10:38 arch street a tattoo convention underway in the convention center across the street has packed the doughnut shot shop says the manager. he looked to the street to see a woman down on the sidewalk. the victim avenue kick to the stomach. >> the random violence of it is terrible. for somebody to just standing there five months pregnant. it's terrible. >> reporter: two bucks. he wanted two bucks. >> she didn't have it he kicked her. >> i know. it's a sin. it's a darn sin. have they caught the man. >> reporter: police have not caught him but they say this is the suspect a mail in his early 20s, goatee wearing a white t-shirt, black sweat pants, sneakers and carrying a jacket. the 33-year-old female victim was five months pregnant say police. they believe she and her unborn child surprised the attack. >> surprised by just random violence like that? >> i am surprised about that. very surprised. >> reporter: had you heard anything about this? >> no, never heard it i just watched the news i never heard about that one. >> reporter: tenth and arch sits on the edge of chinatown and draws heavy to the traffic from the convention center and nearby restaurants. jefferson train station not far has back warm place for the homeless and the addicted to gather in the recent frigid winter days. police seem to know little about the alleged attacker beyond his description. >> young man kicks a woman. >> should be locked up forever for that kind of stuff. a pregnant woman, yeah, he should. >> reporter: police would like the public's help. if you know this man, ken singleton says he'd like a better world. >> we're used to it because it happens every day. >> reporter: but random. just random violence. he want two dollars. couldn't get it decided to kick her. >> it's just awful. >> reporter: as always the police are asking you reach out to know them if you know the suspect a man clearly capable of sudden cruel violence. at police headquarters i'm jeff cole, fox 29 news. lucy. >> thank you much, jeff. 13 years ago today daniel imbo and richard petrone, jr., vanished. the last time anyone saw them they were leaving a bar on the 400 block of south street and heading towards his black dodge pick up. more than decade passed the fbi and police continue to investigate and $50,000 reward still stands for information leading to them or information leading to an arrest of whoever is responsible for their disappearance. at accused gunman in the florida high school attack walked into a courtroom knot for the first time since the shooter. protesters at the white house putting pressure on lawmakers to do something about gun violence at schools. fox's steve rappaport reports. >> reporter: nicholas cruz making a another appearance before a judge today. he's being held without bond accused of killing 17 people at stoneman douglas high school his lawyers trying to seal court records related to the case. >> i don't believe the state suffered any prejudice by these matters being kept confidential and i am going to leave everything the way it is. >> and as the legal process plays out students at the high school and from the surrounding area trying to keep the focus on their push for gun control holding moral lease on monday after a weekend of demonstrati demonstrationdemonstrationsdemoe supremacists and in the ra. at the white house a lie in, protesters representing the bodies of dead students calling on lawmakers to do something about gun violence and school safety. >> because we're under 18 and can't vote we decided to turn to what we do know social media and public protest. >> the white house is offering mixed messages about its stance on gun control. press secretary sarah sanders saying the president is open to legislation that would expand background checks while other officials say it's a mental health issue that can't be solved with new gun control la laws. >> no proposal for gun control in the congress had been law that would have prevented this individual from obtaining a firearm and going to the high school and parkland, florida. >> president trump is scheduled to meet with students in listening session on wednesday. followed by meetings with local and state officials on school safety. steve rappaport, fox news. caught on camera in philadelphia, police are after two people wanted for robbing a little caesars last thursday. this is on the 3600 block of ara minage avenue in port richmond. an employee was closing up for the night when two masked men walked in with a gun and demanded money. after getting cash the men took off out the back door. since the state lawmakers and governors and the governor could not agree on a revised map of the pennsylvania congressional district the state supreme court has come up with its own. the court dominated by democrats and republicans are not happy with its new map of the state's 18 districts now as it stands, it will be in play for the may 15th primaries. among the court's changes, philadelphia now has two districts instead of three. now last month, the state's high court ruled that the old map was unconstitutional. gerrymandered basic toll favor republicans. republicans are expected to challenge the new map in federal court. a crime of opportunity. a couple of people stole a tip jar from a local business and now police are asking if you can help find the pair behind that. and more than 70 years ago one of the most important battles in world war ii broke out. remembering the battle of iwo ji so i want my glasses to be unique... my girlfriend loves artists. and i need a conservative pair, cuz her parents hate artists! get up to 40% off a second pair of glasses. schedule your eye exam at ♪ just released video from philadelphia police shows what appears to be a teenager with a gun outside the frederick douglas mastery charter school in north philadelphia. you can see the teen trying to get into the school. but the doors were locked. and so we left. this happened last thursday just one day after the deadly school shooting in parkland, florida. if you know who this person is, give police a call. today we are marking a significant date from world war ii. it has been 73 years since 70,000 u.s. marines invaded the island of iwo jima. fox's buck land forward speaks to one marine in georgia who was there on the front lines. >> reporter: 73 years ago today began one of the most hard fought battles of world war ii. and for 94-year-old eugene peterson much could be county then known as private first class peterson, united states marine corps, the memories from the battle of iwo jima are still very clear. >> it gets a little bit further away i think we get a little bit further it means less to people but it doesn't mean less to us and so we have the date. we just quietly reflect on it. >> reporter: 18 year other old peterson join the marines out of high school and after serving in combat at a canal and guam at age 21 his division was sent to the japanese island of iwo jima. >> went note wee jima and we were very very concerned about was this is was going to be like. we didn't -- we knew it was going to be very very difficult. >> reporter: only four days into the campaign one of the most iconic moments of world war ii. after taking mount szczerba chi twice marines hoisted the stars and stripes the first a smaller flag the second much larger one and private peterson was right there to witness both. >> when it happened, everybody was screaming yelling like football game and the ships out in the harbor were sendin sendif all their sirens and bells and all. and so we heard all this stuff at one time. then there was a moment of quite and then all of a sudden here come the shells from the japanese because they had seen it, too. >> despite that symbolic moment, the fighting on iwo jima continued for another month and took a bit toll nearly 7,000 american servicemen died and another 20,000 were wounded but the disease seive victory was key for the allies as the end of the war neared. a few years ago peterson decided to document his experiences mainly for his children but what he thought was going to be ten to 15 pages of material turned out to be a 156 page book detailing his unique perspective car from a self-described grunt. >> i just wanted to write the book about what the war meant to me and what it meant to these people around me. those were there, it was -- it's still part of our life. always will be. republican state senator now stands accused of extorting sex from a page in the rhode island page program. judge unsealed the grand jury indictment today the day of senate minority whip nicholas kettle' as rain many on two counts of extortion kettle plead not guilty. the grand jury indicted the 27-year-old last week for coercion a male page into sex on two occasions in 2011. oprah winfrey the latest focus for the president series of tweets last night and the president described the media mogul as very insecure. he says he's hoping she runs for president so she can be exposed and defeated. he also tweeted about winfrey's latest 60 minutes interview on his first year in office calling it biased slanted winfrey's interview included a panel decision with 14 voters from grand rapids, michigan. the group weighed in on various topic ranging from president trump's tweets to his remarks on haiti and african country oprah is not planning to run for office and added, it's just not in her dna. happening right now, police are looking for two people who stole a tip jar what may seem like a small crime a is pretty big deal for one mom and pop business an small south jersey town. our joyce evans live now in haddon township. joyce? >> reporter: lucy, this is ridiculous. the community is coming together behind primeau water ice. they are working hard staying open in the middle of winter and you know what, this is not the first time that somebody actually walked away with those girls tip jar or the donations that people were leaving for the animal rescue. take look behind me. they're still open tonight, and working in there. what they're doing now, they're fighting back. they're releasing video because they just don't want these people to think they're going to keep getting away with this. >> small twist an cone there you go. >> busy day at bream mow water ice on haddon avenue. as customers learn about the dirty deed that took place here on valentine's day. >> so wrong. these are just kids and family owned business trying to make some money. it's really a shame. >> reporter: about $20 small tips inside a plastic container with the friendly message. swiped. >> it was very rude. >> reporter: it was very scary for the teenager working the counter when a young man with a beard tattoos on his hand and neck and a young woman walked in. >> looked suspicion to the young girl working and then they waited for customers to leave. >> report roar owner he made a small purchase, complained about the price, and they left. >> seconds later he came back in, took the jar and walk out. >> reporter: haddon township detectives say they drove off in a kia sportage. >> yeah. >> reporter: what? >> this is has been done about three times. this one too even for the animals. >> yup. i think this gentleman has been here before. >> reporter: wait. this is no gentleman. >> it stinks. >> it does stink we made sure we put some money in the tip jar. >> thank you so much. >> you're welcome. thank you. >> reporter: kind hearts more than making up for the loss. but it's not so much about the money. >> nobody should have to be faced with, you know, something scary and be vulnerable like that. these days you never know what can happen. >> reporter: now the teenager who was really shaken up by all of this as you can imagine her first job. she got the rest valentine's day off but her boss and police say she did everything she was supposed to do to report this very calmly and she's back at work. they're not taking this lying lying down. they really want your help to find these people, lucy. and they're not changing a thing at their shop. they're still going to be the same mom and pop you can walk up to and get friendly service. >> there you go. get the friendly service and get those criminals. thank you very much, joyce evans. developing story right now. elon musk can finally start di digging a hyper looped tunnel in washington, d.c. his company just got a permit to start preliminary digging in a d.c. parking lot. the department of transportation looking what other permits musk'ings needs to dig under city roads. what is a hyper loop? well, think of a really reallily really fast train. there you go. right there they're pods that carry people fast a as fast as 800 miles per hour. the d.c. hyper would take you from d.c. to new york city in less than 30 minutes. university of florida dealing with a whole lot of bats for decades. solution it's fantastic. and it has turned into a tourist attraction. and it's a new work out trend that combines getting fit with cleaning up your community. it's called ploging if you haven't heard of it we'll tell you all about it. nos nos. [narrator] look around. if our world isn't stuck in the past, why is higher education? we say, if there's a better path, you should take it. and when there isn't, well, you know where i'm going with that. don't do things by the book if the book can't keep up. take your page from one that hasn't been written. we took two renowned universities, including a premiere medical school, and created a single university that defies convention. at jefferson, we're making modern look old and making old look new and making sure new is not enough. we're adding more weight to your degrees and more meaning to your careers, going where others wouldn't dare, making connections few think to make, and setting tomorrow's standards by breaking today's, because we believe the lines that are drawn are meant to be crossed. that's where the future is born. and once you realize you're not limited to what's possible, guess what? you redefine all that will be. some folks have been spending this president' days exploring the national museum of american jewish history right here in old city. museum offered free admission with a full day of activities for people of all ages. a george washington interpreter read an important letter from 1790. the nation's first president wrote the throat a jewish community member who expressed the desire to practice religion freely. >> he replied and said yes to jews and other minority religious communities around the cun like quakers and catholics. yes, it is important that all man should be able to practice his religion freely and made precedent setting statements about religion liberty before the ratification of the bill of rights. so it was really reassuring for religious communities to hear that. >> there you go. the museum is offering free admission for the rest of the month. so the university of florida gators might think about changing up their mascot for more than two decades the school has had quite a relationship with bats. thousands and thousands of bats. off the bat so to to speak the flying mammals were a problem. living in the tennis facility and football stadium. so the school built a bat house. the first 126 years ago and think thank goodness the administration and students were patient. it took the bats about three and a half years to warm up to that idea. but as they're numbers grew the university of florida opened a second house in 2010 an third last year and it has turned into quite a tourist attraction. >> it's like a part of our community and our apart of our culture. it's really cool. they fill up the sky. definitely an experience. >> it's so cool. the total bat population more than 400,000 which is a beautiful thing when it comes to naturally keeping down the mosquito population. there you go. doctors are constantly seeking new ways to battle addiction. could a new path to recovery be in your brain? we're taking a look at a new treatment called neuro feedback. hello kathy orr. >> hello lucy noland. we're talking about that cold retreating for a little while. record warmth back to back records this week and it begins kidnapped in florida a man pretending to be a teen in voided video game chat room lured an 11-year-old girl from her home. he grabbed her. took her across state lines but authorities tracked hem down thanks to her phone. fox's laura ingle reports. >> reporter: 11-year-old florida girl who went missing over the weekend has been found. and the man she was with is now under arrest. >> this individual on the other end of that communication was an adult male who is a child sexual predator. and that's all of our worst nightmares. >> reporter: alice johnson was found at a make conga good holiday inn express with four dear old john peter burns. orange county sheriff jerry deming says she was lured away from her home after burns posed as a 13 or 14-year-old teen in a video game chat room and convinced her to meet him saturday. >> this individual was so convincing he convinceed this child to leave her home and he took her away from this area into make conga good area. >> reporter: johnson's parents didn't realize their daughter was missing until they woke up sunday morning. authorities say they used the pre-teen's cell phone to track her down. once they discover the pair was heading north, they contacted local authorities who got the fbi involved. federal agents quickly tracked her down inside the hotel. burns who's from illinois is believed to be a child predator prompting a warning for all parents. >> there's a cautionary tail here. you really need to know who it is that your children are communicating with. >> reporter: burns is being held for fbi at the bib county jail. he has been charged with kidnapping. authorities are continuing to investigate this abduction and more charges could follow. in new york, laura ingle, fox news. fox 29 weather authority right now. live look at wilmington, delaware. you can already feel it getting warmer and it's only going to get even more warm. tomorrow and beyond. meteorologist kathy orr has a full check of your forecast in 15 seconds. that warm air already being felt across the delaware valley and in the poconos look at that. it's like pea soup. you can make out couple of skiers and snowboarders in the bottom of the screen but here comes the skier but lots of fog there with that warm air coming up and over that cold snow pack. temperatures today above avera average. the normal high up to 45 degrees. as the day gets longer longer. atlantic city 54. trenton 49. wilmington 47. allentown 42. reading 41 degrees today. temperatures right now with southerly winds very comfortable in the 40s m50s to the south and east. and that southerly wind is going to continue overnight and tomorrow temperatures not going to bottom out all that much tonight. you can see the warmth to the south. nashville 73. cincinnati 73. charlotte 56 degrees. pittsburgh 63. buffalo, new york, warmer than philadelphia this afternoon. so as we go hour by hour, tomorrow we'll see some morning fog. that fog will give way to partly sunny skies and then temperatures that will be challenging some records and it will be staying dry through tuesday and through wednesday. but then gets little bit on the unsettled side. as we look ahead we can see that cold air staying well to the north and a surge of warmth it's going to hang out on for a couple of days before some colder air moves back in. but back to back records expected. so overnight tonight, 36 in the poconos. 43 in pottstown. 46 in wilmington. 48 in millville. 48 in dover and 50 in atlantic city. during the day tomorrow, morning fog. dense fog in some areas. take while to get rid of that. skies become partly sunny southwesterly winds boost us up to 70 degrees. now the record for tomorrow is 70. so we could tie that record set back in 1939. the record for wednesday is 72. that was set back in 1930. so take look at this seven day forecast. record warmth assured by wednesday with a high of 75. cooler thursday and friday. and then saturday and sunday warm it back up into the 60s. stays mild for monday still a chance of showers saturday. more likely sunday from thursday on, staying quite unsettled the next two days clearly the best two days of the week. probably the best two days of the month. we'll send it back to you. >> all righty, thank you very much. kathy. some families have been spending their you today off from school and work playing at the smith memorial playground playhouse for free. even the phanatic joined in on the fun and organizers say it's to highlight the importance of kids play time. children have been doing all kinds of stuff and enjoying story telling, too. >> it's important for a lot of reasons. one of them is just so they can get exposure to different kind of creative opportunities and artistic expression. i see a lot of kids walking out the door with their faces painted lookly real good. kids have been able to runout around outside. move their bodies. get fresh air. >> so they've been coloring and playing games and dances and having fun with story time. it's called plo gooding a new workout tend that also helps you clean up your community get in shape while cleaning up the neighborhood. it's a new fitness trend called plogging. it combines jogging with something called pluck up which is a swedish raise meaning pick up as you jog, you stop here, you stop there to pick up trash by doing interesting things like lunching or swatting and various other exercises. i'm sure it looks interesting. the trend has gained quite a bit of popularity on social media with the hash tag plogging. so have at it. on the subject of health, new study suggests we're step closer to growing human organs. researchers have just announced they have grown sheep embryos containing human cells. they call it a stepping stone toward growing human organs inside sheep for eventual transplantation into people. apparently they don't have to kill the sheep to get the organs out they say. they presented their findings over the weekend at the american association for the advancement of science. fda warning pet owners about a potentially deadly ingredient in dog food. jm smucker company recalled the canned food after finding pentobarbital in it the drug used to euthanize animals. it fda found low levels of that drug it's unlike toll pose a risk but that dogs that eat penn faux park with with toll to have nausea, disneyness and loss of balance. jm smucker released a statement saying it identified the problem and traced it back to one supplier and what it calls a minor ingredient used at one manufacturing facility. decades worth of manmade junk cluttering earth's orbit and now the european space agency is developing missions to try to tackle that problem. all that garbage poses a big threat to space flight and the satellites we rely on for weather reports and travel and global communications, gps the list goes on. what way to round it a robot fix arm that can capture out of control satellites and remove them from harm's wage here's another idea. that right there. nets to capture the space junk. >> so the concept is to less let's say to mimic what the fishermen do on the sea and so to very large net to stay away from our satellites moving freely and then from that distance to keep our net and you just try to wrap all over your satellite. >> the thing is that space junk is commis of whizzing around the earth not just sitting there stationary. experts say that if we don't clean it up, it could soon make orbitz near the earth impossible in the not so distant future. if you're looking for love online, a new warning about scammers on the prowl. and business apparently has been very good just how good? we're talking seven figures. new treatment in the battle against addiction how doctors are targeting parts of the brain to help people get clean. kristen. >> lucy the first full day of full team training workout training for the phillies and they had a special guest stop by for motivation. more from clearwater, florida, ahead in sports. get the best internet with the best shows and get the best of both worlds. fios by verizon gives you the fastest internet available for only $79.99 a month online with a two year agreement, and your netflix is on us for one year. and with the gigabit connection on the 100% fiber-optic network, you can stream on up to 100 devices at once. so get the fastest internet available, plus netflix, plus up to200 tv channels, plus phone, plus a two-year price guarantee. all for just $79.99 per month. it's time to fiber optics your netflix. go to getfios.comto switch today. ♪ we buy any car ♪ any make, any model, any age, any price ♪ ♪ from 50 bucks to 100 grand ♪ we buy any car ♪ any, any, any, any at, the gimmicks stop with our ads. trading in our selling your car is hassle-free with just three easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, drive to your local car buying centre. 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get clean. so emily did some research and then found something called neuro feedback. an alternative treatment focused on the brain. just google the term and the headlines are everywhere. questions about whether it works and is it effective? we spoke with ceo debra whitney of pure recovery in ventura where emily entered this new type of rehab. >> we're actually teaching the brain to go from a pattern that's dysfunctional like when you're doing drugs making poor decisions and you don't feel calm to teach the brain to be calm and back tore regulate back to normal. >> reporter: neuro feedback became a key component when the center opened two years ago. during treatment, patients are hooked to eeg machine that measures their brain activity in real time. >> the way you fly better is just by letting go. >> reporter: with brain games that stimulate sift scenarios like this eagle flying. >> that's it just like that. >> reporter: neuro scientists rebecca says neuro feedback encourages patients to think clearly and calmly opposite of the foggy and racing thoughts they experienced while on drugs. >> what i want you to do now, zac, is i want you to just focus on your breathing and think about calm thoughts. see this area that's red? this part is running too hot. >> reporter: former patient zac's brain begins to calm, the game rewards him with visual and audio stimulation. >> just like that. there you go. >> reporter: the screen lights up, the eagle flies straight and brain activity normalizing then reflects on the eeg scan. >> when your brain is green here, that means it's regulating. it's in the normal range of activity. that we would expect to see of somebody's your age and gender. >> i was going through mood swings every day. >> reporter: at just 24 years ago zac had been addicted to opioids for ten years prior to treatment. >> the only way i know how to deal with myself and to calm everything was to get loaded. you know, and, um, when i started getting this neuro feedback it made it easier for me to make better decisions. >> reporter: he says he's been off drugs since starting the rehab. patients we spoke with report needing at least 30 days of treatment before seeing results. that's inpatient treatment combining therapy sessions and brain training. neuro feedback is now being look at for a whole host of other conditions including hdhd, concussion treatment and more. still experts warn there's little scientific evidence this alternative treatment has any long-term success in treating addiction. the verdict is still out. >> a person who has an addiction is not going to get better just by this kind of therapy alone. >> reporter: dr. jenn man a licensed psycho therapist says no matter what addicts seeking help should look for treatment centers that are well well-established encourage a 12 step program, have licensed therapists and a medical director and provide after care for patients. she also says, be wary of any facility that promises a quick fix. >> i do think that people are looking for shortcuts. getting clean and sober it's incredibly difficult and painful process and there's no avoiding that. >> the people behind neuro feedback agree saying any addiction recovery is a long process. still patients under going the neuro feedback brain scan say they're seeing promise. >> it's really about the willingness of the person in front of us. if they want it, we can get them there. >> much better. good work. >> interesting. check of your money right now. wiping away student debt. researchers say that's an idea that is definitely worth considering. according to the study, canceling student debt would reduce the unemployment rate by point 3%. the move would also boost the gdp by almost $100 billion. researchers say for giving debt won't drag down the economy since college degrees leads to higher incomes. now, critics believe canceling debt may lead to people borrowing more, expecting all debt to get forgiven. if you're looking for love you got to watch your wallet. new report shows online dating scammers built lonely hearts out of $1 million. the better business bureau says estimated 82,000 people had who have used dating sites in the past three years have been targets. the fraudsters show shower them with compliments of romantic text messages and promised dates only to take their money. experts say to avoid become a a victim never send money or personal information to someone you haven't met in person. growing trend you might not have noticed more and more women are joining the construction industry. not only do work the manual jobs but also to start their own companies. fox' as neat at a rowan reports. >> reporter: it's a tough job and lee coors notice how to get it done. >> we're not moving the electrical. we're keeping it same footprint. >> reporter: as the okay then of coors construction she oversees kitchen remodels like this one for a living along a long list of other projects. and crews. >> it's really about being a good manager i think. like i told you, you're managing the household of the home you're working in. managing your subs making sure they show up on time. you're making sure your materials there are. >> she's on hand in an industry dominated by men. >> i started working when my dad, and he was a great mentor and he work with me for years so i had his support and his knowledge and guidance. but yeah over the years i think, um, as i've grown and learned more and, um, kind of built my reputation up it's helped a lot. >> reporter: take the 2016 general construction statistic from the burr rove labor statistic. the latest figures available. total workers in construction, 10,328,000. men in construction, 9,389,000. women in construction, 939,000. >> i'm not saying a man would do it better than woman by any means. i don't even know if i think there's a difference there. or there's a comfort level the there. i think the comfort level comes in with, you know, when i can sit down with, you know, the wife and we can talk about our kids or we can talk about, you know, things that women talk about. and then we just build a rapport that way. >> coors being a woman in construction does help her business. she relates to customers on a more personal level than her male counterparts. encounters clients who question herrable but her work puts those doubts to rest quickly. anita roman, fox news. competition with huge bragging rights. top designers hoping to create the most outstanding doghouse. these are not your average homes and it's all for a great cause. skiing plus horses can equal ski joring. we'll explain all of this and the surge in popularity houses for the sophisticated dog on display for great cause. it is a fourth annual design for dogs in phoenix, arizona this week. designers compete for the top spot designing and building everything from simple and main malice tick to ordinary ordinary and extraordinary. all those dog houses hit the auction block. the event has raffles and food and drinks and that money goes right back to the arizona animal welfare league. >> every penny makes a difference. we're able to expand our home ward pound program and royal rescue and it's really really fun. >> we need to do that around here taking notes each of the past three years the event has raised more than $30,000. at one time it was olympic sport and now athletes who compete in something called ski joring are hole hoping it can return to the big stage. so what is it? >> february isn't exact al popular time to see horse racing in minnesota. but today at canterbury park horses were on the track but for completely different reason. it's called ski joring. >> question. what is ski joring. >> excellent question. it's the blending of two worlds we're bringing horse racing and skiing together. >> it may not be main stream but the athletes who participate in it say they can't get enough. >> the horses rearing at the start and just the adrenaline is pumping it's just such a rush. >> athletes start by hanging on at a rope while being pulled as they head down the course. they we've and out of gates while trying to pull down rings and one can't miss as spec of the sport is speed. >> there's reason these men and women called themselves adrenaline junkies. they're task with staying on their feet all while these horses are traveling up to 40 miles an hour. the horses are going to be fast. skis you'll see people very competitive. so you'll see some good wipe outs. >> reporter: the biggest attraction of the day was the snowboard competition. the crowd roaring with every trick they saw. ski joring was an olympic sport once only appearance coming in known 28 in sam march ritz. as the winter games roll on these annulets still hold out hope they'll see their sport back on the biggest stage. >> i don't see any reason why not. why can't these athletes work just as hard. they put just as much time effort, money. you just have to keep trying and keep being determined. >> that does it for us here at 5:00. iain page is up next with fox 29 news at 6:00. ♪ may still be winter but soon it isn't going to feel like it. we're tracking potential record-breaking warmth you better believe it. ♪ still no answers about the cause of a massive fire in philadelphia. residents and business owners back out to survey the damage. now they're wondering what's next? ♪ ♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. brutal attack on pregnant woman police say this guy is responsible. it was all over two bucks. thanks for joining us tonight at 6:00. i'm iain page. the mom is doing okay tonight released from the hospital but the guy police say kick her is still out there. our jeff cole has more. >> reporter: last year in philadelphia, aggravated assault crimes like this one were actu actually down in philadelphia. but it's the random nature of the attack that drew angry reaction today. that and a call for peace. it was 10:30 on saturday, february11th, tattoo convention in the center across the street had filled the dunkin' donuts on the corner. the manager says he looked up to see a woman on the sidewalk. she had been kick in the stomach. >> the random violence of it is terrible. for somebody to just standing there five months pregnant. it's terrible. >> reporter: two bucks. he wanted two bucks. >> two bucks. >> reporter: she didn't have he kick her. >> i know much it's a sin. it's a darn sin. have they caught the man? >> reporter: police have not caught him but believe this video may lead them to this suspect. a male in his early 20s goatee wearing a white t-shirt black sweat pants, sneakers and carrying a jacket. the female victim 33 was five months pregnant when kicked. police believe the unborn child and victim have survived.

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